[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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Hey Wolfe, what are u planning to do with the necro mod? should we keep gathering the mob parts?? :p

I had planned on making them into Clockwork Automatons, however changing the crafting recipes with MineTweaker is having unexpected side effect, so for now they just dont work. The only way to craft any of the Minions right now is through creative, but I am going to make sure they are at least working before the end of the month, even if it just with the default recipes. As for collecting the parts, I really dont think there is a need since almost all of the mobs in this pack drop parts frequently it can be easy to restock any time.
This weekends projects consists of implementing Magneticraft! It has a very cool system of Heat -> Steam -> Electricity and some amazing Multiblock structures like the Steam Turbine show in the center of this screenshot. These will be Third Tier machines so will require materials and parts crafted from Second Tier machines. It also has some new metals (Tungsten) that do not currently exist in TFC, so I will be substituting it for Black Steel in most of the recipes until I am able to spawn or generate the ores. Along side power generation Magneticraft also has some pretty cool ore processing machines which I do intent to make available, however I do not expect to have them able to process TFC ores until sometime next month.

This weekends projects consists of implementing Magneticraft! It has a very cool system of Heat -> Steam -> Electricity and some amazing Multiblock structures like the Steam Turbine show in the center of this screenshot. These will be Third Tier machines so will require materials and parts crafted from Second Tier machines. It also has some new metals (Tungsten) that do not currently exist in TFC, so I will be substituting it for Black Steel in most of the recipes until I am able to spawn or generate the ores. Along side power generation Magneticraft also has some pretty cool ore processing machines which I do intent to make available, however I do not expect to have them able to process TFC ores until sometime next month.

Looks nice. If you think you have a "final but not tested" version (where creative is not necessary), feel free to upload it somewhere and I can test a little.
This weekends projects consists of implementing Magneticraft! It has a very cool system of Heat -> Steam -> Electricity and some amazing Multiblock structures like the Steam Turbine show in the center of this screenshot. These will be Third Tier machines so will require materials and parts crafted from Second Tier machines. It also has some new metals (Tungsten) that do not currently exist in TFC, so I will be substituting it for Black Steel in most of the recipes until I am able to spawn or generate the ores. Along side power generation Magneticraft also has some pretty cool ore processing machines which I do intent to make available, however I do not expect to have them able to process TFC ores until sometime next month.
Perhaps at some point you should consider adding Ancient Warfare and eliminate the portion dealing with workers. This would allow the creation of some simple machines that can be powered by windmills and/or waterwheels and not break the theme of the pack.
P.S. Sorry that I haven't responded to earlier comments. I've been out of town for over a week.
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Perhaps at some point you should consider adding Ancient Warfare and eliminate the portion dealing with workers. This would allow the creation of some simple machines that can be powered by windmills and/or waterwheels and not break the theme of the pack.
P.S. Sorry that I haven't responded to earlier comments. I've been out of town for over a week.

I have actually tried to add AW to the pack in the past and could not get any part of it to work with TFC, so unless there have been some serious changes to the mod, I am sorry but I wont even consider it at this time. The other issue is that I have already established the mod list for the TFP 2.0 release and am struggling to get everything working before the release date. As it is not everything will be 100%, so adding anymore mods that have to be tweaked and wrenched with heavy tools to fit with TFC would drastically push back any hope of releasing the pack on time. It is possible that in a month or two I may consider looking for some mods to add, but for now the answer has to be no.

Just to let you know, I have three major mods that still need to be incorporated into the pack, with only two weeks left for my deadline, and one of them is simply not cooperating at all. If the current issues cannot be solved soon I will have to push back my deadlines :(
Heya OneWolfe, I've been playing for a few days now and I'm quite enjoying the pack. I was actually making a modpack once that was sort of like terrafirmacraft meets steampunk, never knew TFC existed back then though, the modpack spiralled out of control and then school happened and it's been laying on the shelf ever since though xD

Anyway, I'm quite enjoying the pack as said, but I've run into a few bugs , the first one I ran into was click R to organize my inventory and ending up disorganizing my hotbar in the process. This one's honestly almost made me ragequit a few times, especially if I've done it in combat by accident.
I take it it's because TFC changes up the gui? I don't know enough about modpacks and FTB to start poking around right now, also I'm heading to bed, I can take a look at it tomorrow though, but I'd suspect something like
Would do the trick?

Second bug I ran into first started happening after I crafted my first cogwheel, for some reason the inventory just vanishes and the armour slots go blank, despite the image still showing my avatar wearing his armour.

So far the only solution I've found was to go to menu and reload, I literally have no idea what's causing it, nor do I know if it's in any way related to the Cogs of the Machine mod. Only that it happened right after I crafted my first item from that pack, and then it's happened a few times after that, every time at some point not too long before it's happened I've either crafted or looked at a recipe from that modpack, but it could be pure coincidence.

This is the save I'm playing on, the bug only started recently (the last 15 minutes or so) and has happened 3-4 times by now, so it's bound to happened again if you play around with it.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6338532/Lands of Logan.zip

Also, I've attached the logfile in case it's in any way useful =)

Also, may I ask why you're using the map mod you are? (it feels less advanced than for example journeymap)


I've found a way to make the GUI bug repeatable.

Open up the inventory, hover over the sword click 1, this will make it change places with the cogwheel and will instantly bugger up the GUI too, this just strengthens my suspicion that what ever is going on has something to do with Cogs of the Machine.
I got a crash after leaving the game to reload and I've attached the crash log here.
Apparently in this case it has something to do with Immersive Engineering, which I haven't even touched yet, but makes me wonder if there could be some problems between the two mods? I've never used Cogs of the Machine before though, so I'm not sure what said problems could be.
Lol, I just noticed something really odd


Once the GUI has gone haywire, when looking in some directions I'm suddenly wearing half a cow xD
Lol, I just noticed something really odd

View attachment 25791

Once the GUI has gone haywire, when looking in some directions I'm suddenly wearing half a cow xD
And if someone else looks at you even more weird things happen. It's definitely triggered by cogs of the machine, either crafting or placing some of its blocks. You can "fix it" by opening other menus (like a chest).
OK. I'll have to remember that going forward, for now I've just placed all the items in a chest and sort of left them there.
If you pick up blue ooze in a wooden bucket the bucket is permanently transformed into an iron bucket
If you pick up blue ooze in a wooden bucket the bucket is permanently transformed into an iron bucket

And if someone else looks at you even more weird things happen. It's definitely triggered by cogs of the machine, either crafting or placing some of its blocks. You can "fix it" by opening other menus (like a chest).

First, I thought that I had already included the Inventory Tweaks fix :( I personally don't like IT so leave it disabled most of the time. Thanks for pointing this out for me :D

Second, the bug with the Cogs in actually caused by BackTools. I am going to have it disabled by default in future updates. It dosnt really add any content and is buggy at the best of times :P

Lastly, where are you finding Blue Ooze? It sounds like something that I may need to remove. Is it a mob drop or something your crafting? I also need to find out if its something that is going to be required in the tech tree and if removing or disabling it will cause more problems down the line.

Thanks for letting me know about these issues. I should have them taking care of and a new update posted in the next few days.
You are very welcome. =)
I sort of play in a non religious fashion. At times I'm zooming around in creative mode, exploring, experimenting, and at other times I'm meticulously trying to stretch my resources in survival in order to accomplish some specific task.
And at one point where I was just idly flying around in creative I noticed this cave of blue stuff through an unloaded chunk (like look through the ground type thing, you know what I mean). So I just dug my way down and ended up in a cave half filled with blue gooey stuff, I decided to take some of it home with me, and it upgraded my wooden bucket.
So far it seems to be completely useless, except as a defensive weapon perhaps, since it slows down targets and hurts them (though it doesn't do much damage).
I'd say it's safe to just disable it.

For now I've just rebound the sort key to the numpad but I sort of have an ocd when it comes to my inventory, also I'm lazy, so I like having a "tidy up for me" button xD

As for the BackTools, is that where you can carry anvils, barrels, jugs and jars on your back? Or perhaps converting tools so they can utilize the space there created by some other mod?

On a whole different note. I made my self a TFC Udary tucker bag fairly early on thinking I'd be able to carry stuff in it. I gave up on it, and only just now did I discover what it does. Perhaps there should be an optional quest for it in connection with the Hearth and Field questline at around either Ancient cloth or cat's out of the bag, just a thought. That could also go into some animal husbandry like milk?
In a legendary reward bag I just got an enchanted book. Now I forgot the name of the reward, but the enchanted book was well.. empty, it was enchanted with nothing xD

Also I've gotten a few melons and melon seeds as reward from either bags or loot from creatures, this seems redundant since you can't eat melons and seeds can only produce new melons.
You are very welcome. =)

On a whole different note. I made my self a TFC Udary tucker bag fairly early on thinking I'd be able to carry stuff in it. I gave up on it, and only just now did I discover what it does. Perhaps there should be an optional quest for it in connection with the Hearth and Field questline at around either Ancient cloth or cat's out of the bag, just a thought. That could also go into some animal husbandry like milk?

Yeah, I also had to look up what the Tucker Bag did as well, the upgraded one is kind of nice for moving larger animals around.

I am still going to have to see whats creating the blue stuff. Since it is obviously being created by world generation it may be very difficult to disable if the mod dosnt already allow it :(
In a legendary reward bag I just got an enchanted book. Now I forgot the name of the reward, but the enchanted book was well.. empty, it was enchanted with nothing xD

Also I've gotten a few melons and melon seeds as reward from either bags or loot from creatures, this seems redundant since you can't eat melons and seeds can only produce new melons.

Think Potions :rolleyes:
Oh right. I've never actually used potions so I didn't think of them at all, but good point.

About the blue stuff, here's an image of such a cave through the ground

Oh right. I've never actually used potions so I didn't think of them at all, but good point.

About the blue stuff, here's an image of such a cave through the ground

Ok, now that I am home from work I can check on the ooze.

It looks like it is from Lycanites and so far I am not seeing anything in the Configs that will let me stop it from spawning in the world :(
As for why a wooden bucket is even able to pick it up has me at a loss.