[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eh now its saying something about open modular turrets
Your pack hates me D:

Edit: Disabled OMT, crashes without log output.
I'll just wait for the newest update, I'll copy my chests to a brand new map while I wait :eek:
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll just wait for the newest update, I'll copy my chests to a brand new map while I wait
Basically it keeps looking like your actually getting an odd crash with something from bibliocraft. I was going to suggest starting a new map and just NEI spawning yourself items back.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Basically it keeps looking like your actually getting an odd crash with something from bibliocraft. I was going to suggest starting a new map and just NEI spawning yourself items back.
A lot of items to be spawning back in :/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Caigan,

Thanks for your hard work. Loving the modpack. I've been following the forum posts daily. If I can help with any initial testing of an update let me know.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll be doing an RP form of this. Also, apparently they call all of their employees "Bandit". I am not sure why.

I had went to a place... and I am not sure what happened, but the next thing I knew, I was in a world... in a forest. I must have been lucky, since I heard that some of the others appeared in worlds with just dust and a ship... or were teleported into a very difficult situation... trying to collect what they seem to call "Space-Time Wools". Even others might have teleported into the same world, and have gone insane. Well, I am now in a hole... a 3x3x3 hole, since it is the smallest size that I can fit in.
-"Bandit" (FKA HeroGabe)
Welcome to the LFA, the Lost Ferrets Association : )
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I'm home for the summer, so if there's anything that needs testing, I'll be fairly available, too. Granted, I'll try to do most of my testing from the world I'm working in, so I may end up getting distracted, but I figure it's worth offering.

I'm also pretty good with spelling and grammar, so if you want a proofreader, I can to that, too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Brain hurts... studying for finals... done for the night, play this mudpack... screw proper sentences right now


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head --
at vazkii.botania.client.integration.nei.RecipeHandlerManaPool$CachedManaPoolRecipe.<init>(RecipeHandlerManaPool.java:37)
at vazkii.botania.client.integration.nei.RecipeHandlerManaPool.loadUsageRecipes(RecipeHandlerManaPool.java:137)
at codechicken.nei.recipe.TemplateRecipeHandler.loadUsageRecipes(TemplateRecipeHandler.java:346)
at codechicken.nei.recipe.TemplateRecipeHandler.getUsageHandler(TemplateRecipeHandler.java:471)
at codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiUsageRecipe.openRecipeGui(GuiUsageRecipe.java:20)
at codechicken.nei.recipe.RecipeItemInputHandler.lastKeyTyped(RecipeItemInputHandler.java:20)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager.lastKeyTyped(GuiContainerManager.java:307)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_73869_a(GuiContainer.java)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.public_func_73869_a(GuiContainer.java)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager.callKeyTyped(GuiContainerManager.java)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager.keyTyped(GuiContainerManager.java:474)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager.handleKeyboardInput(GuiContainerManager.java:464)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_146282_l(GuiContainer.java)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen.func_146269_k(GuiScreen.java:276)

-- Affected screen --
Screen name: net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiChest

-- Affected level --
Level name: MpServer
All players: 1 total; [EntityClientPlayerMP['pudding01'/406, l='MpServer', x=-605.16, y=64.62, z=958.53]]
Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 289, 289
Level seed: 0
Level generator: ID 04 - BIOMESOP, ver 0. Features enabled: false
Level generator options:
Level spawn location: World: (-772,64,1016), Chunk: (at 12,4,8 in -49,63; contains blocks -784,0,1008 to -769,255,1023), Region: (-2,1; contains chunks -64,32 to -33,63, blocks -1024,0,512 to -513,255,1023)
Level time: 142692 game time, 142692 day time
Level dimension: 0
Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?
Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: true), thunder time: 0 (now: false)
Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
Forced entities: 51 total; [EntityChicken['Chicken'/390, l='MpServer', x=-569.56, y=63.00, z=883.56], EntityBat['Bat'/393, l='MpServer', x=-590.06, y=51.10, z=948.63], EntityBat['Bat'/394, l='MpServer', x=-589.75, y=51.10, z=945.25], EntityChicken['Chicken'/401, l='MpServer', x=-588.13, y=63.00, z=1031.94], EntityChicken['Chicken'/402, l='MpServer', x=-588.63, y=63.00, z=1031.34], EntityClientPlayerMP['pudding01'/406, l='MpServer', x=-605.16, y=64.62, z=958.53], EntitySheep['Sheep'/289, l='MpServer', x=-678.19, y=67.00, z=1034.16], EntityChicken['Chicken'/426, l='MpServer', x=-557.56, y=64.00, z=990.44], EntityChupacabra['Chupacabra'/298, l='MpServer', x=-669.03, y=16.00, z=963.34], EntityChicken['Chicken'/427, l='MpServer', x=-563.38, y=64.00, z=1002.63], EntityChicken['Chicken'/299, l='MpServer', x=-665.44, y=67.00, z=985.53], EntityItem['item.item.feather'/428, l='MpServer', x=-561.25, y=64.13, z=1003.44], EntitySheep['Sheep'/300, l='MpServer', x=-659.16, y=65.00, z=1039.16], EntityChupacabra['Chupacabra'/429, l='MpServer', x=-555.53, y=35.00, z=944.97], EntityChupacabra['Chupacabra'/430, l='MpServer', x=-550.63, y=43.00, z=957.50], EntityChicken['Chicken'/431, l='MpServer', x=-572.53, y=63.00, z=916.41], EntityHorse['Horse'/432, l='MpServer', x=-548.50, y=63.00, z=943.50], EntityHorse['Horse'/433, l='MpServer', x=-548.50, y=63.00, z=943.50], EntityItem['item.item.feather'/11441, l='MpServer', x=-615.69, y=60.13, z=912.31], EntityChicken['Chicken'/434, l='MpServer', x=-567.47, y=64.00, z=1023.53], EntityBat['Bat'/436, l='MpServer', x=-530.63, y=26.89, z=936.63], EntityHorse['Horse'/437, l='MpServer', x=-551.66, y=64.00, z=925.94], EntityChicken['Chicken'/438, l='MpServer', x=-569.47, y=63.00, z=897.56], EntityItem['item.item.feather'/439, l='MpServer', x=-567.72, y=63.13, z=904.72], EntitySheep['Sheep'/440, l='MpServer', x=-535.91, y=64.00, z=993.84], EntityChicken['Chicken'/442, l='MpServer', x=-575.47, y=64.00, z=1030.63], EntitySheep['Sheep'/444, l='MpServer', x=-575.47, y=63.00, z=893.63], EntityTrail['unknown'/2748, l='MpServer', x=-605.16, y=64.62, z=958.53], EntitySheep['Sheep'/445, l='MpServer', x=-572.38, y=63.00, z=885.44], EntityChicken['Chicken'/318, l='MpServer', x=-645.38, y=63.00, z=956.41], EntityChicken['Chicken'/446, l='MpServer', x=-564.47, y=64.00, z=882.56], EntityChicken['Chicken'/319, l='MpServer', x=-649.63, y=68.00, z=987.47], EntityChupacabra['Chupacabra'/448, l='MpServer', x=-566.53, y=17.00, z=1043.47], EntitySheep['Sheep'/320, l='MpServer', x=-651.69, y=69.00, z=992.22], EntityChupacabra['Chupacabra'/454, l='MpServer', x=-566.50, y=35.00, z=866.31], EntityChupacabra['Violet Chupacabra'/456, l='MpServer', x=-569.50, y=27.00, z=1070.75], EntityChupacabra['Chupacabra'/333, l='MpServer', x=-628.19, y=21.00, z=890.69], EntityChicken['Chicken'/334, l='MpServer', x=-638.34, y=71.00, z=987.53], EntityItem['item.item.feather'/335, l='MpServer', x=-636.34, y=71.13, z=987.72], EntityChupacabra['Chupacabra'/468, l='MpServer', x=-542.41, y=17.00, z=850.03], EntityChicken['Chicken'/349, l='MpServer', x=-616.44, y=62.26, z=913.56], EntityItem['item.item.feather'/350, l='MpServer', x=-617.78, y=60.13, z=913.53], EntityChupacabra['Chupacabra'/351, l='MpServer', x=-623.84, y=21.00, z=950.53], EntityChicken['Chicken'/359, l='MpServer', x=-594.56, y=62.29, z=899.56], EntityItem['item.item.feather'/360, l='MpServer', x=-594.97, y=61.13, z=900.88], EntityChicken['Chicken'/361, l='MpServer', x=-597.56, y=62.61, z=914.44], EntityChicken['Chicken'/362, l='MpServer', x=-606.56, y=62.31, z=912.56], EntityItem['item.item.feather'/363, l='MpServer', x=-606.91, y=60.13, z=912.44], EntityChicken['Chicken'/377, l='MpServer', x=-603.38, y=70.00, z=1008.53], EntityItem['item.item.feather'/378, l='MpServer', x=-599.09, y=64.13, z=1009.56], EntityChupacabra['Chupacabra'/253, l='MpServer', x=-728.50, y=24.00, z=971.69]]
Retry entities: 0 total; []
Server brand: fml,forge
Server type: Integrated singleplayer server
at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.func_72914_a(WorldClient.java:373)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71396_d(Minecraft.java:2432)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:909)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28)

I crashed twice now in the past 15 minutes, both times it was a full close MineCraft kind of crash.
Jul 29, 2019
I'd love to be on the beta team :D

I would love to have a hand at writing quests or quest-lines. I have no actual experience with HQM internally, but I do know a lot of these mods extensively and I do write in my spare time. Actually contributing to this pack would be loads of fun since I play it all the time.

I would love to write quests for:

- Twilight Forest: Especially to help with progression, most new players to this mod are going to be wondering why the heck they can't get through snowy areas. You don't have this as a tab yet, but I would love to help add it.
- Pam's Harvestcraft: Because I cook IRL. Well, either way I love this mod and would be happy to write quests for it. The different small machines, recipes between vegetarian and meat-based, getting crops etc.
- Tinker's Construct: Been using it ever since it's early release. I can write a quest-line that progresses through each tier of tool.

If you have a format for writing quests in a word document I'll gladly use that template. Either PM me or just tell me to go for it.

As a side note, since we have so many crops from Pam's, Growthcraft can be taken out. I usually just convert the grapes from GC to HC using HC's method of placing two of the same crops together. Plus with everything Pam has to offer, there really is no need for Growth.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Recently found bug list:
- Uncrafting regular diamond tools gives you wither diamonds. This would be an exploit, except that you can't uncraft wither diamonds, and honestly Unbreaking X isn't that great of an enchant when you can have Tinker's tools that self-repair and do other things better.
- ProjectRed Block of Sapphire doesn't work for Large Precious Metals shipment, though Ruby and Peridot do.

In other news, I am a new fan of RFTools, specifically the dimension-building side of it. Nothing says "You can now have as many Storage Cells as you want." like a Certus Quartz Ore & Tendrils dimension, when combined with the RanDim I made that has an ocean of molten gold in a cavern world under the surface. There will be a redstone shortage eventually, I'm sure, but given the availability of large hollow hills and my silk touch hammer...

Also, in the spirit of cooperation and all that, somebody on my home forums has put up a Modding News thread that helps me keep track of what's going on in the modding world: Linky

I would like to bring up a particular sentence in that post: "problems with TiCon smeltery melting redstone into redstone.molten (from ProjectRed) instead of Destabilized Redstone (Thermal Expansion)? Get rid of PR-Compat from the mods directory. [you will loose ProjectRed compatibility with those mods, but hey]" - now, I'm not saying you should do that, but it's an option, given that I don't know too many people that use large amounts of redmetal. I wouldn't mind being able to make Signalum in the smeltery, but it's not a huge deal.

(Fifth) Edit: By the way, thank you very much for making portable tanks show up in WAILA - it's one of those little things that saves me a ton of time.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uncrafting regular diamond tools gives you wither diamonds. This would be an exploit, except that you can't uncraft wither diamonds, and honestly Unbreaking X isn't that great of an enchant when you can have Tinker's tools that self-repair and do other things better.
Yeah, Wither Tools will become their own tools in a future update of Progressive Automation I believe.

- ProjectRed Block of Sapphire doesn't work for Large Precious Metals shipment, though Ruby and Peridot do.
Hm, is this in 0.0.8 or Thought I fixed sapphire as well...

In other news, I am a new fan of RFTools
I love it so much. You can make just as broken worlds with MystCraft, but it takes a bit more to utilize these worlds with RFTools.

Also, in the spirit of cooperation and all that, somebody on my home forums has put up a Modding News thread that helps me keep track of what's going on in the modding world: Linky
Oh this is wonderful, bookmarking. Its let me know about the remake of dartcraft and stuff, which won't be in this pack due to DE, but I can utilize it in the other pack on my drawing board right now.

I would like to bring up a particular sentence in that post: "problems with TiCon smeltery melting redstone into redstone.molten (from ProjectRed) instead of Destabilized Redstone (Thermal Expansion)? Get rid of PR-Compat from the mods directory. [you will loose ProjectRed compatibility with those mods, but hey]"
Aha, okay, removing Compat as it doesn't add too much cross mod stuff, and its easier than fighting with modtweaker.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm, is this in 0.0.8 or Thought I fixed sapphire as well..., with the recommended repairs done.

I love it so much. You can make just as broken worlds with MystCraft, but it takes a bit more to utilize these worlds with RFTools.
Heh. I made a world with giant globes of liquid yellorium in it, and I'm currently scheming on how to keep a pump -> tesseract -> blocking -> ingots -> reactor for new dimensional conquest.
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