Gah. Okay, I'm about to tear my hear out with this stupid terrestrial agglomeration plate. This is my third failed attempt at making terrasteel. I simply can't get enough mana to the plate to finish the process before the components despawn. I've tried it with the 3x3 Lapis/Livingstone array right next to a manapool that's over half full, and I've tried it with a mana spreader surrounded by eight endoflames fed by coal blocks. I've also tried it with the 3x3 surrounded by 16 endoflames, but for some reason, only 3 would take fuel and not reliably, even when I took the mana spreader down, thinking that it was causing a problem. Is it even possible to make terrasteel with endoflames, or am I missing something? Is there a way to make it draw from the actual manapool?