[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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When you purchase Iron, you get Iron Ore, and with the proper setup, you can turn that into 5x Ingots, which is what you turn in. While its difficult to get that level, I have to take that into account.

Might be better just to have the shop give out bars, since the time you need them the most is early game, where you don't have easy access to 5x from them. Or at least have getting the bars an option for the reward? Then you could buy bars when you need them early on at a reasonable rate, while still leaving room for a profitable ore smelting industry much later on. 4 iron bars (ore doubling stage) for a whopping 50 coins is at the "very nearly pointless" level, and let's not even mention the "scrape together every resource you have for 2 gold bars" rarer materials.

Maybe the amount of coin you get from (non shop related) quest rewards should be buffed?

Leftover, I had forgotten to change the tooltip and stuff. Realistic World Gen is included int he pack now but its optional, unlike Biomes O Plenty was.
You can automate turning in crates via the EnderIO SAGMill. The Supply quest page should give you one for free and explain how it works.

SAG mill?? Ohhh! I guess I missed that part since I didn't try automating for quite a while after I finished that quest.
Might be better just to have the shop give out bars, since the time you need them the most is early game, where you don't have easy access to 5x from them. Or at least have getting the bars an option for the reward? Then you could buy bars when you need them early on at a reasonable rate, while still leaving room for a profitable ore smelting industry much later on. 4 iron bars (ore doubling stage) for a whopping 50 coins is at the "very nearly pointless" level, and let's not even mention the "scrape together every resource you have for 2 gold bars" rarer materials.
"easy acess to 5x" only 1 mod in the pack gives 5x and it does not have a chapter in the quest book yet and the setup for 5x is sooo not a simple one or easy u need all the tiers below it from that mod as well because to use the product of the 5x processed ore u need to process it in the 4x machine then the 3x machine then the 2x machine then to get the ingot u need to process it in a "1x" machine , which is simply smelt it .
all the processing machines dont just ask for power to run either x3 and above needs a secondary component that is also consumed , the component also gets more complicated to make as move up from x3 , the power requirement is also not a laughing mater x3 base power requirement is over 1.6k rf/t and it only gets higher from then on (and this is before speed or factory upgrades )
"easy acess to 5x" only 1 mod in the pack gives 5x and it does not have a chapter in the quest book yet and the setup for 5x is sooo not a simple one or easy u need all the tiers below it from that mod as well because to use the product of the 5x processed ore u need to process it in the 4x machine then the 3x machine then the 2x machine then to get the ingot u need to process it in a "1x" machine , which is simply smelt it .
all the processing machines dont just ask for power to run either x3 and above needs a secondary component that is also consumed , the component also gets more complicated to make as move up from x3 , the power requirement is also not a laughing mater x3 base power requirement is over 1.6k rf/t and it only gets higher from then on (and this is before speed or factory upgrades )
Even so, it would be an infinite amount of ores...

Edit: Also, not trying to be a grammar nazi, but PLEASE use some punctuation. It took me 10 minutes to figure out what you were trying to say.
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You update mods at your own risk, sometimes a mod might remove/change an item, and that 'could' break quest progression. I don't think Draconic Evolution removes items or changes mechanics in the newer versions though.

but you change the config... i mean can't craft itens, i'm asking if i can update cuz i don't know if gonna change it back to normal....

i'll make a backup and try out...

EDIT: works! no problem, and bonus! my mob grider and blood magic altar inside the pirimide =P


Caigan.. why souls don't drop on the killer joe? =/ i make it just for this but... only drops on my kills... the sword have reaper V...
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why souls don't drop on the killer joe? =/ i make it just for this but... only drops on my kills... the sword have reaper V..
killer joe has a debuff to chances it gets a player only drop
so it could be because the chance for souls is lower then normal(and they are rareish normally) or it could also be possible that soul drops explicitly need a living breathing player(not a fake player) to harvest
Hey caigan, i may have asked this earlier but any chance on getting a bees/forestry questline? its a cool looking mod but i dont know what im doing :D
killer joe has a debuff to chances it gets a player only drop
so it could be because the chance for souls is lower then normal(and they are rareish normally) or it could also be possible that soul drops explicitly need a living breathing player(not a fake player) to harvest

i see on youtube.. but.. i just kill some mobs.. it's easy..

Caigan.. it's possible get the Draconic evolution's Energy infuser? the faster way for me now is the wireless chager from ender IO.. but.. its take much time... and put more.. don't help... just get some like 10000 RF/t... thermal expansion's infuser... (ressonat) get max 5000 RF/t..
i see on youtube.. but.. i just kill some mobs.. it's easy..

Caigan.. it's possible get the Draconic evolution's Energy infuser? the faster way for me now is the wireless chager from ender IO.. but.. its take much time... and put more.. don't help... just get some like 10000 RF/t... thermal expansion's infuser... (ressonat) get max 5000 RF/t..
have u tried more wireless chargers (i think they stack) , there is also big structures of vibrant capacitor banks each one part of a multiblock of them increases how much it can input at a time and more importantly for u how fast it can output (which might be the limit of how fast the bank it self can charge the ithem if the ithem will let its self be charged that fast)
u want a reference of how fast/ how much energy it can store and contain it can handle a netherstar gen *64 with a minor amount of connections to it (4?)
that is not even the max size of them the person doing that got impatient with the crafting time for more
have u tried more wireless chargers (i think they stack) , there is also big structures of vibrant capacitor banks each one part of a multiblock of them increases how much it can input at a time and more importantly for u how fast it can output (which might be the limit of how fast the bank it self can charge the ithem if the ithem will let its self be charged that fast)
u want a reference of how fast/ how much energy it can store and contain it can handle a netherstar gen *64 with a minor amount of connections to it (4?)
that is not even the max size of them the person doing that got impatient with the crafting time for more

about wireless charger: nope.. its the same... 1, 2.. 10... =(

about the capacitor bank... i'll try.. thanks! =D

EDIT: WORKS!!! \o/
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How and where to download?Post a link tothe modplease.

Скачать штрихового FTB пусковой ... нажмите на "3-й партии Пак" нажмите на "пакет" кода копии и последние "ILoveBlindBags" нажмите кнопку Добавить ... найти мод в списке .. играть! = D

Download the FTB ftb launcher... click on "3rd party Pack" click on "pack code" copy and past "ILoveBlindBags" click add... find the mod on the list.. play! =D
caigan the tesseract, wherever I go in the world, is not working so I need to deactivate and reactivate, has some way to solve this? =/
apparently the luck of the dragon bags know how to be trolly, i got one from a legendary bag i got from one of the draconic evolution quests and when i opened the legendary bag it was a luck of the dragons bag (i thought i was gonna get one of the crafting ingredents like an ingot or draconic core(t1 core) or particle generator )nope legenary vannila bag seems fine doesn't it , the trolly bit is what was in the vannila bag A dragon egg ....

now that we are done with that story its constructive feedback time (on fluxed crystals )
16 rough shards are needed to get 1 piece of sand ... that is way way tooo little yield considering 16 shards is 3 harvests of 1 seed and that sand is a very common block

on the positive side smooth ender shards being craftable into endermen skulls is a nice touch , more of that kind of side uses would be great (more ways to do it could be necrotic bones from wither shards and maybe a way to get the special witchery drops(like creeper hearts ) as a side product the same way the skulls are )