Just submitted 1.1.3, woot woot!
-Not Enough Keys - Might come back, for some reason it disabled sneaking
-Added a Voidmetal Block - There ya go Ryan! -
-Added a recipe for Soul Fragment (Doesn't use up the orb) -
-Minefactory Reloaded now uses EnderIO and Thermal Expansion recipes -
-Botania's dyes now use Pam's Mortar and Pestle - Thanks Phoenixteam! -
-Re-enabled Botania's Smoky Quartz, changed the recipes of both versions
-> Made Flügel Tiara - Smokey Quartz version compatible with TT's Smokey Quartz
Finally disabled MUD aka Mine&Battle Update Checker
-Servers now work again - Factorization 85
-Bamboo Shoots are now craftable into the crop-block form -
-No more conflict between skillet and iron dagger
-Made Aluminum (
sighs Aluminium) smeltable -
-Fixed Essentia Seed Infusion -
-"Gravity for Everyone!" - Botania Quest, removed the ghost task -
-Analyzer now shows up in NEI
-Quests now complete in the right way - THANK YOU BASENJI <3
-Sonic Glasses are now disabled -
-Fluxed Trinkets now should work on servers -
As Bluepower and ProjectRed both went optional, please make SURE to CHECK your optional mods BEFORE you load up your world/server.
Speaking of servers, there are no "optional" mods in the server version which means you have to disable/remove the ones that you don't want or that would make doubled generation such as Bluepower and ProjectRed so you need to choose one of them
ProjectBlue also was added alongside of ProjectRed so make sure to enable it when you use ProjectRed and vice versa if you don't want ProjectRed.
As always, have fun!