Pack Code: Shattered
The Pack:
Shattered is a Tech themed Skyland environment, and provides some of the challenges you encounter in Skyblock, along with the normal challenges of exploration/resource finding. Not only that, it massively overhauls many items/blocks using Minetweaker to provide a more consistent and tiered gameplay.
One major feature of the pack (which was also the biggest headache in MT scripting) is that no matter what machine process you use, you always get the same type of dust, nugget, ingot, gear or block. No need for OreDict! This has always been my biggest bugbear with modded minecraft, with umpteen different versions of ingots, dusts, nuggets, blocks, etc all for the same resource!
Finally, it also features a 32x resource pack using default textures scaled up (using a process I've worked out in photoshop), or John Smith or Misa's textures (scaled down to 32x). The resource pack is aimed to look like vanilla, just better using double the resolution (my personal opinion is 16x is way too small for MC)
Features & Challenges:
- Skyland Environment - dense or sparse, large or small islands
- Tech themed (with a small hint of "magic")
- Large Ore Vein generation based on chance per chunk (some islands will have no resources, others will be stuffed)
- Up to 4 densities of Ore, with different output efficiencies depending on how you process them (hint - don't waste too many ores in a vanilla furnace!)
- Ores generation influenced on real world occurrence. For example, Gold generates in veins of Quartz Rock.
- Unified resource outputs
- No HQM, play how you want without soul destroying grindy quests
- Finite Water - You'll need to manage this resource, it's needed for yourself and recipes
- Harder recipes, but not insanely difficult (no 2 Galgorgian Blocks to make a stick for example)
- Cheaper recipes - err wut? Yep, some recipes have been made cheaper to better reflect what the item/block actually does.
- More logical recipes - some recipes have been changed to be more consistent, and to make use of more of the ores available. For example, if a machine can hold hot liquids (aka lava) then the recipe will most likely feature an Invar Tank.
- Logical progression - Start with multiblocks, then work towards miniaturization and the magical single blocks
- Mod pack goals - If you want them, then aim for making your own dimensions with RF tools, or explore your solar system with Advanced Rocketry
A new game can spawn you over the void
Slow to generate a new world (unavoidable, lots of world gen) and occasional freeze ups when exploring
Setting up a game:
I recommend using Version 8 of Java, and 4gig of memory.
Make a new game, go to More World Options... and change the world type to Fun World Gen, then click Customize. Choose Sky Dimension and set Biomes to Vanilla + Mods.
If you want to set up a server, the pack as is should work first time. Copy the mods, configs and scripts over and set the level type to FWG and generator settings to SKYDIM#1

Hints & Tips:
Focus on the immediate requirements to your survival and progression. You need water and food.
Look at ways of generating water, one of the easiest ways is a railcraft water tower. You might even find the ruins of one.
Use NEI to check recipes, not everything is as you might expect!
Exploring might give big rewards at a risk!
Look at ways of generating water, one of the easiest ways is a railcraft water tower. You might even find the ruins of one.
Use NEI to check recipes, not everything is as you might expect!
Exploring might give big rewards at a risk!
Don't just chuck all your ores into a vanilla furnace. It's highly inefficient. Work towards an Immersive Engineering Arc Furnace.
A Tinkers Smeltery does not double ores. It's purely used for liquid metals and crafting tools & components. You will need one eventually.
A Tinkers Smeltery does not double ores. It's purely used for liquid metals and crafting tools & components. You will need one eventually.
While the map can be stuffed with ores, you might find yourself short of resources. Dig around in rubble piles, look into crafting a railcraft crusher, build a mob farm. These can all provide random resources.
Keep 9 ingots handy for Agri-Craft. You'll see why. That'll get you ongoing resources.
Keep 9 ingots handy for Agri-Craft. You'll see why. That'll get you ongoing resources.
Advanced Rocketry can be difficult to started. Build yourself a holo-projector. This is like a guide book for crafting the multi-block structures. To use, have it active on your hotbar, press shift and right click, this brings up a menu of structures. Choose one, then rightclick on the ground. This will display the bottom most layer of blocks required as a ghost. To move between layers, press shift and scroll the mouse wheel.
Machines you will need are the Lathe, Crystaliser, Cutting Machine and Precision Assembler
Machines you will need are the Lathe, Crystaliser, Cutting Machine and Precision Assembler
Feedback, ideas and suggestions are more then welcome. No doubt I've derped something up that will come out from long gameplay.
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