[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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This bag description seems weird:
This bag description seems weird:

Ah yeah I've found a few of these, its me goofing up MetaID numbers in some of the minetweaker scripts. It doesn't change whats in them, just the tooltip text.


I'm SHOOTING for submitting the pack by the weekend, but I make no promises. My apartment complex has chosen the best timing to do construction work on our buildings all this and next week, and will be disconnecting internet and power at various times, as well as constant hammering on the walls during the day as they work.

Losing internet doesn't slow me down when writing quests, but it does when I'm updating mods and trying to research bug fixes and other things. Losing power, well, yeah that kinda puts a crimper on working on the update.
Hi Caigan,
Looking forward to the next update.
I have been trying to complete the power provider supply contracts and it will not allow me to create the shipping crate, tried in various crafting tables. I have also looked around at known issues and done some good old googling, but could not find anything.
So is it known, and I just cannot find it ? or is it simply user error and I am doing something stupid ?

I have been trying to complete the power provider supply contracts and it will not allow me to create the shipping crate, tried in various crafting tables. I have also looked around at known issues and done some good old googling, but could not find anything.
So is it known, and I just cannot find it ? or is it simply user error and I am doing something stupid ?
The Power Provider crafting and quests have been very odd to debug and constantly have issues. They might be removed next version, more because of balancing reasons, until I figure out a proper scale for them and a better method of submission.
Hi Caigan,
Looking forward to the next update.
I have been trying to complete the power provider supply contracts and it will not allow me to create the shipping crate, tried in various crafting tables. I have also looked around at known issues and done some good old googling, but could not find anything.
So is it known, and I just cannot find it ? or is it simply user error and I am doing something stupid ?

interesting ive never noticed an issue with making the ones that need a full hardend capacitor , did u remember to turn off the capacitor before u tried to craft it into a crate (the not glowing mode)
They might be removed next version, more because of balancing reasons, until I figure out a proper scale for them
i kinda expected they might be changed , submitting them i have not had any issue with and its very simple
The Power Provider crafting and quests have been very odd to debug and constantly have issues. They might be removed next version, more because of balancing reasons, until I figure out a proper scale for them and a better method of submission.

Just when I got my reactor working... Too bad it is buggy, it is a unique idea and quite nice.

Just got my first "Legendary" blind bags and the rewards are great. I don't ever seem to get ingots or ore in the Basic blind bags. That might add some variety to the DecoCraft and Botania things that seem to dominate what I get now.

In the General store, I love being able get the end stone and seeds relatively early. It is a nice alternative to the ender farm and worth saving tickets for. May I suggest a fairly cheap and early option of Obsidian? It is an early target as I am building Tinker's Construct for Alumite. I suspect there are other early and mid game items that people work towards and would love the option to buy a bit earlier. Having a wider selection in the store makes it more attractive. Maybe charged certus quartz, though a charger is not that hard, or some of the ender alloys. The enderman skull? I am sure other people have resources that they have to work towards early on that might be interesting in the store.

Looking forward to the next version, good luck with the construction at the apartment!
Just when I got my reactor working...
in the General store, I love being able get the end stone and seeds relatively early. It is a nice alternative to the ender farm and worth saving tickets for. May I suggest a fairly cheap and early option of Obsidian? It is an early target as I am building Tinker's Construct for Alumite

u have a big reactor before u have a smeltry ? also last i check the smeltry has an obsiden recipe if it was not disabled in the configs "alloy" water and lava in the smeltry and u get liquid obsidian
if that recipe is disabled there is always an igneous extruder from te
Just when I got my reactor working... Too bad it is buggy, it is a unique idea and quite nice.
I do plan on having Power Contracts, but they'll be somewhat different. I need to properly recheck and refactor the costs, as Big Reactors is not the only mod with a deep end of RF Energy Generation reaching Mariana Trench levels anymore.

Just got my first "Legendary" blind bags and the rewards are great. I don't ever seem to get ingots or ore in the Basic blind bags. That might add some variety to the DecoCraft and Botania things that seem to dominate what I get now.
Something I'm planning for 0.1.2 (the version after this one) is redoing the blind bag rewards so that each mod only has a single in each tier, and it will give you one of the current bags. That way each mod has an equal chance.

This will make it easier, as well, for me to have some 'generic resource' bags in each tier, without them getting lost to a 1% chance of obtaining.

In the General store, I love being able get the end stone and seeds relatively early. It is a nice alternative to the ender farm and worth saving tickets for. May I suggest a fairly cheap and early option of Obsidian?
This kind of thing I do have planned for the store, along with the partially implemented 'weapon' and 'armor' crates I'm halfway done with right now.

u have a big reactor before u have a smeltry ?
Not uncommon if you are avoiding TE or wanting to take different paths each time you start a new world. Doing the same setup of hunting down clay etc for a TE Smeltery gets boring after the 10th time. =)


Also, thank you to everyone for your compliments and suggestions and comments. I know I seem like I don't respond to those directly, but mostly the reason is over half my posts would be thank yous to everyone for waiting patiently for the update. :oops:
hunting down clay etc for a TE Smeltery gets boring after the 10th time. =)
um te does not have a smeltery it has an induction smelter , tinkers does . true making a tinkers smeltry can get borring but this is why explore around for a village to pillage so many nice "components "

i find it hard to ignore doing tinkers for what it is and because of the settings being used for iguana tweaks

yes the resource shop is lovely getting a few bits of a material your missing on the spot instead of having to going out to grab some
Do you know if the next update will need a world restart? Been wanting to start this over for a couple weeks now but have been holding off to see.
so i was killing a gai for the quest then a blood moon happens at the end of the fight , i thought ill be fine then 2 mins after ikill the gai ,Everlasting drowned death message shows up . i had a water breathing effect active how do u drown when u have the water breathing potion effect on you . infernal mobs should not be able to drown someone that is counted as immune to drowning (it was not just some infinite air effect )
Ok i posted earlier but deleted it because i was trying out some of the fixes.. nothing has worked. i crash as soon as i try to start a game. one time it did let me in and i was able to play for a bit, but i shut down and when i try to play that same game again it crashes. i've tried installing it in a different location, i've tried reinstalling the modpack, i've tried deleting the hardcorequesting folder. nothing works =( please help, i really want to check out this modpack.



Some bug reports for you.
When I crate gold and lead and then submit them to the SAG mill, it works. However, when I go to the QUEST, it does not show the quests as completed.

The gold contract takes four ingots, but the contract guide states 2.

Coin bagging. If I am bagging a lot of coins, clicking submit and claim reward, over and over again, I get occasional crashes. I hope those are being captured automatically for you? When I restart, I always have a reward outstanding, so it accepted the coins, but then crashed. Also, that mechanic does need some attention. I had over 3,000 coins and submitting each batch of 50, then claiming at the exchange rate, was not a "Fun maximizing" thing. Perhaps larger bags or a straight conversion at the highest rate you have earned?

Thanks and no worries about replying or not. I am happy just to help improve the pack. And I complain a lot by nature, so I have a "bug searching" personality!
u have a big reactor before u have a smeltry ? also last i check the smeltry has an obsiden recipe if it was not disabled in the configs "alloy" water and lava in the smeltry and u get liquid obsidian
if that recipe is disabled there is always an igneous extruder from te

Thanks for the pointer on the Igneous extruder. The smeltery does not seem to have the water and lava recipe at this time.
My smeltery makes obsidian just fine.
How do you add the water and lava? If I put obsidian in, I can get it out, but I when I put buckets of lava or water in the controller, it will not melt them.

On the text for the Awakened Draconium chit turn in, it says "all ore has a 10% chance...."
How do you add the water and lava? If I put obsidian in, I can get it out, but I when I put buckets of lava or water in the controller, it will not melt them.

tank with water and lavai in it being pulled with a fluid pipe which is easy to get with glass and a chisel and some bindings into the smeltery, kinda forgot this option since i always seem to find enough parts of obsidian so i can make alumite. Also making a quick Extruder from TE for 1:1 with lava and water ration per obsidian isn't to bad with how easy it is to find lava pools get a buildcraft pump, survivalist generator, and a tank or my favorite a drum to fill with lots of lava.
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