[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Ah! Thank you so much!

I did the blacklist thing after searching the github to see if someone else had the same issue, and came across the thread listing the minetweaker blacklist stuff. Adding it and testing it, it seemed to work on my end, but what I'm guessing is I didn't test the conditions properly that triggered it for other folks, which is definitely my fault.

Again, thank you for the update and explanation! =)

Not sure if it makes any difference, but my drawers were attached to a drawer controller when the issue occurred and I inserted the iron ingots straight into the compacting drawer.
I figured out, that if you insert an iron nugget as the first thing, and then load up the drawer on iron blocks or ingots, it works as intended. If you insert a block or an ingot as the first thing, it thinks nuggets are supposed to be rotten flesh. Same with the copper nuggets that were out of place.
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Has Voxelmap been tested to see if it'll jive with the pack yet out of curiosity?
I'll consider switching to VoxelMap in the future, it'll need a bunch of testing though.

I know. I just need a delayed system to deliver the vouchers so i can select reward and claim it, cuts down on some mouse movement xD
It won't be in this version, but I will add a way to automate purchasing shop items. I will add one or two big ticket items to the shop though for this update.

How soon is ftb launcher release? And can i retrogen matter overdrive ore with CoFH?
I plan on submitting tonight after I make sure all the smaller changes I've done are fine, and it should go up in a few days.

As for CoFH Retrogen, I've not tried it, but I don't think it'll work for it for ores not handled by CoFH world ore generator.
Just an FYI Caigan:

Just opened a blind bag, and got a PA blind bag... And that is playing the BETA. It told me to come tell you about it ;)

Then I deleted the bag, gave myself another blind bag, and got... a PA blind bag, series C 1 again....

Edited to add: Got another 4 bags, two of those were from the armourers mod that got removed...
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I'll consider switching to VoxelMap in the future, it'll need a bunch of testing though.
It won't be in this version, but I will add a way to automate purchasing shop items. I will add one or two big ticket items to the shop though for this update.
Well, it doesn't have to be Voxelmap per say, that's just the one I got used to in 1.6 (When it was Zan's) and I never got off liking it. Any minimap/waypoint mod is fine as long as it isn't too much extra work for you.
Also, while my fps issues have subsided by removing JM, the occasional freezes still occur, with no console response other than the usual "it took this many ticks to respond, so we skipped them" thing. They last nowhere near as long though, and it seems to be linked to how long I have the world up and running in terms of frequency and duration, which makes me think either something has a slight memory leak, or I should really fix my desktop and just move everything there instead of playing on my laptop. XD
I'll consider switching to VoxelMap in the future, it'll need a bunch of testing though.
They could just add voxelmap on their own and disable journeymap.
Thats what me and friends are going to do but with journeymap if it goes. Really cant handle voxelmap, looks terribad.

It won't be in this version, but I will add a way to automate purchasing shop items. I will add one or two big ticket items to the shop though for this update.
Im spamming the common ore trade by hand since well .. only trade worth it atm esp if i want to start with draconic evolution :P.
1 for 1 vs most other trades .. just got to emerald level.
They could just add voxelmap on their own and disable journeymap.
Thats what me and friends are going to do but with journeymap if it goes. Really cant handle voxelmap, looks terribad.

Im spamming the common ore trade by hand since well .. only trade worth it atm esp if i want to start with draconic evolution :p.
1 for 1 vs most other trades .. just got to emerald level.
yes spamming common (iron tin copper )was "fun" just because i did not wanna go mining for simple materials

as for de 2 tips
if u think u have alot of vouchers the de quests will make u rethink that u will just probably think " i have enough for now "
U dont need a wyvern pick to harvest stabilized spawners successfully u only need a pick capable of harvesting cobalt or aradite ore
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hi !
new system quest trade love :D
fluxed crystals : seed infuser : universal seed + 32 clays(nei recipe one clay but dont want, i test with 32 ) = rubber seed (id 7233:60)

universal seed + 32 certus quartz (applied energistics)= blaze seed.
I've played around with some other possible fixes but i cant seem to figure out what is wrong. Definitely not my area of expertise.
Oof. You still have analytics on, not sure if that's the cause. There doesn't even seem to be a real "error" near the end, either..
how much RAM does the FTB launcher have set to it? FTB Launcher, Settings tab.
64 bit or 32 bit?

I have played a good bit on the current release on Curse, and after a few wrong turns, more or less got the hang of the agressive mobs.
Now, I am fiddling around in the Beta, and dear spaghetti monster almighty! Those droids are killing me left and right, and left again. Sniping me with lasers, blasting me with phasers, and I think, shocking me with tasers.
Not to mention the cockatrices, that closely resembles the roadrunners. Which means I am beyond paranoid when venturing near any area containing more than 3 blocks of sand in the same chunk.
You think twillight is peaceful? Guess again! between the droids that spawn in endless amounts, and the flying, oneeyed ender monster (Think beholder), that peace is loooooooong gone!


I have played a good bit on the current release on Curse, and after a few wrong turns, more or less got the hang of the agressive mobs.
Now, I am fiddling around in the Beta, and dear spaghetti monster almighty! Those droids are killing me left and right, and left again. Sniping me with lasers, blasting me with phasers, and I think, shocking me with tasers.
Not to mention the cockatrices, that closely resembles the roadrunners. Which means I am beyond paranoid when venturing near any area containing more than 3 blocks of sand in the same chunk.
You think twillight is peaceful? Guess again! between the droids that spawn in endless amounts, and the flying, oneeyed ender monster (Think beholder), that peace is loooooooong gone!


The first encounter I had with a new mob was with a Valkyrie and I was like "Oooo wat iz dis? A Valkyrie? It looks cool, I will befriend her and name her 'Val'." One sword strike later, the respawn screen pops up...
Many mods were removed and added in this release. Loading an established world will warn you that a hundred blocks/items or so no longer exist.

You will ALSO need to clear your HQM progress, which you can find out how to do at the Troubleshooting guide HERE.

Established worlds will not retrogen Matter Overdrive ores in already generated chunks, but they are purchasable in the Shop!

  • Matter Overdrive : Star Trek inspired mod, which contains powerful technology, but balanced with how much time and effort it requires.
  • Catwalks 2 : Simple mod that adds utility catwalks that are easy to transverse
  • Doggy Style : Find a wide variety of dog breeds in the world, and tame them as pets.
  • Exotic Birds : Birds Birds Birds. Find them, tame them, cook them, eat them.
  • Grimoire of Gaia : GoG adds a slew of creatures, both helpful and dangerous.
  • Binnie Patcher : Updates Binnie’s Mods to the new Forestry.
  • Avaritia : Most of this mod is disabled, and only the 9x9 crafting table is used.
  • Solar Flux with Solar Expansion : Solar Flux is good but fairly limited. In part of giving more balanced options for power generation, it is being replaced with Solar Expansion, which has a lot more tiers and a balanced material requirement.
  • Industrial Craft 2 : Given the results of the major survey and a lot of discussions, both with my internal team and the community, it is time to say goodbye to one of the oldest mods in the pack. A feeling of being unfinished, an odd growing tedium with it, and various other issues made it one of the least played and most requested mods to be removed.
  • Compact Solar Arrays : This mod is an addon for IC2. The RF Energy equivalent is already in the pack : Solar Expansion
  • Progressive Automation : This mod is wonderful, but better suited toward lightweight, more vanilla based packs.
  • Armourer’s Workshop : A mostly cosmetic mod, this was one of the ones voted down in the major survey alongside IC2. It is being dropped due to that and the size of its load profile on the pack.
  • Project Zulu : Multiple creatures from this mod have been disabled, and more would have been this update. Due to the mod not being updated for a while, it is being replaced.
  • Binnie’s Mods (Better Trees, Bees, and more) : With the addition of Binnies Patcher, this mod can be re-added to give bee fanatics even more to do.
  • OPIS (Mapless) : A fork of the original Opis, this removes the Mapwriter and makes it functional in newer forge versions. Useful for tracking down if something is causing lag in your world.
The Supply and Contract systems have been replaced with three new systems : Supply and Demand, Bulk Order Contracts, and Mass Orders.
  • Supply and Demand : Based on a new system called FMC, or Ferret Market Cost, hundreds of blocks and items now have an FMC value, and can be crated and shipped to The Ferret Business for profit.
    They are divided into 15 categories, and can be crated similar to the previous Contract system, by combining them with an empty Shipping Crate, and then shipped via the QUEST Tablet or the Ender IO SAG Mill.
  • Bulk Order Contracts : The general populous of the world/dimension/etc you've landed in has started to hear word of The Ferret Business, and they are interested in buying things! Unfortunately, there is no official mail system, so the denizens usually hand off their orders to the nearest creature that is more or less going in the general direction of you.
    Almost every creature has a tiny chance of dropping one of these Bulk Order Contracts. Collect the items the BoC requests, and combine them in the new Ferret Business Mega Packager, a 9x9 crafting grid specifically for Bulk Order Contracts.
    Contracts come in four tiers, each one asking a bigger and bigger FMC value worth of items. The payout, though, ranges from 125% to 200% of the base FMC value of all the items.
  • Mass Orders : These are special, repeatable contracts that can be fulfilled with the QDS block, or Quest Delivery System. They are meant for factories, as each one requires exactly 1,000 of one to four items. There are only three Mass Orders currently, but more will be added in the future.
In an effort to keep things generally balanced on either end of the spectrum, I've made some changes to a few mods, to help encourage the use of other mods.
I WILL NOT be able to perfectly balance this pack. Not without using a lightsaber scalpel and chopping things apart with Minetweaker, Mod Tweaker, and removing a big chunk of the mods as well. What I CAN hope for is to balance things just enough.
  • Big Reactors : Probably the biggest changes will be with BR. Yellorite is now somewhat rarer to find, and will be consumed at 9x the original rate. RF Output is also halved.
    • This is to encourage exploring other mod's power generation, which either costs more fuel wise, time investment wise, or material wise.
  • Tinker's Construct : Many materials have their stats rebalanced, especially when it comes to crossbow and overall damage. Reloading a crossbow in a quarter second with the ability to take down an Ender Dragon in a few shots is a little ridiculous.
  • Mekanism : Digital Miner energy cost raised, and may be raised even further.
  • Shop Loyalty : You now earn 1 shop loyalty for every 10 Vouchers an item costs, instead of 20.
  • Morph : New worlds require you to kill the Wither to enable flight, now.
    • This is to encourage using other mod means of transportation. It takes very little work to find lava and get to the Nether, that things like Simply Jetpacks were easily overlooked.
  • Steel : Steel is now somewhat easier to craft.
    • Now can be crafted in an Induction Smelter or Alloy Smelter. Requires actual Coal, not Charcoal.
  • New Icon and Splash Image!
  • Lots of mods updated with bug fixes!
  • Hardware Shop rebuilt, Ores Shipments rebalanced!
  • Most creatures should drop Research Materials again!
COMING SOON (as in, whenever the next update is, probably after my surgery next month)
  • We return to adding more quests!
  • Blind Bag rewards will be rebalanced with the new FMC system
  • More mods will have their items valued in the FMC system
  • More Bulk Order Contracts and Mass Orders will be added.
  • More things to buy, including automation of buying items!
Steel : Steel is now somewhat easier to craft.
  • Now can be crafted in an Induction Smelter or Alloy Smelter. Requires actual Coal, not Charcoal.
this just sounds incorrect in its own essence ,
was the iron + 4 charcoal dust or iron + 2 coal dust recipe in the induction smelter from ic2 ?i thought it was a default part of te (it is a recipe in infinity(normal) and dw20 which dont use much minetweaker )
this just sounds incorrect in its own essence ,
was the iron + 4 charcoal dust or iron + 2 coal dust recipe in the induction smelter from ic2 ?i thought it was a default part of te (it is a recipe in infinity(normal) and dw20 which dont use much minetweaker )
Hm, it looks like there is, but it only comes up when searching for Immersive Engineering version of steel. Mekanism steel brings up the Metallurgic Infuser route, and Tinker's Construct steel only brought up the Casting Table method.

My fault, but I didn't remove the other recipes, so basically I just added more options with a similar cost already.
So I opened up to the new update and after opening my saved world it warned me that [whatever whatever] will be missing with the yes no option. Whenever I click yes to continue, the client just closes itself out and throws me back to the ftb launcher...
What do ;-;
So I opened up to the new update and after opening my saved world it warned me that [whatever whatever] will be missing with the yes no option. Whenever I click yes to continue, the client just closes itself out and throws me back to the ftb launcher...
What do ;-;
Did you reset your HQM data?
but it only comes up when searching for Immersive Engineering version of steel.
my guess is since te does not have a steel ingot native to its self it forges the first registered "steel" ingot , this used to be ic2 but it got removed so the recipe bound to the next one which appears to be ie