Oh, I'm playing with only ZombyAwareness disabled.
Do you get better numbers in your setup? Playing single-player is not an issue at all since even if the internal server skip ticks, the client handles that nicely and you wouldn't notice at all.
Btw, which OS and Java version are u testing on?
Yes, I have Win7 on my home PC with Java 8 something, but the servers I use are all Linux based Rent-A-Server with mostly low end packages. The servers do appear to struggle a bit, but I am not experiencing the FPS and Lag issues you have mentioned previously. Other than once last week when there were to many mobs spawning in the caves. But I do agree that the newest version of the pack is definitely not optimized and I really appreciate all of these comments as it helps me identify the current problems. I hope that the next update will have some of them taken care of ...