Hi Caigan, love this mod pack! wanted to let you know of what could be an exploit and not sure if you can do anything about it but (plus you may already know about it and if so, forgive me for double posting but search did not find any results).... so I play a LAN world with a buddy, we created a world and partied up. In looking at the Qbook regarding the bag of coins, we are able to double our coinage very easily. all it takes is 50 coins. I turn it in, and he accepts his quest completion. now we have 2 bags of coins....and so on and so on. you get the picture. in discussing with him, we felt that the only thing that would stop us from doing that, (other than our own morality
) is if there was a cool down on turning that bag in. but, as we all know, after a while, it is very time consuming just turning in the coins you get legally. Not sure if there is a way to stop this from happening or if it even matters, but to us, it felt like we were cheating. of course we took advantage of this, we are human after all
but only for a few bags before we looked at each other and laughed and said Nah, no more. Anyway, just wanted to let you know and to give you cudo's for the pack and the way you use the questing in here. really looking forward to when all of the questlines are finished.