Some unfortunate corrections I discovered whilst trying to update ShneekeyCraft to 1.6...
Thermal Expansion does not yet have a dev version, at least not one I have been able to find. The website only has 1.5.2 versions, and does not have a link to the github, neither does the forum post. That also stands for Omniwrench and CoFH Core. Give the man some time, I'm not even sure if he's back from vacation yet.
Buildcraft might have a dev version, but it is one you will have to manually compile yourself. That's... well out of the scope of most users.
Multipart does, happily, have a release version. Please listen to the warning to download the additional SCALA library to use it. That link is in the forum post. As such, WRCBE is now usable for 1.6.2.
If TE does have a dev version, would someone mind pointing me to it?