Shiny metal ore exists in Thermal Foundation, but by default it is disabled. The TE way is supposed to be like Frugal described.I didn't disable it...?
Shiny metal ore exists in Thermal Foundation, but by default it is disabled. The TE way is supposed to be like Frugal described.I didn't disable it...?
I don't like MrCrayfish's Furniture mod that much. The textures are not quite appealing =/ And.. what in the actual world is Mine-bayCan we add mrcrayfish's furniture mod?
i think youre gonna have to disable mine-bay on it doe since its a bit OP
I don't like MrCrayfish's Furniture mod that much. The textures are not quite appealing =/ And.. what in the actual world is Mine-bay![]()
Wenn du eine Frage hast, frage die nicht nur in Englisch sondern auch in Deutsch, darunter. Deine Frage macht keinen Sinn auf Englisch, probiers mal mit Deutsch.Version 1.1.7 - added ForgeEssentials
For me, absolutely do not grow plants that I have set. So no trees, sugar, wheat ..... is this normal?
Have Forge Essentials removed. Plants do not grow as before, not even with bone meal or fertilizer.
Wenn du eine Frage hast, frage die nicht nur in Englisch sondern auch in Deutsch, darunter. Deine Frage macht keinen Sinn auf Englisch, probiers mal mit Deutsch.
Shiny metal ore exists in Thermal Foundation, but by default it is disabled. The TE way is supposed to be like Frugal described.
Wenn du eine Frage hast, frage die nicht nur in Englisch sondern auch in Deutsch, darunter. Deine Frage macht keinen Sinn auf Englisch, probiers mal mit Deutsch.
Can we add mrcrayfish's furniture mod?
My bad. I have only ever used Thermal Expansion with Agrarian Skies and Crash Landing, neither of which has mining for ore. So I had assumed that it was supposed to be in the ore gen configuration file and Yulife had taken it out.Shiny metal ore exists in Thermal Foundation, but by default it is disabled. The TE way is supposed to be like Frugal described.
Wenn du eine Frage hast, frage die nicht nur in Englisch sondern auch in Deutsch, darunter. Deine Frage macht keinen Sinn auf Englisch, probiers mal mit Deutsch.Please write the message twice, once in english and once in german
Geh mal in die HungerOverhaulc.cfg und mach die Nerfs aus.Deutsch: Okay... ich benutze extra den Google Translator fürs englisch. Scheint der wohl das nicht übersetzten zu können.
Also meine Frage/Problem: Bei mir wachsen absolut keine Pflanzen, auch nicht wenn ich Knochenmehl oder Dünger benutze, Wie stelle ich es ein, dass Pflanzen wachsen, damit man halt nicht irgend wann tausende Blöcke laufen muss für Holz oder ähnliches...
English: Okay ... I use the Google Translator specially for English. Seems well not be able translated.
So my question / problem: When I grow absolutely no plants, not even when I use bonemeal or fertilizer, How do I make it a that plants grow, so that one does not have to stop at some point run for thousands of blocks of wood or something similar ...
If you want your world to survive 2.x, use ProjectRed.Should is use project red or bluepower?
Maybe WorldEdit but I have no knowledge in that.I've been using modded mc since 1.8 beta but ... how can i remove bluepower from my world whitout harming it?
If you want your world to survive 2.x, use ProjectRed.
It is known (Look at Github) that Bluepower is getting removed in 2.x. 2.x will definitely be in 2015.That sounds ominous! I currently have _all_ optional mods enabled in my 3-4 player test world. Think this will cause issues when 2.x comes? Also, any rough estimates on this timeline? Are you thinking in days, months or longer?