So I'm not sure if Shade of Leonard has been tweaked recently or not, but dude...he is *so* hard to kill. We tried just summoning him normally and trying to kill him and once he gets low on health and starts in with the stupid sprites it gets obnoxious. When they fly through the air it becomes *very* difficult to hit them with potion or explosion effects, and since he's invulnerable until they're dead, you're sort of up the creek. Plus it seems like he heals more health back in the time it takes you to deal with the sprites (20 seconds or so usually) that even if you immediately start in with more damage, he out-heals you.
We did *finally* drop him (2 of us) using a bunch of custom demonbane potions and such, but it was *just* barely and we were only able to do it by cheesing it: we pushed him through an end portal and then surrounded him in warded glass and left one hole on top for us to do damage/throw pots through.
The mortal coil debuff randomly killed us every 90 seconds even though we had death prevention poppets and the like. And even though we had resolute ivy set on all of our items, when we respawned they were all gone. I lost a Key of the Lord's Law that way, plus a full elementium set with the revealing upgrade plus an enchanted terra blade. I'm a little annoyed.
And then when we finally did kill him, it didn't count toward the quest book.
Is it supposed to be possible to kill him in the 90 seconds you get before Mortal Coil kills you? Is that what is necessary to drop this goof? We're both fairly seasoned Minecraft players and we agreed that this was something we never, never, never want to do again because of how hard he is to kill.
Oh and one more thing that happened that was frustrating: not once but TWICE we got him down to about 20hp and were going to finish him off with demonbane potions but he VANISHED. It wasn't just one of us, it was both of us: neither could see it. Even if we zoned out and came back he was just invisible. His health bar disappeared and everything so we couldn't see him. He was still there because he still summoned sprites every so often if we blasted the area where he was when he vanished, but it seemed he didn't take any damage. Then he would just reappear a few minutes later at full health and be like "Sup guys?" So we blew through something like 20-30 Demonbane III potions on this guy and it took us a few hours to actually down him (we tried various strategies first before turning to YouTube to see what the cheesy way was to kill him, and even that was super hard).
Are we just supposed to have had way stronger armor and weaponry and we did things out of order? I've been following the quest book and it seems just about every other questline is unable to go further until we do the witching ones. Just not clear on how we should have approached Leonard without getting our butts handed to us repeatedly. Thankfully the server admin completed the quest for us since the kill didn't complete it, but what an ordeal!
Edit: Sorry for tone. Just blew 90 minutes on this and am frustrated. I respect you're doing this for free + internet publicity from a niche crowd which is probably also worth $0, and I also get that you didn't write the Witchery mod. Just curious if Leonard has been tweaked because as it stands he seems to be way, way, way too hard.