Wish granted! But this causes a paradox and sucks the universe to oblivion.Wat?
I wish my wishes would work the way i want them to
Wish granted! But then because this causes a satanic ritual, the devil pops out of the ground and drags your screaming self to hell.Granted! Paradox yadayada, weeping angels and stuff happens.
I wish I will have the 2014'th post on this game
I wish that Ethereal Blooms were real
Sure. But then the fandom complains and the entire show is shut down due to lack of people buying it on iTunes.Everyone wishes for smarter things... For example, a certain transdimensional time-travelling shapeshifting spaceship. They then break time.
I wish that Series 8 (of Doctor Who) came out sooner
I got ninja'd.Granted! It comes out in 5 days, but you die tomorrow and Heaven doesn't get TV reception or internet.
I wish that all religions could coexist peacefully.