I've been reading about issues on the auto-assemblers not working as intended, is that still a thing? I would like to know if that's something fixable or not. Just manual crafting them will have to do until then, though this really messes with what I wanted to do with the mana generation I did just before...
So i finally decided to play around with the auto assembler yesterday. after about 20 minutes of trying different things out it crashed my world. Restarted it and put that little bugger away never to be used again. I have been using Crafty Crates from Botania to convert essences, easy to setup and very simple to use.
My main power generation is coal fired boilers and endoflames for mana. Currently i have 3 golems working a coal farm and 6 crafty crates producing essences > coal > coal blocks then drop that into a bspace barrel system to distribute it around my base. Entire system is expandable for whenever i need and setup so i have some overflow and everything else i just let decay, because hey, its Regrowth