[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Hi Caigan, love this mod pack! wanted to let you know of what could be an exploit and not sure if you can do anything about it but (plus you may already know about it and if so, forgive me for double posting but search did not find any results).... so I play a LAN world with a buddy, we created a world and partied up. In looking at the Qbook regarding the bag of coins, we are able to double our coinage very easily. all it takes is 50 coins. I turn it in, and he accepts his quest completion. now we have 2 bags of coins....and so on and so on. you get the picture. in discussing with him, we felt that the only thing that would stop us from doing that, (other than our own morality :) ) is if there was a cool down on turning that bag in. but, as we all know, after a while, it is very time consuming just turning in the coins you get legally. Not sure if there is a way to stop this from happening or if it even matters, but to us, it felt like we were cheating. of course we took advantage of this, we are human after all :) but only for a few bags before we looked at each other and laughed and said Nah, no more. Anyway, just wanted to let you know and to give you cudo's for the pack and the way you use the questing in here. really looking forward to when all of the questlines are finished.
Tried the watering can too but no changes
One thing i noticed is the metadata of the sapling after i plant it, starts from :4 and change to :12 with the bonemeal and then stay locked at that even after a stack of bonemeal; the watering can change it too from 4 to 12 but then is stuck too

Try growing it on tainted soil or dirt (not grass)
If you'd bothered to read the previous few posts, you'd know that Shiro has already tried that unsuccessfully; the sapling popped off of tainted soil.
I didn't tried on dirt actually xD but again didn't work, spammed a whole stack of bonemeal both on dirt outside and inside my base and nothing...oh well i will cheat a bit of logs to complete the quests that need it ;P
Thanks for the help anyway ^^
hey man, I was just wondering if you were going to add Equivalent Exchange 3? I have been playing the mod pack for a wile and I was happy to see you add more mods, so again just wondering if you are going to add it. thanks!
hey man, I was just wondering if you were going to add Equivalent Exchange 3? I have been playing the mod pack for a wile and I was happy to see you add more mods, so again just wondering if you are going to add it. thanks!

Do a thread search for your answer.
I didn't tried on dirt actually xD but again didn't work, spammed a whole stack of bonemeal both on dirt outside and inside my base and nothing...oh well i will cheat a bit of logs to complete the quests that need it ;P
Thanks for the help anyway ^^

Yeah, but you've tried it on tainted soil which is what's being suggested. If I remember right, the trees will only grow on either tainted soil or netherrack; it may be in the tooltip or something.
Hi Caigan, love this mod pack! wanted to let you know of what could be an exploit and not sure if you can do anything about it but (plus you may already know about it and if so, forgive me for double posting but search did not find any results).... so I play a LAN world with a buddy, we created a world and partied up. In looking at the Qbook regarding the bag of coins, we are able to double our coinage very easily. all it takes is 50 coins. I turn it in, and he accepts his quest completion. now we have 2 bags of coins....and so on and so on. you get the picture. in discussing with him, we felt that the only thing that would stop us from doing that, (other than our own morality :) ) is if there was a cool down on turning that bag in. but, as we all know, after a while, it is very time consuming just turning in the coins you get legally. Not sure if there is a way to stop this from happening or if it even matters, but to us, it felt like we were cheating. of course we took advantage of this, we are human after all :) but only for a few bags before we looked at each other and laughed and said Nah, no more. Anyway, just wanted to let you know and to give you cudo's for the pack and the way you use the questing in here. really looking forward to when all of the questlines are finished.

HQM has a config option: MultiReward. I'm kinda surprised that it isn't set to false by default in this pack, given the nature of many of the quests.
If you'd bothered to read the previous few posts, you'd know that Shiro has already tried that unsuccessfully; the sapling popped off of tainted soil.

Easy thing to miss, even though I read the posts. No need to be touchy over such a small thing, go take a poop if you need to relax
how do I do that?

So I take it you didn't notice the handy little bar at the top right of the thread, with the word "Search" in it? Either way, I'm not wasting my time walking you through basic forum functionality. Caigan already said no to EE3 and ProjectE, the latter of which is a revival of EE3 since it's rather old.
Okay I don't have time to peruse the thread as I am in the middle of moving, but I am going to ask everyone to calm down. It's very easy to miss things and search is sometimes not very helpful,so please relax and don't jump down each others throats.


Questing as a party in multi-player is bugged at the moment. Server restarts can cause player progress to rest until they rejoin the party. For now, either quest separately or you'll have to rejoin the party every server reset. When I have time after all my RL insanity is over (by Monday) I'll look into it.
So basically we run in huge lagg problem the last days.
It is cased by crafting your crates in "huge" amounts.

First thing i have noticed was on my self. Just crafting stacks of crates from hand in a Ender IO Inventory Pannel. There was a huge tps drop but i was not shure whats casing it, it stops if i want to check it.
Logically in this case, stoping crafting -> no drop.

Today we got the proof. Someone got a automatic system with steves factory manager running. Chunk ticks
steadily increasing from 17 to 180 and more. Shut it down and we are fine.
Tested div. ways of autocrafting, all the same :/
Only thing that works without any problem is autocrafting from AE.
Doesnt matter witch crates are crafted.

Here is a screen with a short profile. It was took after 35s starting autocrafting the crates.
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I also noticed a minor lag spike whenever I shift-click making shipping crates. Nothing big when I am recording just thought I'd add to the instances of this happening.
I also noticed a minor lag spike whenever I shift-click making shipping crates. Nothing big when I am recording just thought I'd add to the instances of this happening.

Your playing in singleplayer or on a server?
If its on a server, your running cauldron or just forge?

Could be imported to sort this problem out.
So basically we run in huge lagg problem the last days.
It is cased by crafting your crates in "huge" amounts.

First thing i have noticed was on my self. Just crafting stacks of crates from hand in a Ender IO Inventory Pannel. There was a huge tps drop but i was not shure whats casing it, it stops if i want to check it.
Logically in this case, stoping crafting -> no drop.

Today we got the proof. Someone got a automatic system with steves factory manager running. Chunk ticks
steadily increasing from 17 to 180 and more. Shut it down and we are fine.
Tested div. ways of autocrafting, all the same :/
Only thing that works without any problem is autocrafting from AE.
Doesnt matter witch crates are crafted.

Here is a screen with a short profile. It was took after 35s starting autocrafting the crates.

Just glancing in during my move. Sorry to hear even more problems coming up while I'm away!

I'm wondering if this is a mine tweaker issue, a forge version issue, or some specific mod. When I get a chance I'll need to look deeply into it and do some testing.

SFM I know had this issue due to it doing its tasks really fast. Does something like the cyclic assembler, auto crafting table, Steve workshop crafting thing, or progressive automation crafters cause the lag? Basically any auto crafter that had a delay between craftings?
Sorry to hear even more problems coming up while I'm away!
Dont worry and dont stress yourself more than necessary. :)
We have a great helpful community. Everyone get informed, so its not a big problem right now.

SFM I know had this issue due to it doing its tasks really fast. Does something like the cyclic assembler, auto crafting table, Steve workshop crafting thing, or progressive automation crafters cause the lag? Basically any auto crafter that had a delay between craftings?
We tested:
  • normal manual crafting
    • crafting tabel/station (if you are fast enough)
    • inventory panel (basically just shift clicking)
  • automatic crafting
    • crafter RF Tools
    • crafter Ender IO
    • auto crafting tabel
    • steves workshop
    • steves factory
They casing all the same problem, huge increasing tickrates.
It gets worse the longer it runs and immediately stops if you stop the crafting.

Only thing we have found right now and without any impact is Applied Energistics.
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Only thing we have found right now and without any impact is Applied Energistics.
So weird, I remember when it was AE that had this issue the biggest too. lol.

If you have a testing environment set up, could you try removing Binnies Mods(Extra Bees etc) and seeing if that fixes it?