[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Anyone know why i cant activate a wired modem (from computercraft) that is placed on a vibrant capacitor bank(from ender io) i can place a wired modem on a advanced computer and it activates fine when i right click it and i can place a wired modem on a reactor computer port (from big reactors) and activate it with a right click as well . this(placing a wired modem on a vibrant capacitor bank worked on the youtube video i saw it done on easly . the video is about 35 days old since the date it was posted

The Elf Plushie 5477:155 does not seem to be working with the crating system, though the text says it is suitable in inexpensive toy contracts. If you are not seeing this bug, that might be because it is 2 AM and I should go to bed.

With the bags of coins, I was having a similar problem to the individual who posted a few pages back. Perhaps a way around it is to disable the ability to bag coins until the tin tier, where you also get the ability to turn them in.
Hm, not sure which problem this was, I scanned back some pages but couldn't find the bagging issue.

Coin Bagging and Voucher Exchange change slightly in the next version :
  • You can bag coins via the QUEST Tablet, or automated via the SAG Mill.
  • For now Bags of Coins are ONLY for storage reasons, until my partner can find the time to fork the EnderIO SAG Mill and Alloy Smelter code into custom machines.
  • Voucher Exchanges no longer give Shop Loyalty reputation.
    • Instead, every Shop item now gives roughly 1 Shop Loyalty per 20 coins worth spent, instead of the 1 per purchase previously.
  • Voucher Exchanges give a stack of Exchange Tokens, which you can use with an EnderIO Alloy Smelter to automate converting Silver Coins into Vouchers.
Anyone know why i cant activate a wired modem (from computercraft) that is placed on a vibrant capacitor bank(from ender io)
This might be a bug with the pack's current version of Computercraft/EnderIO. Both will be updated in the test version soon.

The Elf Plushie 5477:155 does not seem to be working with the crating system, though the text says it is suitable in inexpensive toy contracts. If you are not seeing this bug, that might be because it is 2 AM and I should go to bed.
DecoCraft contract stuff will need to be redone due to the crafting changes between DecoCraft 1 and 2.
  • Voucher Exchanges give a stack of Exchange Tokens, which you can use with an EnderIO Alloy Smelter to automate converting Silver Coins into Vouchers.
any chance u could add a recipe that makes it easy to get more exchange tokens of the same tier , a simple way to do it would be crafting 1 exchange token alone gets u more of that same exchange token (64?)

thank you for the reply about the modem and capacitor banks issue , yes hopefully its that simple of a bug to fix
Since I haven't done it in a while, here's some sneak peaks!

A little look at the instruction book for doing the Awakening Ritual.

The reworked General Store page. Magical Crops are no longer purchasable since they will be removed in 0.1.2, so be sure to convert them to Fluxed Crystals!

The Aura Cascade quest line.
Since I haven't done it in a while, here's some sneak peaks!

A little look at the instruction book for doing the Awakening Ritual.

The reworked General Store page. Magical Crops are no longer purchasable since they will be removed in 0.1.2, so be sure to convert them to Fluxed Crystals!

The Aura Cascade quest line.
I like it so far :)

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The reworked General Store page. Magical Crops are no longer purchasable since they will be removed in 0.1.2, so be sure to convert them to Fluxed Crystals!

so does this mean we wont be able to purchase either of them next version ?
Hm, not sure which problem this was, I scanned back some pages but couldn't find the bagging issue.

  • DecoCraft contract stuff will need to be redone due to the crafting changes between DecoCraft 1 and 2.

Thank you. The bagging issues is on the to do list, which is great.

As for DecoCraft, it was 2 AM and the error was mine. Sorry about that. The cute little elf plushies are fine if you put the correct number...
@Caigan i may need help, i placed Redstone Conduit (ID: 5640 or EnderIO:itemRedstoneConduit) and i cant break it. Creative, Crescent Hammer, Yeta Wrench, nothing worked.

EDIT: i did some test, and i cant break ANY conduit from EnderIO
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@Caigan i may need help, i placed Redstone Conduit (ID: 5640 or EnderIO:itemRedstoneConduit) and i cant break it. Creative, Crescent Hammer, Yeta Wrench, nothing worked.

EDIT: i did some test, and i cant break ANY conduit from EnderIO

strange i recently rewired a low power enderio energy section for a few sets of ender energy conducts(high power)
try focusing the yeta wrench to that conduct type then clicking serveral sections of that conduit in several ways(yes this does include shift clicking)
strange i recently rewired a low power enderio energy section for a few sets of ender energy conducts(high power)
try focusing the yeta wrench to that conduct type then clicking serveral sections of that conduit in several ways(yes this does include shift clicking)
I still cant take that conduit out.. :c
I still cant take that conduit out.. :c
hmmm well i just placed and removed several ender eneregy conducts for a big reactor ,
Lets see how have u tried using the yeta wrench to remove the conducts? since not asking methodically does not seem to be working for finding out whats bugging u but not bugging others
Well, i did reload the game and i can break it now, so i dunno what append. Thank you guys for the help.
Hi Caigan,

Do you want feed back on quests or would you prefer we stick to bug reporting?

For example, I did the first Extra Utilities quest last night and it is working fine. Moving to feed back, or opinions, turning in a block of planks and of obsdian didn't seem to have any connection to the mod or introduce me to any new items. And two emeralds, just to kick off the quest chain, seemed too high. If it was to craft an item I would use or was at the end of the various quests, it would seem more appropriate. The backpacks quest, which had me learn about the crafting backpack, which was brand new to me, seemed much more satisfying and linked to the mod.

I am happy to send you what you want and do appreciate the work you have put into the pack.

Best way to get emeralds -> Set your home on a village, villagers will drop Emeralds, like Chickens drop Eggs.
best early game method ,if u can find a villager selling reuseable safari net u can just keep 1 set of them at your home base for the price of 3 emeralds (and u get to keep the net after)(sure u could make and use the single use ones for this but they break after use) place them over a hopper leading into a chest, mid game or end game its magical emerald crops or the old method of auto spawning them into a smeltery there are more method but one of them needs a special enchantent from a thaumcraft addon and a sword that wont break (manasteel,terasteel,elementium dont count)
I know a bunch of people have asked this but I haven't found a server that has worked yet so, does anyone have a server that works and is 24/7 for me and my friend
i may need help, i placed Redstone Conduit (ID: 5640 or EnderIO:itemRedstoneConduit) and i cant break it. Creative, Crescent Hammer, Yeta Wrench, nothing worked.
This is an odd bug with versions of EnderIO around the one currently in the pack. I 'believe' its fixed in an update, but its one of those hard to reproduce ones if I'm remembering correctly.

Do you want feed back on quests or would you prefer we stick to bug reporting?
All feedback is appreciated =)

Moving to feed back, or opinions, turning in a block of planks and of obsdian didn't seem to have any connection to the mod or introduce me to any new items.
Through the quest dialogue from Inventologist Irvine, he asks for 'samples of all sorts of things' from the world, to see what he can 'inventologize' into new things.

That being said, I didn't realize I had set Emeralds required to 2 instead of 1, changing this now.