[1.7.10] Void World HQM Map [270+ Quests|ProjectE|CustomNPCmod|Second place of JampackedII]

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Damn I love this pack.

But then I made a booboo. So I got this smeltery recipe thing and I didn't know how to open it, googled, built a projector and plugged it in there. Now it says "Height Map" and I lost the smeltery recipe thing, and now that I know what I actually need it for, the quest won't accept it anymore.
It does not exist in NEI --- does that mean I have to start over?

pls say no.

I also have the quest tab glitch nefentari mentioned.
You wont have to start over again, you just needed to hand the item in the quest book. But for bugged/failed hqm quests see the bugs section on the front page to fix it. Amd the quest tab seems to be bugged and it is the latest version of customnpc already I have to look to it and ask the internet for myself to try to fix it
Damn I love this pack.

But then I made a booboo. So I got this smeltery recipe thing and I didn't know how to open it, googled, built a projector and plugged it in there. Now it says "Height Map" and I lost the smeltery recipe thing, and now that I know what I actually need it for, the quest won't accept it anymore.
It does not exist in NEI --- does that mean I have to start over?

pls say no.

I also have the quest tab glitch nefentari mentioned.

luckily, you wont have to restart. type /hqm edit into the chat and you'll get a HQM book in edit mode. open it, find the quest were you got the thing and shift left click it twice. that should restart it and just trow away the edit book and claim the quest.

I don't know if this is already reported but on first launch i've a crash-to-desktop when placing a full energy cell inside the hole (right or left it's the same) near the portal.

New bug!! what does the crash message say?
I love this pack so much! But I have one question do you plan on maybe making a server download for this because my friend and I love doing these quest packs together :)
Are the days supposed to be REALLY short or is it a bug with one of the mods? I had it happen in another pack before with projecte and I just used the watch of flowing time to fix the day cycle.
My post is incomplete sorry.

There is no crash log and when I log back after the crash the energy cell is in the hole.

probably a placement bug.

I love this pack so much! But I have one question do you plan on maybe making a server download for this because my friend and I love doing these quest packs together :)

Probably, but we'd rather squash all the bugs before that.

Are the days supposed to be REALLY short or is it a bug with one of the mods? I had it happen in another pack before with projecte and I just used the watch of flowing time to fix the day cycle.

100 percent intended! otherwise you would have to much time to torch the place up
Every time I go to launch this, it gives me this in the console and refuses to start.

[21:37:20] [main/ERROR]: Unable to launch
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:106) ~[launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:98) [launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) [launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]

P.S. I have tried deleting and re-installing the mod files,too.
Bug: I can't reach the quest: Old Portal - I am in Nether but the quest is still active not completed. Any ideas?
Thanks very much :)
just use the way described in the bug section on the front page, I dont know why even when I set the range to 10 last time (since it was a bug before) it suddenly came back.
The problem is that you have to be on the exact coords if you want to complete the quests even with the range. Next patch I might move the place where you have to be, but that depends if you have zero effect on it so you dont have to complete a lot of quests again since it is an quest at the start.

I love this pack so much! But I have one question do you plan on maybe making a server download for this because my friend and I love doing these quest packs together :)
Yes I am, probably tomorrow or monday I will upload a server version. I just need to make the files ready. The updates might be a bit delayed because my partner is gone for about a month so the big updates will be a bit slower right now. But I try to create a bugpatch once a week/2weeks. Also remember that if you have a server that it might now be updated already so if the server files are live and the launcher got an update but the server didnt you cant play

Are the days supposed to be REALLY short or is it a bug with one of the mods? I had it happen in another pack before with projecte and I just used the watch of flowing time to fix the day cycle.
Yes the daytime is supposed to be short, it is intented that you have a lot of mobs spawning. But since there are no caves to let the mobs spawn all the mobs will spawn on the islands. If it doesnt become daytime and burn the zombies and skellies up it will be impossible to move at the start of the pack. So yeah it is intented. The nighttime is normal tho. You have about 2 minutes day so you can move a bit at the start and the mobs dont go all crazy and 10 minutes night
Is anyone alse having trouble with the Jason quest in the town section? it doesnt have Coöds in my book and i can't find Jason anywhere in the city.
Is anyone alse having trouble with the Jason quest in the town section? it doesnt have Coöds in my book and i can't find Jason anywhere in the city.
Try marking the houses you've checked of in Journeymap. process of elimination.

Am I just missing a ton of NPC files or are most of the houses empty?
Yes. again, try marking the houses of on journeymap. then you wont enter the same house twice.
I love this pack so much! But I have one question do you plan on maybe making a server download for this because my friend and I love doing these quest packs together :)
just go to the minecraft forge website, look for forge (as of me typing this now) download installer, go to server set to folder, run it without mods on your pc, let the files generate, copy all mods except nei,tinker tooltips, ect to the mods folder, copy your world, and configs to configs folder. Run the server and have fun. (havent actually done this yet, but that is how i make my instances. its pretty straightforward) SOME PACKS ARE DIFFERENT THAN OTHERS SOME REQUIRE STUFF LIKE CUSTOMNPCS FOLDER AND SIMILAR
Signed up to say I am loving this pack. My only gripe is the amount of mobs that can and do spawn in a room. I can get from building to building just fine. But I have found if you don't build a just right pigman farm or go just slow enough to get into a building. Then you are dead pretty fast. This is even with me making iron armor and having a sword maxed out to highest dps possible for near start and i still get killed relatively fast due to entering a room and having 10+ zombies with 5+ skeletons and 2 witches with their cats on me. Other than that it is a great mod pack.
just go to the minecraft forge website, look for forge (as of me typing this now) download installer, go to server set to folder, run it without mods on your pc, let the files generate, copy all mods except nei,tinker tooltips, ect to the mods folder, copy your world, and configs to configs folder. Run the server and have fun. (havent actually done this yet, but that is how i make my instances. its pretty straightforward) SOME PACKS ARE DIFFERENT THAN OTHERS SOME REQUIRE STUFF LIKE CUSTOMNPCS FOLDER AND SIMILAR
Thanks this seems to be working :3 (I only loaded up the spawn but I'll probably be able to actually play it tomorrow)
Found a bug with smelting building. I didn't want to move the smelter over to my house as I got the area to it clear and fenced off.So when I click on the controller it shows the GUI for putting metal in and then it shuts down.
Found a bug with smelting building. I didn't want to move the smelter over to my house as I got the area to it clear and fenced off.So when I click on the controller it shows the GUI for putting metal in and then it shuts down.
I will update tinkers anyway in the patch because there is another bug with it. Hopefully that crash will be fixed too then.

just go to the minecraft forge website, look for forge (as of me typing this now) download installer, go to server set to folder, run it without mods on your pc, let the files generate, copy all mods except nei,tinker tooltips, ect to the mods folder, copy your world, and configs to configs folder. Run the server and have fun. (havent actually done this yet, but that is how i make my instances. its pretty straightforward) SOME PACKS ARE DIFFERENT THAN OTHERS SOME REQUIRE STUFF LIKE CUSTOMNPCS FOLDER AND SIMILAR
I am working on a patch right now + the server for that version that will be available on the launcher soon (and probably for manual download today) depends on if my internet will derp on me.
But yeah that is what im going to do :p