I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned, but is there a way to get wood in the early map? Or maybe a usable pick (other than the dark matter one or the stone pick from quest reward)?
My problem is that once you lose these (by falling into the void), it seems they cannot be replaced since you can't build tinker tables without wood, and tinkers tools don't seem to work in the trans table (I've tried it and crashed my client trice).
I really like the map so far, and I kind hope that DireWolf20 and Pahimar choose it as their next quest map. I'd really like to see that.
ofc I hope that too

, but for that I have still do a lot of work to the pack becasue sadly there are still a lot of bugs, that need to be fixed. Like some random items in alchemical bags and everything, that I used during the building of the map but forgot to take out. Will fix that btw. There is also some thing that players get my playerfile when they start the world. So everything I have ,like the 933k bug in earlier versions, will be copied over to the player which starts the map. This way it is sometimes annoying to build stuff for me because after that I have to remove everything from stuff that I used like bags, inventory etc. Still have to find a way to fix this so it will become more easier to do stuff for me, and you guys wont have any effect then from what I do
But there is wood available in the GreenHouse(a glass building in the map, also one of your quests in the City Quest line), I would recommend going there during the day grab some wood and go, or even better take one of the two transmutation tables (also learn that thing) go to the GreenHouse and teach it immeadiatly. This way you are always sure to have the wood in your transmutation table. Otherwise you have to cheat them in sadly
ill test it again to see if it happens once more just to be 100% sure
Edit:has been confirmed activating frequency 1 with the wireless redstone stuff will get you the negative effects that occur when you get a strike
I will have a look on it, but still it is strange. If this does occur while I have no wireless redstone I will just say somewhere into the book that 1 is used already but I really dont know what is happening there.
Oh I notice i'm not sure but i think maybe fluid quest is not work at least for water one i don't know why isn't i know either one you made mistake in quest or 2 something wrong with hqm whatever the case is i think something wrong with it.
When I have to select a fluid that goes into the HQM book as quest item I have 3 different water to choose, so I picked 2 wrong ones so far, lets go to the third one

. I think it should work for other fluids tho. So far people only had difficulties with the water quest
Rings of everything quest cannot be completed, for starters archangel's smite has no recipe and cant be crafted, and the Swiftwolf's rending gale is not being accepted by the quest.
The first one is indeed true and the second one I dont know, might have to put it on fuzzy detection so the nbt or meta data wont matter, Will have a look on it
Are there any ways to protect yourself from the Strike?
Sadly atm not, when I update all the redstone behind the scenes I try to make it that you are safe from the strikes in every bomb shelters, or at max only take 1/2 hearts of damage. I have to find a way that some effects go online for y level X+ and others for y level X-
well in lastest update version of mod pack theres quest for the portal you can soulsand for plastic i don't know and note #3 don't remember how i got mys.
There are currently 2 note #3 in the map used, will be fixed when I update the map so because I can fix it but then something will happen either way that you get stuck on npc quests or hqm quests which both lead to that you cant continue the story
The first Note #3(second journal) you get is when you hand in Note#2 at the mayor. It is an NPC quest, default keybinding is L if I remember correctly (but it is conflicted so it wont work) with that key you can check your current npc quests which note should be one of them. For the second note #3(third journal) needed you should read the journal from the day before to find out what you have to do. Also you have to have completed the yellorium quest at Max to unlock the way to get the next Note (Note #3)
Sorry for the long posts, I dont have any potato for you