[1.7.10] Shattered

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Hi im having some issue getting into thaumcraft. You need silverwood plank to make part of some important thaumcraft machine. The only way i found to get the silverwood sapling is legendary loot bag but i think its a bit too hard to get with the recent nerf on lootbag. I tested it in creative mode and i had to open 10 legendary bag to get a sapling, Maybe add silverwood sapling to a lower lootbag tier or even add a recipe for it.

And one more thing.. Are we suppose to only have one island on your map ? After looking at some of your screenshot you seem to have more island around you but i only got one on my map. I think i pick the wrong world type.

Thank again for the awesome pack.

When you started did you make it an sky island or sky Dimension + mods, the latter is what you should have done, I know I made the same mistake at the start, the sky lands will have many many islands to explore.

Hint, after the map loads quickly scout out the island you spawn on, mainly for broken water tower parts, & if your lucky a windmill or even a solar array, & if you find any buildings investigate carefully some are safe, but some have mob spawners in or under them.

Have fun its a very interesting pack.
I have been playing on this map for quite awhile so i think its too late for me lol. Im trying to see if i can change my world type with nbtexplorer.

Edit : It works :)
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Hi im having some issue getting into thaumcraft. You need silverwood plank to make part of some important thaumcraft machine. The only way i found to get the silverwood sapling is legendary loot bag but i think its a bit too hard to get with the recent nerf on lootbag. I tested it in creative mode and i had to open 10 legendary bag to get a sapling, Maybe add silverwood sapling to a lower lootbag tier or even add a recipe for it.

And one more thing.. Are we suppose to only have one island on your map ? After looking at some of your screenshot you seem to have more island around you but i only got one on my map. I think i pick the wrong world type.

Thank again for the awesome pack.

When you started did you make it an sky island or sky Dimension + mods, the latter is what you should have done, I know I made the same mistake at the start, the sky lands will have many many islands to explore.

Hint, after the map loads quickly scout out the island you spawn on, mainly for broken water tower parts, & if your lucky a windmill or even a solar array, & if you find any buildings investigate carefully some are safe, but some have mob spawners in or under them.

Have fun its a very interesting pack.

Ouch, having just one island would up the difficulty curve quite a bit, as your progress will be limited to whatever that island starts with, and while there are ways to get resources, you tend to have to need those resources first to get more of them.

With more islands, there are Magical Forest Biomes, but they will be rare. So I will add a photogenic isolator recipe that will craft silverwood saplings. Will keep it expensive as those are supposed to be rare and difficult saplings.

Exploring will get you rewards, or in my case, a couple of ruined wooden houses and a Thaumcraft Cultist totem thingy. Still, directly below my mesa home I found a Diamond Vein, and above my mesa home an apatite vein.

In my game, finally got redstone seeds, and I discovered my two waterwheels overloaded the copper cables I was using. Now I'm in a quandry. Do I use Electrum cables, even though I don't have much silver, or go down the BC route. I also need more lava, so was thinking of going to the nether, but I need obsidian, which needs lava, and my current "free" lava generation of 25mb about every 30 seconds doesn't quite cut it.
Can't get ore seeds yet, as I need to make blocks, which needs lava...
Oh, the steel is still cooking away and I'm drowning in creosote.
Or do I just go exploring under my island, or get a BC quarry built. Choices choices. Still, got a forestry squeezer and carpenter built now too, so my progression options are expanding. Oh, plus I still want an automated tree farm, manually chopping down my farm every couple of days is getting a chore now.

I'm thinking of adding a new burnable fuel made from creosote, so at least any excess can be crafted into the fuel and burned for some RF.
If you need obsidian you can take some off the floor of the cultist obelisk.On my part maybe i got lucky but other then the silverwood sapling and the bee hive my progression was not affected much with only a single island. I got a ztone totem in a lootbag from my mobfarm so getting vanilla ressource is not really a problem.

After i changed my world type i teleported myself 1000 block away (for testing only :p) and new islands start generating. So i guess now what i need is a way to fly to get there.

Here some screenshot of my mob farm
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Submitted next update:

* Fix of the wood plank recipe derp
* Added a way of crafting Silverwood Saplings
* Added Creo-Fuel, a way to turn excess creosote into a burnable fuel
* Couple of texture tweaks
* Disabled Special Mobs slime variations
* Enabled Concussive Creepers
* Finally fixed Engineers Toolbox recipe (or did I?....)

* Finally fixed Engineers Toolbox recipe (or did I?....)

It is! (I think... :p)

Though at the same time a lil report:
Something went kinda wrong with the textures of the molds (plates, gears, etc.) of the immersive engineering metal-presses. Once they're put into the metal-press they're oversized and look out of every direction of where they should be.

Not sure if they were a part of the texture-tweaks or if something else causing this.

My base sadly develops quiet slow, after some down-phase with minecraft again (always an up and down with my mood for minecraft *sigh*). Slowly finishing the buildings of my immersive Engineering area, still have to work out a nice control-room for my generator building.
Then lots and lots of terraforming to be done to make space for my thaumcraft-, food- and ressource'plants-farms. Probably will push in some first steps in advanced rocketry.
It is! (I think... :p)

Though at the same time a lil report:
Something went kinda wrong with the textures of the molds (plates, gears, etc.) of the immersive engineering metal-presses. Once they're put into the metal-press they're oversized and look out of every direction of where they should be.

Not sure if they were a part of the texture-tweaks or if something else causing this.

My base sadly develops quiet slow, after some down-phase with minecraft again (always an up and down with my mood for minecraft *sigh*). Slowly finishing the buildings of my immersive Engineering area, still have to work out a nice control-room for my generator building.
Then lots and lots of terraforming to be done to make space for my thaumcraft-, food- and ressource'plants-farms. Probably will push in some first steps in advanced rocketry.
That's odd, never touched those textures. Try reloading and see if it happens again. I had some weirdness a few weeks back, loaded my real game world, MT scripts were erroring all over the place. Quit and reload, and it was fine.
That's odd, never touched those textures. Try reloading and see if it happens again. I had some weirdness a few weeks back, loaded my real game world, MT scripts were erroring all over the place. Quit and reload, and it was fine.

Tried a few things now (restarting the game, disabling and re-enabling the texture pack and even broke the metal press and let it form new) but the oversized molds still appear. (without texture-pack they look normal)

Not sure if it's only me, I might try to reinstall the pack, so see if maybe some download while updating went wrong.

Reinstalling didn't help either.

So would be helpful if others can tell me if they have the same problem or if it's just something that is wrong with my game ^^"
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Tried a few things now (restarting the game, disabling and re-enabling the texture pack and even broke the metal press and let it form new) but the oversized molds still appear. (without texture-pack they look normal)

Not sure if it's only me, I might try to reinstall the pack, so see if maybe some download while updating went wrong.

Reinstalling didn't help either.

So would be helpful if others can tell me if they have the same problem or if it's just something that is wrong with my game ^^"
I'll let you know when I get a chance. I'll test both my dev copy and the FTB installation.

In other news, after reading the latest update in Factorio, it got me thinking about giving the Yellorium (aka Uranium) a small overall, just to make things a little more interesting then just smelt and chuck in reactor, like it was nothing more then charcoal.
OK, seems there's an issue with IE and higher res texture packs for the metal press. Easy fix.

Go to \Shattered\resourcepacks\Golriths HD Minecraft Compilation\assets\immersiveengineering\textures\items
and delete or rename mold_gear.png, mold_plate.png and mold_rod.png

The metal press will then look correct (although the molds will look meh against the better texture). I'll see if there is a proper fix.
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After living without a proper home for about almost a month now, I said enough was enough and decided to actually build something. After I saw chisel provided marble columns, I knew that I wanted to live in a parthenon-style "house". My only real tech development lately has been to automate my Agricraft farm via Buildcraft robots (you can see them in the front of the picture). Although it took a little while to figure out how everything worked and the robots are causing me to lag a bit, overall they work wonderfully and are pretty cute, too! Since automating the farm, I'm inundated with resources and I really have no idea what to do with them. I'm planning on going to the Nether sometime soon to get glowstone in order to start manufacturing higher tier tech. I'm definitely looking forward to getting a precision sawmill and being able to make sticks.

One small annoyance: you can't grind flower in a pulverizer so I have to use the AE grindstone. Not the biggest deal in the world, but it would be nice to be able to put the grindstone away.
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After living without a proper home for about almost a month now, I said enough was enough and decided to actually build something. After I saw chisel provided marble columns, I knew that I wanted to live in a parthenon-style "house". My only real tech development lately has been to automate my Agricraft farm via Buildcraft robots (you can see them in the front of the picture). Although it took a little while to figure out how everything worked and the robots are causing me to lag a bit, overall they work wonderfully and are pretty cute, too! Since automating the farm, I'm inundated with resources and I really have no idea what to do with them. I'm planning on going to the Nether sometime soon to get glowstone in order to start manufacturing higher tier tech. I'm definitely looking forward to getting a precision sawmill and being able to make sticks.

One small annoyance: you can't grind flower in a pulverizer so I have to use the AE grindstone. Not the biggest deal in the world, but it would be nice to be able to put the grindstone away.

Very nice.
Thats the thing with automation, whatever resource you automate you will soon get excess, regardless the expense to setup that automation.
Hi i was playing yesterday and i notice that there no recipe for soularium even in the arc furnace. I was wondering if this was intended or not because many ender io machine need it in there recipe.

Edit : My bad i just notice that this issue was already talk about in a previous discussion. Just use this post as a reminder i guess.

Thank again for your hardwork
Have a nice day everyone
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Hi i was playing yesterday and i notice that there no recipe for soularium even in the arc furnace. I was wondering if this was intended or not because many ender io machine need it in there recipe.

Edit : My bad i just notice that this issue was already talk about in a previous discussion. Just use this post as a reminder i guess.

Thank again for your hardwork
Have a nice day everyone
Guess who forgot to fix that in the last update... Duoh!

Its been a while since i post here and played this pack but i was wondering if you were still working on it or maybe on a new project ?
I really like the pack you made its was the most fun i had in a long time and played for atleast 2 months i normaly get bored after 2 weeks.

Thank again for your hardwork
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I've been tinkering with some ideas for 1.10+ onwards, but hitting many brick walls due to either tools not being documented, tools not being updated (and alternatives are more complicated and/or bloat filled) or just mods needed not being updated. All in all, it makes an headache and stops the creative juices from flowing. Oh, plus the ongoing performance decreases with later minecraft versions. 10+ minutes to load a simple modpack, before I even heavily edit/configure it? Gah.

Also fixed all the image dropbox links, since they've decided to make sharing files directly more complicated then it needs to be.
I've been thinking of giving this 1.7.10 pack and update and putting up on Curse (or Twitch is it? I'm confused now with the FTB launcher move/changes).

If you've played this pack, what did you hate, like, would like to see changed. I've got a few ideas kicking around the old brainbox.