[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Jan 29, 2015
That belt is very handy! Also, fun fact:

Anything in your alternate belt will be carried across into the dream world when you drink a brew of sleeping, as long as your main belt is what's active when you drink it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
That belt is very handy! Also, fun fact:

Anything in your alternate belt will be carried across into the dream world when you drink a brew of sleeping, as long as your main belt is what's active when you drink it.

Something about belts had been mentioned in that regard, but it might have been the Botania one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just did something stupid: completing the brew of flowing spirit without bringing in items from my main world. I wrote a guide for it, mostly for my own use, as there's a lot of steps, and I wanted to figure out what I actually needed. This is the cleaned-up version.

Was it worth it? No.

This is specifically for the Regrowth pack, and covers everything from your initial entry, to leaving with a Brew of Flowing Spirit. It's a bit bare-bones, but whatever. Also, this is for doing this legit; there are ways to pass items through, which can trivialize this quest.

Run away screaming
* Start by brewing at least 6 Brews of Sleeping
* Drink the first brew, run away from the nightmare, and attempt to collect 12 disturbed cotton.
* When you die, you return to your world, and keep the disturbed cotton. Craft a Dream Weaver of Nightmares.

* Hang the dreamweaver up someplace. (Not by your regular bed.)
* (only sort of cheating) Go into the "What the World is Made of" quests, and complete all the essence quests, but don't collect the rewards. This will give you a headstart. Also complete the diamond essence quest.

Getting started
* Drink another brew near by the dreamweaver. Retry until you get a non-nightmare version.
* Build flint tools and a base.
* (Low on food? Kill squids.)
* Start crossbreeding plants. Don't bother getting 10/10/10 unless noted. Spaces assume 1/1/1 seeds. You want:
** Something to eat (Up to you. You just need 9 spaces.)
** Mandrake (Directly needed for the flowing spirit, as well as Mutandis. 18 spaces should be good.)
** Water Artichoke (Directly needed for the flowing spirit. You just need one.)
** Cactus or mystical green flowers (needed for green dye. 18 spaces should be good.)
** Sugarcane (because it's useful. 9 spaces should be good.)
** Pumpkins to dump in the compost bin. (Breed the stats on this up. Turn them into seeds before putting them into the compost bin; they're 4 times as good as the other plants that way. 36 spaces should be good.)
** Cotton would be good if your mob farm doesn't deal with spiders properly.
* Build a mob farm.

At this point, you have a decision to make. Do you want to get diamonds through tech, or magic? If you want to get them using tech, you'll be building a steel pickaxe and finding diamond ore in the wild. Your bottleneck here will be 3 glowstone, which will come from witches, so don't skimp on your mob farm. You'll need all tier 1 magic seeds, and at least one tier 2 magic seed. (Blaze seed.) There is a bit of a luck element (witch drops, and diamond ore), so keep that in mind.

Alternately, you can use magic seeds to get diamonds. This doesn't require any mining of note, but does require all tier 1 and 2 magic seeds (at least the ones needed for the strong infusion stones), and a few tier 3. (Lapis, glowstone, and diamond.) A good mob farm is still useful here, because it's a major source of bonemeal.

I don't think either way is that much better than the other, so pick whichever one you want. I choose magic, though I spent a lot of time watching Youtube in another window while I waited for crops to grow.

* You'll want a bunch of mystical flowers. If you feel comfortable with your bonemeal supply, you can use floral fertilizer, or you can crossbreed seeds.
* Build a small Botania setup. Start with a pure daisy, a couple dayblooms, a mana spreader, and a mana pool.
* Upgrade to endoflames once you can get mana powder.
* Get some essence seeds, and therefore essence. (You'll want these to have good stats, and at least 54 spaces dedicated to them.)
* Build another mana spreader and an altar. (You can get the mana pearl from wispy cotton.)
* Complete the quests needed to get an iron seed.
* Once you have 8 iron essence, turn them into iron ore, and smelt it.
* Get 1 manasteel ingot, then turn it into a pickaxe head.
* You now have a bronze-level pickaxe, without needing a smeltery. Yay! Not as useful if you're doing the magic route, but still good.
* You'll also want all of the basic magic seeds at this point, since you'll need regular essence.
* Also build a witch's oven at some point.

* While you're working on other stuff, breed the stats of your coal seeds up. You'll need a lot of mana later, and coal+endoflames can provide that.
* Plant a lot of high-stat coal seeds after you have them. 54 spaces should be good.
* Build 2 extra mana pools with the right spacing for a Portal to Alfheim, 2 extra mana spreaders, and link some endoflames to them. Keep feeding them coal until the pools are half full. This goes for your main pool as well.
* (I didn't bother with automation. I just made more endoflames than I needed, and dropped a bunch of coal blocks whenever I noticed that they weren't working.)

Smeltery (required for tech, useful for magic)
* To get the smeltery bricks, you can either mine grout underground (it looks nearly identical to rock, so keep a sharp eye out), or build a crucible furnace. Either way you need 8+8+6+4+4=30 bricks. (Controller, tank, drain, and two regular blocks.) Instead of a casting table, use an ingot caster. Instead of a faucet, use a wooden fluid pipe and a wooden engine.
* First goal with the smeltery is to get more smeltery bricks, and expand to 2x2 at least.
* Second goal is an alumite pickaxe head. With your manasteel pickaxe you can get bauxite, which can get you aluminum brass and alumite.
* (Side note: redstone is marked as needing a thaumium-level pickaxe. This is a lie; your alumite pickaxe is fine. I don't think you actually need redstone for anything, but whatever.)

Mutation Madness
* At some point you'll need to pick up all the various mutandis-related plants. Specifically:
** Glint weed
** Spanish moss
** Hawthorn sapling
** Rowan sapling
** Birch sapling
** Any mushroom or toadstool
** Netherwart or a second mushroom
* You will need a lot of wood ash for this, as you won't have the ability to use the cauldron recipe until you already have most of these. I recommend building a horn of the canopy; go exploring, strip the leaves from every tree, and pick up any scattered saplings.
* The mushroom or toadstool should be turned into infestation spores. If you have a second mushroom, turn it into seed form, and plant it. Otherwise, use crossbreeding. You need the mushroom for the basic runes, but the other stuff can wait.

Basic runes
* Makes the runes of earth and mana. (Remember that you can create mana pearls from wispy cotton.)
* Make some eggs, and spawn a couple chickens somewhere convenient.
* Make the runes of fire and water.
* Keep an eye on your chickens, and wait for a feather to shed.
* Make the rune of air.

Blaze it
* Finish up any seeds needed for the regular infusion stone.
* Make the regular infusion stone.
* Complete the blaze essence quests, and make a blaze seed.
* Also build a witchery altar at some point.

Diamonds (magic)
* Get all the seeds needed for a strong infusion stone.
* Build a strong infusion stone.
* Get and place an alchemy catalyst (for getting leather).
* Spawn a cow (for the milk, for a winter rune).
* Complete the diamond essence quest.
* Get a diamond seed.
* Get a lapis seed.
* Get a glowstone seed.

Diamonds (tech)
* Build a coke oven, and get at least 8 coal coke started.
* Build a hammer and anvil.
* Build a carpenter.
* Build a hobbyist's steam engine.
* Build a rolling machine.
* Build a bloomery furnace, and get at least 1 wrought iron.
* Build a blast furnace, and get at least 1 steel.
* Turn the steel into a pickaxe head.
* Go mining, and find diamond ore.
* Grab some lapis as well.
* Get and place an alchemy catalyst (for getting leather for the spinning wheel).

* You should enough mana already, if not make even more endoflames, and feed them with coal from magic coal plants.
* Start the process once you have at least half a pool of mana, using sparks to transfer to the plate.
* Build the Portal to Alfheim components.

Finishing up
* Place the Portal to Alfheim components.
* Exchange two mana diamonds, and convert them into attuned stones.
* Build the spinning wheel and kettle.
* Make the brew of flowing spirit. (Remember that this needs altar power. I had around 1500, and it worked. Not sure how much I needed.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I sincerelly apologize about my ranting about the atomic dissasembler. it might be a but with waila or something, but it actually seems to mine high level stuff. find out by accident after I mined obsidian and sulfur ore and realized it was actually dropping the blocks (first I thought it was just breaking them fast because of the fast(128) settings, but I realized I was getting the drops.

At least for pickaxe blocks. Stuff like Jabba barrels don't break as they require a copper axe.

Also, thank you very much for the dream world guide. I have never done it and it will be a godsend once I get started to it. I had already done the steel sequence break to get higher ores while being on T2 seeds, as a steel pickaxe head can break most nether ores, and gives you access to ardite and such to continue and get higher pickaxe heads, until you get osmium heads.

Although I did that sequence breaks for 2 main reasons:
-manyullum (and steel) to upgrade the better storage chests to max tier chests
-get on the very early parts of mekanism, but mostly for the sole prupose of getting the configurator to use mekanism item and fluid transport. they overshadow BC pipes by several magnitudes for basic transport. fluid pipes are easy as they're only steel and buckets, the item tubes are more complex, but they allow to make so much compact stuff. is just you need the configurator to make them work, and you can upgrade them straight up to T2 if you have enought spare redstone
-getting redstone to make some basic contraptions. Mostly for getting a few automated stuff.

Also big thanks to the hobbyist steam engine for being the MVP on the steel sequence break. you only need a trip to the nether and slain some pigs (carefully!) to get them working. I basically used them until I made a mana fluxfield (stupidly strong until you can get into the good generators) and then got to a ethylene gas-burning generator as only needs water and pumpkins and can power me up until the end of the times.

I ended up also adding a few extra mods for QoL, namely botania aspects and blood magic aspects, Just enough calculation, (for when I started doing mekanism stuff, good to get an idea how many raw materials I need to get those damn boards), thaumic energistics (added after getting pretty much midgame thaumcraft, as I had already a huge energized node [don't really add it on a fresh regrowth, it will break and make easier the AE2 circuits) and ender storage for the sake of making some contraptions smaller instead of a mess of chests, tubes, BS-Jabba barrels, more chests and tubes)

of these I would really add the botania and blood magic aspects, and the ender storage if it got tweaked recipe to make it more in-balance (I would still use them even if for example the enderpearl was replaced with a teleportation core)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
I've posted about this in support,but I'm getting no help in the regard. So,I come to you guys.

I can't play. On the twelfth of April,I was fine. Twelve days later,the next time I tried to play,I couldn't. The error I got was, "LAUNCH FAILED - The version you are trying to play inherits properties from an unknown version." The same is true for the only other modpack I have installed,DireWolf20 for Minecraft 1.12. I have Optifine installed in both modpacks,but they're not the issues,as nothing has changed in the interim on that front. I launch from the Twitch client,and I my OS is Windows 10,with OneDrive forced down my throat.

This is driving me insane. I want to play,again,but I can't. And I need help.


Jan 29, 2015
I've posted about this in support,but I'm getting no help in the regard. So,I come to you guys.

I can't play. On the twelfth of April,I was fine. Twelve days later,the next time I tried to play,I couldn't. The error I got was, "LAUNCH FAILED - The version you are trying to play inherits properties from an unknown version." The same is true for the only other modpack I have installed,DireWolf20 for Minecraft 1.12. I have Optifine installed in both modpacks,but they're not the issues,as nothing has changed in the interim on that front. I launch from the Twitch client,and I my OS is Windows 10,with OneDrive forced down my throat.

This is driving me insane. I want to play,again,but I can't. And I need help.
I had exactly the same problem, out of the blue. What I found was that all my Minecraft files were within OneDrive. Its possible to move them so they're just on your C: drive, and once I moved them all and redirected where Twitch needed to search to find the files, it worked fine for me. I don't know whether OneDrive will try and sync up with that next time I load up, so that may only be a temporary solution.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Followup to the spirit world post: while you're in the spirit world, be sure to pick up 5 subdued spirits. You'll need them later. (They're the yellow flying things. They can return with you to the main world.)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
I had exactly the same problem, out of the blue. What I found was that all my Minecraft files were within OneDrive. Its possible to move them so they're just on your C: drive, and once I moved them all and redirected where Twitch needed to search to find the files, it worked fine for me. I don't know whether OneDrive will try and sync up with that next time I load up, so that may only be a temporary solution.
This worked; Thanks. To boot,I completely turned off OneDrive. I never asked for it,and it's proven itself to be a hazard to my stable use of programs.

Also,I had to restart my Regrowth world. Ah,well. So,in my initial wanderings (I usually set up after finding a Wicker Man),I've found an Aura Node that looks like it's spitting sparks. Should I be concerned?
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Jan 29, 2015
Oh, that's a shame! I'm surprised the save didn't carry over!

It COULD be a hungry node, try throwing something towards it and see if its drawn in. Don't get too close!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
Naah. I'm familiar with black holes Hungry Nodes. Those things suck in particles,not spit out sparks like angle grinders. Really slow angle grinders. It's one very spark per few seconds. Here,have a screenshot.


I stood right under the sucker,at one point. Not a Hungry Node.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
I literally just started a new world. So,it would,if I could.

However,I also just deleted that world to start a new one,this one dedicated to a story I'm writing about it alongside my play. Inspired by ICountFrom0. I do a lot of hobby writing,so it'll read like fiction,which is my goal. Watch my signature! I'll be slapping the link to it there.

EDIT: And the first post is up! The Cries of a Dead World. I'll still be here,looking for technical assistance with the game,of course. Give 'er a read. Join me in my journey. Also,it's in my signature.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just did something stupid: completing the brew of flowing spirit without bringing in items from my main world. I wrote a guide for it, mostly for my own use, as there's a lot of steps, and I wanted to figure out what I actually needed. This is the cleaned-up version.

Was it worth it? No.

This is specifically for the Regrowth pack, and covers everything from your initial entry, to leaving with a Brew of Flowing Spirit. It's a bit bare-bones, but whatever. Also, this is for doing this legit; there are ways to pass items through, which can trivialize this quest.

Run away screaming
* Start by brewing at least 6 Brews of Sleeping
* Drink the first brew, run away from the nightmare, and attempt to collect 12 disturbed cotton.
* When you die, you return to your world, and keep the disturbed cotton. Craft a Dream Weaver of Nightmares.

* Hang the dreamweaver up someplace. (Not by your regular bed.)
* (only sort of cheating) Go into the "What the World is Made of" quests, and complete all the essence quests, but don't collect the rewards. This will give you a headstart. Also complete the diamond essence quest.

Getting started
* Drink another brew near by the dreamweaver. Retry until you get a non-nightmare version.
* Build flint tools and a base.
* (Low on food? Kill squids.)
* Start crossbreeding plants. Don't bother getting 10/10/10 unless noted. Spaces assume 1/1/1 seeds. You want:
** Something to eat (Up to you. You just need 9 spaces.)
** Mandrake (Directly needed for the flowing spirit, as well as Mutandis. 18 spaces should be good.)
** Water Artichoke (Directly needed for the flowing spirit. You just need one.)
** Cactus or mystical green flowers (needed for green dye. 18 spaces should be good.)
** Sugarcane (because it's useful. 9 spaces should be good.)
** Pumpkins to dump in the compost bin. (Breed the stats on this up. Turn them into seeds before putting them into the compost bin; they're 4 times as good as the other plants that way. 36 spaces should be good.)
** Cotton would be good if your mob farm doesn't deal with spiders properly.
* Build a mob farm.

At this point, you have a decision to make. Do you want to get diamonds through tech, or magic? If you want to get them using tech, you'll be building a steel pickaxe and finding diamond ore in the wild. Your bottleneck here will be 3 glowstone, which will come from witches, so don't skimp on your mob farm. You'll need all tier 1 magic seeds, and at least one tier 2 magic seed. (Blaze seed.) There is a bit of a luck element (witch drops, and diamond ore), so keep that in mind.

Alternately, you can use magic seeds to get diamonds. This doesn't require any mining of note, but does require all tier 1 and 2 magic seeds (at least the ones needed for the strong infusion stones), and a few tier 3. (Lapis, glowstone, and diamond.) A good mob farm is still useful here, because it's a major source of bonemeal.

I don't think either way is that much better than the other, so pick whichever one you want. I choose magic, though I spent a lot of time watching Youtube in another window while I waited for crops to grow.

* You'll want a bunch of mystical flowers. If you feel comfortable with your bonemeal supply, you can use floral fertilizer, or you can crossbreed seeds.
* Build a small Botania setup. Start with a pure daisy, a couple dayblooms, a mana spreader, and a mana pool.
* Upgrade to endoflames once you can get mana powder.
* Get some essence seeds, and therefore essence. (You'll want these to have good stats, and at least 54 spaces dedicated to them.)
* Build another mana spreader and an altar. (You can get the mana pearl from wispy cotton.)
* Complete the quests needed to get an iron seed.
* Once you have 8 iron essence, turn them into iron ore, and smelt it.
* Get 1 manasteel ingot, then turn it into a pickaxe head.
* You now have a bronze-level pickaxe, without needing a smeltery. Yay! Not as useful if you're doing the magic route, but still good.
* You'll also want all of the basic magic seeds at this point, since you'll need regular essence.
* Also build a witch's oven at some point.

* While you're working on other stuff, breed the stats of your coal seeds up. You'll need a lot of mana later, and coal+endoflames can provide that.
* Plant a lot of high-stat coal seeds after you have them. 54 spaces should be good.
* Build 2 extra mana pools with the right spacing for a Portal to Alfheim, 2 extra mana spreaders, and link some endoflames to them. Keep feeding them coal until the pools are half full. This goes for your main pool as well.
* (I didn't bother with automation. I just made more endoflames than I needed, and dropped a bunch of coal blocks whenever I noticed that they weren't working.)

Smeltery (required for tech, useful for magic)
* To get the smeltery bricks, you can either mine grout underground (it looks nearly identical to rock, so keep a sharp eye out), or build a crucible furnace. Either way you need 8+8+6+4+4=30 bricks. (Controller, tank, drain, and two regular blocks.) Instead of a casting table, use an ingot caster. Instead of a faucet, use a wooden fluid pipe and a wooden engine.
* First goal with the smeltery is to get more smeltery bricks, and expand to 2x2 at least.
* Second goal is an alumite pickaxe head. With your manasteel pickaxe you can get bauxite, which can get you aluminum brass and alumite.
* (Side note: redstone is marked as needing a thaumium-level pickaxe. This is a lie; your alumite pickaxe is fine. I don't think you actually need redstone for anything, but whatever.)

Mutation Madness
* At some point you'll need to pick up all the various mutandis-related plants. Specifically:
** Glint weed
** Spanish moss
** Hawthorn sapling
** Rowan sapling
** Birch sapling
** Any mushroom or toadstool
** Netherwart or a second mushroom
* You will need a lot of wood ash for this, as you won't have the ability to use the cauldron recipe until you already have most of these. I recommend building a horn of the canopy; go exploring, strip the leaves from every tree, and pick up any scattered saplings.
* The mushroom or toadstool should be turned into infestation spores. If you have a second mushroom, turn it into seed form, and plant it. Otherwise, use crossbreeding. You need the mushroom for the basic runes, but the other stuff can wait.

Basic runes
* Makes the runes of earth and mana. (Remember that you can create mana pearls from wispy cotton.)
* Make some eggs, and spawn a couple chickens somewhere convenient.
* Make the runes of fire and water.
* Keep an eye on your chickens, and wait for a feather to shed.
* Make the rune of air.

Blaze it
* Finish up any seeds needed for the regular infusion stone.
* Make the regular infusion stone.
* Complete the blaze essence quests, and make a blaze seed.
* Also build a witchery altar at some point.

Diamonds (magic)
* Get all the seeds needed for a strong infusion stone.
* Build a strong infusion stone.
* Get and place an alchemy catalyst (for getting leather).
* Spawn a cow (for the milk, for a winter rune).
* Complete the diamond essence quest.
* Get a diamond seed.
* Get a lapis seed.
* Get a glowstone seed.

Diamonds (tech)
* Build a coke oven, and get at least 8 coal coke started.
* Build a hammer and anvil.
* Build a carpenter.
* Build a hobbyist's steam engine.
* Build a rolling machine.
* Build a bloomery furnace, and get at least 1 wrought iron.
* Build a blast furnace, and get at least 1 steel.
* Turn the steel into a pickaxe head.
* Go mining, and find diamond ore.
* Grab some lapis as well.
* Get and place an alchemy catalyst (for getting leather for the spinning wheel).

* You should enough mana already, if not make even more endoflames, and feed them with coal from magic coal plants.
* Start the process once you have at least half a pool of mana, using sparks to transfer to the plate.
* Build the Portal to Alfheim components.

Finishing up
* Place the Portal to Alfheim components.
* Exchange two mana diamonds, and convert them into attuned stones.
* Build the spinning wheel and kettle.
* Make the brew of flowing spirit. (Remember that this needs altar power. I had around 1500, and it worked. Not sure how much I needed.)

I have doing a bit more research, and aparently you can also bring mutandis to the spirit world. that could also help a bunch as you can skip a lot of wood ash/mandrake/green dye production.

Also, all baubles and traveller gear transfer over, including heart containers. You can make a cloak of voluminous pockets and get a full chest worth of transfering.

However, for a more true run, you could go full naked like you did, but there's still one thing that transfers over and helps greatly. Potion effects.

If you drink a potion before drinking the brew of sleeping, you carry over the potion effect. for example, if you drink a potion of swiftness, then the brew of sleeping, you go into the spirit world with the speed buff. that makes the first nightmare run a lot easier, as you can just make a extreme potion with the 6 extreme potion effects, and get easily the first disturbed cotton. You can also make a custom brew with stuff like speed, night vision, regen, jump boost, etc, and extend it as much as you can. the nightmare is actually quite slow, you can walk away from it without even need to sprint, but the problem is the rest of the mobs. something with speed and resistance and regen is what can save your day.

after all, once you get into a sweet dream, is just a matter of securing any possible cave entrances and similar stuff, and the only things that can kill you are derived from starving or drowning.

Idk if the infusion powers carry over the spirit world, but some of them could prove useful once you find a witch hand.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
I have doing a bit more research, and aparently you can also bring mutandis to the spirit world. that could also help a bunch as you can skip a lot of wood ash/mandrake/green dye production.

Also, all baubles and traveller gear transfer over, including heart containers. You can make a cloak of voluminous pockets and get a full chest worth of transfering.

All of this really goes against the part where evilmrhenry says 'Also, this is for doing this legit; there are ways to pass items through, which can trivialize this quest.'


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All of this really goes against the part where evilmrhenry says 'Also, this is for doing this legit; there are ways to pass items through, which can trivialize this quest.'
well, the cloak really isn't legit, but mutandis is just vanilla witchery, it works like the icy needles, they're carried away.

EDIT: I just realized a way that can skip A LOT on the tech route.

Void Pickaxe.

Thaumcraft discoveries are not lost on the spirit world, is just you're very limited to what you can do as there's no greatwood so you can't even do an arcane crafting table.

However, for making the void pickaxe you don't need that. all you need is to have it unlocked, and iron.

basically, after getting iron seeds and thus, iron ore. Make a iron capped wand, as it can be done on regular crafting table. Make a vanilla cauldron, then turn it into a crucible, as it takes no vis, just to use the iron wand. Then make a regular setup, with netherrack supporting the fire. Void seeds can be done with 8 tenebrae, 8 vacuos, and 2 alienis. you can get the tenebrae from cracked sand, the vacuos from empty bottles or phials, and the alienis from mana pearls. then you turn the void seeds to ingots with 8 metallum, and with 3 ingots you make a void pickaxe that can mine all you need, leaving only the glowstone bottleneck, but I think you can transmute redstone into glowstone with the alchemical catalyst, and the void pickaxe can of course mine redstone ore.

I just realized that I had botania aspects installed, with base regrowth you can do that. The only thing that comes to mind that might have also alienis is the world anchor, that is craftable with manasteel and mana pearls, (although is useless in the spirit world since it runs on enderpearls) and I'm pretty sure railcraft items have their aspects hardcoded instead of being based on ingredients, as iron tank blocks have aqua instead of just metallum.

Either way, if you can turn redstone to glowstone with the alchemical catalyst, you can make a thaumium pickaxe (there are several items with praecantatio avaiable) as it should be able to mine redsone ore.

Also, on a side note, if you consider bringing stacks of mutandis (remember is not a exploit, it just works) I would recommend also mutating nature seeds, as you can make magic fertilizer (and the mutandis is usually the hardest part) to speed up the magical crops that need upgrades, or just to get more essences


in fact, you can even skip the essence seeds, you just will need to mine more. and if you're going to shot for 10/10/10 I would recommend getting nature essence seeds too, for the magical fertilizer.

I just needed to TNT some iron ore until one dropped, make a manasteel pickaxe head, then a ticon pick that can mine actual iron. you can skip this with more explosions to get 3 and go straight to the botania manasteel pick, but is faster in my opinion.

with that pick just mine more iron, also some nether quarz as it can make the quartz grindstone, and make ore doubling much faster than getting all the grout for a smeltery.

once you have enough iron make the wand and the crucible. for the void seeds you're going to get at least 32 cracked sand, 32 bowls, and 2 world anchors (and 4 seeds, you can use just 3 but it only cost more cracked sand and bowls to get 4). you can get the obsidian with a vat, there's plenty of copper for that.

Crafting the void seeds is a bit tricky since you can't see what's in the cauldron. start by putting the bowls and cracked sand, add 1-2 extra of each in case some aspects decays. then add the world anchor and then 2 seeds, before the alienis decays. empty the cauldron and clean the possible flux and repeat. now you have 4 void seeds. Add 32+ metal nuggets to the cauldron and drop the void seeds. Congrats, now you have 4 void ingots, to make a void pickaxe that can mine everything there and one extra ingot, for a shovel for example.

they repair themselves fairly quickly, but if you're doing very long minning trips pack the manasteel pick too, to give some breathing to the void pick.

you can find lapis and diamond with a abundant concentration near the lava layer. you can pretty much ignore redstone ores.

Also, for fuel for endoflames, other recommendation is to use the very abundant copper and some grout to get youself a tool forge and make a lumber axe. Use the mutandins you can bring legally on tall grass or the gazillon of loose oak saplings until you get 4 dark wood saplins, or fir saplings. I prefer to use the dark oak before getting the lumber axe (dark oak grows fast, lot of wood and not super tall so you don't need to make a long staircase to the top) and once you get the lumber axe use fir.

If you left the production of mana in mass to a bit late, you can straight up use a lava crystal in the lumber axe and get straight up stacks of charcoal.

also, you don't need to make all the t1 seeds to get to make the blaze seeds. you can just complete the coal, iron, tin, and copper essence quests and use the reward essence for the altar recipe. you just need to make the dye seeds for dye essence, and the nether seeds for nether essence for the blaze essences quest.

Keep in mind, for this method you're relying on getting gunpowder early, try to make ASAP a mob farm, even if its small, you can upgrade it later. a recommendation is that if you use a fall damage farm, you use punji sticks in the bottom to kill things that survive the fall, like spiders and witches. you can later put hoppers with punji sticks over to kill and collect the drops.

Another good reason for the mining route, is that you will need wool of bat, and bats are more easily found in underground caves, specially for killing them. if you leave it for the last, try to get fortune in a sword or put lapis in some ticon weapon.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, out of curiosity, how would one enable EXP gain with Iguana Tweaks in the config files? I've sat here for an hour trying to figure which line is disabling them yet no dice for me.