[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Running into this when I updated any thoughts I can do to work it out?
wow that a lot of text being repeated over and over and over and over after trying to login to a world
hmmm last i rember we had to do something before updating something with hqm else insane load times . ah here it is


If you are playing on an existing world from or older, you MUST delete the /HardcoreQuesting/ folder in your world folder! Otherwise, the game will take 10+ minutes to load your world every time!

so take note of ur quest progress before u delete it this includes noting any progress in any quest and quests u have done and ur current rep on all 3 bars
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wow that a lot of text being repeated over and over and over and over after trying to login to a world
hmmm last i rember we had to do something before updating something with hqm else insane load times . ah here it is

so take note of ur quest progress before u delete it this includes noting any progress in any quest and quests u have done and ur current rep on all 3 bars

Holds hands over face and face palms twice you are right I did not even think about that......jezz
Has anyone had crashing problems when trying to search the NEI?
Hm odd, I'll look into it.

Hi! Where can download the server for this modpack?
In the FTB Client, select the modpack and up top there will be a Download Server button.

Running into this when I updated any thoughts I can do to work it out?
Disable OPIS and see if that works.

wow that a lot of text being repeated over and over and over and over after trying to login to a world
hmmm last i rember we had to do something before updating something with hqm else insane load times . ah here it is
It could also be this, yes. The repeated thing looks to be from mapwriter though, which is part of OPIS. But if your world is taking forever to load, you may have forgotten to delete your HQM progress from a save before 0.1.0.
Using the media fire link... just to add a confirmation, the server download link is grayed out for me too.
Okay, bit of update on the current progress :

  • The missing Server downloads on the FTB Launcher are now being looked into.
  • Recurrent Complex will not be added. I have an idea on how to do something similar with already-included COFH worldgen, since all i was going to use it for was mostly scattered treasure chests and stuff.
  • Open Modular Turrets is being updated to Open Modular Turrets 2, which is supposed to be a lot cleaner performance wise. If its still fairly heavy (it used to add a bit more load than I would expect from a mod its size), I'll drop it, since the primary reason it was added was due to Lycanites Mobs, of which it didn't always target hostiles properly. With Project Zulu replacing it, there are less 'super hostile' type mobs, especially flying ones.
    • I won't update the quests for this until next version, since I don't know if its being kept yet.
  • Dense Ores, Binnies Mods, and Open Eye will be kept. The first two by request, the last because
  • Aura Cascade quests were redone slightly and now balanced with rewards. Took longer than I wanted, but I was trying to limit how many quests it took.
  • I'm working on the second half of the Draconic Evolution quests now, since these will be simple to write up.
  • After this, I need to go through and clear up the quests that are no longer relevant (BoP ones mostly)
Whats the chance of having to restart completely due to a new update? If i have to keep resetting maps I'd rather just wait till its a finished pack.
Whats the chance of having to restart completely due to a new update? If i have to keep resetting maps I'd rather just wait till its a finished pack.
You almost never need to restart the world itself from an update.

HQM is a different matter, though. Given the structure of HQM 4 quest files, changing older quests can result in the requirement of resetting questing data.

You don't have to restart the quests from scratch, though. You are able to use /hqmedit playername to summon an editing book for them, and re-complete quests you've already done. I have also included a few temporary quests to regain reputation in Job Title, Shop Loyalty, and Trader Rank via creative only spawnable items.
Server downloads have been fixed on the FTB Launcher! You should now be able to download the server files directly int he launcher, instead of finding the mediafire link I've posted.

(Do note, that the Curse version does not sync up the server versions.)
@Raetac Damn just started to watch your first episode of this mod pack
is this new that the Quest book reeds everything or are you doing it

i'm working on a mod pack my self at the moment if the rest of your series are as funny i wuld be hounerd to have you play and video my pack also

if you do de reading of the book please contact me by PM
Hello, Can anyone tell any tips on how I could shop voucher? I'm having a hard time joining coins and exchange for voucher.
Right now I'm trying to get all the seeds of magical crops, but so far only got the first levels.

magical crops seeds are separated in tiers each tier has its own quest some tiers have 2 quests(so many seeds) . if u dont see the other tiers yet then u have not progressed enough i believe
then theres the other half of the tiers quests focused and sealed behind greater requirements having an easier time to get the seed u want
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Thanks for all the work on the pack, it is deeply appreciated.

Two comments and a suggestion.

With the bags of coins, I was having a similar problem to the individual who posted a few pages back. Perhaps a way around it is to disable the ability to bag coins until the tin tier, where you also get the ability to turn them in.

Good call on keeping Dense Ores. I always get a small smile when I find a dense ore of what I need, it just adds a small nice thing to the game.

Biomes of Plenty is pretty good, though I don't know anything about the technical side, so I defer to you completely on that. In my opinion, the mod that has the biggest and least desirable visual impact on world gen is Botania. Those flowers clutter up the landscape, everywhere, and really change the feel of many biomes. Of course, many folks love that mod and that is their right. I normally take it out of whatever pack I am playing, but in the Ferret pack, I don't want to risk upsetting the quest lines. And I don't complain when I put them in a cheap plant contract!

Again, thanks for all the work, the hundreds of hours of your time is appreciated!
Hello, Can anyone tell any tips on how I could shop voucher? I'm having a hard time joining coins and exchange for voucher.
Right now I'm trying to get all the seeds of magical crops, but so far only got the first levels.

The quests with multiple levels sometimes need a fair bit more to complete. You might want to wait on those. Early on, you might want to do a number of the easy starter quests to get some coins. A trick I found useful was the gems I got from mining, but which I don't use very much. They can be turned in for some rewards. Similarly, if you know you won't be playing a mod, you can cash in those goods. For example, I don't play Botania, so I am happy to sell the magic flowers.
I normally take it out of whatever pack I am playing, but in the Ferret pack, I don't want to risk upsetting the quest lines.

Just a side note, you can obtain the botania flowers with agricraft, so there's actually no need to have them naturally spawned if you don't mind using it. Mutation recepies are in NEI :).
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