[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Sometimes you are lucky and need not that much Exploration. Usually you are looking for bees, gas, oil wells, spawners and sometimes for an ocean biome. Imho the main problem with exploration mods is, that you either can loot items that abuse the progress mechanics or you do not find anything worth it.
Sometimes you are lucky and need not that much Exploration. Usually you are looking for bees, gas, oil wells, spawners and sometimes for an ocean biome. Imho the main problem with exploration mods is, that you either can loot items that abuse the progress mechanics or you do not find anything worth it.
Off topic, kinda. I thought of a modpack that would force exploration. It would have all ores disabled like regrowth. Yet have added mods for dungeons and such. And stuff like ars magica and thaumcraft to help with exploring. possibly tardis to make it easy to get back to base.

Not really sure on the entire make up. Just mostly it would make mobs tougher. All the good loot is in areas where those mobs are. And a deconstruction table or similar to get the basic materials from the loot. There would be no way to auto gen the ores. Not without something like a bore that skims dungeons. No magic crops, no MFR laser drill, etc.

I don't really have the drive to finish configuring it though. Rather hope someone else does it. Does sound good though.
Heard 1.0.0 is on the way. I just started a new world and enjoying the pack again. I have played this pack a few times over the years. Never progress to the stuff I hear happens later in the game ?dreamworld?. It is one of my favorite packs though. I tend to like the start game a lot more then the end game. Only game I liked the end game better was Diablo 2. Then they released a patch.
Hey guys,
I'm not ENTIRELY sure if this is a known bug, but auto-assemblers don't appear to be chunkloading. Every night when I log off for the night I wake up in the morning to find my drawer full of coal essence and my barrel empty of coal. I had to try to create an alternative by using the botania crafty crate, logged off last night and came back this morning to find I DO have coal. So I guess my question is bug or intended?
Would you be willing to change the config in the next patch so that magnet rings are inverted? They have always worked much better for me and been more server friendly that way. I usually do that with copying the inventory tweaks to the server instance and adding fastcraft both client side and server side that I do every time I install the pack and server instance again. I forgot this time though. Keep forgetting to backup my instance change notes that I make for packs.

".\config\Botania.cfg" line 80 from "false" to "true
It is easy enough to find. I am sure you know how to find it as well. just thinking if you decide to do it this info might make editing go faster for you.
Would you be willing to change the config in the next patch so that magnet rings are inverted? They have always worked much better for me and been more server friendly that way. I usually do that with copying the inventory tweaks to the server instance and adding fastcraft both client side and server side that I do every time I install the pack and server instance again. I forgot this time though. Keep forgetting to backup my instance change notes that I make for packs.

".\config\Botania.cfg" line 80 from "false" to "true
It is easy enough to find. I am sure you know how to find it as well. just thinking if you decide to do it this info might make editing go faster for you.
Just curious - what does 'inverting' them do?
Just curious - what does 'inverting' them do?
Sorry about that. Thought since I knew it everyone did. Kinda like how you know nuclear physics so I do to. Even though I can barely do algebra. That sort of thing.

Normally you hold the sneak key("shift" by default) to disable the magnet ring. When that option is set to true you you hold shift to enable the magnet ring.

Pros: You rarely accidently pick stuff up as offten.
Cons: You don't pick stuff up all the time. Which is useful when mining.

Probably a lot more stuff good and bad about it then that. I just find holding "Q"(sneak by my settings) to activate to be a lot more convenient all around for me. I already change the setting in every pack though. So no real reason to do it if no one else finds it useful, or find the other setting more useful.
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Sorry about that. Thought since I knew it everyone did. Kinda like how you know nuclear physics so I do to. Even though I can barely do algebra. That sort of thing.

I understand this completely. It can make it tricky when trying to come up with tutorial-type things. Thanks for the clarification!
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Final Update 1.0.0 has been submitted to FTB
Regrowth 1.0.0
Mod Changes:
- Added Better Builder's Wands version 0.6.1
- Added Binnie Patcher version 1.8
- Added Mousetweaks version 2.4.4
- Added Squidless version 0.6.1
- Removed Bibliowoods Forestry edition as it has not updated to support Forestry 4 so most recipes are broken
- Updated Minecraft Forge to
- Updated AcademyCraft to 1.0.4
- Updated Accidentally Circumstantial Events to 1.12.9
- Updated Agricraft to 1.5.0
- Updated Automagy to 0.28.2
- Updated Bibliocraft to 1.11.5
- Updated BiomeTweaker to 2.0.182
- Updated BlockProperties to 0.1.5
- Updated Blood Arsenal to 1.2-5
- Updated Blood Magic to 1.3.3-17
- Updated Botania to 1.8-249
- Updated Buildcraft to 7.1.16
- Updated Buildcraft Compat to 7.1.5
- Updated Carpenter's Blocks to 3.3.8
- Updated ClimateControl to 0.6beta59
- Updated CoFHCore to 3.1.3-327
- Updated CraftingTweaks to 1.0.82
- Updated CreeperCollateral to 1.0.0B3-15
- Updated EnderCore to
- Updated Enhanced Inventories to 1.1.10
- Updated ExtraTiC to 1.4.6
- Updated Forbidden magic to 0.575
- Updated Forestry to
- Updated Gadomancy to
- Updated Gravestone to 2.16.1
- Updated Iguana Tinker's Tweaks to 2.1.6
- Updated JABBA to 1.2.2
- Updated LambdaLib to 1.2.3
- Updated Magic Bees to 2.4.3
- Updated Mekanism + Generators to
- Updated Minetweaker to 3.0.10B
- Updated MobProperties to 1.0.2
- Updated Modtweaker to 0.9.6
- Updated NEI to
- Updated NEI Addons to
- Updated NEI Integration to 1.1.2
- Updated Nether Ores to 2.3.1-22
- Updated Railcraft to
- Updated Sanguimancy to 1.1.9-35
- Updated Storage Drawers to 1.10.1
- Updated Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack to 1.1.2
- Updated Storage Drawers: Misc Pack to 1.1.2
- Updated Storage Drawers: Natura Pack to 1.1.1
- Updated TC Inventory Scanning to 1.0.11
- Updated WAILA Plugins to 0.2.0-23
- Updated YuutoLib to 1.0.3
Config Changes:
- AcademyCraft
- Now that we're on a version where this config is a thing; disabled the AC ores
- Better Builder's Wands
- Disabled the Stone Builder's Wand - makes it so the earliest one is iron.
- Block Properties
- Made the actual end portal block breakable
- Blood Arsenal
- Fix Potion ID conflicts
- Forestry
- Updated Bee flowers to prevent invalid metadata EBXL flowers from being available, and add a few things as valid jungle, cacti and mushroom flowers
- Forge
- Disabled Splash loading screen - fixes Unicode issues on Macs
- Iguana Tinker's Tweaks
- Lowered Harvest Level of Netherrack TiC tools to Flint level
- MobProperties
- Fixed bug that was stopping mysterious maps from dropping from regular zombies and skeletons
- Added mysterious map and torn page drops to Mekanism's baby skeletons
- Also significantly buffed Mysterious Map drop rates. Should be more likely to just stumble upon them now
- Ruins
- Fixed Dupe bug from using the End Portal Placer
- Thaumcraft
- Changed research back to normal mode, like it was supposed to be to begin with
- Minetweaker Scripts
- Removed temporary magic bees recipe fixes, as they've been fixed in the mod itself now
- Added Essence based recipe for Red Sand
- Tweak Natura Pylon recipe so it no longer blocks dream world progression (including updating Page in Lexica Botania)
- Changed relevant recipes for new things from Mek 9
- Allow osmium to work in compacting drawers
- blacklist oredict conversion of oredict keys prefixed with "crop" in storage drawers (ie. snowballs and icy needles won't convert any longer)
- Added recipes for verious flowers to be able to be made to appropriate floral powders with the pestle and mortar
- Manually readded mana conjuration recipes for redstone and glowstone that were being removed by an overzealous script
- Changed recipe for RF Carts, Loaders and Unloaders to use osmium rather than lead
- Updated mekanism scripts to reflect change in the way energy tablets store data (the change had broken all recipes involving them)
- Tweak recipes for Tier upgrade installers (previously factory installers), factories, gas tanks, fluid tanks and energy cubes to bring them to consistency since the installers now work on energy cubes
- Change recipe for Traveller's Gear gold ring to avoid conflict with Garden Stuff gold chain link
- Remove recipes for AutoChisel and its upgrades as its bugged and unusable
Quest Changes:
- Changed task type of "living in the Matrix" in "Imag-ine a better system" to detection rather than crafting, so that the constraint plates will be detected
- Added missing rewards to quests "Good Ol' Consumerism" and "Technological Abilities"
- Hopefully resolve issues with detecting the Alfheim knowledge Lexica in "Another Side Another Story"
- Add cooldown time to mysterious map quests so they don't instantly disappear again after being completed
- Add quest for master infusion stone (finally)
- Rearranged quest chapter "The Encoding of the World"
- Added ten more bee related quests
- Removed references to shearing crops from relevant quests, as this feature is bugged until next Agricraft release
- Added MisakaCloud Terminal as reward for "Imag Seeds" quest
- Changed the "EVAPORATE" quest to no longer include advanced solar panels, and instead have a task about the Heat system added in Mek 9
- Added Muffling Upgrades as an extra reward for quest "1-Up"
- Updated description of quest "Technological Abilities" to include the newly added 4th ability tree
- Added quest for the iron Builder's Wand
- Update text in "It's Essential" to not mention the old way of making the regular mana pool
- Fixed Broken Rewards for "Imag-ine a Better You", "App Store" and "Progress Tracker"
- Added Rewards of High Voltage Magnetic Coil and a choice of Ability Induction Factors to quests "Technological Abilities" and "Imag-ine an Even Better You" to allow 2 opportunities to outright choose which skill tree you get

Edit: I've updated the OP with this Changelog and put the Discord join link at the top there as well. Figure this might be one of those times where the discord gets an influx of people looking for discussion and help with the pack due to the update.
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Cool beans. We've been playing our world since the 2nd. Haven't progressed to far though. Was thinking of resetting when this update came out. Thinking I will just backup the files and update. My little brother is actually doing decorative builds on occasion. We usually just do block building or fields of torches. He is even doing things that aren't full buildings. Like the fancy well and temple looking structure built around the snow generating pure daisy. I am getting a little attached to this save.

Is a quest book reset needed?
so a discord join link, well i need help doing the upgrade from v0.9 to v0.10!!
well lets just take that back v.10 is up and running, and the save file is working!!
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so a discord join link, well i need help doing the upgrade from v0.9 to v0.10!!
well lets just take that back v.10 is up and running, and the save file is working!!
I got the server up and running. Got a mod duplication error on the client though. Deleted the client instance and re-installing to eliminate any possibilities that something didn't upgrade properly.

Here is what I meant by not building "blocks". I like them both. I especially like his pure snow/pure daisy structure.
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I got the server up and running. Got a mod duplication error on the client though. Deleted the client instance and re-installing to eliminate any possibilities that something didn't upgrade properly.

Here is what I meant by not building "blocks". I like them both. I especially like his pure snow/pure daisy structure.
I need to find someone to play with that does pretty structures...would give me a reason to not live in a hole in the ground or a walled open flat land.
I need to find someone to play with that does pretty structures...would give me a reason to not live in a hole in the ground or a walled open flat land.
Just someone to play with means the world to me. I think at times the thing that keeps bringing me back to minecraft is knowing I can play it some more with my little brother. Neither of us really used to go for decorative. Then we played with AmethystQueen for awhile. She was majorly into decorating. I tried to get decorative every now and again. I decided to give it a full try then. Never got fully done with my projects. Still looked a lot better then usual. Still slowly getting more into it.

Just try and get a play-mate. Doesn't even have to be minecraft. Whatever game you both want to play just play it. It will be a hell of a lot more fun. I guess that might be tough. I can count the number of friends I have on one hand and still have enough fingers left on it to sew. The only reason I have anyone at all to play games with is that my little brother happens to like games as much as me, and we actually get along fairly well. Otherwise I would be by my lonesome. Never was much for that. Though I don't like people much either. Strange quandary that.
Hey guys I'm trying to do the first Tinkers' quest but I can't figure out how to get normal planks so I can create a chest and a stencil table.
Get some dirt then bonemeal it for some grass or flowers. Craft Mutandis and right click the flower/grass and wait until you get some form of a sapling.

Best of luck,
Your mom
Hey guys I'm trying to do the first Tinkers' quest but I can't figure out how to get normal planks so I can create a chest and a stencil table.
those pieces of wood from the trees work like planks for most things.
Not for sure if crafting them into half slabs then back into oak planks works still.