[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Doesn't Thaumic Tinker let you smelt down Thaumium Ingots and smelt them into tool/weapon parts? Because Thaumium Ingots so far, don't seem smeltable..nor did I see a molten thaumium material in NEI. Searched the topic but nothing on the ingots.
if you're sick of making food,
environmental controller from rftools ,place it and insert one of the 2 saturation modules(must be crafted separately) inside of it (one does staturation 1 potion effect the other does saturation 3 potion effect these are both vanilla potion effects ) for a bit of rf per tick it will essentially add the potion effect to area nearby u specify in its settings .the rf cost is based on what the modules your are trying use in the environmental controller , (saturation is a reletively cheap module saturation 3 is only a bit more expensive )the other part of the rf cost is how much volume of space u want it to effect more volume more rf cost it does not mater if there are blocks in the volume area or not for counting the rf cost . mine emits a small area effect saturation 3 that just happens to cover my ae center place so when ever im there my hunger gets refilled and its only costing me about 60rf/t(maybe less) constantly and its only costing me that constantly because im not using the blocks redstone controls . i still "need" to eat sometimes while im out in the world away from my base (disclaimer :the word need has quote marks only because i have the ring of odin from botania among its other perks i am incapable of taking dmg from starvation )
-edited the disclaimer bit it now refers to the word thats actually has quote marks -
Thaumium Ingots and smelt them into tool/weapon parts?
thaumium tool parts are made in the part builder because "magical material "
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Ah, that works. Thanks! I was trying to use agricraft water pads, which it didn't seem to like.

For rice to work with Agricraft you need the rice seed, not rice. Then the seed will work on the waterpad. To get the seed either trade for it in the market or find one in a village agricraft building or you can mutate it with sugar cane and something else...not sure what.
Just to make sure i'm understanding correctly - Let's say I want to crate a bunch of potatoes. Is it possible to get a 1000 EMC crate with a bunch of potatoes (50 EMC each?) I got a 50% full one , but I can't seem to make it go higher as the next tier (500 to 1000) would require 10 potatoes, which do not fit on a crafting grid..
So it's a no go, right?
Just to make sure i'm understanding correctly - Let's say I want to crate a bunch of potatoes. Is it possible to get a 1000 EMC crate with a bunch of potatoes (50 EMC each?) I got a 50% full one , but I can't seem to make it go higher as the next tier (500 to 1000) would require 10 potatoes, which do not fit on a crafting grid..
So it's a no go, right?
Simple, just combine 2 500 fmc crates and you've got yourself a coin.
I've completed all the Initial Research, but the main page shows 94%.

Any ideas?

I've triple checked the page and they are all shown as Complete.

How come my tools dosent get any buuf/perk when they level up? is it disabled or soemthing and if so how can i turn it on?.. its just an aspect i realy enjoy >,<
How come my tools dosent get any buuf/perk when they level up? is it disabled or soemthing and if so how can i turn it on?.. its just an aspect i realy enjoy >,<

I think that you could go into the cfg file in Iguana Tweaks and change it to what you want.
How come my tools dosent get any buuf/perk when they level up? is it disabled or soemthing and if so how can i turn it on?.. its just an aspect i realy enjoy >,<
It's like every 3 levels or so, they get an upgrade, every 2 I think gets a modifier slot. It scales though, so these numbers may be off.
I think that you could go into the cfg file in Iguana Tweaks and change it to what you want.
What if i remove the Iguana Tweaks then re install it manualy fromt he site. would i get the normal configs then?.. i dont trust my own skills to change the config
What if i remove the Iguana Tweaks then re install it manualy fromt he site. would i get the normal configs then?.. i dont trust my own skills to change the config

No you will still be using the old configs. TO get the default configs you will need to delete the Iguana Tweaks config folder. but if you do that there is a chance that it will break something in the pack balance wise.
No you will still be using the old configs. TO get the default configs you will need to delete the Iguana Tweaks config folder. but if you do that there is a chance that it will break something in the pack balance wise.
Well if its just how the game is balanced it dosen't bother me to much. anything else that might break? if not all i need to do is delet the congfix and add it from a separat downlaod with configs that lays in my intrests?
What if i remove the Iguana Tweaks then re install it manualy fromt he site. would i get the normal configs then?.. i dont trust my own skills to change the config

It is really easy and convenient though. Look for these lines in main.cfg

toolleveling {
# Adds a random bonus on these levelups if 'RandomBonuses' is enabled
I:BonusesAtLevels <


# Adds an extra modifier on these levelups if 'ExtraModifiers' is enabled
I:ModifiersAtLevels <

..and change the numbers to your liking without touching anything else.
Hello, I'm here for some feedback =)
Very good pack ! I had a lot of fun playing it, and the trade system is a very good idea, and implemented masterfully.
Here's a bunch of random mixed remarks/suggestions

- Like every pack with a bunch of mods stuck together with default config/recipe, it is very easy (as in, endgame is reached fast, 90% of blocks are obsolete before you even get a chance to use them, unless you force yourself to use them).
The trade system is a great way to create progression. Thankfully you did it with DE (during early stages I was like "nooo he has a beast of a way to create progression and he doesnt use it!!" until I reached DE :p)

=> IMO, it would be neat to gate many more things behind the business system.
The way you did it for DE but for more machines or machine components =) Ofc, I noticed this is not The Infinity Ferret Expert Business so that might not be your thing.
=> You could even do it for basic resource. As it stands, except for DE ofc, I only used the shop to get a few easy emeralds at start and that's it. Like "oops, sorry, your world doesn't have iron, gotta buy it!". Well, I'm going too far, this would be a different pack =)

- You should really consider tweaking (recipe or QUEST book) RFTools dimensions to endgame.
A minimal setup (dialing device, transmitter, dimension builder, dimension inscriber) costs 12 redstone + 5 enderpearls + 2 inksacks + 22 iron + 1 paper + 2 diamonds + 4 gold + 1 emerald + 8 lapis, add to this dimension tabs and digit dimlets if you wanna try multiple random dims.
In my playthrou, they were the first machines I made. My very first random dimension was a sapphire ore one lol. 8250 FMC per. For 100 RF/t. I was able to fill a barrel of sapphire in under 2 minutes by shift-mining with my starter Tinker's pickaxe (decent speed, fortune 3). A few world interaction upgrades later, I had a system auto crafting this barrel into more than 5 stacks of 100k FMC crates, which turned into 670ish BAGS of coins plus 1.5 draconium chit (the bottleneck was turning the 100k crates haha, even with octadic capacitors in the SAG mill).
For 2 minutes of mining. Pack = Won. *laughs at people and their cobblegens*
Sure I was lucky, but I mean one can just create more random dims with Digit dimlets and get a decent one for almost as cheap. At very early game.

- In case you don't know/it's not intended, one can make an ender dragon dimension. Since it drops between half a stack and a stack of draconium dust, this is pretty much a QUEST bypass =) I don't mind this one as much tho, as it's a bit harder to make a Dragon dimlet and use it. And resurrecting the dragon is boring anyways.

- A Bag of Coins > 50 coins recipe would be nice for autocrafting. Because my autonomous activators opening bags into vacuum hoppers feel a bit weird :p

- Really personal here, but I feel there are too many quests.
I noticed the effort you put into writing them, and it's nicely done, but I still find it boring when questbook goes like "craft every single item in this mod", even with the nice writing. I realize there are beginners and they might find it useful tho.
I prefer less quests, and I prefer them milestone-ish. Like "make this contraption <insert hints here>, submit proof you did it". Example "Time to ramp up your mana. Hint: gourmarilys rocks. Submit 4 full mana tablets plz". Or could make the quests more interesting by giving them a progression purpose.

- I like the variety of mobs!

- The quest "Crystal network" in ch.4 allows infinite Epic blind bags at no cost

- I have to restart my client every one hour or so, as I start getting huge spikes every few secs. Happened in
a couple other packs, but I could never pinpoint the cause

- I have Mekanism energy pipes connected to enderIO banks, they stop working from time to time (when chunk unloads maybe?). Reconfiguring the bank's output fixes it tho.

Final words :
Thanks a lot for this pack, it is really fun. I'm mostly done with it, but I might do a serious clean base as a last move as I rushed through it pretty fast. Like a big coin factory, altho it feels a bit pointless when I can just connect an enderquarry to my very first random dim.

Now if you want my eternal love, make "The Ferret Business Expert" with Infinity Expert-like progression PLUS your awesome FMC progression. Oh, and while you're at it, make it galacticraft-centric, let's start on the moon with only scarce resource, just enough to grind FMC to buy some basic metals, then slowly unlock new planets with more resources. :p

Well if its just how the game is balanced it dosen't bother me to much. anything else that might break? if not all i need to do is delet the congfix and add it from a separat downlaod with configs that lays in my intrests?

Ya. But like @Mlukvai said the config options are really easy to tweak. But the did forget to mention the option for the max number of levels the tool will gain as well.

# [range: 1 ~ 99, default: 6]
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