[1.7.10] Shattered

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Just finished setting up my medium-term power system. I decided I wanted to have wind-power because the IE windmills look cool. After some research, it turns out that they produce the most power at y > 200. So, I went to the top of the mountain near my base and began building. The windmill stretches nearly 130 blocks tall with 18 IE windmills put at the top producing 450 rf/t in normal conditions up to 900 in thunderstorms. I might upgrade to improved windmills soon to double my output. :)


Also, the new food recipes are much appreciated, makes staying alive much less of a chore with my limited food resources. Haven't really had any problems since that: everything's going great! Thanks again for making an excellent modpack.

Edit: Well, I jinxed it. :p I've created a metal press and am trying to create the plate mold. However, the recipe appears to only accept the IE and Advanced Rocketry plates for the center item while I can only produce Railcraft plates (via the Rolling Machine) or large plates (via the Smeltery). For the time being, I'm going to swap out my plates by hand to get things to work. Hopefully the recipe issue can be fixed without too much difficulty :)
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Hi I just wanted to say that the most fun pack i played in a while and thank you for the hard work.

There some screenshot of the base im building
Wow, looks very nice, in a dark cultist look. Thank you for the compliment.
Just finished setting up my medium-term power system. I decided I wanted to have wind-power because the IE windmills look cool. After some research, it turns out that they produce the most power at y > 200. So, I went to the top of the mountain near my base and began building. The windmill stretches nearly 130 blocks tall with 18 IE windmills put at the top producing 450 rf/t in normal conditions up to 900 in thunderstorms. I might upgrade to improved windmills soon to double my output. :)


Also, the new food recipes are much appreciated, makes staying alive much less of a chore with my limited food resources. Haven't really had any problems since that: everything's going great! Thanks again for making an excellent modpack.

Edit: Well, I jinxed it. :p I've created a metal press and am trying to create the plate mold. However, the recipe appears to only accept the IE and Advanced Rocketry plates for the center item while I can only produce Railcraft plates (via the Rolling Machine) or large plates (via the Smeltery). For the time being, I'm going to swap out my plates by hand to get things to work. Hopefully the recipe issue can be fixed without too much difficulty :)
Wow, that's a monster of a windmill!

As to the plate mold recipe, I thought it was all plates. I'll check that.
Advanced rocketry issues now, built all the required items, launch pad, rocket fuel loader & fuel making system, the suit with some mods, & a rocket its self, but the rocket cant launch as it says "Destination unreachable" lunar is picked as the destination, scan say ready to launch, then hit build & it says unscaned, after next scan says no guidance computer, but its there!!

I have invested a lot of time rl days to research this mod & the very little info that is not outdated is of no real use, if any one has any pointers as to how to get the first rocket to the moon plz let me know, atm I am gated behind moon dust to finish my RFtool system (the Dialer) & the RF system took days of crafting fluix dust (no really Days for the salt & pearls to make block to make dust,etc).

I have had a great time with this pack so far & found it interesting with out being too grindy, this AR issue has me stumped & at a standstill for now, just as well SF3 will be released tonight or in the morn, tnx again Gorlrith for the time, effort & what has turned out to be a damn good pack.
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Advanced rocketry issues now, built all the required items, launch pad, rocket fuel loader & fuel making system, the suit with some mods, & a rocket its self, but the rocket cant launch as it says "Destination unreachable" lunar is picked as the destination, scan say ready to launch, then hit build & it says unscaned, after next scan says no guidance computer, but its there!!

I have invested a lot of time rl days to research this mod & the very little info that is not outdated is of no real use, if any one has any pointers as to how to get the first rocket to the moon plz let me know, atm I am gated behind moon dust to finish my RFtool system (the Dialer) & the RF system took days of crafting fluix dust (no really Days for the salt & pearls to make block to make dust,etc).

I have had a great time with this pack so far & found it interesting with out being too grindy, this AR issue has me stumped & at a standstill for now, just as well SF3 will be released tonight or in the morn, tnx again Gorlrith for the time, effort & what has turned out to be a damn good pack.
No worries. Had me stumped for a bit in a creative world too when I was testing it.

This is from memory so may not be 100% accurate (I'm trying to find which one of my test worlds has my rocket setup, and where abouts in that world I built the thing!). Make sure there is a planet ID chip in the guidance computer. When the rocket is formed, you can right click to climb onto the seat, but I believe if you shift right click you get an gui popup, it shows you the modules installed (like storage, computer, etc), so you click the computer, and there should be an option to set destination. From there you can choose the moon (the only destination you can reach with the normal rocket).

BTW, congrats on making the full mek salt system. That was not intended and has been made more straightforward.
Screenshots for spaceship. Once ship has been assembled, shift right click it.



Make sure you have plenty of fuel, as that will the fuel to get you home too (Unless you setup some other means of getting between moon and overworld...)

The GUI overlaps NEI, so either hide NEI or put something into the NEI search bar that doesn't exist.
Changes coming up:

Updated Advanced Rocketry and Open Modular Turrets
More texture tweaks
New crafting process for Mek Salt since there is no worldgen
Downgraded Enviromine version and tweaked stuff. Sanity and Air Quality will take effect.
Added decorative blocks (Livingwood/Livingrock based on Botania/Terraria) - crafted using moonstone dust. They can also help with sanity and air quality.
IE wire coil changes (any feedback appreciated, as these are drastic changes - they get you started with RF transfer):
LV coil (copper) - From 2048 rf/t to 100 rf/t (half of leadstone ducts) - still 5% loss over 16 blocks
MV coil (electrum) - from 8048 rf/t to 4000 rf/t - still 2.5% loss over 16%
HV coil ("steel") - still 32k rf/t, but crafted from Vibrant Alloy, not Steel + Aluminium (to better represent the transfer rate, still the "cheapest" way to get a large amount of RF across distance, without using tesseracts or other teleport means). No loss over distance (was 2.5%)

These changes will result in errors showing when you load your game, that's fine (just enviromine stuff that no longer exists). Your power transmit system might also be overloaded too as a result.
Yep seems I needed 3 more fuel tanks was all, tnx for the help mate, I still get the error in the builder about no guidance computer but it launches now at least, & better yet gets me back to Earth.
Changes coming up:
IE wire coil changes (any feedback appreciated, as these are drastic changes - they get you started with RF transfer):
LV coil (copper) - From 2048 rf/t to 100 rf/t (half of leadstone ducts) - still 5% loss over 16 blocks
MV coil (electrum) - from 8048 rf/t to 4000 rf/t - still 2.5% loss over 16%
HV coil ("steel") - still 32k rf/t, but crafted from Vibrant Alloy, not Steel + Aluminium (to better represent the transfer rate, still the "cheapest" way to get a large amount of RF across distance, without using tesseracts or other teleport means). No loss over distance (was 2.5%)

I think what you've outlined is a very appropriate change for the LV wires, while the MV and Redstone fluxduct recipes still need work. The HV recipe seems pretty good. Over the next few paragraphs I'll compare the different levels of power in IE and TE as they stand and offer my thoughts on what's working and what still needs work.

Comparing LV to Leadstone fluxducts, an LV wire can span up to 16 blocks but only connect two things while a fluxduct can connect up to 6 things but only spans one block. Since the fluxduct transfers twice as much power, I think that the recipes at this level are roughly balanced, although I think perhaps increasing the number of fluxducts per "batch" from 6 to 8 or 12 or decreasing the number of copper wires per batch from 4 to 2 or 1 would be more appropriate but, with the proposed changes, I think these two are balanced well.

One thing I want to point out is that the LV connector and the LV wire have different throughputs. Currently, the LV wire can take 2048 RF/t, but since the connector only outputs up to 256 RF/t, so to fully use the wire requires 8 connections. For the revised throughputs I'd recommend switching the LV connector to 50 RF/t so that the LV wire can only take two connections. For any changes to the IE wire throughput, please make sure that the connector's output is smaller than the wire's capacity so wire's don't accidentally explode when hooking up like-voltage wires and connectors.

Hardened fluxducts provide four times the throughput of leadstone fluxducts, and are not that much more expensive than the leadstone fluxducts (since 1 leadstone turns into 6 hardened) although the infrastructure cost in RF and the assembly table is pretty significant. I think the recipe here is great right now. :)

The MV wire, with the revised capacity, falls between the hardened fluxduct and the redstone fluxduct. Keeping the MV connector at 1024 RF/t and setting the capacity to 4096 RF/t instead of 4000 allowing for four connectors worth through puts the MV wire nicely balanced between the LV and the HV while also nicely in between the hardened fluxduct and the redstone fluxduct, so I think you've selected a good capacity. However, the hardened fluxduct requires significant infrastructure to make that the MV wire does not. The only tricky part in the MV wire is electrum which can be made efficiently with just a grindstone and a furnace while making a hardened fluxduct efficiently requires the metal press and an assembly table. Furthermore, the hardened fluxduct requires significantly more resources for less output. To make the recipe for the MV wire more appropriate, I think the MV wire cost more and require infrastructure to be made, perhaps by requiring some more advanced parts in the connectors. Another idea I just had would be to have the MV wires crafted from the LV wires like how hardened fluxducts are crafted from leadstone ducts with four electrum and an LV wire in a rolling machine to get an MV wire. Ultimately, the most important thing to balance the MV wire I feel is to make it require more infrastructure to make. Even if its cheaper than the hardened fluxduct, the expanded infrastructure requirement should encourage the development of fluxducts before the development of MV wires so that both power systems see use.

Looking at the redstone fluxduct, it requires nether quartz (i.e. a trip to the Nether) and a fluid transposer, neither of which are challenging once one has leadstone fluxducts. The redstone fluxduct recipe seems very similar resource wise to the the MV wire. I'd recommend changing the recipe for the empty fluxduct to feature six electrum plates instead of the ingots, and a hardened duct instead of the center piece of glass. This brings its recipe in line with the lower tier fluxducts and, by requiring a hardened fluxduct, makes the redstone fluxduct harder to make than the leadstone fluxduct instead of easier as it stands now. You might also want to replace the glass with a quartz chipset to match the hardened fluxducts recipe, but I think requiring glass makes more sense since you produce an empty fluxduct which needs to be filled.

Looking at the resonant fluxduct, its recipe looks good to me although again I'd recommend swapping the enderium ingot with an enderium plate. Making further changes to the recipe runs into balance issues since there are two ways to craft the resonant fluxduct (either by crafting filled redstone fluxduct or by crafting empty redstone fluxducts and then filling them), but it might be nice to require, say, a resonant chipset to make its recipe also match the lower tiers,

The HV wires have the same capacity as the resonant fluxduct, but due to their relatively unwieldy nature are probably best used only for long distance transfer of power and then being swapped over to fluxducts when one tries to power actual machines. As such, their relative cheapness doesn't really bother me too much. I do like that you are making them require a vibrant alloy which locks HV behind the arc furnace. I would also like to see the same things with HV as I asked for in MV: principally more machine use in their construction (which is definitely addressed by the vibrant alloy requirement) and perhaps crafting them from MV pieces instead out of raw minerals.

I haven't looked at cryo-stabilized fluxducts because I find them kind of ridiculous and I don't think I'll ever need them. In addition, there are three other power systems that I've noticed: buildcraft pipes, mekanism's universal cables, and ender io's conduits. Of course, bringing them into the same balance structure is well beyond the scope of this discussion and probably not worth the effort (although I may write something up if I get bored one of these days).

In conclusion, the LV wire changes are very solid, while I've outlined a few ways I feel the MV recipe could be improved. Furthermore, I've outlined a way in which the redstone fluxduct recipe can be changed. The resonant fluxduct's current recipe and HV recipe change you propose both look promising, and I've mentioned a few ways that they can be improved further. I hope this discussion has been at least somewhat helpful and that whatever changes you ultimately do or do not make are for the best. :)

100 RF/T: 8 LV wires and LV connectors costs 11 copper, 4 hardened clay, and 2 sticks
200 RF/T: 6 leadstone fluxducts costs 6 lead (assuming 1 ingot = 1 plate via the machine press), 2 redstone, and a BC power pipe which costs 2 of an arbitrary ingot, glass, and redstone for 2 pipes, so they can be approximated as 7 lead, 3 leadstone, a piece of glass, and infrastructure
800 RF/T: 6 hardened fluxducts cost 1 leadstone fluxduct, 6 invar (same ingot to plate conversion), 2 redstone, and infrastructure.
4000 RF/T: 8 MV wires and MV connectors cost 8 electrum, 3 iron, 4 hadened clay, and 2 sticks
8000 RF/T: 6 redstone fluxducts cost 6 electrum, 3 hardened glass/quartz glass/lumium glass, 12 redstone
32000 RF/T: 6 resonant fluxducts cost 6 enderium and 3 redstone fluxducts, so they can be approximated as 6 enderium, 3 electrum, 2 quartz glass, and 6 redstone
32000 RF/T: 8 HV wires, 4 HV connectors, and 8 HV relays cost 3 iron, 4 insulating glass, 7 aluminum, 6 hardened clay, 4 steel and 2 sticks
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First of all: Happy new year!

Phew, after Pamelloes posting, what else there is to say about feedback for the wires, hehe.

Though I have to say I see the "Build MV from LV wires" problematic, since this might end in tedious works, depending on how much people use the IE wiring then. Making LV to make MV to then make HV with possible steps of making plates between is alot of work to do, which might end up making the wires unattractive.

I do like the idea about the vibrant alloy for HV. I just finished setting up my cabling for my IE area and must say it was alot easier for me to make the HV cables than the LV. Though I still havn't found any real copper-vein (using mainly my plants to get it at the moment, too busy building the base to go exploring, heh) so that might be the problem in this case.
So actually needing the arc furnace, running on MV first to achieve HV sounds like a good idea.

Only problem I see with using vibrant alloy: People would need a good source for Enderpearls to get to HV.
I was lucky to find several ender lilies by now (and lucky the endstone recipe for the smeltery is not disabled, heh) but in my case I have to say, even with hardly ever sleeping in the map, I hardly ever saw any enderman around. Mainly cause I am in biomes where these blaze-like creatures spawn alot and they seem to be taking most of the spawn away from any other mob.
So depending on where you are in your map and how lucky you are to get some ender lilies, you might have a really hard time getting the ender-pearls you need for going into HV.

Might favor the building of a better mob-spawner before going into HV (with spikes and conveyer-belts or so). Though some people might need to go a bit away from their base to go into other biomes/over the void to build this mod spawner to make it effective enough as source of ender-pearls.
A "Could work fine, could go horrible wrong in progression"-problem.


And speaking about progression:
I noticed a little problem with the recipe of the "Reservoir" of Ender-IO. With the ability to make the fused glass from nether-quartz in the redstone-furnace, it takes away the use of crafting aqueous accumulators (or however they're called, difficult name!) once you entered the nether once.

At the moment the reservoir only needs 6 normal glass, 2 fused glass and 7 iron. Doubled to make four of them and create the infinite water with it.
Compared to the crafting of the thermal expansion machine it's alot easier to craft (once you got into the nether of course) and is - as far as I can tell - more powerful as well, especially since you can just set it to automatically output it's water. (so far I had to use a servo on the TE machine since the upgrades are not in it when crafted)

Not sure if the "Go into the Nether"-part makes it okay this way, but it's not like it's really difficult to make a nether-portal and getting a few pieces of quartz. So technically you can completly skip the aqueous accumulator and go directly for the reservoir.
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Thanks for the feedback guys. That's given me a lot to think about, I completely overlooked the connectors for IE and did not know they had limits too. Unfortunately those limits cannot be adjusted. (Unless random thought they are auto-calculated from the wire values... hmm, testing time). So the wire power may have to match those limits as a minimum.

I do agree with making the recipe for a coil result in one coil. That makes them 4x more expensive, but still able to cover 16 blocks of distance, so still a cheap option. The copper one will definitely be your basic starter transfer (assuming of course you have the resources!).
HV Coil I'll change to the energetic alloy (previous tier of EnderIO ingot).
I'll look at the recipes for the connectors. Something there should be possible to get MV more "in line". Another thought is taking electrum plates, put them through a AR rolling machine to make sheets, which are used to make the wire. Another thought is that there is no redstone involved at all in IE for RF transfer, which goes against the theme for RF. I'll most likely chuck redstone into the connector recipes.
I'll also have to change the coil block recipes, changing the wires is going to make those blocks a lot more expensive.

As to the reservoir, gah, EnderIO really likes to kick other mods in the balls with it's functionality. I'll adjust it's recipe to push it up with the rest of the EnderIO stuff.
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That's why I rarely use ender IO along with some other mods, they make things too easy *grins*
Only noticed that with the reservoir since my IE assembler for my water'bucket'used-recipes takes more water than a aqueous accumulator can produce. Besides that... I don't think I have really used Ender IO since 1.6.4 *chuckles*

*mumbles* I should try the IE pump if that actually eats a waterblock when powered or if it's like the liquid transfernode and just generates water magically once it's over an water block.
Okay. Update on the tweaks.

LV Wire is 4 copper and 1 treated stick, for 1 wire, transfer 256 rf/t
MV Wire is 4 electrum, 4 rubber bars, 1 treated stick for 1 wire, transfer 4096 rf/t
HV Wire is 4 energized alloy, 4 rubber bars, 1 treated stick for 1 wire, transfer 32k rf/t

LV Connector crafts 2 instead of 8, for 2 copper ingots, 1 redstone and 4 hardened clay (transfer 256 rf/t)
MV Connector crafts 2 instead of 8, for 2 electrum ingots, 1 conductance coil, and 4 hardened clay (transfer 1024 rf/t)
HV Connecter crafts 2 instead of 8, for 2 energized alloy, 1 conductance coil, and 6 hardened clay
HV Relay - no change

Reservoir has been pushed to the "end game" needing Alien Steel Ingots

Key ducts that were using ingots now using plates

I'll be aiming to push an update tomorrow
Those updates sounds great, good work! :) By the way, there is a configuration option for the connectors in the IE config. I don't remember exactly what it was called but I believe it is the last entry.
Pack has been submitted and is working fine.

Some small progress on my base. Blast Furnace complete, and setup a waterwheel to power an external heater (love that!). Setting that up pretty much used up my entire supply of copper. Finally got my "safe" crop breeding area sorted out and starting to get the progression to get into the ore crops. Oh and moved the water tower into a wetter biome.
Next goal is steel and a crusher (yay, no more manual grinding!), then I will be a comfortable zone to plan my base more and get it looking much better.



I like the new recipes, makes things alot more fitting in the progression. Reservoir really is now endgame where it's fit better.
One little thing (sorry to annoy with the not so important stuff, hehe) the recipe fix for the Engineer's Toolbox is missing.

Really like your watermill setup, with the lavender field and the violet tree in the back, it really fit into the area the way you built it :)
The crusher really feel like "the" progression early game *chuckles* After that things works out so much better (at least you feel like it, still lots of things to do afterwards *laughs*)

I finally got my state-cell crafted and with that automated my diesel-generator so it doesn't waste any fuel anymore. The setup looks quiet ugly at the moment, but it's only temporary until I reach ender IO anyways... so it will do for now.
Slowly finishing my IE-area buildings (not the nice looking buildings but it's industrial area so it's okay I guess), then I either start finally my farm-building and farms/animal'farms or start building my first advaned rocketry machines to get to the next step in tech. Will see where my mood leads me first. *smirks*


Oh and: the external heater powers all three furnaces that touches it?
(I always thought you need one per furnace, heh ^^")
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I like the new recipes, makes things alot more fitting in the progression. Reservoir really is now endgame where it's fit better.
Oh and: the external heater powers all three furnaces that touches it?
(I always thought you need one per furnace, heh ^^")
It most likely will do 5, one per face. That single water wheel powers all 3 furnaces easily. There is drain, but you don't notice it due to the buffer.
Amusing fact, couldn't get it to work at first. Even went creative to test the setup and it still didn't work. Then I thought, what if I hit a side with a hammer, and bingo, the texture changed to a RF plug socket. I'm sure it's in the manual, but hey, what guy reads instructions first? :D
Found a major bug regarding the decorative block I added "Livingwood Planks" - despite my MT scripts, something is registering them as being crafted from any wood. Investigating and working on a solution.

Download this and put in your scripts file:

Note to self, when testing a fix in my live game, don't update the scripts in the development copy and wonder why it's not working....

Edit: In my personal game, Crusher has been completed. Major sense of achievement, especially now I can make use of more ores & no longer need to manual grind. Only one small issue, need more RF. Can't run the crusher and 3 furnaces at once on a single water wheel :D
Oh, also also have a lapis plant. Planning an industrial style greenhouse/farm for the ore crops.
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Some game progress, finally got a smeltry up, decided to go for a 2x2x1 capacity. Took a long time for that (getting fuel for the blast furnace is so slow!). While that was building, worked on crushing up all my "common" ores and working on crops in preparation of the metal crops.
As an experiment, I've used up most of my copper building a lava fabricator, which is going to be passively powered by a mek heat generator, but is currently soaking up all my RF generation as a boost. (note this is a very inefficient way of getting lava, but it's a build and forget).




That Tier 1 turret is also not bad. Got it all from lootbags.
I'm thinking of getting a forestry farm up for trees, and look into thaumcraft aletum (spelling) crafting - something I've never done. From watching DW20 it seems to be an "easy" renewable fuel source.
Plus on top of that get a plate press up and make my greenhouse secure, and get more RF production. Phew, lots of projects.

I've also added 2 further tweaks. You can craft bonemeal from 4 mulch, and dirt from 9 mulch. There wasn't much use for mulch and those two recipes seem fitting.
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Hi im having some issue getting into thaumcraft. You need silverwood plank to make part of some important thaumcraft machine. The only way i found to get the silverwood sapling is legendary loot bag but i think its a bit too hard to get with the recent nerf on lootbag. I tested it in creative mode and i had to open 10 legendary bag to get a sapling, Maybe add silverwood sapling to a lower lootbag tier or even add a recipe for it.

And one more thing.. Are we suppose to only have one island on your map ? After looking at some of your screenshot you seem to have more island around you but i only got one on my map. I think i pick the wrong world type.

Thank again for the awesome pack.
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