I'm assuming you don't have a dislocation orb to teleport yourself back, in which case a couple of options come to mind:I did something stupid and need help...I opened up the Ancient temple and read what the guy said and instead of clicking the leave conversation option, I clicked the land of fire by accident. Now I am stuck in the Nether...Anyway to get pack without losing all my stuff?
- you could die (I'm *pretty* sure gravestones work in the nether), which will respawn you back wherever you last slept, grab yourself some obsidian and a flint'n'steel and a pickaxe, and go back to the nether, grab your stuff from the gravestone, and build yourself a portal in the nether to get home again with your stuff but without any XP you may have had...
- (cheaty method) open up to LAN, enable cheats, temporarily set to gamemode 1, give yourself in some obsidian and a flint'n'steel, and thus avoid dying...