Why same ores from Thermal Foundation and Forestry spawn in the world? (like Tin and Copper). Is it a bug?
yes a bug with the forestry configsWhy same ores from Thermal Foundation and Forestry spawn in the world? (like Tin and Copper). Is it a bug?
This is in the plans, just haven't gotten around to it.- Could you apply the compact ores to the rest of the ore types in the game?
Doing my best to keep to one of each type, but config issues from last update caused the generation of Forestry, etc versions as well. Already corrected on my end.- If you plan on having multiple ores of the same type, such as thermal expansion copper and industrial craft copper, you should install an ore-dictionary conversion mod. I've seen some that add machines/items that convert one type of ore to it's ore dictionary counterpart. I say this because it makes things like sorting systems and barrel storage a whole lot easier.
Mekanism Universal Cable is able to convert on the fly between RF and EU.- I would like it if there was an energy conversion mod, that can convert RF to Industrial Craft 2 power. (Not sure if there already is one or not)
This was originally in the pack very early on, but was removed due to an odd issue, and the plan is for it to show up in the second (currently on hold) pack I will eventually work on. Eventually.Have you looked at Flaxbeard's Steam Power
Ah, this is probably because those launchers are still pointing at your old version of Java. Go into the options for any of your launchers, and double check that the Java Path is pointing to the proper one.I updated Java and now I can't launch ANY modpack on ANY launcher...
Yeah, it was an error with updating a mod and it wiping out the config without my knowing it.Why same ores from Thermal Foundation and Forestry spawn in the world? (like Tin and Copper). Is it a bug?
Done, also, vanilla MC currently doesn't work either. I would just go back to the working version, but of course the one time that it would be convenient for Java to NOT uninstall the previous update it does...This is in the plans, just haven't gotten around to it.
Doing my best to keep to one of each type, but config issues from last update caused the generation of Forestry, etc versions as well. Already corrected on my end.
Mekanism Universal Cable is able to convert on the fly between RF and EU.
This was originally in the pack very early on, but was removed due to an odd issue, and the plan is for it to show up in the second (currently on hold) pack I will eventually work on. Eventually.
Ah, this is probably because those launchers are still pointing at your old version of Java. Go into the options for any of your launchers, and double check that the Java Path is pointing to the proper one.
Yeah, it was an error with updating a mod and it wiping out the config without my knowing it.
Also, sorry for lack of responses and help from me lately! Was not a very fun week last week, but I have made progress on the update.
Thaumcraft questline is ALMOST done, but its taking even longer as it isn't always clear what unlocks the higher tier researches, and I want to make sure I have it clearly understood.
Pretty much all the items in it are either outright purchased, or crafted with purchased items.i'm waiting for the update to get into thaumcraft... Hey Caigan.. about craconic evolution.. all the mod can be used buying? or some item can't?
left over from the time when there was bop exploration questsQuestion. This mod pack doesn't launch with Biomes o Plenty. however it says that without BoP you cannot complete every quest. Ive found this pack interesting just from what Ive read but beffore starting I just wanted clarification on this. For the complete experience, do we need to add BoP to the modpack ourself and if so is just the latest version ok? Any conflicts or mod cross incompatibilities that need to be addressed? Or is this a left over from something that doesn't matter anymore?
left over from the time when there was bop exploration quests
from what ive heard easy is actually significantly more research point scrounging because your hard locked on what points u use for each research and how many u expend each research (scorging for pts from the deconstrction table is horrid for small batches fortunately we have forbidden magic so theres a lovely flower for research points the hard part is making them because of one key ingredient ) bottom line is easy mode research replaces one " evil" for another in thaumcraft 4to see what difficulty folks would like.
Leftover, I had forgotten to change the tooltip and stuff. Realistic World Gen is included int he pack now but its optional, unlike Biomes O Plenty was.Or is this a left over from something that doesn't matter anymore?
You can automate turning in crates via the EnderIO SAGMill. The Supply quest page should give you one for free and explain how it works.Can we get some bulk production/supply quests? The Quest Delivery System from HQM is badly broken (once you feed it the requirements for a quest, it keeps eating items, but with no reward. A bit of a black hole...), and it's rather painful to turn in 40 stacks of seed crates 6 at a time.
The loyalty is based on 20 Vouchers = 1 Loyalty, and is rounded to the nearest. I didn't want the 5 voucher small shop items to not be worth loyalty at all.Next, the amount of shop loyalty you get for a purchase is much lower in proportion to what you spend with more expensive items. You get 1 loyalty for a common ores at 5 shop vouchers, but only 5 loyalty for getting a greater blind bag at 100 vouchers! Also, the number of trading chits doesn't properly scale up with the difficulty of the contract.
Buying and Selling items is supposed to have a large difference, specifically due to Ore Multiplication techniques.Finally, the prices seem a bit high for both ores and blind bags. Consider that it costs 50 silver to buy 2 iron ore, but turning in 2 diamonds only gets you 15! Alternately, some of the contract rewards should be increased. In particular, the ones for metal bars and gems are very low, given that it's very easy to make a big wheat farm but harder to get large quantities of ore.
selling can be characterized as giving a material u dont really need/want for its self but buy is obtaining a specific resource that u need or want possibly in a hurryA few issues with the quests: the prices seem a bit high for both ores and blind bags. Consider that it costs 50 silver to buy 2 iron ore, but turning in 2 diamonds only gets you 15! Alternately, some of the contract rewards should be increased. In particular, the ones for metal bars and gems are very low, given that it's very easy to make a big wheat farm but harder to get large quantities of ore.
You update mods at your own risk, sometimes a mod might remove/change an item, and that 'could' break quest progression. I don't think Draconic Evolution removes items or changes mechanics in the newer versions though.Caigan.. can i update the draconic evolution? some things change.. like armor texture.. i update botania.. the new armor textures are so cool! *O*