Oops. That's my fault. I thought the reactor building was also made out of one of the chisel decorative blocks. I didn't even bother to look to see if it was made out of aluminum. I feel dumb.You actually have to get it from the reactor building, I will fix it in the discription of the reactorbuilding in the hqm book that you can use the aluminium

The normal way of getting enderium should be enabled, you should be able to get it with the orange ingot from enderio with 1 enderpearl into the alloy furnace of enderIO.
That's the recipe for vibrant alloy. Enderium is made by using two tin, one silver, one shiny metal and one bucket of ender, along with pyrotheum dust. It's necessary for pretty much any thermal expansion resonant/tier 4 recipe. (Edit: I did look in NEI pretty extensively to see if there were any alternate enderium recipes, but everything seemed to require at least one shiny metal.)
Edit2: I just remembered that I couldn't find any cactus/green dye, so I couldn't do the one of the jetpack particles combines. I wasn't looking very hard for this, though, so I might have missed it.
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