Hi All,
I play with a buddy, open to LAN, allow cheats, and he is able to get on same game as me. great. but, every time I create a mystcraft world, he gets booted. any ideas?. he is on a laptop and I am on desktop. we added fastcraft to both machines, otherwise, he would not be able to move

. we both have 7 gigs of ram allocated on the FTB launcher. both using java 7.
anyway, today, he is not here, so he was not logged in so I thought I would visit some mystcraft worlds. I created 3 worlds with just a link page, no other pages. I have done this each time until I can get a stable world created so I can find some other pages. anyway, I am on about # 14 book and I clicked to get it loaded, I dropped into the world into liquid, thought it was water, quickly hit double tap to fly and the machine froze and dropped connection.
I reloaded FTB and tried to enter the world 3 more times and each time, I am in that world, but as soon as it starts to load, I crash again.
here is the first pastebin of the crash, I have the other 3 if needed
I am hoping that I do not have to start the world over, but will if I have to.
my question is, is there a way to delete that myst world? if so, where will I spawn at? or am I out of luck since I am in that world?
let me know if I need to give any other information
thanks for any help