[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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I've been reading about issues on the auto-assemblers not working as intended, is that still a thing? I would like to know if that's something fixable or not. Just manual crafting them will have to do until then, though this really messes with what I wanted to do with the mana generation I did just before...

So i finally decided to play around with the auto assembler yesterday. after about 20 minutes of trying different things out it crashed my world. Restarted it and put that little bugger away never to be used again. I have been using Crafty Crates from Botania to convert essences, easy to setup and very simple to use.

My main power generation is coal fired boilers and endoflames for mana. Currently i have 3 golems working a coal farm and 6 crafty crates producing essences > coal > coal blocks then drop that into a bspace barrel system to distribute it around my base. Entire system is expandable for whenever i need and setup so i have some overflow and everything else i just let decay, because hey, its Regrowth :)
So i finally decided to play around with the auto assembler yesterday. after about 20 minutes of trying different things out it crashed my world. Restarted it and put that little bugger away never to be used again. I have been using Crafty Crates from Botania to convert essences, easy to setup and very simple to use.

My main power generation is coal fired boilers and endoflames for mana. Currently i have 3 golems working a coal farm and 6 crafty crates producing essences > coal > coal blocks then drop that into a bspace barrel system to distribute it around my base. Entire system is expandable for whenever i need and setup so i have some overflow and everything else i just let decay, because hey, its Regrowth :)
1) Auto assemblers work. Mostly. I use one to autocraft lava-buckets. HOWEVER, I recommend piping all finished product out and holding raw materials in a chest. I have had a few of these puppies vanish on me without a trace...

2) For fast, easy, BASIC assembly however, I LOVE the auto workbench... pump essence in, get coal out, pump coal into next one, and get blocks out... never had a problem with them. I use them inline at my farms to only ship product to my base instead of essences...
This is Redmoron's friend. He deleted his UUID as suggested by someone on this thread, and it worked. We were able to play for a few more days without issue, but suddenly the problem came back up, but this time it was my login attempt that was crashing the server. Redmoron deleted my UUID in his server files, but that solution doesn't seem to do anything. Is this one of the mods in the pack acting up? What can we do?
would have to see the error its producing to really know
Just had that happen to me. I might have to pull them out. Thanks for the tip - I was trying to imagine how I could have possibly broke it.
Cheap enough to just drop down a new one, and in the case of complex assemblies (or even semi complex like lava buckets) it's still a quick early solution.
Cheap enough to just drop down a new one, and in the case of complex assemblies (or even semi complex like lava buckets) it's still a quick early solution.

It's crazy really, I could turn off the whole production now (it's all the ores) and probably never have to run it again. But ...
Is there a good tutorial for the AE2 RV2 included in this pack? I'm having trouble setting up my ME system. I've got a good storage system, but I need to start auto crafting, and the only video tutorial i could find was for a version that still uses crafting CPU's, which was RV1. Crafting CPU's aren't even in the game anymore. The wiki isn't much help either, it has parts that aren't in the game anymore as well.

Where Do I learn?
Is there a good tutorial for the AE2 RV2 included in this pack? I'm having trouble setting up my ME system. I've got a good storage system, but I need to start auto crafting, and the only video tutorial i could find was for a version that still uses crafting CPU's, which was RV1. Crafting CPU's aren't even in the game anymore. The wiki isn't much help either, it has parts that aren't in the game anymore as well.

Where Do I learn?
What you need is:

1) a molecular assembler connected to your network
2) an ME interface connected to it, (up to 5 for more patterns
2a. remember that each interface will eat up a channel, but the assembler will not
3) a Crafting Storage unit to handle the logic of complex assemblies (I'd start with a 4k)
4) LOTS of power

Does that help?
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It does. I'm gonna go into my creative world and make sure I understand it all.


edit: wow, this is a lot more intensive than AE1. back then you just built a big cubic crafting storage/cpu, and let it all handle itself. This one requires a little more thought.

Thanks again.
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It does. I'm gonna go into my creative world and make sure I understand it all.

I have some AE stuff up on my AS2 YouTube Lets Play,

I think the Subnetworks part might be a decent starting point

I don't have the assembler up yet, but I do a decent (IMO) job of explaining Sub-networks on my Thaumic Energistics section
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Okay, so this is just a suggestion for this modpack. I had never actually played with Thaumcraft before this pack - and with a lot of materials being hard to come by early game I was having trouble unlocking the aspects. Then I found something which I think should be added to the modpack in the quest book - or given to the player as a written book:


It lists 20 odd common minecraft items and what aspects they will give, but more importantly give you the Order required to unlock all the aspects. And unlocking the aspects is the part I was having trouble with as a new user. Especially in this rarified modpack.
Okay, so this is just a suggestion for this modpack. I had never actually played with Thaumcraft before this pack - and with a lot of materials being hard to come by early game I was having trouble unlocking the aspects. Then I found something which I think should be added to the modpack in the quest book - or given to the player as a written book:


It lists 20 odd common minecraft items and what aspects they will give, but more importantly give you the Order required to unlock all the aspects. And unlocking the aspects is the part I was having trouble with as a new user. Especially in this rarified modpack.
Thaumic Research

It doesn't matter which item/block you choose for discovering an aspect. For every newly discovered aspect you will gain a flat bonus of two research points. (I believe the bonus used to be item-dependent)
Pro-Tip: Go scan some Bedrock! It's worth a lot of Research Points.
Start by combinig Aqua and Terra in the "Research Table" to get Victus.
There is no easy way to scan for Victus (at least that I know of) and it is a prerequisite for a lot of other aspects. While you're at it, combine Aer and Aqua to make Tempestas, the weather aspect, it's not a prerequisite for other aspects but since you can't scan the weather, you'll have to combine it anyway. (Weather you like it or not)

1- At the Research Table:

Aqua + Terra — Victus
Air + Aqua — Tempestas

2- Scan in order:

Torch -- Lux
Coal, Coal Ore -- Potenia
Grass Block -- Herba
Trapdoor -- Motus & Arbor
Chest, Bowl -- Vacuos
Glass Block -- Vitreus
Potion of weakness -- Mortuus & Praecantatio
or alternatively:
Research: (Victus + Perditio) -- Mortuus
Any Shard, Mossy Cobble, Chiseled Sandst. -- Praecantatio
Chicken -- Volatus & Bestia
Soul Sand -- Spiritus & Vinculum
or if you not have been to the nether yet:
Skeleton Skull, Zombie Head -- Spiritus
Amber -- Vinculum
Paper -- Cognito
Rotten Flesh -- Humanus & Corpus
Wheat, Bread, Apple, Carrot, Potato -- Fames & Messis
Flint -- Instrumentum
Obsidian -- Tenebrae

3- Scan in any order:

Any one block tall vanilla Flower -- Sensus
Wool -- Fabrico & Pannus
Spider Eye -- Venenum (and also Sensus)
Snow, Ice -- Gelum
Milk Bucket -- Sano
Any Hoe -- Meto
Any Pickaxe -- Perfodio
Arrow -- Telum
Leather, any Armor -- Tutamen
Hopper, Cinnabar Ore (has also Venenum) -- Permutatio
Fence Gate -- Machina & Iter
Iron Ingot, Iron Ore -- Metallum
Gold -- Lucrum
Zombie, Skellington -- Exanimis
Ender Pearl, Blaze , Obsidian Totem -- Alienis
Slimeball -- Limus
Tainted Goo -- Vitium (and also Limus)
Ethereal Essence (any Aspect) -- Auram
Clock - - Tempus

This will cover ALL research for this modpack.

Also remember that you can scan items in any inventory by just hovering over items with your Thaumometer!!! (no more throwing on the ground)
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2) For fast, easy, BASIC assembly however, I LOVE the auto workbench... pump essence in, get coal out, pump coal into next one, and get blocks out... never had a problem with them. I use them inline at my farms to only ship product to my base instead of essences...

I will have to try it out, even after a year of playing regrowth it amazes me how much i still do not know about all the mods.
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This will cover ALL research for this modpack.

Also remember that you can scan items in any inventory by just hovering over items with your Thaumometer!!! (no more throwing on the ground)

Awesome cheat sheet!

But what's this about hovering over an item with your thaumometer? Doesn't work for me. Did that come recently because my server is still on Regrowth .86
Awesome cheat sheet!

But what's this about hovering over an item with your thaumometer? Doesn't work for me. Did that come recently because my server is still on Regrowth .86
I would assume so, this is my second play through and I'm running latest build.
Awesome cheat sheet!

But what's this about hovering over an item with your thaumometer? Doesn't work for me. Did that come recently because my server is still on Regrowth .86

it does not work with every inventory. most notably the ME system and the compartment chests are not supported.

hovering over a thaumometer with your mouse should tell you about this feature.
if it doesnt tell you about it then it is not in yet.
After playing around with the auto workbench last night, it is very easy to setup and get going and quite useful. Unfortunately they are quite a bit slower then running crafty crates. With my 6 crafty crates my fields could not be harvested fast enough, with 12 auto workbench's, essence was decaying because the system was completely clogged up. Gonna try out a few different setups to see if i can speed up the processing, but i think i will be going back to crafty crates.

For all everything else tho, they will work great and be much more compact to convert essence into final products.
4) LOTS of power
Out of curiosity, how much (more) power should be expected? I have a smallish crafting setup in another pack, and the power drain appears fairly small - enough that (approx) 150 rf/t maintains it just fine. And my starting 'connect to the Storage Drawers bank' setup is being rated at a decent 15 RF/t (which 5 BioGens should handle fine). But I've seen AE setups in this pack that are drawing far more than that. What am I missing here?
Does anyone know a good system to detect empty carts with mana pool? In vanilla I'd place a comparator next to the mana pump and invert the output to a powered rail but railcraft kinda throws a wrench (or should I say a crowbar?) into that. I really don't know much about railcraft and really the whole mod annoys me but I need to transport the mana a long way and would like to do something different from the usual spreader->distributor->pool->spreader chain.