[1.7.10] Void World HQM Map [270+ Quests|ProjectE|CustomNPCmod|Second place of JampackedII]

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Hello !

1/ I delete the file players.dat in "VoidWorld>minecraft>saves>MYSAVE>HardcoreQuesting>payers.dat". => No quest after re-launch the modpack. (in 1.1.5)
2/ I delete the folder hqm in "'VoidWorld>minecraft>config>hqm" => No quest after re-launch the modpack. (in 1.1.5)
3/ I delete everything and then re-download version 1.1.3 (stable version) , and there is no quest but HQM has been downloaded..

There is a big problem with your pack ^^'
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Hey Storkman, I like your modpack a lot, just too bad that the quests are sometimes not correct. Why I don't like that is because when it gets fixed I usually need to start a new world because almost always the quest book is broken: quests that don't unlock because I already advanced further than the quests that are fixed and the quest book doesnt correctly move on, so quests stay locked while I can't get them unlocked, because i should do the quest first, but I've already done the quest behind it, so it doesnt unlock.

I fear that this is going to happen again with the next update, because an AE quest is set wrong: I need to CRAFT 5 of each of the AE processors... That should have been a detection quest, so i can't complete this quest, it might be fixed next update, but because it's another quest book fix I fear it will get broken again so I probably need to start a new world again...

BTW: am I correct if I say that the EMC flowers are actually pretty bad in producing emc? Because with the transfer nodes from extra utilities i get loads more cobble/emc from a cobblesystem with cyclic assemblers for a lower emc cost than the flowers cost to build

EDIT: sorry, I was looking back and saw that someone else already posted this problem. I know I can /hqm edit it but that feels like cheating...

EDIT 2: now that I think about it: with a former void world I had the problem that I accidentally put 4 times the required amount of water in the qds (I occasionally let it run overnight) and the quest bugged: I couldn't complete it anymore. I haven't tried it in my current world yet, mainly out of fear that it would happen again
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I just started with the modpack (1 hour in) and already kinda "broke" it.
The EMC-Value has ONE problem.
This problem is called "Luck".
Why you ask? Because i got an item from a reward-bag that has a 0.03% chance.
That said item is a DarkMatterHelmet, and that helmet is worth ~13 million EMC <,<
So ye, that kinda... made it a bit tooooo easy :p
Still enjoying it tho! Just try to change the Reward-Bags a bit so nothing THAT "expensive" can be in there.!

naa that's not broken, just a lucky reward. and believe me, that 13 mil emc is nothing compared to what you need in this map. it will just make it a little easier to start up :P
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My problem is solved ! I deleted everything of "VoidWorld", and donwload v1.1.4. Then I create a new map and the hqm work prefectly ! So I update to 1.1.5 and hqm still work. I put the files of the new map in my save then I edit with "/hqm edit".

Again, sorry for my English. :oops:
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I've been playing the pack for a few hours now and am just getting into tech stuff. I got my lava generator and two buckets of lava and it filled it's internal storage to 3 quarters. I attached a leadstone pipe leading it to a leadstone energy cell and the energy wasn't going in. I built a pulverizer because that's what is required to complete the quest that makes you craft a leadstone energy cell and then atached the pulverizer to the pipe and it got power just fine. How come my lava generator isn't giving my cell power? (btw, in order to complete the leadstone energy cell quest, you need electrum which requires a pulverizer. Pulverizers aren't available quests until after the leadstone energy quest is complete I think.)
I've been playing the pack for a few hours now and am just getting into tech stuff. I got my lava generator and two buckets of lava and it filled it's internal storage to 3 quarters. I attached a leadstone pipe leading it to a leadstone energy cell and the energy wasn't going in. I built a pulverizer because that's what is required to complete the quest that makes you craft a leadstone energy cell and then atached the pulverizer to the pipe and it got power just fine. How come my lava generator isn't giving my cell power? (btw, in order to complete the leadstone energy cell quest, you need electrum which requires a pulverizer. Pulverizers aren't available quests until after the leadstone energy quest is complete I think.)
Do you have the input side of the cell set to blue, and the output side to orange?
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I've been playing the pack for a few hours now and am just getting into tech stuff. I got my lava generator and two buckets of lava and it filled it's internal storage to 3 quarters. I attached a leadstone pipe leading it to a leadstone energy cell and the energy wasn't going in. I built a pulverizer because that's what is required to complete the quest that makes you craft a leadstone energy cell and then atached the pulverizer to the pipe and it got power just fine. How come my lava generator isn't giving my cell power? (btw, in order to complete the leadstone energy cell quest, you need electrum which requires a pulverizer. Pulverizers aren't available quests until after the leadstone energy quest is complete I think.)
Woops. Rookie mistake. I'm so used to crafting the cells myself and them automatically having max input/output. I never thought to check. -_- Lol. I realized this after crafting the next tier energy cell.
I recommend adding Inventory Pets to your pack. But they can be pretty over powered so you would probably have to make the recipes a lot more expensive depending on their buffs.
I just started with the modpack (1 hour in) and already kinda "broke" it.
The EMC-Value has ONE problem.
This problem is called "Luck".
Why you ask? Because i got an item from a reward-bag that has a 0.03% chance.
That said item is a DarkMatterHelmet, and that helmet is worth ~13 million EMC <,<
So ye, that kinda... made it a bit tooooo easy :p
Still enjoying it tho! Just try to change the Reward-Bags a bit so nothing THAT "expensive" can be in there.!

Yeah, this.

I played the pack a bit a few weeks ago. I ended up getting
-999(?) Jabba B-Space barrel tuners (at 2k EMC apiece)
-1 dark steel item (I think it was a pick axe?)
From reward bags.

Anyways, I had been planning on creating a 9x9 carrot farm to start my EMC collection. A few hours later, I was turning (3x compressed) cobble from 4 highly upgraded transfer nodes into diamond blocks, and had a tier 4 jetpack, with almost the entire landmass (skymass?) lit up.
I lost interest in the pack soon after, as (since I couldn't find 1/2 of the NPCs) there wasn't anything to do which required any sort of serious effort, since a lot of the quests at that point were pretty much just summoning items from my ungodly amount of EMC.

Moral of the story: Quest bags need balancing.
Hey guys here should be a part of your answer to the quest bags needed a balance treatment
Changelog Patch 1.1.6
Version 1.1.6 The Reward Bag Update
Main points of this patch:
This patch I am focused around balancing and updating the reward bag system. Since especially in the early game luck is soo good since you can get a lot of emc in the start and you are settled for a while. Also I went through my mod list and updated all mods where updates were available to the newest (stable) release versions. At the same time I have been busy with the Storage and Storage + quests and they are almost finished.

Bug fixes:
-Fixed the bug where you had to craft instead of detect the proccesing units of AE

Bug Fixes only implemented by map reset:

Balance Changes:
-Disables the confusion creepers. This is mostly because they can teleport the npcs around which makes you unable to find them. Now this should not happen anymore
-Reworked a big part of the Reward bag system for more rewards, less luck in the lower tiers of bags and more in the higher tiers of bags. More tweaks are coming up in future patches with the chances which bag you get in which tier. Note, since the main point of the rewardbags are free EMC I am debating if I must have more different kinds of rewards (except in the usefull tool section, there are more items coming for that one). For a good balancing in the pack I need your feedback. But you cannot get as much EMC anymore with the lowest 2 tiers of bags and you have to be even more lucky to get a high tier reward in the third tier bag
-Added more quests in the Storage and Storage + section. They are almost finished. Some quests might be changed and everything and I still need to make the big hoarding quests in AE2. With these changes I made 5 instructions books how certain setups work and how you have to build them. Since AE2 is not easy to figure out yourself I made these since this was way easier to explain to you guys how everything works

Balance Changes only implemented by a map reset:

Mods Added
-Added Equivalent Energistics to the pack. This mod allows you to autocraft items using EMC in your AE system. Expect mayor balancing in the future though.
-Added Applied Exchange to the pack. This makes your AE system able to sort on more stuff like EMC value
-Added Modtweaker to the pack. This will help me balancing items (their recipes) using certain machines and mods. Like you have to craft a certain items of thermal expension in the AE inscriber
-Added Openperipheral for more computercraft control
-Added MRTJPcore to the pack for better ProjectRed experiences
-Added WailaPlugins for more Info in your Waila screen
-Replaced ttcore for Endercore for better reliability

Mods Updated
-Updated Anotheronebitesthedust
-Updated AE2
-Updated AromabackupCore
-Updated BiblioCraft
-Updated BigReactors
-Updated chickenchunks
-Updated Chisel 2
-Updated Codechickencore
-Updated Collective Framework
-Updated Enderstorage
-Updated Endertech
-Updated Enderzoo
-Updated ExtraTiC
-Updated ExtraUtilities
-Updated FastLeafDecay
-Updated IchunUtil
-Updated Iguana Tweaks
-Updated Inpurecore
-Updated Inventory Tweaks
-Updated Ironchest
-Updated Journeymap
-Updated Mantle
-Updated Minetweaker
-Updated MobiusCore
-Updated NEIaddons
-Updated NEIIntergration
-Updated NEI
-Updated NotEnoughKeys
-Updated Openblocks
-Updated OpenmodsLib
-Updated Peripherals++
-Updated ProjectE
-Updated ProjectRed (and all her addons)
-Updated SolarExpansion
-Updated Tinkers construct
-Updated TinkersTooltip
-Updated Waila
Single Player V 1.1.6: https://www.dropbox.com/s/chdw3ur0tpa0kn7/Void World 1.1.6.zip?dl=0
Server V 1.1.6: n/a yet
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Hey Storkman, I just encountered a new problem: the philosopher's stone doesn't transmute mobs, which is a problem because wither skeletons (or mainly their heads and bones) can't be cheated in that easily. I tried to shoot any kind of mob, none transmuted so far
Server won't launch. Server in any version I've tried crashes almost immediately after booting up. It has 8GB of ram and I have followed the directions exactly.
Server won't launch. Server in any version I've tried crashes almost immediately after booting up. It has 8GB of ram and I have followed the directions exactly.
can you give me a pastebin with the crash. or just the crash file found in crash-reports. Cant do anything to help you without a log

Hey Storkman, I just encountered a new problem: the philosopher's stone doesn't transmute mobs, which is a problem because wither skeletons (or mainly their heads and bones) can't be cheated in that easily. I tried to shoot any kind of mob, none transmuted so far
You might have to have an EMC source in your inventory. I mostly tested it in creative so I forgot if you needed it or not. Because I know that the water and lava creating stones take EMC to fire so the philosper's stone also might use EMC to shoot a bolt
thx, I tried having a filled klein unit in my inv, and it worked perfectly

EDIT: I tried to use the condenser to transmute items into emc, but cant get it to work. is there a helppage somewhere about the condenser where i can find the way to do this? because i understood it can also get items out of the transmutation table, which i would also like to read about
thx, I tried having a filled klein unit in my inv, and it worked perfectly

EDIT: I tried to use the condenser to transmute items into emc, but cant get it to work. is there a helppage somewhere about the condenser where i can find the way to do this? because i understood it can also get items out of the transmutation table, which i would also like to read about

Do you have a target item in the condenser, and do all the items in it have a EMC value in their tooltip?
Hey guys here should be a part of your answer to the quest bags needed a balance treatment
Changelog Patch 1.1.6
Version 1.1.6 The Reward Bag Update
Main points of this patch:
This patch I am focused around balancing and updating the reward bag system. Since especially in the early game luck is soo good since you can get a lot of emc in the start and you are settled for a while. Also I went through my mod list and updated all mods where updates were available to the newest (stable) release versions. At the same time I have been busy with the Storage and Storage + quests and they are almost finished.

Bug fixes:
-Fixed the bug where you had to craft instead of detect the proccesing units of AE

Bug Fixes only implemented by map reset:

Balance Changes:
-Disables the confusion creepers. This is mostly because they can teleport the npcs around which makes you unable to find them. Now this should not happen anymore
-Reworked a big part of the Reward bag system for more rewards, less luck in the lower tiers of bags and more in the higher tiers of bags. More tweaks are coming up in future patches with the chances which bag you get in which tier. Note, since the main point of the rewardbags are free EMC I am debating if I must have more different kinds of rewards (except in the usefull tool section, there are more items coming for that one). For a good balancing in the pack I need your feedback. But you cannot get as much EMC anymore with the lowest 2 tiers of bags and you have to be even more lucky to get a high tier reward in the third tier bag
-Added more quests in the Storage and Storage + section. They are almost finished. Some quests might be changed and everything and I still need to make the big hoarding quests in AE2. With these changes I made 5 instructions books how certain setups work and how you have to build them. Since AE2 is not easy to figure out yourself I made these since this was way easier to explain to you guys how everything works

Balance Changes only implemented by a map reset:

Mods Added
-Added Equivalent Energistics to the pack. This mod allows you to autocraft items using EMC in your AE system. Expect mayor balancing in the future though.
-Added Applied Exchange to the pack. This makes your AE system able to sort on more stuff like EMC value
-Added Modtweaker to the pack. This will help me balancing items (their recipes) using certain machines and mods. Like you have to craft a certain items of thermal expension in the AE inscriber
-Added Openperipheral for more computercraft control
-Added MRTJPcore to the pack for better ProjectRed experiences
-Added WailaPlugins for more Info in your Waila screen
-Replaced ttcore for Endercore for better reliability

Mods Updated
-Updated Anotheronebitesthedust
-Updated AE2
-Updated AromabackupCore
-Updated BiblioCraft
-Updated BigReactors
-Updated chickenchunks
-Updated Chisel 2
-Updated Codechickencore
-Updated Collective Framework
-Updated Enderstorage
-Updated Endertech
-Updated Enderzoo
-Updated ExtraTiC
-Updated ExtraUtilities
-Updated FastLeafDecay
-Updated IchunUtil
-Updated Iguana Tweaks
-Updated Inpurecore
-Updated Inventory Tweaks
-Updated Ironchest
-Updated Journeymap
-Updated Mantle
-Updated Minetweaker
-Updated MobiusCore
-Updated NEIaddons
-Updated NEIIntergration
-Updated NEI
-Updated NotEnoughKeys
-Updated Openblocks
-Updated OpenmodsLib
-Updated Peripherals++
-Updated ProjectE
-Updated ProjectRed (and all her addons)
-Updated SolarExpansion
-Updated Tinkers construct
-Updated TinkersTooltip
-Updated Waila
Single Player V 1.1.6: https://www.dropbox.com/s/chdw3ur0tpa0kn7/Void World 1.1.6.zip?dl=0
Server V 1.1.6: n/a yet

Oh good, reward bag balance will be nice :)

* Goes to FTB launcher *
* Sees FTB isn't yet updated *
* Decides to play anyways *
* Finishes quest *
* Opens "Good" reward bag *
* Gets red matter boots @ 43M EMC *

Well, make that 73 million EMC in my transmutation table. :P
Just wondering, do the strikes' effects depend on where you are -- In other words, is it safe to be out and about above "ground" when a strike happens, or will it then just kill you outright?
To clarify, would it be possible to build my own little platform off to the side of the world so I have more open space, or would the strikes be too much of an issue?
thx, I tried having a filled klein unit in my inv, and it worked perfectly

EDIT: I tried to use the condenser to transmute items into emc, but cant get it to work. is there a helppage somewhere about the condenser where i can find the way to do this? because i understood it can also get items out of the transmutation table, which i would also like to read about
I will update the description in the next patch then. I will try to upload every sunday a new patch. So that probably will happen sunday

Oh good, reward bag balance will be nice :)

* Goes to FTB launcher *
* Sees FTB isn't yet updated *
* Decides to play anyways *
* Finishes quest *
* Opens "Good" reward bag *
* Gets red matter boots @ 43M EMC *

Well, make that 73 million EMC in my transmutation table. :p
Just wondering, do the strikes' effects depend on where you are -- In other words, is it safe to be out and about above "ground" when a strike happens, or will it then just kill you outright?
To clarify, would it be possible to build my own little platform off to the side of the world so I have more open space, or would the strikes be too much of an issue?
haha, this is why I have the manual update section so you dont have to wait everytime with a update but update yourself. and you got very Lucky this will not happen anymore and they should be 4,3 M EMC btw.
And to ask your question, currently not. It was with my knowledge of commandblocks at that time impossible to do so. You actually only hear the sound when you are in your starter shelter of the explosions and everything. Since in the next or the one after I want to update the behind the scenes redstone (command blocks and everything) I want to try to make it so that if you are below a certain level that you wont get any effects. So if you are in one of the shelters you wont get any effects/not as strong effects like Hunger I instead of Hunger III. But for that I have to play around with the commandcomputers of computercraft
haha, this is why I have the manual update section so you dont have to wait everytime with a update but update yourself. and you got very Lucky this will not happen anymore and they should be 4,3 M EMC btw.
And to ask your question, currently not. It was with my knowledge of commandblocks at that time impossible to do so. You actually only hear the sound when you are in your starter shelter of the explosions and everything. Since in the next or the one after I want to update the behind the scenes redstone (command blocks and everything) I want to try to make it so that if you are below a certain level that you wont get any effects. So if you are in one of the shelters you wont get any effects/not as strong effects like Hunger I instead of Hunger III. But for that I have to play around with the commandcomputers of computercraft

Huh, could have sworn it was 43 million. Red matter, not dark matter? Whatever, it doesn't really matter.

As for testing whether a player is in a bunker (not necessarily below a certain y-level, but actually in one of the shelters), some testfor command blocks should suffice. String together a chain of them, each one testing whether the player is within a certain radius of the center of a bunker. Maybe summon many charged creepers around outside with a fuse length of 0 (mobGriefing is off, isn't it?) throughout the entire map, so that being outside during a strike is quite dangerous :)
Huh, could have sworn it was 43 million. Red matter, not dark matter? Whatever, it doesn't really matter.

As for testing whether a player is in a bunker (not necessarily below a certain y-level, but actually in one of the shelters), some testfor command blocks should suffice. String together a chain of them, each one testing whether the player is within a certain radius of the center of a bunker. Maybe summon many charged creepers around outside with a fuse length of 0 (mobGriefing is off, isn't it?) throughout the entire map, so that being outside during a strike is quite dangerous :)
Might be an idea, but I will update all my commandblocks with almost only computercraft systems. Have to make it a backupproof one since computers restart when a world is closed. But I have to be careful with it so that is worth some testing around yeah, and I might actually implement that kind of idea. But creeper explosions sucks since they will blow you off the platform.
Well, I did some condenser experiments, it wasn't quite what I expected though. It turns out it can only change a bunch of items to 1 target item, which is nice, but I hoped I could automate creating emc with it, as in dump items in and get emc in your transmutation table back, and that turns out not to be the case. However, it does help with a few hoarding quests, dumping x-times compressed cobble in and get loads of ice/snow/etc to dump into a QDS, and it works nicely with my mob farm, now all the items with emc get transmuted into diamonds instead of loads of mob drops in my AE system
Gotta love it when you're playing void world for so long, you forgot that you set the version to 1.1.0, instead of letting it get the next 6 newer versions XP
Other than that, I'm really enjoying playing this modpack! Kinda hated myself when I lost everything because of not noticing the keep inventory stuff in the complete information tab of the HQM book :D