[1.7.10] Technofirma - The Original Terrafirmacraft Modpack

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Just sent in update 2.4.0, if all goes well, should be live in a day or so (server is already updated, so when the update goes live it will be ready, it is currently in sleep mode so nothing will tick on the server until someone logs on)

Update 2.4.0:

Updated Forge Version:

Added Zombie Awareness
Added TFC Merchant Addon: http://terrafirmacraft.com/f/topic/7563-tfc-07913merchants-addon-for-tfc/ (anyone know of a good wagon/antique vehicle mod or coin mod to help enhance this?)
Added Smart Moving
Added Player API
Added Render Player API
Added Archimedes Ships (Air ships are disabled, they are to OP with no good way to make them balanced, when building a ship use the floater blocks as they will support it)
Removed Presence Footsteps (will be added back in when carpenter's blocks stops crashing it)
Updated Several Mods
Recipes now work for EA, and OC is closer to being working.
Lots of config tweaks and new features added!

Plans for future updates [in no particular order]:
[and since so many asked for it, but don't expect it anytime soon]...Gregtech
Industrialcraft 2
[Mod(s) to enhance/expand early game, gonna try and keep TFC more mid-game-ish, with the tech mods end game]
[any good doable/workable suggestion for new mod/tweak or community submission]

Big Thanks to the community on this update, scripting is a huge pain. :)

Enjoy, I will post when the update goes live.
If / When you add railcraft, make sure to remove 'Residual Heat'. It has been causing a lot of issues with TFC.
I've been testing the pack with some of the updated mods you put into the next update (got the mods and versions from the server rejection message). The oregen that I recommended for putting tungsten in the world will cause a crash with the new mod versions. I'm not sure why... the name and meta of the ore did not change from the previous version of EA, my guess is that something in the TFC updated version broke it.
If / When you add railcraft, make sure to remove 'Residual Heat'. It has been causing a lot of issues with TFC.

Thanks for the tip.

I've been testing the pack with some of the updated mods you put into the next update (got the mods and versions from the server rejection message). The oregen that I recommended for putting tungsten in the world will cause a crash with the new mod versions. I'm not sure why... the name and meta of the ore did not change from the previous version of EA, my guess is that something in the TFC updated version broke it.

Will be removed.
If you have any questions, or need help connecting to the server or using the pack, come on the TS (ts3.darkserver.co.uk)!
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Update is not on yet, I understand that takes some time, while we wait I'm dying to test it, do yu have any other download link for it?
Since forge has been updated could you use journey map as the default map? Also HQM has a coin system I think.

I'll look into adding Journey map for the next update, but for now, it will not be the default map as I find it a tad bit to OP to. Thanks for the info, but the offer of the TFC merchant addon has already confirmed a coin system.
Aw you finished the Electrical Age compatibility scripts. I was working on finishing them myself to give to you. Oh well I guess.

From the looks of it, that TFC merchant addon is pretty much only useful for Multiplayer, right?
Aw you finished the Electrical Age compatibility scripts. I was working on finishing them myself to give to you. Oh well I guess.

From the looks of it, that TFC merchant addon is pretty much only useful for Multiplayer, right?

Lol, yeah, got those done with some help from landstryder.
Your assumption is correct, the merchant addon doesn't serve any purpose in single player.

There are still scripts to do, the next update (2.5.0) will take a lot of work to complete.
Also, FTB is now processing the update (2.4.0), and should go live soon!
Is anyone else getting lots of lag? I am exploring new terrain, so it's possible it's terrain gen, but at times it'll drop to 1 fps, and then be fine for a few blocks, then back down to 1 fps. I am running a pretty 'decent' PC (Asus P8z68 Pro Gen 3, i7, 16 Gigs RAM, GTX 580). Also, I added the journey map for myself - I used the map included in opis, but had problems with it (like it deleting all of my waypoints). I also like having better visibility of waypoints, too.
Is anyone else getting lots of lag? I am exploring new terrain, so it's possible it's terrain gen, but at times it'll drop to 1 fps, and then be fine for a few blocks, then back down to 1 fps. I am running a pretty 'decent' PC (Asus P8z68 Pro Gen 3, i7, 16 Gigs RAM, GTX 580). Also, I added the journey map for myself - I used the map included in opis, but had problems with it (like it deleting all of my waypoints). I also like having better visibility of waypoints, too.

Try installing Fastcraft, as that should help. Next update I will be updating to Forge 1272, which should also help fix terrain gen lag. Also, try turning down the effects in the weather 2 GUI (accessed via the esc key).
Ok, I'll try that. (I've also been getting this wierd terrain gen where there's a solid block of trees thousands of blocks wide/long). I'll see if Fastcraft fixes that.

EDIT: Definately less lag - tested in creative mode.
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You might want to make Forge-Smoke not default to on - since the config says it's unsupported, I'm pretty sure it's something you've done.
It isn't working right, and creates the wrong blocks, which makes Crucibles not work.
Sent in request to FTB for the update, current change log:
Update 2.5.0

Forge Version:

Added IVtoolkit: Ivorius, http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224535-ivtoolkit
Added Ye Gamol Chattel: Ivorius, http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/224600-ye-gamol-chattels
Added TFC Udary Addon: Bletch1971, http://terrafirmacraft.com/f/topic/7587-tfc-7913-galenalimonite-extraction-mod/
Added Quadrum:dmillerw, http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...92-forge-quadrum-v1-2-0-simplified-block-item
Added Thut Mods:Thumose, http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...-7-10-forge-thuts-mods-elevators-concrete-and
Added Journey Map: techbrew, FTB, spreadsheet

show needed vanilla items -- done
journeymap (make sure to disable either it, or opis, 2 maps are not needed) -- done
updated mods -- done
fix table recipe (acacia wood) -- done
hopper recipe -- done
weaken physics for raw stone, brick, and smooth stone -- done
remove tnt recipe by land (vanilla sand is obtainable) -- done
dirt physics -- done
set items to despwn -- done
resonant induction
respirator resipe -- done
concrete -- done
air quality -- done
The portable Electric Mining drill is now faster than any pickaxe -- done

remove opis from server (conflicting with other mods, caused more lag than was necessary) -- done
brick physics -- done
smooth physics -- done
Cobble physics -- done
Farm land physics -- done
rename carpenters blocks wooden construction frames -- done
@kev12east I appreciate the pack. I'm running it on a server and had to disable Computronics. Anyone chatting on the server caused the server to crash. Crashlog.

We're running v2.40 of your pack.

I don't know if you left them out for a reason but your server download doesn't include FML, Minecraft server files, etc.

I added computronics back in and disabled chatbox in the configs and the server doesn't crash with chat messages now.

Issue reported to Asie

Update 2:
the Computronics dev team explained that we're using an old version of Computronics with a newer version of OC. They suggest we update Computronics.
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Thank you for the bug report, just sneaked in those updates, will be in version 2.5.0

I did not include the main server files because I am unsure of FTB's policy when it comes to them. When the update goes live, I will be updating the OP with all necessary information for creating a server with this pack.
Update 2.5.0 is now live, server is up to date and the old map is back on!

Plans for the next update:
Fix OC recipes
add IC2 reactors
add Railcraft
add some surprise mods
better physics for Archimedes Ships
other tweaks
Pushed hotfix 2.5.1, removes minetweaker recipe maker. to join the server, you must disable or delete to connect to the public server