[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So for anyone following my saga, Void World sucked, so i've restarted Regrowth. i'm fully up to date this time, which means I have academy craft!

But its crystals and ores are spawning underground. Are they supposed to be? Kinda goes against the theme of the mod pack, no?
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They are to be removed in the next patch [Academycraft oregen doesn't have a way to disable in this version]. What I did and recommend is manually updating AC and it's coremod [LambdaLib], then tweaking the config manually and creating a new world. This should remove the necessity of starting over for a clean world once the update hits and does this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have been providing mats for my first Mill village and they seem to be expanding out A FAIR BIT?? lol My question is how far will they go? I figure they have a finite amount of actual code it uses to expand. The reason I ask is they are getting REALLY close to my base, and I am just waiting for them to say"What's this Jeff, Oh who cares, KNOCK it down we must not stop progress"... The Corn... I mean Maize wont grow itself.

Thanks for the reply. I also just took a better look that the map you can buy from the leader, and it (I think) has the boundary on it. I got lucky because only a very small peace of my Mana stone farm will/might get in there way.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I saw this post a while back ...

@GrimJahk from looking at mods/millenaire/config.txt, I see:
//Rayon des villages; Rayon des villages normaux (pas des hameaux). Défaut: 65.
//Radius of Villages; Radius of normal villages (not hamlets). Default: 65.

@gijsc1 If the town hall is more than 65 blocks from the edge of your base, you should be OK. Otherwise - this is a bit of guesswork, but if you look in world/millenaire/villages.txt (in SMP), it lists your villages, one per line. You should in theory be able to delete the line for the village you want to remove, and the corresponding files in world/millenaire/buildings, but I haven't tried it so do make sure everything's backed up! You'll probably also want to remove the village blocks too; regenerating the chunks via MCEdit is probably the easiest way, or possibly installing WorldEdit.

For SSP, it'll be in Regrowth/saves/<world name>/millenaire.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They are to be removed in the next patch [Academycraft oregen doesn't have a way to disable in this version]. What I did and recommend is manually updating AC and it's coremod [LambdaLib], then tweaking the config manually and creating a new world. This should remove the necessity of starting over for a clean world once the update hits and does this.

Looks like a good option. EDIT: It looked good, read my notes at the bottom before you waste time

If anyone else wants to do this, here are some links. I had a hard time finding them, since the mod is non english, and the devs have left a breadcrumb trail of old and outdated links.


Or the main fork of curseforge


Find (at the second link) and download and install to mods folder

The find in your mods folder, and rename (add .old to filename)

Then go into configs folder, and delete

Then delete your world. Run serverstart.bat. Let it fully load. Then shut down the server and delete that world too.

The find and edit the new 1.03 compatible academy-craft.cfg that will have been automatically generated
Find the line
Make this false

When you run serverstart.bat again, a new world will generate, with NO ores.

These are the instructions for modifying a server. You will need to update the clients as well. If you are only playing single player, you will need to update the clients (jars) and change the cfg's, then start a new world.

EDIT!!!! The above instructions do not work, the updated version of academy craft will ALWAYS spawn ores, even if you set that flag to false.

The Flag B:genOres will always be overwritten when you generate or start a server, the game will always make it true.

If you want to play regrowth with academy craft, it's going to spawn ores, for now. I have reported the bug to the devs of that mod.
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We've discovered a glitch with the enhanced inventories in the pack. My brother added locks to his EI chests and that caused anyone clicking on them to crash to desktop, including him, once he'd logged out once. We had to go into creative to even be able to break them. It was 100% crash rate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We've discovered a glitch with the enhanced inventories in the pack. My brother added locks to his EI chests and that caused anyone clicking on them to crash to desktop, including him, once he'd logged out once. We had to go into creative to even be able to break them. It was 100% crash rate.
Good to know. Have you reported it to the EI author?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was wondering how are my fellow gamers are changing biomes? I have just been dragging a few Silver wood Nodes around turning everything into a magical forest. It looks better than the dead grass. I know I read that the Thaumcraft way is a bit (No fun) so to speak. Besides that and the Witchery is there any other way? I have never done either, and just wanted to get some advice on the best way, or more efficient way. Thanks again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was wondering how are my fellow gamers are changing biomes? I have just been dragging a few Silver wood Nodes around turning everything into a magical forest. It looks better than the dead grass. I know I read that the Thaumcraft way is a bit (No fun) so to speak. Besides that and the Witchery is there any other way? I have never done either, and just wanted to get some advice on the best way, or more efficient way. Thanks again.

I have done the Thaumcraft route in my last game. It was actually easy enough to do. Just setup the essence furnace so that the chamber with the correct essence feeds directly into the biome changer and hook it up to your vis network. Takes awhile, but it is an easy way to change a biome with decent range.

This play thru i am just using Silverwood trees around my base (mostly because i want to learn how to use nodes to build one big super node). I have looked into the Witchery route, but getting a coven is just not my bag of tea. I may try it out one of these days, but i tend to stay away from the witchery mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So for anyone following my saga, Void World sucked, so i've restarted Regrowth. i'm fully up to date this time, which means I have academy craft!

But its crystals and ores are spawning underground. Are they supposed to be? Kinda goes against the theme of the mod pack, no?

It's not a huge deal. You need to have Mekanism machines to process/build the Academycraft stuff, so if you have osmium seeds at that point it's not like you're skipping progression because you've mined a few academycraft ores.

Personally I only build the stuff required to complete the quests because by the time it opens up I've got high level thaumcraft/blood magic items that just LOLWTFBBQ everything in sight. The "super powers" are just unnecessary.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was wondering how are my fellow gamers are changing biomes? I have just been dragging a few Silver wood Nodes around turning everything into a magical forest. It looks better than the dead grass. I know I read that the Thaumcraft way is a bit (No fun) so to speak. Besides that and the Witchery is there any other way? I have never done either, and just wanted to get some advice on the best way, or more efficient way. Thanks again.

AFAIK there are four ways.

- As you noted, Silverwood trees change to magical biome.
- Witching Gadgets has a Terraformer.
- Witchery has a ritual that changes biomes.
- Bloodmagic has a ritual that changes biomes as well.

The silverwood option is probably the easiest one to get up and going right away, especially if you automate the Botania ritual. After that, the Witching Gadgets solution is the next fastest to get off the ground as it requires modest research into Thaumcraft. Then the Witchery and Bloodmagic ones are somewhat tied in terms of infrastructure that you need to get them going, with Witchery probably being easier because the mod guides you into creating a lot of Witchery infrastructure to complete other areas.

Early on in the game I generally plant a stack of silverwood trees about 14 blocks apart from each other in a square pattern around my base. This lets me do a variety of bee breeding as well as allow a lot of different types of mobs to spawn (vanilla animals and mobs, thaumcraft wisps and pechs, goblins from witchery). After that if I need to spot terraform something depending on how far I am along in Witchery, I'll either use the ritual of the shifting seasons or I'll build a witching gadgets terraformer or two. The blood magic solution just takes too much of an investment in resources to get off the ground unless you go for blood magic the second it opens up and ignore everything else.

You can actually automate the entire Silverwood creation process if you want to, but I've found that cauldron automation is dicey even if you use circles around your cauldron to reduce the negative effects. I once had golems throwing reagents into the cauldron and every so often I'd have to replace one because it seems the cauldron would kill them! The same thing happened with automating the tree gathering (you need to chop down witchery trees). Although I did have fun creating an anti-treant golem attack force. Highly amusing to watch. Generally these days I don't bother and just collect most of the reagents by hand. The creation of the mutandis is still a pain in the ass, but hey at the end you have an entire stack of silverwood saplings. THINK OF ALL THE NODES.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually a couple of silverwood trees can also become a stack of saplings (or close to it), when carefully torn down with a manasteel grafter. :)

In other news, I have expanded my automated thermalilly system to five of them. Makes a nice chunk of mana every six minutes, but the burst was too much for a single elven spreader with lenses to handle. So its now a Gaia spreader, and from watching the mana transfer I can probably put another 10 or so on it. I am considering just adding five more above the first five, with staggered trigger times.

At some point I will need to farm the Gaia Guardian a bit - I ran out of spirits doing some final crafting, and would like to get some green heart canisters made up (which is also why I'm suddenly eating mana in droves again).


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Just lost all our HQM progress:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loop
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.<init>(QuestingData.java:524)​

Any other solutions than just deleting the HardcoreQuesting data and using the cheatybook to get back to where we were?

Is there a list anywhere that we can use to unlock the hidden quests that we may have already unlocked?
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Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
We've made Soujourner's Sashes, and mine doesn't work! I have a Mana Tablet in my hotbar, the sash is equipped, but the jump height and step assist aren't working for me. Works fine in my own world, but not when I join my friend's game over LAN. Any ideas?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just lost all our HQM progress:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loop
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.<init>(QuestingData.java:524)​

Any other solutions than just deleting the HardcoreQuesting data and using the cheatybook to get back to where we were?

Is there a list anywhere that we can use to unlock the hidden quests that we may have already unlocked?
There is a player.dat-backup file in the HardCoreQuesting directory under your Saves directory. With any luck (crosses eyes) that file is uncorrupted and you can replace player.dat with a copy of it. If you are on a server, the server admin may be able to find an uncorrupted player.dat file. (The dragon runs his own server doing restore points every 30 minutes. Coward, fiercely proud of it, thank you. (Hello, my name is Dragon, I am a geek!))

In post 2 of this thread there is a link to a list of what you need to hold to unlock hidden quests. When you hold them is important, some hidden quests don't unlock until other quests have completed (Sneaky, Phoenixlodge). 2 quirks: The quest in chapter one doesn't unlock until you hold the oreberry bush you find underground. It is different from the reward ones. Also, the dolly quest doesn't become visible until you actually craft one. Having one in inventory doesn't do it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually a couple of silverwood trees can also become a stack of saplings (or close to it), when carefully torn down with a manasteel grafter. :)

In other news, I have expanded my automated thermalilly system to five of them. Makes a nice chunk of mana every six minutes, but the burst was too much for a single elven spreader with lenses to handle. So its now a Gaia spreader, and from watching the mana transfer I can probably put another 10 or so on it. I am considering just adding five more above the first five, with staggered trigger times.

At some point I will need to farm the Gaia Guardian a bit - I ran out of spirits doing some final crafting, and would like to get some green heart canisters made up (which is also why I'm suddenly eating mana in droves again).

Last time I checked the normal forestry grafters didn't work on the silverwood trees, I didn't realize that vazkii added their own grafter....

Edit: So yeah, this totally works with the manasteel grafter. One silverwood tree turned into 42 saplings... heh.

To be honest, it's pretty cheaty. But I guess that means that hands down silverwood farming is the best way to terraform... at least if you don't mind magical biome.
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Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I'm talking about a Thaumcraft mechanic. Silverwood's have purposely low sapling rates put in there by Azanor.
So? If a pack creator, or any mod developer for that matter, wants to deliver a game experience that gives plenty of Silverwood saplings, why should they not be allowed to?

In vanilla Thaumcraft, Silverwoods grow in the world. You go out there and find more when you run low on saplings, the same with any ore. Regrowth fundamentally changes all the resource mechanics from "go get some from world gen" to "create them at home with magic".
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