Regrowth 1.0.0
Mod Changes:
- Added Better Builder's Wands version 0.6.1
- Added Binnie Patcher version 1.8
- Added Mousetweaks version 2.4.4
- Added Squidless version 0.6.1
- Removed Bibliowoods Forestry edition as it has not updated to support Forestry 4 so most recipes are broken
- Updated Minecraft Forge to
- Updated AcademyCraft to 1.0.4
- Updated Accidentally Circumstantial Events to 1.12.9
- Updated Agricraft to 1.5.0
- Updated Automagy to 0.28.2
- Updated Bibliocraft to 1.11.5
- Updated BiomeTweaker to 2.0.182
- Updated BlockProperties to 0.1.5
- Updated Blood Arsenal to 1.2-5
- Updated Blood Magic to 1.3.3-17
- Updated Botania to 1.8-249
- Updated Buildcraft to 7.1.16
- Updated Buildcraft Compat to 7.1.5
- Updated Carpenter's Blocks to 3.3.8
- Updated ClimateControl to 0.6beta59
- Updated CoFHCore to 3.1.3-327
- Updated CraftingTweaks to 1.0.82
- Updated CreeperCollateral to 1.0.0B3-15
- Updated EnderCore to
- Updated Enhanced Inventories to 1.1.10
- Updated ExtraTiC to 1.4.6
- Updated Forbidden magic to 0.575
- Updated Forestry to
- Updated Gadomancy to
- Updated Gravestone to 2.16.1
- Updated Iguana Tinker's Tweaks to 2.1.6
- Updated JABBA to 1.2.2
- Updated LambdaLib to 1.2.3
- Updated Magic Bees to 2.4.3
- Updated Mekanism + Generators to
- Updated Minetweaker to 3.0.10B
- Updated MobProperties to 1.0.2
- Updated Modtweaker to 0.9.6
- Updated NEI to
- Updated NEI Addons to
- Updated NEI Integration to 1.1.2
- Updated Nether Ores to 2.3.1-22
- Updated Railcraft to
- Updated Sanguimancy to 1.1.9-35
- Updated Storage Drawers to 1.10.1
- Updated Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack to 1.1.2
- Updated Storage Drawers: Misc Pack to 1.1.2
- Updated Storage Drawers: Natura Pack to 1.1.1
- Updated TC Inventory Scanning to 1.0.11
- Updated WAILA Plugins to 0.2.0-23
- Updated YuutoLib to 1.0.3
Config Changes:
- AcademyCraft
- Now that we're on a version where this config is a thing; disabled the AC ores
- Better Builder's Wands
- Disabled the Stone Builder's Wand - makes it so the earliest one is iron.
- Block Properties
- Made the actual end portal block breakable
- Blood Arsenal
- Fix Potion ID conflicts
- Forestry
- Updated Bee flowers to prevent invalid metadata EBXL flowers from being available, and add a few things as valid jungle, cacti and mushroom flowers
- Forge
- Disabled Splash loading screen - fixes Unicode issues on Macs
- Iguana Tinker's Tweaks
- Lowered Harvest Level of Netherrack TiC tools to Flint level
- MobProperties
- Fixed bug that was stopping mysterious maps from dropping from regular zombies and skeletons
- Added mysterious map and torn page drops to Mekanism's baby skeletons
- Also significantly buffed Mysterious Map drop rates. Should be more likely to just stumble upon them now
- Ruins
- Fixed Dupe bug from using the End Portal Placer
- Thaumcraft
- Changed research back to normal mode, like it was supposed to be to begin with
- Minetweaker Scripts
- Removed temporary magic bees recipe fixes, as they've been fixed in the mod itself now
- Added Essence based recipe for Red Sand
- Tweak Natura Pylon recipe so it no longer blocks dream world progression (including updating Page in Lexica Botania)
- Changed relevant recipes for new things from Mek 9
- Allow osmium to work in compacting drawers
- blacklist oredict conversion of oredict keys prefixed with "crop" in storage drawers (ie. snowballs and icy needles won't convert any longer)
- Added recipes for verious flowers to be able to be made to appropriate floral powders with the pestle and mortar
- Manually readded mana conjuration recipes for redstone and glowstone that were being removed by an overzealous script
- Changed recipe for RF Carts, Loaders and Unloaders to use osmium rather than lead
- Updated mekanism scripts to reflect change in the way energy tablets store data (the change had broken all recipes involving them)
- Tweak recipes for Tier upgrade installers (previously factory installers), factories, gas tanks, fluid tanks and energy cubes to bring them to consistency since the installers now work on energy cubes
- Change recipe for Traveller's Gear gold ring to avoid conflict with Garden Stuff gold chain link
- Remove recipes for AutoChisel and its upgrades as its bugged and unusable
Quest Changes:
- Changed task type of "living in the Matrix" in "Imag-ine a better system" to detection rather than crafting, so that the constraint plates will be detected
- Added missing rewards to quests "Good Ol' Consumerism" and "Technological Abilities"
- Hopefully resolve issues with detecting the Alfheim knowledge Lexica in "Another Side Another Story"
- Add cooldown time to mysterious map quests so they don't instantly disappear again after being completed
- Add quest for master infusion stone (finally)
- Rearranged quest chapter "The Encoding of the World"
- Added ten more bee related quests
- Removed references to shearing crops from relevant quests, as this feature is bugged until next Agricraft release
- Added MisakaCloud Terminal as reward for "Imag Seeds" quest
- Changed the "EVAPORATE" quest to no longer include advanced solar panels, and instead have a task about the Heat system added in Mek 9
- Added Muffling Upgrades as an extra reward for quest "1-Up"
- Updated description of quest "Technological Abilities" to include the newly added 4th ability tree
- Added quest for the iron Builder's Wand
- Update text in "It's Essential" to not mention the old way of making the regular mana pool
- Fixed Broken Rewards for "Imag-ine a Better You", "App Store" and "Progress Tracker"
- Added Rewards of High Voltage Magnetic Coil and a choice of Ability Induction Factors to quests "Technological Abilities" and "Imag-ine an Even Better You" to allow 2 opportunities to outright choose which skill tree you get