[1.7.10] Void World HQM Map [270+ Quests|ProjectE|CustomNPCmod|Second place of JampackedII]

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This is the same as SAG mills man, I don't get bonus output from steel balls but it's processing faster. This setup pulverizes about 8 rods per second meaning it produces just about 12,288 EMC per second in a 3x3x3 space. The yellorium quest requires 640,000 yellorium ingots at 65,536 EMC each which is just under 42 billion EMC. Using my setup, it takes 3,413,333 seconds to make that much EMC, which is 56,889 minutes, which is 948 hours or about 39 and a half days.

If I were you I would make multiple sets of 4 Sag Mills feeding the Powder into the Chest (You may have the same setup as posted here)

x=Open air


Chest in the center and the Mills around it, the mills push the powder into the condenser (Not using the Conduits to feed them in) which is set to fabricate blaze rods, then placing Ender IO Item Conduits above the condenser, the one above the condenser set to extract and filter blaze rods and back into the Mills. Having them all on the same platform in a line with Item Conduits on the bottom of the Energy Condensers set with a redstone signal with Wireless Transmitters from WR-CBE Logic to purge the system when you want to start extraction for other EMC purposes; this should be until you get the MK2 Condenser in which the Daisy Chain Cobblejack strategy would go into play since the MK2 will generate EMC quicker as it consumes stacks more quickly. The Transfer nodes will generate 256 EMC every second when the World Interaction Upgrades are a full stack in the Nodes. Compare it to the Blaze Powder which will take longer to fabricate, even with the Mills using the Dark Steel Balls.

Do not just have one set of Mills, if you really want EMC fast, you need multiple sets of them and for them to be wired to be purged via redstone signal in the conduits when you want the EMC instead of having to switch each item in the condensers. If power is an issue, create Tesseracts to help with that, You should have the Enderium and other resources available to make the Frames which can be created using EMC after having the table learn it.

Picture included is the basic setup I made in a few minutes (Just added the 8x Furnace Gen for basic power until I get the Power Plant operational)
BPowder EMC.png
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Am I right in guessing there is no end in this pack? If not can I suggest away to get the Super Builders Wand? I know it takes a great deal to get it in game. Not so much a hard task, but time consuming. Its not a big deal or anything, I have been trying to add grass/dirt blocks to fill in the entire area and lets just say it is taking for ever.lol I have the entire top filled in, but even with the normal Builders wand it is less than fun so to speak.

As for EMC for any one that hasn't started down the AE2 path, or far into it. The AE2 Addon that adds small support for Project E be careful with it. The Block that takes in Items with emc will fill your system up fast. I dropped 2 stacks of Red Matter in and it filled up 4 64k Cells. For anyone that didn't know like me, it changes EMC into crystals and continues to fill your cells until the block is drained. I don't know if the EMC doesn't have a place to go if it stays in the block, but do know if you break it it will loose any stored.
Am I right in guessing there is no end in this pack? If not can I suggest away to get the Super Builders Wand? I know it takes a great deal to get it in game. Not so much a hard task, but time consuming. Its not a big deal or anything, I have been trying to add grass/dirt blocks to fill in the entire area and lets just say it is taking for ever.lol I have the entire top filled in, but even with the normal Builders wand it is less than fun so to speak.

As for EMC for any one that hasn't started down the AE2 path, or far into it. The AE2 Addon that adds small support for Project E be careful with it. The Block that takes in Items with emc will fill your system up fast. I dropped 2 stacks of Red Matter in and it filled up 4 64k Cells. For anyone that didn't know like me, it changes EMC into crystals and continues to fill your cells until the block is drained. I don't know if the EMC doesn't have a place to go if it stays in the block, but do know if you break it it will loose any stored.
Hmmmm, I will give a warning about this problem in the next update. Ow also guys who want to increase the tickrate of an area. Currently you have to edit the config files to do it, but next update the watchofflowingtime will be enabled so you can get bonus ticks so your machines go faster. This is also for you kwantuum, instead of the torcherino mod this can help you. Have to do some balancing around it tho.
Update time!
Changelog Patch 1.1.9
Version 1.1.9, The Balance Update
Main points of this patch
There were some complains about how grindy the end of the pack was and that you have to build MASSIVE strucutres to get the EMC needed for those quests. So I balanced the pack a bit, I decreased the cost of a lot of "grindy" quests and added a new feature to the pack which will be costy but also rewarding with an awesome bonus, see more in the complete changelog

Bug fixes
-fixed two trigger quests being visisble in the storage quest line.
-fixed some quests being visible too early
-Something got messed up with the story line books, some text showed up earlier then needed.
-Something got messed up with some notes so there will be some changes to that.

Bug fixes implied by map reset
-Some dialogs and quests are changed of the customNPC's. See the front page and customNPC reset to apply these changes

Balance chagnes
- Removed a zero in lots of "grindy" quests to make them less grindy and less time consuming.
-Canged the crafting recipes in the all questlines for a better experience. There are still some exceptions where you have to craft your items though. The cake is painfull man. With this it almost removes a big annoyance of the shift+click bug with the pack.
-Changed the EMC of blazerods from around 1516 to 2304. Due to low cost of this EMCmachine. Now you have to invest into more EMCmachines to get the same amount of EMC as before.
(From 2.5-3 stacks blazerods out of 1 stack to around 2 - 2.5 stacks blazerods out of 1 stack, in the most common used EMC generator)
-Enabled the watch of flowing time. It will be a costy tool (around 78M EMC itself + pedestal of 45M a total cost of 123M EMC) to speed up your farms. As example, the current most used EMC generator (4 sag mills, with darksteel balls) the output is almost trippled (even after the nerf) when you put a watch of flowing time on a pedestal in the range of it. The power consumption, when the watch is enabled will be increased from 400 RF/tick to 1600 RF/tick.
BTW,if you do this on a bigger setup you might want to get another condensor just for the sulfur to blazepowder since sulfur can backlog on bigger emc gen setups with sagmills.
-Changed the recipe of the gem legging due to the now enabled watch of flowing time.
-Added an EMC value to the rubber saplings, it is worth a gold ingot

Balance changes implied by map reset

-Added a message in the introduction quest about the shift+click bug
-Updated ProjectE, due some fakeplayer bug
-Added a message about the equivalent energistics mod in the book
-Added two quests involving the projectE pedestal, these will show up when completed the rings of everything quest.
-Removed the watch from the ring of everything quest due to his extremly high EMC cost.
- Removed the final quest of the Enchanting done right due to bugs
- Added a knowledge quest about the NPC quests, and where to find them

Other only implied by map reset
Manual SP donwload: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l3d49pfgcbdej1d/Void World 1.1.9.zip?dl=0
Manual Server download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ihcd2wpnu1j7bat/Server V 1.1.9.zip?dl=0
The update in the FTB launcher will follow later.

In the next big patch (1.2.0)I will try to finally implement the twilight and metallurgy into the pack. I have a great idea involving those two right now but that will take some time. Before that will be completed I also want to include a new mod in the pack, that mod was suggestion by some of you and I will try to implement it as best as I can into the pack, this will come out in the next patch (1.1.10) and that will include a new mod and some preparations to the version 1.2.0
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Well that just happened.lol I decided to cure a zombie villager that I had captured awhile ago, catch it and then put in a auto spawner!! Well, first I would like to say it was the first time I have cured one and didn't know it takes about five minutes, and it burned up when the sun came out.lol Then when I decided to spawn a few I forgot that I had it running while running REALLY long ME conduits under my now floating town and lets just say that I'm glad I haven't placed a fence, etc around the outer edge yet:)
Well that just happened.lol I decided to cure a zombie villager that I had captured awhile ago, catch it and then put in a auto spawner!! Well, first I would like to say it was the first time I have cured one and didn't know it takes about five minutes, and it burned up when the sun came out.lol Then when I decided to spawn a few I forgot that I had it running while running REALLY long ME conduits under my now floating town and lets just say that I'm glad I haven't placed a fence, etc around the outer edge yet:)

Do not bother with the Zombie Villager autospawners, you should use the Philosopher's stone on any mobs like Sheep, Cows and Chickens; which you should have plenty of at this point, provided you cleared a number of the Greenhouse quests. They will immediately turn to random neutral mobs. If you have an Egg that you placed in a Transmutation Table, you can just spam them to get Baby Chickens and they will be useful fodder, it's Perfect for getting Villagers. You can get them earlier because of the Khendril Knight from Ender Zoo. (Has a random chance of creating a Monster or Neutral Mob when using the Philosopher's Stone on it), just be sure to wall off an area when breaking a dirt block for it to spawn because it can turn into a Ghast, Blaze, or Witch (Which are also useful as the witch drops Glowstone dust which can be used to make Interdiction Torches or Glowstone Bricks to illuminate the pathways, Ghasts drop Ghast Tears which give 4k EMC and can be used to make a Safari Net (Reusable), and Blazes will give Blaze Rods for the Sag Mill EMC Generator)
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Is their any way to get the laser drill?
Nope they are disabled, since they can get you some stuff that you are not suppossed to get in the game. Even though they are costy with power consumption you can get some ores you currently should not get, or get there later on in this pack.
Nope they are disabled, since they can get you some stuff that you are not suppossed to get in the game. Even though they are costy with power consumption you can get some ores you currently should not get, or get there later on in this pack.
Ok thanks just wondering because you can build the pre-chargers.
Okay, so I was experiencing the strangest bug(?) today with this pack. When I downloaded it from FTB, when I reached the main screen, I was missing a multiplayer button. Then when I created a world, I was missing two items simply.jetpacks:JetpacksEIO and simply.jetpacks:fluxpacksEIO. Then when I opened my quest book... it was empty. For some reason, it was fixed when I downloaded the 1.1.8 version of the pack though. Would you have any idea as to why this occurred?
Hey another question, Why does my game crash when i open my big reactor sometimes?
Update time!
Changelog Patch 1.1.9
Version 1.1.9, The Balance Update
Main points of this patch
There were some complains about how grindy the end of the pack was and that you have to build MASSIVE strucutres to get the EMC needed for those quests. So I balanced the pack a bit, I decreased the cost of a lot of "grindy" quests and added a new feature to the pack which will be costy but also rewarding with an awesome bonus, see more in the complete changelog

Bug fixes
-fixed two trigger quests being visisble in the storage quest line.
-fixed some quests being visible too early
-Something got messed up with the story line books, some text showed up earlier then needed.
-Something got messed up with some notes so there will be some changes to that.

Bug fixes implied by map reset
-Some dialogs and quests are changed of the customNPC's. See the front page and customNPC reset to apply these changes

Balance chagnes
- Removed a zero in lots of "grindy" quests to make them less grindy and less time consuming.
-Canged the crafting recipes in the all questlines for a better experience. There are still some exceptions where you have to craft your items though. The cake is painfull man. With this it almost removes a big annoyance of the shift+click bug with the pack.
-Changed the EMC of blazerods from around 1516 to 2304. Due to low cost of this EMCmachine. Now you have to invest into more EMCmachines to get the same amount of EMC as before.
(From 2.5-3 stacks blazerods out of 1 stack to around 2 - 2.5 stacks blazerods out of 1 stack, in the most common used EMC generator)
-Enabled the watch of flowing time. It will be a costy tool (around 78M EMC itself + pedestal of 45M a total cost of 123M EMC) to speed up your farms. As example, the current most used EMC generator (4 sag mills, with darksteel balls) the output is almost trippled (even after the nerf) when you put a watch of flowing time on a pedestal in the range of it. The power consumption, when the watch is enabled will be increased from 400 RF/tick to 1600 RF/tick.
BTW,if you do this on a bigger setup you might want to get another condensor just for the sulfur to blazepowder since sulfur can backlog on bigger emc gen setups with sagmills.
-Changed the recipe of the gem legging due to the now enabled watch of flowing time.
-Added an EMC value to the rubber saplings, it is worth a gold ingot

Balance changes implied by map reset

-Added a message in the introduction quest about the shift+click bug
-Updated ProjectE, due some fakeplayer bug
-Added a message about the equivalent energistics mod in the book
-Added two quests involving the projectE pedestal, these will show up when completed the rings of everything quest.
-Removed the watch from the ring of everything quest due to his extremly high EMC cost.
- Removed the final quest of the Enchanting done right due to bugs
- Added a knowledge quest about the NPC quests, and where to find them

Other only implied by map reset
Manual SP donwload: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l3d49pfgcbdej1d/Void World 1.1.9.zip?dl=0
Manual Server download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ihcd2wpnu1j7bat/Server V 1.1.9.zip?dl=0
The update in the FTB launcher will follow later.

In the next big patch (1.2.0)I will try to finally implement the twilight and metallurgy into the pack. I have a great idea involving those two right now but that will take some time. Before that will be completed I also want to include a new mod in the pack, that mod was suggestion by some of you and I will try to implement it as best as I can into the pack, this will come out in the next patch (1.1.10) and that will include a new mod and some preparations to the version 1.2.0

I'm excited about this update, and I've downloaded it from the FTB launcher (the version file in my FTB\VoidWorld directory does say 1.1.9), but I don't see any of the changes including quests; I still see the two unnamed quests in the Storage line, and the numbers for the ones I am watching haven't changed. Also, blaze rods are still at 1536 EMC. I haven't tried manually downloading this version. Is something up with the FTB launcher version?

Edits - I can haz grammar!
I'm excited about this update, and I've downloaded it from the FTB launcher (the version file in my FTB\VoidWorld directory does say 1.1.9), but I don't see any of the changes including quests; I still see the two unnamed quests in the Storage line, and the numbers for the ones I am watching haven't changed. Also, blaze rods are still at 1536 EMC. I haven't tried manually downloading this version. Is something up with the FTB launcher version?

Edits - I can haz grammar!
Hmm I will have a look on it. For me in my test world on the FTB launcher my blazerods have the correct amount of EMC. But the HQM book didnt update for a reason.
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Okay, so I was experiencing the strangest bug(?) today with this pack. When I downloaded it from FTB, when I reached the main screen, I was missing a multiplayer button. Then when I created a world, I was missing two items simply.jetpacks:JetpacksEIO and simply.jetpacks:fluxpacksEIO. Then when I opened my quest book... it was empty. For some reason, it was fixed when I downloaded the 1.1.8 version of the pack though. Would you have any idea as to why this occurred?
Nope, I will try to recreate it, there might be something wrong with the 1.1.9 update at the FTB launcher. Have to check.
Edit, when I try to open the launcher in the V 1.1.9 nothing strange happens. So I cannot recreate it.
Hey another question, Why does my game crash when i open my big reactor sometimes?
Nope, try if you cansee something in your console when this happens. That might be able to help you
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Okay guys, for some reason the HQM changes, and some other changes I made didnt come through in this update. I have to figure out what went wrong.
Edit. found the problem. The config folder stayed in the V 1.1.8 for some reason while the others were updated. I have to upload a hotfix to fix this. Sorry for this guys
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[21:55:28] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: The state engine was in incorrect state SERVER_STOPPING and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been discarded.

Thist is the message I get when it crashes.
So it appears that this problem only occurs for when you download version 1.1.9 without having a prior version. I just updated to 1.1.9 to see if the error would continually occur, but it worked perfectly this time around. Quick Question though, how effective(? Prob not the best word.) is this pack when done on a server?
So it appears that this problem only occurs for when you download version 1.1.9 without having a prior version. I just updated to 1.1.9 to see if the error would continually occur, but it worked perfectly this time around. Quick Question though, how effective(? Prob not the best word.) is this pack when done on a server?
It can make your live better. If you want to do it with friends that is completely possible. You can also build your stuff faster and in the early game you can grind the EMC together. So twice as fast. For Single Player purpose it isn't much different only it is easier to get a chunkloader and turn a server on for a while for automatic EMC gen than starting up a single player world and being AFK for EMC gen.
Also the problems currently with the 1.1.9 update is probably on the FTB-guys end, or it has something to do that my upload got corrupted. Because I made a instance of MultiMC and the files used for my upload (already in the zip) gave me the right version. Testing right now if the upload got corrupted or something else happened.
Edit, it seems the problem is at the FTB-end, When I made another new MultiMC instance and added the manual download files to it it again gave me the correct version of the pack. The manual download files are the files btw that I sended to the FTB launcher. So those are the same files that should be in Version 1.1.9
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