[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh btw the jack-o-lantern quest won't accept the jack-o-lanterns. I know I can easily bypass this with hqm edit but just you oughte know
I am getting this problem also. I had 10 in my inventory but it still wouldn't complete the quest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found my problem so no worries, on that point. I've also died 4 times in a row to wasps or gnats or something. And twice to the scorpions (crabs?) from the beach.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's how I fixed it. Now I keep starving before I can find any food. Starting my 4th attempt soon.

Is there any seaweed? Starving shouldnt kill you tho ...
The pack is ment to be very hard and has a few tricks to surviving the first few days.
I am still in the middle of balancing it tho so the 1.0.9x versions will be very buggy with some mobs being very under powered while other may be grossly OP. Although, early game should be a focus on a defensive survival strategy. First time TFC players should probably not run with Hardcore mode active.

Once the pack is finished I might release some strategy guides like I have for earlier version, but I would really love to see players and tester come up with some of their own :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any seaweed? Starving shouldnt kill you tho ...
The pack is ment to be very hard and has a few tricks to surviving the first few days.
I am still in the middle of balancing it tho so the 1.0.9x versions will be very buggy with some mobs being very under powered while other may be grossly OP. Although, early game should be a focus on a defensive survival strategy. First time TFC players should probably not run with Hardcore mode active.

Once the pack is finished I might release some strategy guides like I have for earlier version, but I would really love to see players and tester come up with some of their own :D
No, starving won't quite kill you but it will knock your health down so far that all it takes is one hit by anything to send you back to spawn.

Plenty of seaweed. But trying to get it is problematical. First, I keep getting killed by crabs and almost killed by sharks. Then, if I do manage to reach it unscathed, it has not dropped anything when I break it. It hasn't just fallen out of reach (I swam down looking for it), it has disappeared entirely.

Please don't misunderstand. I really do like the concept and will probably keep playing. But it is definitely more difficult to play than vanilla TFC. Of course that could just be me. Random Number Generation has never been my friend.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The recipe for the Wooden Crate (quest in the cogs of the machine line) asks for a vanilla chest but the recipe is disabled and looted chest will turn into Oak Chest if we break them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Plenty of seaweed. But trying to get it is problematical. First, I keep getting killed by crabs and almost killed by sharks. Then, if I do manage to reach it unscathed, it has not dropped anything when I break it. It hasn't just fallen out of reach (I swam down looking for it), it has disappeared entirely.

Sharks! What sharks? I did not put any sharks in the water, and have not seen any spawning there before. Are the whales attacking you?

Oh, and are you breaking the seaweed with a knife?

And yes, this pack is ment to be much harder than normal TFC and surviving the first night can be a big challenge, unless you have a good strategy


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The recipe for the Wooden Crate (quest in the cogs of the machine line) asks for a vanilla chest but the recipe is disabled and looted chest will turn into Oak Chest if we break them.

Yes, that is still the OLD questbook. I have not release the new one yet for testing. I should have something ready this month.


Last modpack update broke my save - I'm now getting an error message that says "... utterly corrupted..."! I have a back-up, but is there any way I can roll-back the modpack to its previous state? Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Last modpack update broke my save - I'm now getting an error message that says "... utterly corrupted..."! I have a back-up, but is there any way I can roll-back the modpack to its previous state? Thanks!

There should be a Versions drop down list in the launcher that will allow you to select which version you want. Changing from version 1.0.3 or earlier to 1.0.90+ will most likely corrupt and destroy your world.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Last modpack update broke my save - I'm now getting an error message that says "... utterly corrupted..."! I have a back-up, but is there any way I can roll-back the modpack to its previous state? Thanks!

You can manually add DragonAPI back into the pack to fix that, if it is the same "utterly corrupted" I get every time I update.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OneWolfe said:
Sharks! What sharks? I did not put any sharks in the water, and have not seen any spawning there before. Are the whales attacking you?
Oh, and are you breaking the seaweed with a knife?
I suppose they could be whales. That's what I thought they were before they tried to eat me. Killer whales?

Yes, breaking with a knife. Might be a glitch in my download.

Will be starting world 5 soon. This time I spawned on a tiny island---less than 8 meters---right next to a bear. Got hit 2 times by the bear, ran to the beach and got hit a couple more times by a crab then killed by whale.

I was wrong about RNG not being my friend. RNG freaking hates me.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And that is why I like the early game better in just about every pack. Fight for everything, even bits of seaweed.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I suppose they could be whales. That's what I thought they were before they tried to eat me. Killer whales?

Yes, breaking with a knife. Might be a glitch in my download.

Will be starting world 5 soon. This time I spawned on a tiny island---less than 8 meters---right next to a bear. Got hit 2 times by the bear, ran to the beach and got hit a couple more times by a crab then killed by whale.

I was wrong about RNG not being my friend. RNG freaking hates me.

LOL. Just use the console to tp until you find an habitable area.

Yeah, the map of terrafirma itself is quite bad or at least very boring. It should use the super realistic generation (another mod) for the surface and then just make the caves.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I suppose they could be whales. That's what I thought they were before they tried to eat me. Killer whales?

Yes, breaking with a knife. Might be a glitch in my download.

Will be starting world 5 soon. This time I spawned on a tiny island---less than 8 meters---right next to a bear. Got hit 2 times by the bear, ran to the beach and got hit a couple more times by a crab then killed by whale.

I was wrong about RNG not being my friend. RNG freaking hates me.

I did not realize the Whales actually attacked people! I thought they were passive :(

If you want I can send you some decent starter seeds to try once I get home from work.

Also check out some of my TFP videos for basic survival ideas.