[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am lovin the pack bruh, all we need is that tictweaks mod for the xp modifiers, and a mini-map cause getting lost is so easy :p
As noted from previous posts in the thread, I dont think these will ever hit the official pack. Feel free to add them yourself


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am lovin the pack bruh, all we need is that tictweaks mod for the xp modifiers, and a mini-map cause getting lost is so easy :p
TicTweaks would destroy or hinder the concept of the pack where you need to interact with all mods and quests to get to a progression level where you can mine certain stuff in the nether with the right progress level.

Beside that TicTweaks is in the pack the experience gain is just switched of with purpose as explained above.

On the mini-map point: not needed there is a minimap allready in the game in the form of the early game Atlas from bibliocraft which works very very nice for this purpose.
The what the world teaches quest series introduces those mapping capabilities and helps with them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quick quest suggestion, it might be good to have the quest "Soiled Plans" unlock slightly earlier, maybe just before the mutandis quest. So if people look at breeding cactus early for the dye, they'll know how to get the soil for the poppy mutation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Depends on the seed. Magical crops will only grow on tilled Garden Soil and Flowers will only grow on Untilled Garden Soil. If they were already in place before updating they won't uproot - they'll stay in place but won't actually grow at all. If you look at them WAILA should say they cannot grow.

completely true .. depends on the seed, BUT..

the vanilla seeds (like pumpkin ofc) still grow on tilted crops farmland, magical crops dont anymore. :)

well it helps filling the composters to get approx 600ish garden soil going xD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The quest to create Flint Tools fro Tinker's Construct isn't properly detecting the finished flint tools in the new 0.7.0 version, locking all quest progression.
Anyway, great job in the modpack. It's amongst the best.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i can't load my old world if i try it just gets stuck on the loading world screen left it load for about a hour to see if it would do anything it did nothing but loading new worlds work just fine for me is this a bug of the modpack or do i need to start over?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The quest to create Flint Tools fro Tinker's Construct isn't properly detecting the finished flint tools in the new 0.7.0 version, locking all quest progression.
Anyway, great job in the modpack. It's amongst the best.

This is a known bug you can either go back to 0.6.5 or take Tinkers' construct and iguana tweaks from 0.6.5 mods folder and put them into the 0.7.0 mods folder.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a known bug you can either go back to 0.6.5 or take Tinkers' construct and iguana tweaks from 0.6.5 mods folder and put them into the 0.7.0 mods folder.
Or you can also use the /hqm edit command and complete the quest. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I see floating hopperhocks. Maybe the golems just harvest and the hopperhocks collect
Yep, the floating hopperhocks have quite the range on them, only occasionally miss things that land next to the windows.
As an added bonus, having the hopperhocks floating gave me the space to set that up with minimal damage to the floors.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Was the eel grass to cactus green recipe intentionally removed in 0.70? I'm not seeing anything about it in the minetweaker scripts, nor the change log, so wondering if it occurred as a side-effect. Totally destroys my early game rush. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why is it the most frustrating thing in the game to try and get a Mana Pearl, Mana Diamond and Mana Steel to sit on a Terrestrial Agglomeration Plate? Absolutely maddening.

Note to mod developers: A mechanic where we must throw items onto a block and hope they stay there is an awful mechanic. By definition. Please stop. Thank you.

And yeah, I know... Open Crate/Hopper. meh The whole thing is just a mess, sometimes the only way I can get it to work is if I break one of the Sparks, when I replace the Spark, the Terrasteel instantly appears... and the Mana Pool instantly drops a sizeable amount. But nothing was happening visually until I broke the Spark. Just very weird behavior.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After trying to make use of forestry autofarms, I think the fertilizer situation needs a balance tweak. Being required to mine the nether for it is harsh, and the reward for doing so isn't very good.

Might I suggest an additional recipe that uses wood ash (as is the case in slash and burn econonomies) or maybe the output of the compost bins? Leave in the saltpeter one, but make its yield double or more for those that accept the risk. Making a wood ash recipe would better crosslink to Witchery and the compost bin one would boost the connection there and tie in with the usage of it for flowers and magical crops. If you want to encourage some use of forestry (beyond bee breeding) it needs some fertilizer help.

I prefer sustainable farming, and at present the forestry farming doesn't appear to be so on a practical level. The investment (in time, more so than materials, since those become cheap in most cases) to put up forestry farms is comparatively high also.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why is it the most frustrating thing in the game to try and get a Mana Pearl, Mana Diamond and Mana Steel to sit on a Terrestrial Agglomeration Plate? Absolutely maddening.

Note to mod developers: A mechanic where we must throw items onto a block and hope they stay there is an awful mechanic. By definition. Please stop. Thank you.

And yeah, I know... Open Crate/Hopper. meh

Put an open crate a few blocks up above it with chest or hopper above that. Dump the batch into that instead of tossing it at the plate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having some trouble with the Certuz Certification quest, seems that it's for some reason set to "trigger" quest, but as the only task is a consume task, this makes it pretty much impossible. I guess either the Reputation Req should be added to the quest and the pre-requisite hidden quest should be deleted, OR the quest should be changed to reverse trigger?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having some trouble with the Certuz Certification quest, seems that it's for some reason set to "trigger" quest, but as the only task is a consume task, this makes it pretty much impossible. I guess either the Reputation Req should be added to the quest and the pre-requisite hidden quest should be deleted, OR the quest should be changed to reverse trigger?

You lost me. I just did Certus Certification last night without issue (other than it's fairly expensive, which is okay.) Now I am working towards Certus Seeds which will take a lot of work on the other seeds first. Are you maybe missing some quests elsewhere? I do believe it does require reputation in the Mechanist line.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After trying to make use of forestry autofarms, I think the fertilizer situation needs a balance tweak. Being required to mine the nether for it is harsh, and the reward for doing so isn't very good.

Might I suggest an additional recipe that uses wood ash (as is the case in slash and burn econonomies) or maybe the output of the compost bins? Leave in the saltpeter one, but make its yield double or more for those that accept the risk. Making a wood ash recipe would better crosslink to Witchery and the compost bin one would boost the connection there and tie in with the usage of it for flowers and magical crops. If you want to encourage some use of forestry (beyond bee breeding) it needs some fertilizer help.

I prefer sustainable farming, and at present the forestry farming doesn't appear to be so on a practical level. The investment (in time, more so than materials, since those become cheap in most cases) to put up forestry farms is comparatively high also.
I agree with this but one other option could be to add apatite seeds into the game meaning that the system would truly be automatic
alternatively yes use the wood ash or other compostable material that is littered through each of the mods


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why is it the most frustrating thing in the game to try and get a Mana Pearl, Mana Diamond and Mana Steel to sit on a Terrestrial Agglomeration Plate? Absolutely maddening.

Note to mod developers: A mechanic where we must throw items onto a block and hope they stay there is an awful mechanic. By definition. Please stop. Thank you.

And yeah, I know... Open Crate/Hopper. meh The whole thing is just a mess, sometimes the only way I can get it to work is if I break one of the Sparks, when I replace the Spark, the Terrasteel instantly appears... and the Mana Pool instantly drops a sizeable amount. But nothing was happening visually until I broke the Spark. Just very weird behavior.

Never had an issue with this, But some of my other friends do. A mechanic where you can right click it and have them floating their like the altar would be good. I have suggested it to Vazkii but no response as of yet.

@thephoenixlodge Great job on 0.7x but getting an issue where I can only load/create one world per session now. Have to close/reload the client if I want to go into a different world. 10/10 for the pack though :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
same issue here. as soon as i try to load up my 0.6.5 world i get stuck at loading world :(
would hate to loose all my progress.

i config-fixed the creeper issue and the witchery world gen since i was very giddy to get started with a more lag-free experience in 0.7 :)

holy cow - it took my monster of a pc a whole whooping 12minutes of being stuck on the loading world screen to load my world O.O

so i guess ... nevermind 8)
was you're game any more laggy after the long load time or was it just a very slow load time for the regeneration of chunks?