[1.7.10] Shattered

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Just took a quick look at the mod, it's more of an addon for Pams to make things easier with all the food options.

What I'll do is add a couple of food options that are better then what you get with minecraft, but are not insanely good like you get with Pams. My "balance" is the MFR meat ingot. That's a very good food source, but needs some infrastructure to get there, so that will be the best food option in this pack.

Regarding this:
There are the "jerky" from tinker's construct, too. Just double-cooking any meat in any furnace which gives a huge boost in hunger and saturation.
Not sure if they fit in this balance, cause you pretty much have to first find and catch animals for it (though you need to do that for the meat-ingots, too), but they might be a similar or even better option than meat ingots at the moment, since they only need a furnace no extra machine.

(it's weird what you find in NEI when you actually search for things you never searched before, hehe. Didn't even know tinker's construct adds food options)
Regarding this:
There are the "jerky" from tinker's construct, too. Just double-cooking any meat in any furnace which gives a huge boost in hunger and saturation.
Not sure if they fit in this balance, cause you pretty much have to first find and catch animals for it (though you need to do that for the meat-ingots, too), but they might be a similar or even better option than meat ingots at the moment, since they only need a furnace no extra machine.

(it's weird what you find in NEI when you actually search for things you never searched before, hehe. Didn't even know tinker's construct adds food options)
The double cooking was just because of the rot system. I should really put that back to default behaviour (aka on the drying rack). I didn't know about the slime options on the drying rack. Just shows how easy it is to get stuck in a single method of play and not look at other options.
@Golrith Btw the crop breeding bypass is still there not sure if there is any way you can disable it, but meh it just cuts down breeding cycles by half or two thirds, so yeah speeds up breeding a lot but not game breaking in mho, ei cycle 1 can get 4.4.4 - 5.5.5, second can get 7.7.7 - 8.8.8, from there on its more or less nornal.
@Golrith Btw the crop breeding bypass is still there not sure if there is any way you can disable it, but meh it just cuts down breeding cycles by half or two thirds, so yeah speeds up breeding a lot but not game breaking in mho, ei cycle 1 can get 4.4.4 - 5.5.5, second can get 7.7.7 - 8.8.8, from there on its more or less nornal.
That's fine. I'm going to make a "Pams Lite" version using just existing ingredients to make meals. They won't be as saturating as Pams meals, but inline with the rest of the foods. Shouldn't overpower the cul gen either (hopefully).
First testrun with the biodiesel-generator. Filled my little energy storage (well "little" as in 24million RF, hehe) really fast and the backup system with having two tanks for biodiesel and one tank backup for ethanol and plant oil works prefectly. Now I just need to wait till all tanks are full and the silos for potatoes and melon-seeds start filling up and I shouldn't have a problem powerwise for my next few steps. Which means preparing to build the arc-furnace!
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I just reached my first major goal: making a chest. I've got to hand it to you, I've never felt such a sense of accomplishment making a chest before. So far, I'm very happy with the mod pack and am looking forward to (finally) starting to progress up the tech ladder! :D
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I just reached my first major goal: making a chest. I've got to hand it to you, I've never felt such a sense of accomplishment making a chest before. So far, I'm very happy with the mod pack and am looking forward to (finally) starting to progress up the tech ladder! :D
Excellent! That's a major part of the design of the pack. Everything should feel like an accomplishment, without a sense of grind (or a one off grind that makes things easier next time).

Been reviewing the foods and will be adding:
Dough, Stock and Gravy items
Fried Rice, Roast Beef Dinner, Chicken Pie, Fish & Chips, Cherry Pie, Lemon Meringue, Carrot Soup, Seed Soup, Veggie Soup, Meat Stew and Boiled Egg (11 additional meals for you)
Various existing meal recipes will be changing, overall, some foods are going to be a little more difficult to craft, and more water will be required. Some of the "advanced" meals will require you have a bit of infrastructure in place.

This has all been influenced by Pams Harvestcraft, just without needing pots and pans as part of the recipes.

Now to actually implement them :P
Sounds good! Looking forward to seeing which ways you thought of making these foods :]

One thing I noticed lately, not sure if that is a wanted behaviour but:
All "Natura" trees have the normal 1 wood -> 4 planks and 2 planks -> 4 stick recipes. (was using the 1 sapling -> 1 stick until yesterday where I noticed this *chuckles*)

And a bigger problem:
- It seems you cannot make "blocks of steel" from immersive engineering. Only from Railcraft using the ticon smeltery. (so it seems the redstone furnace recipe was eaten)
Not sure if the arc furnace of IE accepts this steel in it's multistructure, will test it tomorrow (so late here *yawns*).
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Sounds good! Looking forward to seeing which ways you thought of making these foods :]

One thing I noticed lately, not sure if that is a wanted behaviour but:
All "Natura" trees have the normal 1 wood -> 4 planks and 2 planks -> 4 stick recipes. (was using the 1 sapling -> 1 stick until yesterday where I noticed this *chuckles*)

And a bigger problem:
- It seems you cannot make "blocks of steel" from immersive engineering. Only from Railcraft using the ticon smeltery. (so it seems the redstone furnace recipe was eaten)
Not sure if the arc furnace of IE accepts this steel in it's multistructure, will test it tomorrow (so late here *yawns*).
Natura trees are not always easy to find, so think of it as a small reward for exploring and going beyond oak trees. Forestry trees are the same.

I believe IE detects any steel block.
Two technical questions: I've built a blast furnace and I noticed that the IE blast furnace is uncraftable so I had to make the Railcraft version. However, both the IE coke oven and Railcraft coke oven are craftable with the IE one being notably more expensive. Is this intentional? And if so, is there a reason why I might've elected to use the IE one over the Railcraft one? Similarly, for the steel fence recipe, using the tool rods instead of the regular rods yields double fences--when tool rods come from one steel ingot and regular rods come from two yielding a four times boost in efficiency. This seems like a lot to me, so I was wondering if this was intentional as well. Sorry if I seem pedantic, I just want to make sure everything is right :)

One other thing that perplexes me is IE's wires. For most of the machines, I see that IE serves as a starting block: for instance, I make the gigantic IE crusher and eventually get myself a TE pulverizer. However, I don't see why I'd ever want to move over from IE's wires. The TE fluxducts appear to be less efficient and significantly more expensive. Is there something I'm missing here, or are IE wires the end game of power (unless I'm dealing with a ludicrous amount of power and need the cryostabilized fluxduct)?
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Two technical questions: I've built a blast furnace and I noticed that the IE blast furnace is uncraftable so I had to make the Railcraft version. However, both the IE coke oven and Railcraft coke oven are craftable with the IE one being notably more expensive. Is this intentional? And if so, is there a reason why I might've elected to use the IE one over the Railcraft one? Similarly, for the steel fence recipe, using the tool rods instead of the regular rods yields double fences--when tool rods come from one steel ingot and regular rods come from two yielding a four times boost in efficiency. This seems like a lot to me, so I was wondering if this was intentional as well. Sorry if I seem pedantic, I just want to make sure everything is right :)

One other thing that perplexes me is IE's wires. For most of the machines, I see that IE serves as a starting block: for instance, I make the gigantic IE crusher and eventually get myself a TE pulverizer. However, I don't see why I'd ever want to move over from IE's wires. The TE fluxducts appear to be less efficient and significantly more expensive. Is there something I'm missing here, or are IE wires the end game of power (unless I'm dealing with a ludicrous amount of power and need the cryostabilized fluxduct)?
The IE coke oven is actually a little faster then the railcraft one (default behaviour), so it's your choice really.
Yes, steel fence is intentional, to promote the use of using machines instead of a crafting bench, plus as an aid to your steel requirements. Once you have the right machine for the job, resource costs become a lot cheaper.

No, you are not missing anything. The various ducts/pipes, etc are generally useful for localized builds, where having a mass of IE cables would be a mess (I remember the horror in my basement on one of the skyblock maps, cables strung everywhere, I was glad to switch over to ducts to tidy things up).
Personally I would recommend using IE for long distance power transfer, then some other solution inside buildings/factories.
Early game is either Buildcraft or IE (depending on your available resources), then TE, then EnderIO.

Power transfer is an nightmare, every mod has different transfer rates for different levels of resources, it's difficult to find a "middle ground". Thinking about it thought, I think IE has an easy to edit config file to adjust the rates, so I could throttle IE so that you have to progress on to the other options.

Today I notice that yesterday my mind must have been half asleep already *chuckles*
Looked over the steel-block recipes like ten times and always noticed the chisel-use of them, where you can switch between railcraft steel and IE steel blocks without problem.

So I guess the "bigger" problem changed into a "minor" one *ducks*
I really should wait with posting stuff until my mind if full awake and remembers stuff like chisel :D

(and I always want to write "steal blocks" ... thieving blocks!)

About the ducts and increased costs:
Don't forget that you also can make these fluxuated ducts (once you have the magma crucible and fluid transposer/bottling machine). I love them since you can put water+power (up to 2'000RF/t) or item+power (without the chance of getting faster item pipes then which is a little downside) together in a single duct.

Today I notice that yesterday my mind must have been half asleep already *chuckles*
Looked over the steel-block recipes like ten times and always noticed the chisel-use of them, where you can switch between railcraft steel and IE steel blocks without problem.

So I guess the "bigger" problem changed into a "minor" one *ducks*
I really should wait with posting stuff until my mind if full awake and remembers stuff like chisel :D

(and I always want to write "steal blocks" ... thieving blocks!)

About the ducts and increased costs:
Don't forget that you also can make these fluxuated ducts (once you have the magma crucible and fluid transposer/bottling machine). I love them since you can put water+power (up to 2'000RF/t) or item+power (without the chance of getting faster item pipes then which is a little downside) together in a single duct.
Yep, Chisel still gives you access to the other blocks for decorative purposes (if anyone would want to waste a few hundred blocks of steel on decoration, maybe once you've an asteroid mining ship setup or something)
The new foods now have graphics, and the recipe creation is underway. I'm planning on submitting a pack update tomorrow night, hopefully it'll be updated for Christmas :D
Looks like the best food generates 38 rf/t at a total of 150k rf (round about) in a cul gen. That's not overkill, and requires water and cooked ingredients.
Sounds good :)

And uhm... kinda feel bad for really finding everything that crosses my way *hides* One report and one suggestion.

The report:
- "Soularium" from Ender IO is not craftable at the moment (only recipe is in the Ender IO alloy smelter, no recipe for the Arc Furnace)

And about the suggestion:
- Maybe adding the recipes from the ender IO alloy smelter for "Enderium Base" and "Enderium Ingot" to the arc furnace would be good. It follows pretty much the same alloy-paths like everything else that is in the arc furnace already.
(and progression wise you can have the magma-crucible way ahead of the arc furnace. So shouldn't hurt the progression of getting enderium this way)

And a lil warning:
Don't try to use the inventory-tweaks for moving your entire inventory/hotbar (shift+space+left'click) into a chest when you're having silktouched nether-blocks (overgrown netherrack, smoldering grass) between the to-be-moved items. This seems to crash the game.

Additional to that:
tested some more. Actually moving it from the hotbar is fine. So probably a bug between the "locking" of inventory space and bop and inventory tweaks. So kinda tripple-cross-mod-bug. Not sure if that ever gets fixed, since all mods seem to have moved on to 1.10+.
So better careful when using the "move inventory" of inventory tweaks while having biomes o plenty blocks in the inventory.

Which mod is the one that locks the inventory slots? Might try if it's really that, that causes the trouble. (sadly cannot get a crash-report since it not really crashes, but just hangs up the game until I force it to close, which doesn't create a report)

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Seem not only bop blocks that causes the crash, got it with some of the different ore (average, inferior etc.) now, too. So guess in general better not use the move-inventory way of moving items. ^^"
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Sounds good :)

And uhm... kinda feel bad for really finding everything that crosses my way *hides* One report and one suggestion.

The report:
- "Soularium" from Ender IO is not craftable at the moment (only recipe is in the Ender IO alloy smelter, no recipe for the Arc Furnace)

And about the suggestion:
- Maybe adding the recipes from the ender IO alloy smelter for "Enderium Base" and "Enderium Ingot" to the arc furnace would be good. It follows pretty much the same alloy-paths like everything else that is in the arc furnace already.
(and progression wise you can have the magma-crucible way ahead of the arc furnace. So shouldn't hurt the progression of getting enderium this way)

And a lil warning:
Don't try to use the inventory-tweaks for moving your entire inventory/hotbar (shift+space+left'click) into a chest when you're having silktouched nether-blocks (overgrown netherrack, smoldering grass) between the to-be-moved items. This seems to crash the game.

Additional to that:
tested some more. Actually moving it from the hotbar is fine. So probably a bug between the "locking" of inventory space and bop and inventory tweaks. So kinda tripple-cross-mod-bug. Not sure if that ever gets fixed, since all mods seem to have moved on to 1.10+.
So better careful when using the "move inventory" of inventory tweaks while having biomes o plenty blocks in the inventory.

Which mod is the one that locks the inventory slots? Might try if it's really that, that causes the trouble. (sadly cannot get a crash-report since it not really crashes, but just hangs up the game until I force it to close, which doesn't create a report)

[edit 2]
Seem not only bop blocks that causes the crash, got it with some of the different ore (average, inferior etc.) now, too. So guess in general better not use the move-inventory way of moving items. ^^"
Damn, thought I added recipes for all of EnderIO's weird alloys...

If I add those Enderium recipes, it does mean you can make enderium without touching TE. You could invest in an early Arc Furnance, saving you platinum and bypassing TE's unique crafting method with liquids.

InfiniteInvo-1.0.44 is the mod that locks the inventory. If you get to the point your inventory is fully unlocked you can freely remove that mod (as by that point it's obsolete)
Alright. Somewhere in my head I thought it might be, that you wanted people to use the fluid-way of crafting enderium. Just came up with the idea of asking since I switched through the recipes of the different alloys so I don't oversee one besides Soularium that is missing :)
Even more reason now to build this bottling machine. It's so much cooler to watch than the fluid transposer *chuckles*

And thanks, will test if that might be the problem. Not fully unlocked inventory yet so will test it in a second world. (I'm too stubborn to ignore these last 5 slots that are still waiting to be unlocked. Once you got the second row unlocked you want to go the whole way, hehe)
I really must say that for me removing loot bags has made the game/pack far more rewarding, plus I had time to plan out the base this time instead of just growing organically, to date on this second run, I have just automated everything I use most of from spuds to ender pearls, still getting diamonds to the lvl I want, but soon will have the 10.10s in my farm, upgrading all power/ducts to ender IO atm too, only thing holding me back is yelloruim dust, & only other ore I have only found in very small amounts is osmium, at this stage I just turned back on loot bags, but still delete ancient trees & the likes, with my current infrastructure most all EI & AV machines build & jetpack, I can now relax & plan whats next & go on long escapades & pop back to bed at night, found 4 or 5 portal guns in chests so far & lots of portal spawners, they seems very easy to find, but at this stage it just dont matter.

Looking forward to next update & tnx again for a very interesting & rewarding pack.
I really must say that for me removing loot bags has made the game/pack far more rewarding, plus I had time to plan out the base this time instead of just growing organically, to date on this second run, I have just automated everything I use most of from spuds to ender pearls, still getting diamonds to the lvl I want, but soon will have the 10.10s in my farm, upgrading all power/ducts to ender IO atm too, only thing holding me back is yelloruim dust, & only other ore I have only found in very small amounts is osmium, at this stage I just turned back on loot bags, but still delete ancient trees & the likes, with my current infrastructure most all EI & AV machines build & jetpack, I can now relax & plan whats next & go on long escapades & pop back to bed at night, found 4 or 5 portal guns in chests so far & lots of portal spawners, they seems very easy to find, but at this stage it just dont matter.

Looking forward to next update & tnx again for a very interesting & rewarding pack.
Nice. What worries me most in that statement is the portal guns/spawners being fairly common. Especially the spawners. That's basically free teleportation with no RF cost. I didn't think they would be a common find.

Lootbags next update should be more balanced/fitting, imagine rubble, just a bit better. Low drop rate from mobs, and can appear in rubble piles. I'm also going to adjust the upgrade recipes to be a bit more expensive, plus no lootbag recycler (note to self, must remember to deal with that...). The only "efficient" renewable "loot" system will be thermal recyclings scrap box system, but that requires a bit more infrastructure, power and thinking. Plus the rewards you get can be rubbish.

I must admit I'm amazed at the progress you guys make with AgriCraft, especially with the changes to the recipes.
Bit late, but I've submitted the next update - version 1.0.5.
Due to being Christmas, I don't know when it will officially update, so here's a download for manual installation:

Added Mods:
Not Enough Resources

Tweaked lootbags - no recycler, lower drop rates, adjusted upgrade recipes, and added a crafting recipe for common bags (!!!)
Tweaked Rubble Drops - some more useful early game stuff can be found in the rubble
Minor cross breeding changes in AgriCraft, and 2 new plants
More meal options and some vanilla recipe tweaks. Influenced by Pams Harvestcraft
More textures added from John Smith updated pack, plus some textures for the AgriCraft crops
Various script tweaks & fixes

Enjoy and have a great Christmas!