[1.7.10] Void World HQM Map [270+ Quests|ProjectE|CustomNPCmod|Second place of JampackedII]

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Is the redstone energy fluxduct also bugged?, also the redstone exchanger
If I remember correctly that quest is on crafting mode while you cant craft it directly in a crafting table, should be fixed in next versino.
Same thing as some others but should also be fixed in next version
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If I remember correctly that quest is on crafting mode while you cant craft it directly in a crafting table, should be fixed in next versino.
Same thing as some others but should also be fixed in next version
Alright thanks for the constant updates =)
Hey guys, sad news. I cannot upload the new version today. It is ready and everything except the files that I need to upload the file. And since I have to go now and will be back very late I cannot upload it. In exchange I will get up a bit earlier tomorrow so I can finish it in that time and hopefully upload it in time before I am off for work. The changelog will also follow with the next version, so expect that tomorrow. I am in the CEST time zone btw, so the my morning is maybe your night (for the American guys)
CondeCero, you may want to restore the map to approx a couple hours or so before this post. 4 Trillion worth of EMC just fell into the void :)
I am currently at the find the major quest, is it intended that monsters spawn directly on top of me in light up rooms? I am getting completely murdered by wither witches swarming on me.
Also given that all the normal pickaxes (including the one you have to craft for a quest) are completely useless and you can't get wood in the early game is there anyway to replace a lost pickaxe? Or do I have to restart the map because I died with the pickaxe on me?

I found wood used as floor in some buildings before I found the greenhouse - chiseled jungle planks
@VeryHasted complete the quest to get note1

Are some of the building blocks supposed to have half a million emc?
Are there quests for building emc generators? like the flower? so I can learn the right way to get emc

A warning to stop people putting TiCon stuff in the tablet would be nice touch, also that you can rename the notes, I right clicked thinking I would get to read it, but it placed in the world, so how do I read it?

Those cats are mean! I was well surprised when they changed!
really liking the pack and the lack of grind, seems really well thought out.
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I found wood used as floor in some buildings before I found the greenhouse - chiseled jungle planks
@VeryHasted complete the quest to get note1

Are some of the building blocks supposed to have half a million emc?
Are there quests for building emc generators? like the flower? so I can learn the right way to get emc

A warning to stop people putting TiCon stuff in the tablet would be nice touch, also that you can rename the notes, I right clicked thinking I would get to read it, but it placed in the world, so how do I read it?

Those cats are mean! I was well surprised when they changed!
really liking the pack and the lack of grind, seems really well thought out.
First off tcon tools no longer have an emc value so you shouldnt be able to put them in the tablet any more, second of all notes are just a renamed item called paper wall, they are simply items required to be turned into the journal quest line.
Hey my game crashed and when I load the pack up again my world is deleted. Any way to get it back. If not, how do I get in creative as it sets me back to survival every time.

Edit: found the save file to replace it and didn't do the button thing at start
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Hey my game crashed and when I load the pack up again my world is deleted. Any way to get it back. If not, how do I get in creative as it sets me back to survival every time.

Edit: found the save file to replace it and didn't do the button thing at start
When you first spawn into a new world and you are inside the starting building before you are teleported over to the bunker their is a button behind the pool of water that will disable the wiring that automatically sets peoples game mode to survival should they cheat their way out of it.
Another update! It is recommended to read the Changelog since it changed a feature that is used for the teleporting around, it is noted under the Balance Changes
Changelog V 1.1.3 The Bugfixes update
Bugs Fixes
-fixed a quest showing up too early, but not being unlocked yet
-fixed rings of everything, now you should be able to complete it
-fixed flux ducts III quests, now you should be able to complete it
-fixed the klein star quests, now you should be able to complete it
-fixed the second part of the pure certus quest not being able to be crafted, it asked for the wrong item
-fixed the endertech quests, now you should be able to complete it
-Fixed the production for liquids (the water one) not being able to detect the water going in. It is fixed now in the new update

Bugs only fixed by a map reset
-fixed items being in alchemical bags, this is only for new worlds, if you started your world below this version you will have them. Just throw them away plz, or use the colors that arent used
-Removed the wireless transciever in my redstone that made the strikes happen. It was on frequency 1 so be carefull with it. Same as above only is fixed when you start a new world

Balance Changes
-Increased the rewards given in The QED quest

Balance Changes Implemented by a map reset
-Removed the teleporter from the map, it had another intention that I did not want it to have. I had never right clicked it so I didnt know you could actually teleport it. Now the new "teleporter item" is another item which has no use other then crafting a twilight forest map (where you cant go anymore anyway) Now you can only teleport to certain locations using the HQM book, so you always have a way to return to the starters base (this quest can be found in the overall knowledge questline) and a way to teleport to the places i want you to be teleported. And not just ow lets go to the top of the nether etc, etc. If you still have the teleporter from a earlier version lucky you
One note, the teleportation only works now if you did a map reset, if you dont want to do a map reset check the front page for ways to skip this, can be annoying tho
If you dont want to do a map reset here are the coordinates of the places you need to teleport to when the Raven's feather is needed in a quest
Base: X -461 Y 16 Z -906
First Boss Fight: X -208 Y 4 Z -853
Second Boss fight: X-438 Y 8 Z -1425

-Updated the Custom NPC mod to a newer version, this might fix the bug that sometimes you cannot talk to the npcs and have to kill them with lava, their might be some texture problems right now with the npcs. Plz tell me if I forgot to fix a npcs texture
-Updated the ProjectE mod
-Updated the quest descriptions from Quest Line 4 The Power Plant with the help of Trisccar

SP Manual Download:https://www.dropbox.com/s/bjwnz94jxakafes/Void World 1.1.3.zip?dl=0
Server Manual Download:https://www.dropbox.com/s/xxo9p0egq4jpaq4/Server V 1.1.3.zip?dl=0
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Hey there! I am close to completing the map, but I need netherrack to make nether bricks. How am I supposed to get one?

UPD: Taken nether brick stairs from smeltery, uncrafted them into nether bricks with uncrafting table. Still, how I was supposed to get this?

UPD2: As I accidently placed renamed paper wall, I wasnt able to complete first quest in "Journal". I used OP book to skip it, then first machines quest appeared for completion (or not, may be dependant on other quest), and there is netherrack.
Also, you cannot craft redstone fluxducts, you fill their empty versions with redstone, so this quest is uncompletable, and it also has to be skipped with OP book.

UPD3: There is an empty reward in "Yeah, a EMC reward" colored green. It doesn't give anything to the player.

UPD4: I am unable to view CustomNPC quests, when I switch to that page, it immediately returns me to TiC inventory page.
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Not sure if im completely missing somethin here but how do i get the enchanted book for the ender io enchanter quest?
i have multiple books with enchants but i cant submit any of them, i have also tried putting it into the tablet to just get a "enchanted book"
Not sure if im completely missing somethin here but how do i get the enchanted book for the ender io enchanter quest?
i have multiple books with enchants but i cant submit any of them, i have also tried putting it into the tablet to just get a "enchanted book"
You need a specific enchantment on that book. You take the enchanter and the materials you needed in a detection chest. Put those materials into the enchanter and you should get the right book which is handed in the quest
Hey there! I am close to completing the map, but I need netherrack to make nether bricks. How am I supposed to get one?

UPD: Taken nether brick stairs from smeltery, uncrafted them into nether bricks with uncrafting table. Still, how I was supposed to get this?

UPD2: As I accidently placed renamed paper wall, I wasnt able to complete first quest in "Journal". I used OP book to skip it, then first machines quest appeared for completion (or not, may be dependant on other quest), and there is netherrack.
Also, you cannot craft redstone fluxducts, you fill their empty versions with redstone, so this quest is uncompletable, and it also has to be skipped with OP book.

UPD3: There is an empty reward in "Yeah, a EMC reward" colored green. It doesn't give anything to the player.

UPD4: I am unable to view CustomNPC quests, when I switch to that page, it immediately returns me to TiC inventory page.
1, do you need netherrack before the first journal? I thaugt I made it so that you would get it while you need it. Might have to change that
2, Redstone Fluxducts bug is already fixed in the newest version, but that didnt hit the FTB server yet (see changelog V 1.1.3 couple posts above)
3, That is probably a item that got removed in the game while updating. So this is probably why there is no reward for that one. But thanks for the note
4, You should be able to go there with the keybinding, default = L, but that one is conflicting with another keybinding so you need to change one of the two and you should be able to get to that page to see your NPC quests
And if you have only completed the first journal yet... You have many more quests to go. This pack has atm 230+ quests, which will be expanded even more, I need to add some quests to the smeltery but that will be later and I need to finish the AE quests which will be at least another 20 quests or so
And if you have only completed the first journal yet... You have many more quests to go. This pack has atm 230+ quests, which will be expanded even more, I need to add some quests to the smeltery but that will be later and I need to finish the AE quests which will be at least another 20 quests or so
In the book there is info that I am at 82% currently.
About netherrack: I needed it for Lisa's quest, because cryotheum needs to be obtained through magma crucible, and this requires nether bricks in recipe.

1. When am I going to get cactus? For some reason it has 864 EMC, so, pedestal+harvest goddes... you know :) I have designed a unique generator that uses some tricky stuff and being 5 times more effective than blazerod one, and 75 times more effective than power flower (EE2 original MK3 generator array).
2. Same to blazerod. I have crafted redstone furnace just now, I dont need it cause RM furnace is better, so, I am near the beginning in technical stuff, maybe rods are somewhere in that chapter. I have to use automated powered rail duplication machine to reach the effeciency of blaze generator, and this does not seem very legit.
3. Well, there are 2 pairs of duplicating pumpkins of the same type in the "city". I had to use chisel to turn the rest into the other pumpkins I have not yet found. So, I am only missing one.
4. I know that you have copied houses with WE and applied some rotation to them, so they wont look the same. This is a minor problem, but I have found it: near the edge of the roof of the brown houses there is one stair facing in the same direction, even if it does not make sence. You may have rotated houses with this stair on the roof, stairs do not rotate properly, this may have caused the problem. But, I am pretty sure, noone exceptme got to really rebuild all the city and found this :)
5. The reactor building is made out of aluminium. I bridged to it in the early game and have taken it out completely. Several millions EMC to start with. Also, what is the reason of player to be given DM pick? It is additional 2M EMC, and really does not make any sence in the early game.
6. What is the reason of smokers in the smeltery? The smelteries are meant to be broken, there are even spawners inside, so why should smoke come out?
7. Swiftwolf makes the player almost godmode. No difficulties clearing the city at all. Minetweaker could make it harder to obtain.
8. Mobs do spawn inside of quest tracking system in the wall of the bomb shelter (base). Be sure to check the spawning spots, F7 will help you.
Well, seems like a lot written.
I have been playing for a week now and i really enjoyed it, i got a couple problems so I just made a account for this :p
1. I found note 3 but because I didnt unlocked journal quest so I didnt knew what is was for, I placed it and then broke it then it lost the name and I cant find Note 2 (and I lost Note 3)
2. I need to make a reinforced water can but I need a soul item or something and I can only get it from soulcraft with unstable ingot Sword and I dont know how I het division sigil.
3. I am unable to get rubber for lava fabricator for plastic.
4. I cant make a laser drill, it doesnt show the recipe.
5. I got teleported a room with redstone and stuff because of a creeper that teleports you, I just dug my way out of it. I broke some redstone because I was mining while it came to me from behind but I think I fixed it but it might be better if you make it so that you cant teleport into that room
Thats all my problems, i had more but they got answered while looking through others questions and the main Problem might be the Note 2 I couldnt find and destroyed Note 3 (and you choose a very nice name for the modpack :3)
I fixed like 80% of whole city including that reactor (I dont use it) I havent fixed my house yet because of Invisible blocks and seared bricks takes long for me to get and couple houses because I became lazy
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I got a couple problems so I just made a account for this :p
1. I found note 3 but because I didnt unlocked journal quest so I didnt knew what is was for, I placed it and then broke it then it lost the name and I cant find Note 2 (and I lost Note 3)
2. I need to make a reinforced water can but I need a soul item or something and I can only get it from soulcraft with unstable ingot Sword and I dont know how I het division sigil
3. I am unable to get rubber for lava fabricator for plastic
4. I cant make a laser drill, it doesnt show the recipe
Thats all my problems, i had more but they got answered while looking through others questions and the main Problem might be the Note 2 I couldnt find and destroyed Note 3
1. Journal depends on other quests. Store the note untill you have the chance to use it.
2. Craft powered spawner, take one of 23 skeleton spawners in the city and make it powered. Place it in the nether and it will spawn 80% wither skeles, 20% skeles. Use cleaver to get heads, spawn wither, kill it for sigil, perform activation ritual, make unstable ingots, craft them into sword, make watering can.
3. Do technical quests on TE machines, this quest will appear in Greenhouse chapter.
4. Sure you need it?
1. Journal depends on other quests. Store the note untill you have the chance to use it.
2. Craft powered spawner, take one of 23 skeleton spawners in the city and make it powered. Place it in the nether and it will spawn 80% wither skeles, 20% skeles. Use cleaver to get heads, spawn wither, kill it for sigil, perform activation ritual, make unstable ingots, craft them into sword, make watering can.
3. Do technical quests on TE machines, this quest will appear in Greenhouse chapter.
4. Sure you need it?

well i for one might need can't get pass the power quest and 3rd i found alternate way to get it lets just say it has to something tcon. Well in saying how i get 640 yellorium ingots with its massive emc cost i better make cyanite reproccessor to power that reactor then get 640 yellorium oh just thought an evil idea.
well i for one might need can't get pass the power quest and 3rd i found alternate way to get it lets just say it has to something tcon. Well in saying how i get 640 yellorium ingots with its massive emc cost i better make cyanite reproccessor to power that reactor then get 640 yellorium oh just thought an evil idea.
640 yellorium was ok to me, next quest is smth like 640 000 yellorium, that is way too much. do blaze emc gen running from the reactor. 640 yellorium is about 40M emc only. Count 5 RM.
well i thought idea to get pass that a bit just hope its works. but wow 640,000 yellorium now thats lot even if my idea would work

-edit tried it it didn't work :( oh well i guessi can try blaze rod method something other wise.
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In the book there is info that I am at 82% currently.
About netherrack: I needed it for Lisa's quest, because cryotheum needs to be obtained through magma crucible, and this requires nether bricks in recipe.

1. When am I going to get cactus? For some reason it has 864 EMC, so, pedestal+harvest goddes... you know :) I have designed a unique generator that uses some tricky stuff and being 5 times more effective than blazerod one, and 75 times more effective than power flower (EE2 original MK3 generator array).
2. Same to blazerod. I have crafted redstone furnace just now, I dont need it cause RM furnace is better, so, I am near the beginning in technical stuff, maybe rods are somewhere in that chapter. I have to use automated powered rail duplication machine to reach the effeciency of blaze generator, and this does not seem very legit.
3. Well, there are 2 pairs of duplicating pumpkins of the same type in the "city". I had to use chisel to turn the rest into the other pumpkins I have not yet found. So, I am only missing one.
4. I know that you have copied houses with WE and applied some rotation to them, so they wont look the same. This is a minor problem, but I have found it: near the edge of the roof of the brown houses there is one stair facing in the same direction, even if it does not make sence. You may have rotated houses with this stair on the roof, stairs do not rotate properly, this may have caused the problem. But, I am pretty sure, noone exceptme got to really rebuild all the city and found this :)
5. The reactor building is made out of aluminium. I bridged to it in the early game and have taken it out completely. Several millions EMC to start with. Also, what is the reason of player to be given DM pick? It is additional 2M EMC, and really does not make any sence in the early game.
6. What is the reason of smokers in the smeltery? The smelteries are meant to be broken, there are even spawners inside, so why should smoke come out?
7. Swiftwolf makes the player almost godmode. No difficulties clearing the city at all. Minetweaker could make it harder to obtain.
8. Mobs do spawn inside of quest tracking system in the wall of the bomb shelter (base). Be sure to check the spawning spots, F7 will help you.
Well, seems like a lot written.
1. Not, you can get cactus green in a recipe. Cactus you wont get it. It has the 864 EMC because of that crafting recipe btw
2. There is a recipe for the blaze rod, you can only get it when you have done some ender io. (you should get the blaze powder some quests earlier) this way you cant make one of the most known EMC generators, or till later in the map
3. Pumpkin quests will be fixed later when I can work together with my Partner Spirit again. He is currently on a holiday and I will be off soon as well so that could take some time to fix that bug
4. I indeed copied the houses with a WE program, but that will also be fixed when I have to do a map reset, same as the pumpkins. They will likely be in the same update but again that could take a time to be fixed
5. Might change this I dont know yet, But that will be in a needed map reset so like the same as above. You also get a DM pick at the start of the FTB insanity pack(where I got the idea for this pack) so I made the start a bit the same. Also this makes sure you can mine almost everything at the start which is nice
6. They are broken, so they smoke because they are broken :p
7. Still have to do some balancing around ProjectE, I have not tested most of the stuff actually in the pack, nor do I know what everything does in this pack (like the teleporter) I am more focused around mapbuilding, questmaking and bugfixing (and I play some other games too) this takes a lot of time to really investigate what everything does in the pack
8. Btw because of the quest tracking system you cant see the F7(or at least it didnt before)

I have been playing for a week now and i really enjoyed it, i got a couple problems so I just made a account for this :p
1. I found note 3 but because I didnt unlocked journal quest so I didnt knew what is was for, I placed it and then broke it then it lost the name and I cant find Note 2 (and I lost Note 3)
2. I need to make a reinforced water can but I need a soul item or something and I can only get it from soulcraft with unstable ingot Sword and I dont know how I het division sigil.
3. I am unable to get rubber for lava fabricator for plastic.
4. I cant make a laser drill, it doesnt show the recipe.
5. I got teleported a room with redstone and stuff because of a creeper that teleports you, I just dug my way out of it. I broke some redstone because I was mining while it came to me from behind but I think I fixed it but it might be better if you make it so that you cant teleport into that room

Thats all my problems, i had more but they got answered while looking through others questions and the main Problem might be the Note 2 I couldnt find and destroyed Note 3 (and you choose a very nice name for the modpack :3)
I fixed like 80% of whole city including that reactor (I dont use it) I havent fixed my house yet because of Invisible blocks and seared bricks takes long for me to get and couple houses because I became lazy
Hey man nice that you are playing the pack
1. Keep it for later till you need it, like other said
2. I am planning to expand this questline a bit so I can explain better how to get this. But with the recipes showing everytime using NEI you could come very far (and help from others on this forum :p)
3. You get a rubber tree sapling in the GreenHouse quest line where you can get rubber from
4.Laser drill is disabled, like other dimensions/ways to get stuff you are not supposed to get, like certain ores
5. That is almost impossible to do tho, since you could still teleport into it even when the redstone is there.

640 yellorium was ok to me, next quest is smth like 640 000 yellorium, that is way too much. do blaze emc gen running from the reactor. 640 yellorium is about 40M emc only. Count 5 RM.
You should make another way to generate EMC which is far better how further you go the more EMC you need for every quests especially in the + chapters, the EMC generators are nice for the start but later on you will have to make new ones. Hint EMC Flowers
Btw the server version will be made tomorrow