[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Hmm, three things to try
1) update Ender IO and remove Ender Zoo (as its being removed in 0.0.3 anyways)
2) Add Optifine
3) Disable Journeymap

All the pages on the Researchology page are repeatable quests to get Coins and Reputation, and are not required to unlock other quests.

On that, Squids are not the only thing that drops tentacles : ghasts, taint tentacles, and many other things that have tentacles will drop them.
Ah, Ok, I didn't thing about those other things, thanks :D
Dang , hmm, wish I could peek at your OPISes to see things myself, this is very strange. I'll look into things on my end.

Ok I think I may have a strong possible cause for the issue. I noticed by experimenting that the entity and particle count would begin to skyrocket only when I would travel south or west from my base a certain distance but never if I traveled other directions and once I was past that point if I reloaded the map it would not lag again till I returned to base and tried to head south or west again. I repeated this experiment several times including looping around the suspected area and approaching from opposite direction and it was always triggered when approaching a localized area.

I switched to creative and explored the area from the air and noticed there was a eldrich obelisk and that had been one of the higher update time items in Opis so went down and there were 3 guardians and the obelisk which I killed and broke the obelisk but entities kept climbing so logged out and back in again. After eliminating the Obelisk and guardians no matter what I did to try and cause the lag it would not return. I also scouted out other obelisks and they caused no issues but did not find one that had guardians just those templars and had no lag issues with them.

I tries spawning in guardians with spawn eggs and they caused no issue and despawn if you leave the area so I believe naturally spawned guardians at obelisks may be the cause of the lag and they can be disabled in config with no real impact on the mod pack.

They will still spawn from warp but they also are not persistent like the ones at obelisks so will also not effect research.
Ok I think I may have a strong possible cause for the issue. I noticed by experimenting that the entity and particle count would begin to skyrocket only when I would travel south or west from my base a certain distance but never if I traveled other directions and once I was past that point if I reloaded the map it would not lag again till I returned to base and tried to head south or west again. I repeated this experiment several times including looping around the suspected area and approaching from opposite direction and it was always triggered when approaching a localized area.

I switched to creative and explored the area from the air and noticed there was a eldrich obelisk and that had been one of the higher update time items in Opis so went down and there were 3 guardians and the obelisk which I killed and broke the obelisk but entities kept climbing so logged out and back in again. After eliminating the Obelisk and guardians no matter what I did to try and cause the lag it would not return. I also scouted out other obelisks and they caused no issues but did not find one that had guardians just those templars and had no lag issues with them.

I tries spawning in guardians with spawn eggs and they caused no issue and despawn if you leave the area so I believe naturally spawned guardians at obelisks may be the cause of the lag and they can be disabled in config with no real impact on the mod pack.

They will still spawn from warp but they also are not persistent like the ones at obelisks so will also not effect research.
Ah, would that be spawneldercreatures in the config?
Ah, would that be spawneldercreatures in the config?

Yes it is. Found that info in this thaumcraft issue tracker after I determined it was probably the eldrich guardian that caused the problem.


After killing the guardian I spent about 2 hours flying all over the place on 3 different maps and could not get the lag to return and regularly checked opis for guardians and never found one that spawned naturally but many alters with the other spawns.

Apparently it is a very rare spawn and the configs don't have any way to increase the rate of natural spawn to confirm absolutely that it is the natural guardian causing it.
Yes it is. Found that info in this thaumcraft issue tracker after I determined it was probably the eldrich guardian that caused the problem.


After killing the guardian I spent about 2 hours flying all over the place on 3 different maps and could not get the lag to return and regularly checked opis for guardians and never found one that spawned naturally but many alters with the other spawns.

Apparently it is a very rare spawn and the configs don't have any way to increase the rate of natural spawn to confirm absolutely that it is the natural guardian causing it.
Ahh okay, since it something that can still appear in controlled areas (under different circumstances) I think I'll disable them. Thank you!
Ahh okay, since it something that can still appear in controlled areas (under different circumstances) I think I'll disable them. Thank you!

No problem. I have more fun tracking down bugs and issues than playing minecraft normally. lol
Honestly, i think this pack has alot of potential for what you are trying to achieve! i mean, most mod pack creators just put mods together... but you sir... you went as far as to add your own mod! i cant wait for the finished product! :D
This pack is really fun so far :) It's a shame that the blood magic questline isn't finished yet, I just LOOOVE that mod, but then again, theres botania and plenty of mining to do while I wait for them to get completed :rolleyes:

Also the RNG for the bags, managed to get 2 epics from a basic, which turned into a botania and vanilla bag, which THEN turned into a nether star and a flugal tiara, unfortunately mana generation is too slow to try using it, but I'll stick to being a bat for now
This pack is really fun so far :) It's a shame that the blood magic questline isn't finished yet, I just LOOOVE that mod, but then again, theres botania and plenty of mining to do while I wait for them to get completed :rolleyes:

Also the RNG for the bags, managed to get 2 epics from a basic, which turned into a botania and vanilla bag, which THEN turned into a nether star and a flugal tiara, unfortunately mana generation is too slow to try using it, but I'll stick to being a bat for now
What great luck!

And yeah, Blood Magic is one of those mods I'll be making a questline for sooner rather than later, but its one I'll have to research for a while to get a heavy understanding of it like I do Botania.

On other notes, 0.0.3 should be pushed to the launcher very soon, and 0.0.4 is already in the works. It will have a couple new mods : DecoCraft and Iguana Tweaks. It MAY Have Thermal Dynamics as well, depends on how stable its looking like all of the COFH updates work with other mods. The plan is also to have a couple dozen more quests to do, a chunk of new blind bags, and more!
Thanks for creating this awesome pack, it truly is an inspiration. Also one suggestion, can you make it so that pedriot, sapphire, and ruby pickaxes can vein mine?
That'd be just awesome, as I just upgraded my pick to pedriot, making 12 whopping picks just to find out I can't vein mine with them

Thank you! ~Jakethybro

EDIT: So far so good, until I purchased a common ore shipment. When I opened it I crashed.
Here is the report

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I'm getting a crash whenever I use an extra utilities blind bag, can anyone help me?

It's "Series C 2"
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Thanks for creating this awesome pack, it truly is an inspiration. Also one suggestion, can you make it so that pedriot, sapphire, and ruby pickaxes can vein mine?
That'd be just awesome, as I just upgraded my pick to pedriot, making 12 whopping picks just to find out I can't vein mine with them

Thank you! ~Jakethybro

EDIT: So far so good, until I purchased a common ore shipment. When I opened it I crashed.
Here is the report

Yep, 0.0.3 will add vein miner support for most tools. The Ore shipment issue is fixed in 0.0.3 as well
I'm getting a crash whenever I use an extra utilities blind bag, can anyone help me?

It's "Series C 2"
Ah, I see the error. Fixed for 0.0.4, but in 0.0.3 such issues won't crash the game anymore, we added some code to Ferret Shinies to prevent this.
0.0.3 is now up on the launcher!

  • New Quests!
    • Carpenter's Blocks in the Building Your Home page.
    • Botania Quests updated.
  • Many quest fixes!
    • Includes EnderIO SAG Mill fix
  • New and Improved Blind Bags!
    • Some new blind bags, some fixed blind bags, and improved code so that broken blind bags don't crash your game!
  • New Shop Items!
    • Ender Lily(Extra Utility), Ethereal Bloom(Thaumcraft), and Ender Air(Botania) now purchasable.
    • Ore and Dimlet Shipments are now fixed.
  • New and Changed Supply Contracts!
    • Added Large Ore Supply Contracts
    • Added Seed Contracts
    • Added Head Hunter Contracts
    • Removed Uranium from Ore Contracts : It's equivalent to Yellorium
  • Less Insane Creatures!
    • Ender Zoo was removed.
    • Infernal Mobs boss monster rate was lowered. 1 in 20 normal monsters will become Elite. 1 in 20 of those will become Ultra. 1 in 20 of those will become Infernal.
    • The maximum a boss monster can hit you for in a single blow is lowered
    • Regen, Vengeance, and Ghastly(fireballs) have been disabled.
  • Config Tweaks!
    • COFH Core
      • Increased Lead and Redstone generation. IC2 Lead was spawning, Redstone felt too low
    • HoloInventory
      • You can now bind a key in the Keybinds to toggle it on or off
    • Lycanites got a rework in its configs.
      • Some monsters should be a little more common, others a bit more rare. Lava monsters will stay in the nether. This should also hopefully fix some of the rare crashes
    • Random Things
      • Blood Moon rework. It now happens less, less monsters spawn during it, and they will vanish in the morning. They still have a lot more health and will spawn closer to players
    • Vein Miner
      • A ton of different mod tools should now work.
  • HQM was updated in this version, and for SERVERS there is a known issue. If your server refuses to load fully with a OutOfBoundsArray error, go into your world folder and rename HardcoreQuesting to HardcoreQuesting2​
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Salamileg9's Guide to Dying Frequently:
  • Spawn on an island
  • Get attacked by everything
Bonus points if an Ent nearly gives you a heart attack
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Reactions: Team Mythical
can't make bronze paxel because can't make mekanism shovel (2 sticks and bronze ingot gives u ic2 bronze shovel) :(
Salamileg9's Guide to Dying Frequently:
  • Spawn on an island
  • Get attacked by everything
Bonus points if an Ent nearly gives you a heart attack

Lol. This happened to me twice in a row. When I finally got a new, good world I lived in a cave. One day I came out of the cave and an Ent was right there, and literally scared me so bad I almost fell out of my chair. <3 this pack

10/10 IGN
itz be liek minecraft wit da hart attackz