[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Gah. Okay, I'm about to tear my hear out with this stupid terrestrial agglomeration plate. This is my third failed attempt at making terrasteel. I simply can't get enough mana to the plate to finish the process before the components despawn. I've tried it with the 3x3 Lapis/Livingstone array right next to a manapool that's over half full, and I've tried it with a mana spreader surrounded by eight endoflames fed by coal blocks. I've also tried it with the 3x3 surrounded by 16 endoflames, but for some reason, only 3 would take fuel and not reliably, even when I took the mana spreader down, thinking that it was causing a problem. Is it even possible to make terrasteel with endoflames, or am I missing something? Is there a way to make it draw from the actual manapool?
You need sparks, one on top of the mana pool and one on top of the plate (rightclick the pool/plate with the item)
So I'm not sure if Shade of Leonard has been tweaked recently or not, but dude...he is *so* hard to kill. We tried just summoning him normally and trying to kill him and once he gets low on health and starts in with the stupid sprites it gets obnoxious. When they fly through the air it becomes *very* difficult to hit them with potion or explosion effects, and since he's invulnerable until they're dead, you're sort of up the creek. Plus it seems like he heals more health back in the time it takes you to deal with the sprites (20 seconds or so usually) that even if you immediately start in with more damage, he out-heals you.

We did *finally* drop him (2 of us) using a bunch of custom demonbane potions and such, but it was *just* barely and we were only able to do it by cheesing it: we pushed him through an end portal and then surrounded him in warded glass and left one hole on top for us to do damage/throw pots through.

The mortal coil debuff randomly killed us every 90 seconds even though we had death prevention poppets and the like. And even though we had resolute ivy set on all of our items, when we respawned they were all gone. I lost a Key of the Lord's Law that way, plus a full elementium set with the revealing upgrade plus an enchanted terra blade. I'm a little annoyed.

And then when we finally did kill him, it didn't count toward the quest book.

Is it supposed to be possible to kill him in the 90 seconds you get before Mortal Coil kills you? Is that what is necessary to drop this goof? We're both fairly seasoned Minecraft players and we agreed that this was something we never, never, never want to do again because of how hard he is to kill.

Oh and one more thing that happened that was frustrating: not once but TWICE we got him down to about 20hp and were going to finish him off with demonbane potions but he VANISHED. It wasn't just one of us, it was both of us: neither could see it. Even if we zoned out and came back he was just invisible. His health bar disappeared and everything so we couldn't see him. He was still there because he still summoned sprites every so often if we blasted the area where he was when he vanished, but it seemed he didn't take any damage. Then he would just reappear a few minutes later at full health and be like "Sup guys?" So we blew through something like 20-30 Demonbane III potions on this guy and it took us a few hours to actually down him (we tried various strategies first before turning to YouTube to see what the cheesy way was to kill him, and even that was super hard).

Are we just supposed to have had way stronger armor and weaponry and we did things out of order? I've been following the quest book and it seems just about every other questline is unable to go further until we do the witching ones. Just not clear on how we should have approached Leonard without getting our butts handed to us repeatedly. Thankfully the server admin completed the quest for us since the kill didn't complete it, but what an ordeal!

Edit: Sorry for tone. Just blew 90 minutes on this and am frustrated. I respect you're doing this for free + internet publicity from a niche crowd which is probably also worth $0, and I also get that you didn't write the Witchery mod. Just curious if Leonard has been tweaked because as it stands he seems to be way, way, way too hard.
I haven't seen anything like that on my end.

My friend was messing around with tree transmutation in the mana pool(with the catalyst). I believe when he threw in the natura maple sapling to get the silverbell sapling, it kept on eating it.

Also "End of the Line" in chapter 3 doesn't work for me in 0.8.1, I had already traveled to the end(through a stronghold portal) in 0.8 to get air of ender for the flugel tiara. First went back through the stronghold portal and it didn't count, then constructed the portal, which also didn't work give me credit for the end. Noticed it said to go to 0,0,0, so i went into creative and that did not work either.

edit: the end quest only worked at 0,0,0 in the overworld.
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My friend was messing around with tree transmutation in the mana pool(with the catalyst). I believe when he threw in the natura maple sapling to get the silverbell sapling, it kept on eating it.

Also "End of the Line" in chapter 3 doesn't work for me in 0.8.1, I had already traveled to the end(through a stronghold portal) in 0.8 to get air of ender for the flugel tiara. First went back through the stronghold portal and it didn't count, then constructed the portal, which also didn't work give me credit for the end. Noticed it said to go to 0,0,0, so i went into creative and that did not work either.

edit: the end quest only worked at 0,0,0 in the overworld.
Saplings count as fuel. There was probably an endoflame nearby eating it.
I was wondering if anyone else is having difficulty in making wood slabs. I cannot make any wood slab using the three dead wood planks. I can make a pressure plate, a door and a trapdoor, etc. But it does not make wood planks when running three across as I believe it should. Am I missing a change in the recipes?
I was wondering if anyone else is having difficulty in making wood slabs. I cannot make any wood slab using the three dead wood planks. I can make a pressure plate, a door and a trapdoor, etc. But it does not make wood planks when running three across as I believe it should. Am I missing a change in the recipes?
Well I really borked up the slab recipe fix. Not only did I manage to make greatwood, hawthorn, alder, rowan and oak slab recipes only give one slab, but instead of adding a dead wood to oak slab recipe I made 3 oak wood in the slab formation also give a piece of dead wood. -.-
#1: "Any Sapling" is implemented, is intentional, does work, and is noted in the changelog. Perhaps you didn't notice the requirement for 4 saplings? Also note the first line of the quest. "Detects ANY sapling".

I am sorry to tell you this it is not working I have 4 birch 4 spruce 4 jungle and 4 oak and they all do not get counted now thanks to the changes.

I think the problem is the configs are not matching
I still have skeleton cats spawning in the nether and they are still as fast, if not faster, than before.

Otherwise the infernal blast furnace still doesn't work for titanium, i don't know if it's intentional but it's a real shame. I hate the magnesium/mariculture thing.

And finally the blood amulet quest in the botania chapter doesn't see that i crafted the amulet :(

I also saw some skeleton cats in nether, but I think I know why. The game keeps track of the last few mobs you saw (i think). I have exited the nether in 0.8 with some cats spawned around, so the game has saved them. When I returned to nether in 0.81, they were still there, but after I killed them I have not found any additional skeletal pets.
Is the Gravestone spawn rate affected by light? I was thinking of using some of the memorial statues for a decorative display, but having skelebuggers and zombles over-running the joint would kind of detract from that.
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Another oddity in 0.8.1, and I don't know if this is normal behaviour in Regrowth, maybe it is.

A pillar of water spawned while no one was logged in on the server (or exactly as I logged in again?), at the corner of our base. I had to check the serverlog to see that no one was logged in at the moment and making some practical joke. But there wasn't. It is at height 92, ie 30 blocks high.

Anyone know what this could be about? As far as I know it is outside of chunkloaders as well. If chunkloaders only load 3x3 chunks.
Regarding the wooden slab recipe. You can fix this up yourself by altering the MineTweaker configs.

Open the "misc.zs" file. Should be in a folder structure like this: "AppData\Roaming\.feedthebeast\Regrowth\minecraft\scripts\misc.zs". This is on Windows, other OSes will differ slightly.

Find the line "//Remove oredict wood slab recipe and manually add dead wood -> oak slab recipe". Then replace the lines below that with these:
recipes.removeShaped(woodSlab * 6, [[<ore:plankWood>, <ore:plankWood>, <ore:plankWood>]]);
recipes.addShaped(woodSlab * 6, [[plankOak, plankOak, plankOak]]);
recipes.addShaped(woodSlab * 6, [[deadPlanks, deadPlanks, deadPlanks]]);
recipes.addShaped(slabAlder * 6, [[plankAlder, plankAlder, plankAlder]]);
recipes.addShaped(slabHawthorn * 6, [[plankHawthorn, plankHawthorn, plankHawthorn]]);
recipes.addShaped(slabRowan * 6, [[plankRowan, plankRowan, plankRowan]]);​

Works for me.

Edit: Damn emoticons. I don't know how to remove them.
Regarding the wooden slab recipe. You can fix this up yourself by altering the MineTweaker configs.

So only add " * 6"? (without the quotations of course)
Will try and get back here :)

EDIT: Works for all planks except Dead Wood Planks. Maybe thephoenixlodge got that recipe out anyways because it was subject to a lot of exploits?
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[0.8.1] after upgrading to 0.8.1 it looks like almost all the crafting recipes using Quadrum aren't working. the essences cannot craft the respected ores (cinnabar/amber). 4 flint into slate. i only notice this because i just planted the cinnabar seeds last night on 0.8 the upgraded the server to 0.8.1 this morning to find i couldn't craft the ore.

the deadwood planks still work but thats about it.
What does the gates.trigger.fuel in autarchic gates do? Because it seems to trigger whether the machine has fuel or not so I don't understand.

Edit: It means low fuel. It just detects coke oven bricks as a machine with low fuel even though the oven isn't formed.
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I too (along with the other few folks who play on the server I'm hosting) have the issue where the recipes aren't showing the "Regrowth" versions for some reason. It seems that this is only a visual thing, as you can "blind craft" the proper recipe and have it give you what it's supposed to give you for the "Regrowth" recipe. This is happening with, for instance, infusion stones. Makes getting to the next level of stone LOOK real easy, but in fact you still need to use the altar... it just doesn't show you that recipe.

The work around for us (as some here have suggested) is to go into a single player instance and leave, then log into the server.

I've attempted the "backup world>move world into SSP>open and quit to save world>put back into server" and it seems to not have solved the issue. I've also attempted to delete the scripts folder from the server and import the single player instance version into it (as I assume they would need to be the same anyway) just to make sure this wasn't the issue. Still happens.

Just trying to give some more information so we might be able to find out what the cause is. Me and my compatriots don't have much of an issue going SSP for a moment when the recipes get out of whack, so this'll work for now. I'm just happy the random seed analyzing crash is gone from 0.7 that would then force you to restart your whole client if you wanted to look anything up in NEI. This is nowhere near as bad as that.

Thanks again @thephoenixlodge this pack is amazing and has actually brought me back to minecraft once again after being distracted by shiny things for a while.

-edit- Side note: Just noticed in making a different hand guard for a new sword that the part says "Parts can be replaced", though when I go to replaced the part in the tool table it appears to not want to do the thing. Which way is this supposed to go? Should it be saying "Parts cannot be replaced"?
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-edit- Side note: Just noticed in making a different hand guard for a new sword that the part says "Parts can be replaced", though when I go to replaced the part in the tool table it appears to not want to do the thing. Which way is this supposed to go? Should it be saying "Parts cannot be replaced"?

Is the sword that you are trying to upgrade a stone sword? There was a thing in 0.7.x where stone parts could not be replaced, but every other material could be. That may still be in effect.