Prepare for me not to be the only person to say it but:1.2.0 is still not in the launcher. :/
Prepare for me not to be the only person to say it but:
The FTB Third Party team is a group of people who do this in their free time. They receive hundreds of pack updates and so it takes them time to verify each pack and its mods, process it for the launcher, and have it go up. Now with it being this close to the holidays, we can't expect them to dedicate all their time to checking and updating packs.
Long story short, it will happen, just be patient.
I would have to say its probably for two reasons why people pick FTB over ATL or Technic.Actually, I'm curious to know why more modpack authors don't go for ATL over FTB. ATL seems like it's a bit easier to deal with since it isn't quite as Nintendo about content submissions as FTB is.
I would have to say its probably for two reasons why people pick FTB over ATL or Technic.
I for one chose FTB mainly for the first reason, but this conversation doesn't really belong here I just felt like you deserved a proper answer.
- Having helped put together a pack on ATL, I would say FTB is much easier in the fact that you are not responsible for making it so the pack downloads and runs properly off the launcher (I can't think of the correct words for it, just know that FTB is less work than ATL for the user I guess).
- FTB has created a great name for itself over the years and so more people are going to see a pack if its on FTB since its more popular.
Hey, just a suggestion, but in the next big patch, could you add RotaryCraft? It's a pretty neat tech mod.
Also, is the archmage's coven chapter gonna be about Ars Magica 2?
Some find it pointless, some find it fun. For me, it was entertaining to do. With doing the Christmas stuff I learnt toI know better than most people how much work it takes to create quest trees for any game, but that doesn't change my feelings about holiday stuff being pointless and you don't need to get all holier-than-thou about it either. If you like it that's your business, but binging my name into it was totally unnecessary.
Awesome! I applied at the Github issue already, 2.x will have itHey @Yulife remember the binnie and rail raft thread I opened a day ago. Well asie posted a solution to the problem (link here I tested it with your pack and all you need to do is follow the instructions and update computertronics and boom you have the new railcraft and binnies mods working without a crash.
By the way, if you look at the Server section you will a server called "FeedTheKaa" which @DorinnB is hosting. Please contact him if you want to get on!!!Hey, just a suggestion, but in the next big patch, could you add RotaryCraft? It's a pretty neat tech mod.
Also, is the archmage's coven chapter gonna be about Ars Magica 2?
Fixed in 1.2.0.Can´t play, because the game always crashes if I open the inventory. ---> version 1.1.9 <--- crash report
Some find it pointless, some find it fun. For me, it was entertaining to do. With doing the Christmas stuff I learnt to
#1 Texture
#2 Do .json (which I couldn't do before, lol)
So it was a win-win situation for me and the userbase. It was quite fun as well![]()
I think it's easy to get a modpack with reika's mods it's just you can't minetweak reicpes which could unbalance the modpackI'm glad you got something out of it. I always give people my honest opinion of something, but in some cases I worry about discouraging them. I choose to not let that impede my judgement knowing it does them a disservice to not be as forward as I can but I am always relieved when it either helps or doesn't deter people from doing something they want to. I find that sometimes doing pointless things is a great way to learn new skills as well, although mine are mostly just for art and I've barely ever done code.
I can't remember if I brought this up before but I'd love some witchery quests. I'm also starting to mess with botania which I was originally biased against because of its relation to tech mods (not a fan of energy passively building up or batteries or whatever) but I'm finding it to be a bit more involved than that.
Also, I don't claim to know your reason for not including any of Reika's mods (RotaryCraft, Chromaticraft) but if I were to guess, I'd say it's because of how strict that guy is with modpack permissions and I can easily imagine it being a headache to get him to greenlight the use of his mods. If that is the case, it might be prudent to include that in the "no" list of mods.
Fun fact, you are not allowed to minetweak Reika's recipes because it is against the lisence.I think it's easy to get a modpack with reika's mods it's just you can't minetweak reicpes which could unbalance the modpack
Fun fact, you are not allowed to minetweak Reika's recipes because it is against the lisence.
Yeah, I find it more than hilarious as well. Mods are for playing and if a mod author restricts them so badly that you can hardly customize content it is a big NOPE for I understand it you also aren't allowed to utilize his mods in ways he doesn't approve of either, that includes just playing the game with his mods installed in a way he doesn't like. He actually called someone an idiot just because they chose to creative-spawn in a piece of his mod and then asked him why two components weren't working. He did answer the guy, after about a paragraph of needless hostility, and the fact they creative-spawned in something had nothing to do with why it wasn't even working.
I don't really know him, but I avoid him. If the first page of his forum thread is any indication of his disposition, he seems like a toxic individual who would cause too much unnecessary stress to bother with.
They're his mods, he can do what he wants with them, I just don't agree with it, or his methods of "retaliating" against people who say bad things about him.
Actually, it is much harder to use than Tabula Rasa. TR is way more simpler to use than Quadrum. Also, Quadrum crashes with BetterStorage so it is a nono at the moment. CustomItems looks promising though.Ever thought of using Quadrum for adding blocks and items? In my opinion it is much easier to use than tabula rasa. Either still great looking modpack!