[1.7.10] Technofirma - The Original Terrafirmacraft Modpack

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I can't see blocks placed by another player untill I log off/log in again. Any idea what's causing this?

edit: It apears to be happening only for pine logs.
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Current edition bug: Carpenter's blocks torch is not enabled client-side but server side, could be fixed by editing your CarpentersBlocks.cfg config file, just set the CarpentersBlocks.torch="false" to true. servers is running fine btw no lag :)
Found some more bugs...
The gold nugget is not craftable from TFC gold bar but they are required for many recipes, mainly the ones for open computers.
This is more of a bug work around- You can craft iron nuggets from TFC wrought iron then combine it back into standard vanilla iron ingots (this will allow you to craft many of the currently uncraftable Electrical Age machines)
Is this the right place to report bugs?

I found out that even after you log off a server, if you don't actualy close the client, your character will stay logged on. So sometimes you wanna quickly log off, and you don't actualy close the game, your character will stay there in the server. Died a couple times because of this. Even if I log off from a server and open a single player game, it will stay logged in the server untill I completely close the minecraft client.
I have a suggestion for the mod pack. maybe add mariculter and make the day/night cycle last longer.

Mariculture may be added at a later date, as for day night cycle, that will have to be researched as TFC calculates many of its operations based on the day/night cycle.

Found some more bugs...
The gold nugget is not craftable from TFC gold bar but they are required for many recipes, mainly the ones for open computers.
This is more of a bug work around- You can craft iron nuggets from TFC wrought iron then combine it back into standard vanilla iron ingots (this will allow you to craft many of the currently uncraftable Electrical Age machines)

Time to answer this with a question: why can't forge automatically use ore dictionary? Will be fixed in next update (hopefully).

Is this the right place to report bugs?

I found out that even after you log off a server, if you don't actualy close the client, your character will stay logged on. So sometimes you wanna quickly log off, and you don't actualy close the game, your character will stay there in the server. Died a couple times because of this. Even if I log off from a server and open a single player game, it will stay logged in the server untill I completely close the minecraft client.

Yep, right place indeed. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that is a forge bug... I have no idea what is causing that, as that makes no sense what so ever. Was the server using bukkit/mcpc+/cauldron?

Is this pack still bein worked on? There's a lot of things in the added more that are still uncraftable.

This pack is still being worked on, scripting is just extremely slow and time consuming. anything that is uncraftable will (eventually) be craftable.
Alright thanks. Was just wondering because I'm trying to start electrical age and it's impossible to do because you need vanilla iron for most machines, and TFC iron doesn't work. Early on you can't even make wires because you need to smelt sap to make rubber, but sap won't smelt in a firepit, so you'd need a electrical furnace, which needs vanilla items as well (cobblestone and stone), as well as needing wires, which need rubber, and so on. It's an endless circle.

So it's basically impossible to do anything with the mod. I hope this gets fixed soon.

On the positive side I really love the weather 2, although it does seem to storm a little bit too often, about once a day, even after I set storms to low. I'll try looking in the configs. There's likely something in there. The mod that makes items fall on the ground like TFC debris is a really nice touch. The sound mod in caves is great as well. I love the foilage mod too.

Oh and by the way, questions:
Envioromine makes all blocks fall if not supported, which is nice, but I can't seem to make roofs now. Am I just doing something wrong?

Does that air gage in the corner (pretty sure it's envioromine) do anything? So far I haven't been affected.

What's the mod that causes me to back up slowly and autoclimb blocks? I'd like to tweak that as I don't exactly like it.

What are you using to edit recipes? I remember a mod that does it, but I forget the name.

Sorry if I'm being a pain in the arse with all these words. I love this modpack and it's nice to see someone have a go at making a compatible TFC modpack. :)
S'all right, to answer the questions:

1) The pysics is a combo between TFC and Enviromine, check the forum (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...enviromine-a-little-bit-of-realism-1-7-10-new) to see if your supporting things correctly (note: Not all blocks may be fully convigured, if not, more tweaking is to be done)

2)It does, it will slowly deplete in caves and around torches (once you are deep enough, TFC has a raised sea level, so it might be difficult to see these effects)

3)Iguana Tweaks, also used for the new item weight system

4)Minetweaker 3, and mod tweaker

Hope this answers your questions.

As always, I am open to suggestions/contributions to the pack!
Huh. Minetweaker/Modtweaker actually works with TFC items?

I tried to fool around with it once to try and add railcraft item recipes in the game a long while back.

But the scripts I made didn't work, so either I screwed up, or there's more to it than what I was doing.
Huh. Minetweaker/Modtweaker actually works with TFC items?

I tried to fool around with it once to try and add railcraft item recipes in the game a long while back.

But the scripts I made didn't work, so either I screwed up, or there's more to it than what I was doing.

It works with the items, just not the blocks. For instance, I can make recipes using TFC items, but I can not add a recipe to the firepit.
Hey do you need any help minetweaking the things for Electric Age? I was screwing with the tools and finally figured the dang them out with the recipes and I've converted about half on the mod to craftable. If I finish, I'd gladly post it if you'd like :)

Unless you've already done this. In which case, oh well. Atleast now I know how to do this. :rolleyes:
Hey do you need any help minetweaking the things for Electric Age? I was screwing with the tools and finally figured the dang them out with the recipes and I've converted about half on the mod to craftable. If I finish, I'd gladly post it if you'd like :)

Unless you've already done this. In which case, oh well. Atleast now I know how to do this. :rolleyes:

Sure, I thought I had them working, but turns out it doesn't use ore dictionary for a bunch of the recipes.

As always, I am open to suggestions and contributions made submitted by the community :)
Yep, right place indeed. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that is a forge bug... I have no idea what is causing that, as that makes no sense what so ever. Was the server using bukkit/mcpc+/cauldron?

Nope, not using anything. Just downloaded the server from the FTB launcher and started it.
Nope, not using anything. Just downloaded the server from the FTB launcher and started it.

As of right now, I have no idea what is causing this problem. IN the next update, forge will be updated, so hopefully that fixes the issue.
OK!... as promised... my scripts for fixing Electrical Age. May not be perfectly balanced. I did not remove any of the original recipes so there are many double entries still. I didn't fix the recipe for interaction between EA and OC because it will require an update before that becomes relevant. There is a couple extra tweaks in there too. If you want to add this to your current version before any of it gets incorporated into the next update just create a file in the scripts directory of your Technofirma install with .jz as the file extension, edit with a text editor like notepad and paste the script in it.

// Ore Dictionary stuff
val sand = <ore:sandBlock>;
val iron = <ore:ingotIron>;
val tin = <ore:ingotTin>;
val brass = <ore:ingotBrass>;
val copper = <ore:ingotCopper>;
val gold = <ore:ingotGold>;
val plat = <ore:ingotPlatinum>;
val lead = <ore:ingotLead>;
val cobble = <ore:cobbleStone>;
val rawstone = <ore:rawStone>;
val redstone = <minecraft:redstone>;
val pane = <minecraft:glass_pane>;
val gp = <minecraft:gunpowder>;
val rubber = <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:4097>;
val resin = <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:4096>;
val saltpeter = <terrafirmacraft:item.Powder:4>;
val lvolt = <Eln:Eln.SixNode:2052>;
val mvolt = <Eln:Eln.SixNode:2056>;
val hvolt = <Eln:Eln.SixNode:2060>;
val vhvolt = <Eln:Eln.SixNode:2064>;
val thermcable = <Eln:Eln.SixNode:3073>;
val scable = <Eln:Eln.SixNode:2048>;
val ccable = <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:4160>;
val icable = <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:4161>;
val tcable = <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:4262>;
val cchip = <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7680>;
val achip = <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7681>;
val csheet = <terrafirmacraft:item.Copper Sheet>;
val zsheet = <terrafirmacraft:item.Zinc Sheet>;
val tsheet = <terrafirmacraft:item.Tin Sheet>;
val isheet = <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Sheet>;
val tungsten = <ore:ingotElnTungsten>;
val anycoal = <ore:anyCoal>;
tin.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Tin Ingot>);
brass.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Brass Ingot>);
plat.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Platinum Ingot>);
gold.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Gold Ingot>);
tungsten.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Platinum Ingot>);
// Fix for TnT (yes I know there are powder keg, but little booms are fun too!)
recipes.addShaped( <minecraft:tnt> * 1, [[gp, sand, gp], [sand, gp, sand], [gp, sand, gp]]);
// Easier paper recipes (because it just makes sense)
recipes.addShapeless( <minecraft:paper> *1, [<ore:logWood>, <ore:bucketWater>]);
// Carpenter's Hammer
recipes.addShaped( <CarpentersBlocks:itemCarpentersHammer> * 1, [[iron, iron, null], [null, <CarpentersBlocks:blockCarpentersBlock>, iron], [null, <CarpentersBlocks:blockCarpentersBlock>, null]]);
// Electrical Age Recipes
recipes.addShaped( rubber * 8, [[resin, resin, resin], [resin, saltpeter, resin], [resin, resin, resin]]);
recipes.addShaped( scable * 6, [[rubber, rubber, rubber], [tin, tin, tin], [rubber, rubber, rubber]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:3073> * 6, [[cobble, cobble, cobble], [copper, copper, copper], [cobble, cobble, cobble]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4096> * 1, [[pane, null], [brass, pane], [pane, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4097> * 1, [[null, pane], [pane, brass], [null, pane]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4100> * 1, [[pane, brass, pane]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4101> * 1, [[brass, pane, brass]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4102> * 1, [[null, brass, null], [pane, pane, pane]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4103> * 1, [[null, tin, null], [tin, null, tin]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4104> * 1, [[pane], [iron], [iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4108> * 1, [[<terrafirmacraft:item.Rope>], [<Eln:Eln.SixNode:4100>]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4109> * 1, [[<terrafirmacraft:item.Rope>], [<terrafirmacraft:item.Rope>], [<Eln:Eln.SixNode:4100>]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4160> * 1, [[null, iron, null], [iron, copper, iron], [null, iron, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4224> * 1, [[redstone, iron, redstone], [iron, iron, iron], [redstone, lvolt, redstone]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4225> * 1, [[redstone, iron, redstone], [iron, cchip, iron], [redstone, lvolt, redstone]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:4228> * 1, [[redstone, iron, redstone], [iron, achip, iron], [redstone, mvolt, redstone]]);
recipes.addShaped( icable * 6, [[iron, iron, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:5888> * 1, [[null, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7713>, null], [iron, cchip, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:5896> * 1, [[null, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7713>, null], [null, redstone, null], [iron, cchip, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:5904> * 1, [[<Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7713>, null, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7713>], [redstone, null, redstone], [iron, cchip, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6016> * 1, [[pane, pane, pane], [iron, ccable, iron], [lvolt, redstone, lvolt]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6017> * 1, [[pane, pane, pane], [iron, ccable, iron], [mvolt, redstone, mvolt]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6018> * 1, [[pane, pane, pane], [iron, ccable, iron], [hvolt, redstone, hvolt]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6019> * 1, [[pane, pane, pane], [iron, ccable, iron], [vhvolt, redstone, vhvolt]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6080> * 1, [[redstone, <terrafirmacraft:item.stick>, redstone], [rubber, redstone, rubber], [null, scable, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6144> * 1, [[null, redstone, rubber], [copper, copper, redstone], [null, redstone, rubber]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6152> * 1, [[null, redstone, rubber], [tin, tin, redstone], [null, redstone, rubber]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6176> * 1, [[ccable, <minecraft:paper>, zsheet], [csheet, <minecraft:paper>, zsheet], [csheet, <minecraft:paper>, ccable]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6178> * 1, [[ccable, ccable, ccable], [ccable, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Ingot>, ccable], [ccable, ccable, ccable]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7684> * 1, [[null, copper, null], [redstone, iron, redstone], [null, copper, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6276> * 1, [[iron, ccable, iron], [iron, cchip, iron], [iron, ccable, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6277> * 1, [[null, ccable, null], [<terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>, achip, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>], [null, ccable, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6528> * 1, [[null, tsheet, null], [redstone, iron, <terrafirmacraft:item.dyePowder:1>], [null, scable, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6536> * 1, [[null, rubber, null], [rubber, <minecraft:redstone_torch>, rubber], [null, scable, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6592> * 1, [[iron, <minecraft:redstone_torch>, iron], [iron, <minecraft:noteblock>, iron], [iron, scable, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6593> * 1, [[<minecraft:noteblock>, <minecraft:redstone_torch>, <minecraft:noteblock>], [iron, scable, iron], [iron, iron, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6980> * 1, [[iron, scable, iron], [scable, cchip, scable], [iron, scable, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:7492> * 1, [[icable, redstone, icable], [tin, tin, tin]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:128> *1, [[ccable, null, ccable], [iron, iron, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:384> * 1, [[null, rawstone, null], [rawstone, null, rawstone], [null, rawstone, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:192> * 1, [[rawstone, rawstone, rawstone], [rawstone, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:384>, rawstone], [rawstone, thermcable, rawstone]]);
recipes.addShapeless( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6656> * 1, [<Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7696>, <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6912>]);
recipes.addShapeless( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6657> * 1, [<Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7696>, <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6912>, rubber]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.SixNode:6664> * 1, [[null, iron, null], [null, redstone, null], [iron, null, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:640> * 1, [[null, lvolt, null], [iron, iron, iron], [lvolt, null, lvolt]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7682> * 1, [[iron, iron, iron], [iron, ccable, iron], [iron, iron, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:448> * 1, [[redstone, null, iron], [cchip, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>, null], [redstone, null, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:449> * 1, [[iron, null, null], [null, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>, cchip], [iron, null, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:450> * 1, [[cchip, null, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>], [achip, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>, null], [cchip, null, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:451> * 1, [[<terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>, null, null], [null, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>, achip], [<terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>, null, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:452> * 1, [[achip, null, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>], [achip, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>, null], [achip, null, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:453> * 1, [[<terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>, null, cchip], [null, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>, achip], [<terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Double Sheet>, null, cchip]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:1026> * 1, [[iron, iron, iron], [iron, <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:1024>, iron], [iron, iron, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:1028> * 1, [[gold, null, gold], [null, <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:1024>, null], [gold, null, gold]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:2048> * 1, [[isheet, isheet, isheet], [isheet, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:64>, isheet], [isheet, lvolt, isheet]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:2112> * 1, [[iron, redstone, iron], [<minecraft:flint>, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7682>, <minecraft:flint>], [iron, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:640>, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:2368> * 1, [[iron, redstone, iron], [iron, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7682>, iron], [iron, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:640>, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:2304> * 1, [[iron, redstone, iron], [<Eln:Eln.sharedItem:640>, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7682>, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:640>], [iron, iron, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:640> * 1, [[iron, pane, pane], [<Eln:Eln.sharedItem:384>, null, pane], [cchip, iron, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:1024> * 1, [[iron, gold, iron], [redstone, cchip, redstone], [iron, gold, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:3073> * 1, [[iron, iron, iron], [lvolt, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7690>, lvolt], [iron, iron, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:3074> * 1, [[null, <Eln:Eln.TransparentNode:3073>, null], [null, iron, null], [iron, iron, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:69> * 1, [[iron, null, iron], [iron, iron, iron], [iron, null, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:192> * 1, [[redstone, redstone, redstone], [null, iron, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:193> * 1, [[redstone, null, redstone], [null, redstone, null], [null, iron, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:200> * 1, [[redstone, null, redstone], [null, cchip, null], [null, iron, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:260> * 4, [[null, pane, null], [pane, anycoal, pane], [null, ccable, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:261> * 4, [[null, pane, null], [pane, anycoal, pane], [null, lvolt, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:272> * 4, [[null, pane, null], [pane, redstone, pane], [null, ccable, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:273> * 4, [[null, pane, null], [pane, redstone, pane], [null, lvolt, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:274> * 4, [[null, pane, null], [pane, redstone, pane], [null, mvolt, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:960> * 1, [[cchip, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:640>, cchip], [null, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:640>, null], [null, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Pick>, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:961> * 1, [[redstone, cchip, redstone], [null, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:960>, null], [<ore:gemChipped>, <ore:gemChipped>, <ore:gemChipped>]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:962> * 1, [[<Eln:Eln.sharedItem:640>, achip, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:640>], [null, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:1088>, null], [null, <terrafirmacraft:item.Steel Pick>, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItemStackOne:7752> * 1, [[null, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:961>, null], [iron, <Eln:Eln.sharedItemStackOne:7808>, iron], [null, iron, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItemStackOne:7756> * 1, [[null, <terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Axe>, null], [iron, <Eln:Eln.sharedItemStackOne:7808>, iron], [iron, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:640>, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItemStackOne:7744> * 1, [[pane, <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:256>, pane], [iron, <Eln:Eln.sharedItemStackOne:7808>, iron], [null, iron, null]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItem:7728> * 1, [[null, iron, null], [iron, iron, null], [null, null, iron]]);
recipes.addShaped( <Eln:Eln.sharedItemStackOne:7808> * 1, [[null, copper, null], [iron, lead, iron], [iron, lead, iron]]);
// Open Computer Recipes
recipes.addShapeless( <minecraft:gold_nugget> * 9, [gold]);
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