[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yesterday was my partner and I's 14th anniversary, so spent most of today with him.

I did get a bit of work on the pack done today though, have a little sneak peak!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, that was due to a mistake in the configs I did. Follow the instructions here to fix it. =)
I saw that post literally an hour after making my post... ^^; Sorry about that, but thank you for responding so quickly! I just didn't notice the update text in game, so it's my fault =P Happy anniversary, btw!
Jul 29, 2019
Is there ANY way of increasing the amount of shipments we can make with metals like there is with toys? Sometimes I find myself with a large amount of metal shipments and I am just sitting here reading stuff and alt-tabbing to MC to redeem it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there ANY way of increasing the amount of shipments we can make with metals like there is with toys? Sometimes I find myself with a large amount of metal shipments and I am just sitting here reading stuff and alt-tabbing to MC to redeem it.

I know there are the large shipments, which use blocks instead of ingots/gems and are equivalent to a 9x trading deal, but I don't think there's more than that, currently at least. I'll venture a guess that you just processed a ton of nether amber ore and, due to the massive overflow of amber blocks, you put enough into crates to make over a stack, just like me. I did more or less the same thing, really. It got me through all the magic seeds, though, so that was nice. But yeah, there's not much else to do. I recommend maybe doing some building and check the book every few minutes to turn in your crates if you wanna do more than AFK it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This has been addressed multiple times. I recommend a thread search or maybe look at the most recent update post by Caigan.

I realized this shortly after making the post, and I'm an extreem n00b when it comes to forum posting... I also apologized to Caigan, who actually responded as well ^_^ This is literally like the fourth or fifth forum post I've ever made... sorry! ^^;;


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there ANY way of increasing the amount of shipments we can make with metals like there is with toys?
There is the Large Metal Contracts which unlock when you reach certain Trader ranks.

Right now I'm working out a way to turn in various Contracts without waiting for a cooldown, but for a reduced payout and no reputation. Instead it will give you some sort of chit you can turn in every once in a while for reputation.

The reasoning for this is that I want to sort of have reputation and money gain be paced out. Either I make the contracts give very little payout to be instant cooldown, or I have a cooldown relative to the payout. The first encourages giant factory setups, but the small amounts you turn in to start with may feel too grindy. The second has you watching the book and waiting around for each turn in to pop.

Right now we're using the latter system, but as I add more contracts, I'm realizing I need a different system in place.

I'm going to give people a good chunk of this week to keep testing 0.1.0 Beta while I implement this new system and get even more Contracts set up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Caigan this is driving me insane, but what's with the hidden quest in the hardware shop? Like, I've gotten all the metal and gem shipments that have been available since the beginning, but it's still registering at 95% complete (.8b version).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Caigan this is driving me insane, but what's with the hidden quest in the hardware shop? Like, I've gotten all the metal and gem shipments that have been available since the beginning, but it's still registering at 95% complete (.8b version).
Hmm, its most likely one I have hidden as its not used, and I can't delete quests in HQM, cause they will still count towards the max quest limit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hi i just started playing yesterday. your pack is so awesome! there are so many quests and the blind bags are so awesome. First I got carpet then cobblestone then everything I couldn't even think of! So yeah awesome^^ learning so much about modding.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, has anyone managed a good Wither killing system yet? I know that Ender IO reinforced obsidian and Thaumcraft warded blocks (but maybe not warded glass? I dunno) are Wither-proof, but I'm interested if anyone has gotten something good going yet.
Jul 29, 2019
So, has anyone managed a good Wither killing system yet? I know that Ender IO reinforced obsidian and Thaumcraft warded blocks (but maybe not warded glass? I dunno) are Wither-proof, but I'm interested if anyone has gotten something good going yet.

I personally use an extremely overpowered Tinker's Construct Sword with as much Quartz as I can chuck on. Usually kills a Wither within 30 seconds.

Usually I use an OP TC bow until the health is down enough to smack around. I like to fight Withers at the bottom of quarries that BC quarries make.
Jul 29, 2019
There is the Large Metal Contracts which unlock when you reach certain Trader ranks.

If that is for the blocks, trust me, I know of them. I mean the next step above that, where we can trade 5 block shipments for the rewards n such. That can even have a rediculous timer I don't mind. :p I get what you are saying for the cool-down though... I just have all these metals just lying around! D:

If not I'll just watch JonTron and alt-tab. No biggie.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If that is for the blocks, trust me, I know of them. I mean the next step above that, where we can trade 5 block shipments for the rewards n such. That can even have a rediculous timer I don't mind. :p I get what you are saying for the cool-down though... I just have all these metals just lying around! D:

If not I'll just watch JonTron and alt-tab. No biggie.

If you've got tons of iron laying around, I recommend doing the Compact Machines questline; those things devour iron like no tomorrow. Heck, the only reason why I have a surplus of iron right now is because I spent literally hours upgrading a hammer of mine in the Nether, and I decided to smelt down all the nether iron ore since I was suddenly hurting for iron on account of those quests.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Caigan I just thought of this, and I've no idea if it's feasible/you'd be willing to, but one thing you could put in one of the shops (I'd recommend hardware, maybe) would be a quest or few for specially made Ferret Shinies items that have no use other than being pure sources of Thaumcraft aspects. Maybe have them grouped so common aspects can be chosen from cheaply, and have the rarer ones cost a bit more; and they'd unlock after a certain point in the Thaumcraft quests, of course. I figured I'd suggest this since it seems like a pretty okay idea; the only issue I can think of (at almost 6 in the morning here :p) would be a limit on how many "choose one" rewards you can fit into a quest, assuming of course that it's worth it to actually make custom Ferret Shinies items and assign aspects to them and whatnot.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just thought of this, and I've no idea if it's feasible/you'd be willing to, but one thing you could put in one of the shops (I'd recommend hardware, maybe) would be a quest or few for specially made Ferret Shinies items that have no use other than being pure sources of Thaumcraft aspects.
Hmm that's not too bad an idea. Only issue I can see is a quest can only have 4 'choices' of reward. Hmmmmm......I'll have to think on it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm that's not too bad an idea. Only issue I can see is a quest can only have 4 'choices' of reward. Hmmmmm......I'll have to think on it.

Huh, I was afraid there was a limit like that. Maybe (and this would require a good bit of scanning and research) you could do a couple quests for the really hard to find ones/hard to find reasonably pure ones. By the latter, I mean ones that have a high "aspect pollution ratio" in almost everything (like, the aspects exist in items, but all the items they're in are chock full of other aspects that "pollute" that one pure aspect).

Another idea would be to disable mana pod spawning and have a couple (maybe 3) shops to buy some mana beans. One for the basic four primals (fire/water/earth/air), one for the order/entropy primals (and maybe herba, since it naturally occurs as a mana pod). And maybe a third shop that would unlock later/after turning in some higher level mana beans to buy some of the more complex ones to breed.

Possibly have leveled mana bean blind bags you could buy and have them like the magic seed bags? That way you could fit more per quest and cut down on quest.

I'm just kind of spitballing on the idea, so disclaimer: these ideas may be anywhere from amazing to "why would you even conceive of that?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm that's not too bad an idea. Only issue I can see is a quest can only have 4 'choices' of reward. Hmmmmm......I'll have to think on it.
Could you use that to narrow down the RNG game with the seed bags maybe? Have 4 rewards of smaller bags of seeds perhaps for the hand in?