[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Could we get some faster ways to package and exchange coins?
This is in the plans, but the main actual way Bags of Coins and Contract Automation will be done isn't going to make it in 0.1.1 due to RL work timing on my partner's part. I'll look into using the Alloy Smelter from EnderIO as a temporary way to bag coins though, since the SAG Mill cannot do more than 1 ingredient at a time.
Could we get some faster ways to package and exchange coins? I have over 30K of coins to exchange and it's to slow to bag them and exchange as there is no automatic way of doing this. Compressed coins or something like compressed cobble would be amazing and you would only need to go say 2 levels deep to get an 81 times improvement in what is currently available automatically.
I did setup a player interface to pump the coins into my inventory and the bags out of my hotbar which improved it but it still takes a long time.
I then went in and created 2 new quests in the HQM Editor for myself that exchanged 1600 coins (25 stacks of 64, almost a full inventory and a nice even multiple of 50) for 32 coin bags and then 16 coin bags for 160 vouchers. This made things a lot quicker too.
Am I missing something or is this the only way to manage coins? Trader chits are so much easier, I have them autocrafting up to the 256 chit, then I just manually do it from there and submit the 4096.

Right now, manually bagging coins is the only way, however I've also suggested to @Caigan that he give the custom contract completing machine a similar functionality and dang it Caigan, why you ninja me?
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Oh, @Caigan in the QED quest, it says that the ender-flux crystals need energy, but they don't anymore. Apparently Extra Utilities updated fairly recently and changed it from needing energy to just making very little per crystal.
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Crashed a couple of times when clicking "manual submit" for an uncommon ore crate. Happens rarely.

Normal crash that happens with current and recent HQM versions. Especially happens if you try to click submit/claim WAY too fast.

Small part of the reason I made the Trader Chit system, and will be including a way to automate coin bagging in the next version.
In the end, I added this to the file : Config\EnderIo\SAGMillRecipes_User.xml

<recipe name="BaggingCoins" energyCost="1000">
        <itemStack modID="ferretshinies" itemName="NullToken" itemMeta="0" number="50" />
        <itemStack modID="ferretshinies" itemName="BlindBag" itemMeta="143" number="1" />

I made it just use 1000 RF as I figured bagging coins isn't that hard for a machine to do. Along with the upgraded bag -> voucher exchange I mentioned in an earlier post this made most trading quicker and easier. Mind you, only getting 1 or 2 ores in a reward crate makes trading your vouchers take a while too. By the time you trade for 200 iron crates and then unpack them all it takes a good 5 minutes. A stack crate would be awesome, crazy expensive but save SO much time.

Some general comments on the pack: I played through the pack to a point that I considered complete in a couple of days. The trading system is too cheap to beat too quickly. I got my first magic seed and made mountains of certus quartz with it (agricraft seeds at 10/10/10 with 7 sprinklers over the top are so OP), built some auto refining and submitting machines and got a fast and steady flow of coins and chits from this. I didn't need to mine anymore and quickly could redeem vouchers for anything I needed. At the start I was imagining giant factories churning out all manner of things and submitting them for lots of great rewards, but my first machine netted me so much loot that I didn't bother with anything else.

I also felt that the quests were too much "build 1 of everything from each mod". 99% of what I built I didn't use and dropped most of it into a trash can. I'm not sure how you improve on that but I grew a little tired of it after a day.

Overall, I really enjoyed the pack, for me it was just a bit short.

Thanks for great experience.
Some general comments on the pack: I played through the pack to a point that I considered complete in a couple of days. The trading system is too cheap to beat too quickly. I got my first magic seed and made mountains of certus quartz with it (agricraft seeds at 10/10/10 with 7 sprinklers over the top are so OP), built some auto refining and submitting machines and got a fast and steady flow of coins and chits from this. I didn't need to mine anymore and quickly could redeem vouchers for anything I needed. At the start I was imagining giant factories churning out all manner of things and submitting them for lots of great rewards, but my first machine netted me so much loot that I didn't bother with anything else.

The issue with that is how to balance things between the people who go "HURRY AND AUTOMATE AND BREAK THE SYSTEM" and those who go "Eh, I'll focus on the trading stuff later." If you try to prevent the former too much, you can easily end up making it too difficult for the latter to progress.

I also felt that the quests were too much "build 1 of everything from each mod". 99% of what I built I didn't use and dropped most of it into a trash can. I'm not sure how you improve on that but I grew a little tired of it after a day.

A good portion of what The Ferret Business is as a modpack is walking you through the mods. That's why there's all the "get one of everything" quests. I certainly don't use a lot of what I make, but at the same time, I've picked up a bunch of new knowledge from doing the quests, and there's a few items that I wouldn't have used before that I do now. Plus, if ever I need to get something done, I'll be able to look back in my questbook and be like "Oh yeah, I remember that thing I had to make, that'd be great for this."

Overall, I really enjoyed the pack, for me it was just a bit short.

From the thread title:
The Ferret Business [WIP]
I got my first magic seed and made mountains of certus quartz with it (agricraft seeds at 10/10/10 with 7 sprinklers over the top are so OP)
Yeah, Magic Crops are a pain to balance out, especially with AgriCraft. I'm considering ways to mitigate this, but I can't thoroughly explore them until I finish moving.

I also felt that the quests were too much "build 1 of everything from each mod". 99% of what I built I didn't use and dropped most of it into a trash can. I'm not sure how you improve on that but I grew a little tired of it after a day.
That is pretty much what half the pack is about : questlines to explain each mod in detail, having you make a majority of the items from a mod and explaining how each one works. There's a lot of little things some machines do people don't realize, or a machine in a mod that people overlook.

Eventually I plan on having at least 75% of everything you can make be useable in a Production Contract crate (some things are just TOO cheap to make).

Overall, I really enjoyed the pack, for me it was just a bit short.
Yeah, I know. Lots of planned questlines right now though, and I try to fit a least one new questline into each update if I can. =)


One thing that's an initial thought on paper that'd take much more time to code than my partner and I will have for a while is basically a "Supply Order" system : The basic idea is you get what amounts to an 'order form' for X amount of 1 or more Production Contract crate types. You make that many, submit the crates and the order form, and get a better reward back.

Whether we go with this idea or not will be seen, but its this kind of thing I'm constantly pondering for the pack. =)
One thing that's an initial thought on paper that'd take much more time to code than my partner and I will have for a while is basically a "Supply Order" system : The basic idea is you get what amounts to an 'order form' for X amount of 1 or more Production Contract crate types. You make that many, submit the crates and the order form, and get a better reward back.

Ooh, that sounds like a pain. I've no idea how feasible it would be, but maybe do a custom machine with a certain "item" and quantity pool, and have it pull from possible contract items and a certain number (say, 1-5). Whatever it selects, if you can provide it with that, you'll get a certain reward (possibly defined by contract value/rarity multiplied by quantity, or weighted like that somehow?). And its timer could be set in a similar manner to HQM's, possibly, and have it refresh every Minecraft day or whatever, or when it's provided with the contract it wants (or have it lock up until it refreshes, I dunno how you wanna do this).
@Caigan the Botania quest to make your head doesn't seem to want to work (snip)

(Admittedly, still a forum n00b, but getting better...)
I had no idea that player heads could be made at all! I did find Caigan's head in a chest though, and put it on top of the QDS I didn't really need but felt like crafting, just for the sake of it =P
@Caigan is Progressive Automation range supposed to be as wonky as it is (at least on the diamond planter; I haven't used any other machines)? Like, the "range" displays as 1, but what that really means is that the block above it is the only one in range. Range 2 is the ring around that, right? Nope, that's a second block. Range 3 is a third block like that, and so on and so forth. So it's not "range" so much as it's "blocks in range." I honestly don't know if it's intended or a bug or what.
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Range 2 is the ring around that, right? Nope, that's a second block. Range 3 is a third block like that, and so on and so forth.
Range is basically how many columns it mines. 1 range is the block under it. Each additional range adds another block, starting north and going clockwise. So, to have a 3x3 area, you need 8 upgrades. 15 for a 4x4. Etc etc. The bonus is that the upgrades are relatively cheap for how nice the mod works, imo.
Range is basically how many columns it mines. 1 range is the block under it. Each additional range adds another block, starting north and going clockwise. So, to have a 3x3 area, you need 8 upgrades. 15 for a 4x4. Etc etc. The bonus is that the upgrades are relatively cheap for how nice the mod works, imo.

Ahh, okay. That seems like a weird way to do it, honestly, but oh well.
Mainly the reason why I only use the chopping block from that mod. Just pop in a decent axe into the machine and let the tree be it's own fuel.
Hi :)
I have a problem with the Ghostwood sapling...i can't grow it anywhere
Made the sapling and tried to plant in the overworld, outside near my base but the sapling would drop from the tainted soil after a bit i put it then i tried move it in a darker place (since usually plants drop when they have too little/too much light) and was fine but after 2 rl day it didn't grow at all so i planted it in the nether (on netherrack) but after a few hours still no changes...any suggestions?
Hi :)
I have a problem with the Ghostwood sapling...i can't grow it anywhere
Made the sapling and tried to plant in the overworld, outside near my base but the sapling would drop from the tainted soil after a bit i put it then i tried move it in a darker place (since usually plants drop when they have too little/too much light) and was fine but after 2 rl day it didn't grow at all so i planted it in the nether (on netherrack) but after a few hours still no changes...any suggestions?

Try a watering can or a stack of bonemeal; if neither of those can force it, then I've no idea. That said, does it have enough height clearance?
tried the bonmeal and no effect :( i'll try the watering can right now
And yes all the 3 places were clear enough (more than 10 block of air all around the sapling)
tried the bonmeal and no effect :( i'll try the watering can right now
And yes all the 3 places were clear enough (more than 10 block of air all around the sapling)

Huh, no idea then. Watering can may still work since it's not counted as bonemeal (great for ender lilies), but I don't usually grow many saplings, so I don't know what to tell you.
Huh, no idea then. Watering can may still work since it's not counted as bonemeal (great for ender lilies), but I don't usually grow many saplings, so I don't know what to tell you.
Tried the watering can too but no changes
One thing i noticed is the metadata of the sapling after i plant it, starts from :4 and change to :12 with the bonemeal and then stay locked at that even after a stack of bonemeal; the watering can change it too from 4 to 12 but then is stuck too