[1.7.10] Void World HQM Map [270+ Quests|ProjectE|CustomNPCmod|Second place of JampackedII]

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5. That is almost impossible to do tho, since you could still teleport into it even when the redstone is there.
Concussion creepers are well-known by griefers for their bypassing ability. Be sure to place some Interdiction torches where needed when you update the map. They push the mobs away.
Hint EMC Flowers
Man, seriously? ~625 EMC/second generated by the structure which costs 242,000,000EMC? No way!
I have not launched the reactor yet, this needs some AE2 setup to automate, but I am pretty sure it can output at least 10,000RF/t, each pulveriser with maximum overclocing augments eats 800 RF/t, so, 12 pulverisers, each capable of giving out ~8500 EMC/second results in over 100,000 EMC/second, being one RM every 78 seconds. And the whole setup is about 2,000,000EMC, which is, ehm, slightly less than the cost of power flower.

Also, if there is supposed to be cryotheum in reactor, as from Lisa's quest, why has there been liquid ender?

Will look for blaze powder rod recipes now.

UPD: Red matter quest has "choose one" option, but I have only dark matter to choose. Seems like there is meant to be something else.

UPD2: Tree farming II quest gives as reward two saplings. Both can be obtained from oak sapling right after player reachs Greenhouse. So, the reward is useless.
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Concussion creepers are well-known by griefers for their bypassing ability. Be sure to place some Interdiction torches where needed when you update the map. They push the mobs away.

Man, seriously? ~625 EMC/second generated by the structure which costs 242,000,000EMC? No way!
I have not launched the reactor yet, this needs some AE2 setup to automate, but I am pretty sure it can output at least 10,000RF/t, each pulveriser with maximum overclocing augments eats 800 RF/t, so, 12 pulverisers, each capable of giving out ~8500 EMC/second results in over 100,000 EMC/second, being one RM every 78 seconds. And the whole setup is about 2,000,000EMC, which is, ehm, slightly less than the cost of power flower.

Also, if there is supposed to be cryotheum in reactor, as from Lisa's quest, why has there been liquid ender?

Will look for blaze powder rod recipes now.

UPD: Red matter quest has "choose one" option, but I have only dark matter to choose. Seems like there is meant to be something else.

UPD2: Tree farming II quest gives as reward two saplings. Both can be obtained from oak sapling right after player reachs Greenhouse. So, the reward is useless.

I think i argee even with if you have i don't know maxium amount watchs of flowing time for the emc still not be enough other than that some mod that insanely increases tick rate. And beside i think you disable pedestal ability for it at any rate i think.
I think i argee even with if you have i don't know maxium amount watchs of flowing time for the emc still not be enough other than that some mod that insanely increases tick rate.
I have tried several times, but I have still not got what you were trying to say. I can guess you are talking about ticks overclockers from ChromatiCraft. Placing one in the world makes the machines next to it work 2/4/8/16/32 times faster by increasing tick rate. Incredibly expensive though.

UPD: Well, my strikes are gone. Modpack not completed, but the lore is done. The city is safe.

Yes, I am rebuilding white houses.


  • 2015-08-01_23.23.13.png
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I have tried several times, but I have still not got what you were trying to say. I can guess you are talking about ticks overclockers from ChromatiCraft. Placing one in the world makes the machines next to it work 2/4/8/16/32 times faster by increasing tick rate. Incredibly expensive though.

UPD: Well, my strikes are gone. Modpack not completed, but the lore is done. The city is safe.

Yes, I am rebuilding white houses.

well i'm saying that yan can put watches of flowing time on dark matter pedestals i think the function of it when on it was speed up machines globally in old 1.2.5 don't know if they change to tick rate for machine in project e sence lots had changed i think author ee2 had maximum 10 watches of time as maximum stack for them. i don't know for pe but i presume the same. Any case ya ur right theres chromaticraft for tick rate speed but theres also the torcherino mod you might not find it on curse just to let you know. Any other mods i don't know other than dartcraft but as have been known not upgraded for 1.7 has i known for now haven checked recently if it still 1.6.4.
well i'm saying that yan can put watches of flowing time on dark matter pedestals i think the function of it when on it was speed up machines globally in old 1.2.5 don't know if they change to tick rate for machine in project e sence lots had changed i think author ee2 had maximum 10 watches of time as maximum stack for them. i don't know for pe but i presume the same. Any case ya ur right theres chromaticraft for tick rate speed but theres also the torcherino mod you might not find it on curse just to let you know. Any other mods i don't know other than dartcraft but as have been known not upgraded for 1.7 has i known for now haven checked recently if it still 1.6.4.

With ProjectE, putting the watch on a dark mater pedestal, it provides 18 bonus ticks to machines by default, configurable up to 256 in the ProjectE config file. It does not affect machines globally though, it covers a 9x9 area from the center of the pedestal when the watch is active. However in this mod pack, the author disabled the watch. If your playing single player, go into the config and re-enable it if you need.
With ProjectE, putting the watch on a dark mater pedestal, it provides 18 bonus ticks to machines by default, configurable up to 256 in the ProjectE config file. It does not affect machines globally though, it covers a 9x9 area from the center of the pedestal when the watch is active. However in this mod pack, the author disabled the watch. If your playing single player, go into the config and re-enable it if you need.
Ya i know that it been disabled. huh i didn't knew that most of the infomation about the config and it only working 9x9 was presumably it would work globally sense ee2 used to had on there to bug there major bug with buildcraft machines if ur using that but oh well.

I can't seem to find sand :[

Hint World transmutation, 2nd Hint Philosopher Stone. thats all need to be said.
well i'm saying that yan can put watches of flowing time on dark matter pedestals i think the function of it when on it was speed up machines globally in old 1.2.5 don't know if they change to tick rate for machine in project e sence lots had changed i think author ee2 had maximum 10 watches of time as maximum stack for them. i don't know for pe but i presume the same. Any case ya ur right theres chromaticraft for tick rate speed but theres also the torcherino mod you might not find it on curse just to let you know. Any other mods i don't know other than dartcraft but as have been known not upgraded for 1.7 has i known for now haven checked recently if it still 1.6.4.
I have been playing on Tekkit Classic with EE2 for more than 1k hours. No, they did not change tick speed. They did only affect day/night time. However, this option is implemented in PrE.
I also know Torcherino mod from ME^4 modpack, but I have never used it because of incredibly expensive crafting recipe and also because there was no real need in it.
it covers a 9x9 area from the center of the pedestal when the watch is active.
As official "wiki" says, pedestal works in 10x9x10, which is a bit offset like the spawners' radius.
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I have the new server files ready for Version 1.1.3. The link can be found at the front page or my changelog post a page back. It will be available later on the FTB launcher as well
I don't know if you've fixed this in version 1.1.3 since I haven't updated yet but speaking based on version 1.1.2, the redstone room behind/above the two dark steel ladders in the initial base spawn has a red X (the spot is right inbetween the two ladder walls), probably the reason why Enderman keep spawning and make that annoying sounds lol hope you can fix this later :D
I have been playing on Tekkit Classic with EE2 for more than 1k hours. No, they did not change tick speed. They did only affect day/night time. However, this option is implemented in PrE.
I also know Torcherino mod from ME^4 modpack, but I have never used it because of incredibly expensive crafting recipe and also because there was no real need in it.

As official "wiki" says, pedestal works in 10x9x10, which is a bit offset like the spawners' radius.
odd i'm pretty sure in wiki fourm for ee2 witch now gone :( that they speed up the machines when there on the the pedestal. But at case i was saying they projecte might have changed the watch to tick rate due it more better compatibility for mods than whatever what had ee2 used to use then it again is closed source so not much known to replicate from it.
I cant seem to find invar soomeone please help me :[
Also wondering how you look at notes

+good fix on the ME storage quest line
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odd i'm pretty sure in wiki fourm for ee2 witch now gone :( that they speed up the machines when there on the the pedestal. But at case i was saying they projecte might have changed the watch to tick rate due it more better compatibility for mods than whatever what had ee2 used to use then it again is closed source so not much known to replicate from it.

They did speed up machines globally for chunks that were loaded. But it only worked in single player. And If I remember correctly it was only a 7% speedup per watch, stackable effect up to 10 watches.

ProjectE watch covers a 9x9x9 area, and provides 18 bonus ticks by default but is adjustable in the config file up to 256 bonus ticks. From the ProjectE.cfg file:

# Bonus ticks given by the Watch of Flowing Time while in the pedestal. 0 = effectively no bonus. [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 18]

Note that in the VoidWorld pack however the pack author has set the timePedBonus to = 0. Effectively disabling the watch in this pack.
They did speed up machines globally for chunks that were loaded. But it only worked in single player. And If I remember correctly it was only a 7% speedup per watch, stackable effect up to 10 watches.

ProjectE watch covers a 9x9x9 area, and provides 18 bonus ticks by default but is adjustable in the config file up to 256 bonus ticks. From the ProjectE.cfg file:

# Bonus ticks given by the Watch of Flowing Time while in the pedestal. 0 = effectively no bonus. [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 18]

Note that in the VoidWorld pack however the pack author has set the timePedBonus to = 0. Effectively disabling the watch in this pack.

Ya i know But Won't U the once that also siad they changed it to 10x10x10 area then 9x9x9 and remember in modpack they did updated pe to 1.7.3 which u said that when they changed it.
On other Side note What you did with curse earth some unknown reason they spawn with there is light and don't barely spawn in dark i'm starting wonder something wrong with my project red lamps.
Hi I seem to have skipped note #2. I finished the quest for Max and got note 3 and yellorium. Any tips on where to find note 2?

I also cannot craft the tool forge of any type. Is this a bug or am I supposed to find one for the quest and for myself?
Hi I seem to have skipped note #2. I finished the quest for Max and got note 3 and yellorium. Any tips on where to find note 2?

I also cannot craft the tool forge of any type. Is this a bug or am I supposed to find one for the quest and for myself?
do you know how to read the notes?
Hi I seem to have skipped note #2. I finished the quest for Max and got note 3 and yellorium. Any tips on where to find note 2?

I also cannot craft the tool forge of any type. Is this a bug or am I supposed to find one for the quest and for myself?
1. Which version are you playing on? Since a couple of updates due to needed to hand in 2 Note #2, one for a NPC quest and the other for the HQM book I made it so that you needed 2 Note #3, so you will need the Note #2 in a NPC quest and 2 times you will get a Note #3 which are needed for the HQM quests
2. You can craft one, the emerald one. Btw if you are looking into the toolforge you should checkout the quest with the toolforge in The City quest chapter. You should have unlocked that one already.

I cant seem to find invar soomeone please help me :[
Also wondering how you look at notes

+good fix on the ME storage quest line
1. You will get invar(or the other material needed for invar next to iron) while you are progressing through the Techical Chapter. You should get one when you need it for the next quest there. If you need invar for another quest (like a City Chapter one) you need to wait and first progress through the Technical chapter to get invar
2. You dont look at notes, you just hand them in the quests. You need to hand in one or two at NPC and the others should all be handed in the HQM book. They are not real notes that something is readable. They are just quest items
Chapter Power Plant, quest Reactor. You need 13 yellorium fuel rods instead of 12 to finish the reactor.
Chapter Power Plant, quest Restoring the Reactor. You need at least 38 reactor casings instead of 35 and less than 85 reactor glass blocks instead of 125.
Chapter Technical, quest Automated Mob Farming, description line 4 word "can" should be replaced by "can't".

For Too Much Fuel quest 41.92 Billion EMC is needed. :/
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Found 2 charged jetpacks in the basement of a house and used them to explore area. I found some remote building with something kind of reset npc on top of it? In the building I found a general(?) who is talking about a guy called max and that I murdered his men. I did no such thing!
Also I have tried to repair the starting house, but there are plenty of invisible quest gate blocks. I can break them with the darkmatter pickaxe, but it takes a while.