[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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What? I see no updates on FTB launcher.. where i can download the latest vers? thx
If you don't see it yet you will soon. TPL posted a few pages back that he submitted it and posted the changelog. So you just have to wait until the pack gets pushed to the launcher.
If you don't see it yet you will soon. TPL posted a few pages back that he submitted it and posted the changelog. So you just have to wait until the pack gets pushed to the launcher.
It was there this morning. Scroll up to the top of the version list (if you are not set on "Recommended" and you should see it.

Question for the assembled wisdom: My server is running 8.0 (Religous reasons, devout and practicing coward). I know I have to update server and clients at the same time (which creates a whole other scheduling issue), but my question is can we do the updates in one swell foop, or should we do it in stages? If we do in stages does the client have to log in to the server during the intermediate stage?

unknown zombie: Inquiring minds want DETAILS! Sounds like it was FUN!
It was there this morning. Scroll up to the top of the version list (if you are not set on "Recommended" and you should see it.

Question for the assembled wisdom: My server is running 8.0 (Religous reasons, devout and practicing coward). I know I have to update server and clients at the same time (which creates a whole other scheduling issue), but my question is can we do the updates in one swell foop, or should we do it in stages? If we do in stages does the client have to log in to the server during the intermediate stage?

unknown zombie: Inquiring minds want DETAILS! Sounds like it was FUN!
You can update straight to whichever version. I usually delay updating due to issues like what happened with 0.8.3 (recommended build going back down to 0.8.2)

For details about Creeper Heart ingestion, see below.
good to know, looks like creeper hearts are off the menu... zombie brains it is then.
From the Witchery wiki:
Eating a Creeper heart can have explosive consequences!
In other words, boom. (small explosion, does not kill you, does damage blocks)

In other news, botania update with 0.8.4! Teru Teru Bozu and WorldShapers Sextant are in! Flugel Tiara has 30 seconds of flight time instead of 10 (I might actually use it again).

And the config option for non-wilting passive flowers is gone...that part annoys me, it takes me a long time to get a better system up than hydro's...Especially in regrowth.
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Withering passives, I've beaten my opinions on this to death with a stick. It only takes about 3 dayblooms worth of mana to get you enough for a basic mana pool and the petals for an endoflame. You don't necessarily need automated mana straight off the bat, but I agree automating an endoflame takes a little longer in regrowth due to lack of iron and redstone. I don't really make hydros, usually only 3-4 dayblooms, then I go to endoflames, and from there to whichever generating flora takes my fancy (it's usually this one I automate.)
Yeah, but now there's no reason to bother with passive flowers at all (past the first few), especially not hydro's. (since they need mana petals and still wilt)
The rannuncarpus (block placer flower) is capable of placing down flowers now however, so I guess you could use that to replace things if you really wanted. (but again, not floating hydro stacks)

Good timing though...I just finished designing a high output, fully automated Entropinnyum setup. Can process 2 TNT per second with an auto shutoff based on how full the mana pool is. Automagy, botania, vanilla, and the crafters from enhanced inventories. (supplied from essence of creeper/fire/earth)

It'd be a hell of a lot less complicated if I didn't want it to fire off 2 tnt per second aimed at one recessive pool...
I'd be interested in seeing it, but that image seems to be broken.
Noted...can't use dropbox publicly shared images that way, no one mentioned the other image didn't work.
Lets see if this works.
Edit: I let it fill 28 mana pools and activate the auto shut off at 75% and had no problems.
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And the config option for non-wilting passive flowers is gone...that part annoys me, it takes me a long time to get a better system up than hydro's...Especially in regrowth.
Endoflame and Munchdew for the win! 4 Endoflame munching coal blocks and a Munchdew taking all but the bottom 2 tiers of leaves from my tree farm generates enough mana for me to make terrasteel at a decent pace plus open alfheim portal without deficit. Passive flowers are great to start and the reward ones you get initially give a good boost but you can make more faster with a small amount of actives....
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Noted...can't use dropbox publicly shared images that way, no one mentioned the other image didn't work.
Lets see if this works.
Edit: I let it fill 28 mana pools and activate the auto shut off at 75% and had no problems.
i have a three thick floor on my floating platform. The middle layer has about 30 floating endloflames surrounding a circle of water. I use a pair of obsidian pipes attached to a a pair of golden pipes to pick up the coal blocks and drop them. Water source blocks on the end of gold pipe flows the coal block to the next one. Got the start of the idea from a stream I watched. This iteration is rather resource cheap to build and well hidden. Might have to go get a pic to show it off. I like your setup though. It looks like it was fun to set up.

Edit 001:
I had to open the floor up a little to be able to show it off. The Endoflames go full circle. As does the water. I have automated it though. I just dump two or three stacks of charcoal blocks in the system and let it go for awhile.
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? How do you unlock Thaumcraft ? I'm up-too diamond seeds and crafted that witchery seed! that someone here said to do to unlock i have done all witchery quest that was available even kill "witch hunter!" quest!
any help would be nice! thanks
You need to make greatwood for any progress in thaumcraft. This needs strong essence, 1 of each witchery sapling, and a treefyd seed. (possibly some other stuff I'm forgetting). You'll want to farm that greatwood a bit, as the silverwood sapling needs the same recipe, except replacing the strong essence with extreme, and adding a greatwood sapling.
I Have all of that other then the silverwood saplings so what am i missing?
Ps i have about 12 stacks of greatwood saplings and i even got the treefyd before i could craft it using that quest item that lets to talk to passive mobs! for 4 wheat you can buy it from cows!?

oh and i did craft it as soon as i was able to make it!
I Have all of that other then the silverwood saplings so what am i missing?
Ps i have about 12 stacks of greatwood saplings and i even got the treefyd before i could craft it using that quest item that lets to talk to passive mobs! for 4 wheat you can buy it from cows!?

oh and i did craft it as soon as i was able to make it!
What you can get from mobs varies, it's random like villagers.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/a4zr8le2nr9zh4d/regrowth-faq.txt all the way at the bottom is:
Items in your inventory that trigger quests:
  • Gold Ore
  • Aluminium Ore
  • Blaze Rod
  • Leather
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Redstone
  • Essence of Shard
  • Diamond
  • Treefyd Seed
Throw them on the ground then pick them up again, best way to deal with it.
hey there, don't know if if i'm in the right place for a bug report but here it goes :D.
Got killed (Very quickly i might add) by the Gaia Guardian from botania while wearing a greater band of mana. after breaking ny grave it duped a second one with the same amount of mana in it.
i let it kill me again to double check and iv now got 3 bands.

Anyone else seen this?
thanks guys,
Don't know about you but the Mekanism quest for the solar power is very very very grind and time consuming. The amount of resources to build (chips green, red and blue) is crazy. I will finish since I've started but my advice .... Wait to complete when you have AE ready...

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hey there, don't know if if i'm in the right place for a bug report but here it goes :D.
Got killed (Very quickly i might add) by the Gaia Guardian from botania while wearing a greater band of mana. after breaking ny grave it duped a second one with the same amount of mana in it.
i let it kill me again to double check and iv now got 3 bands.

Anyone else seen this?
thanks guys,

Yeah, the very same with me but with a wither and even from a fall... Not sure if this was reported...

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i have a question...

Have tried now many time to disable this passive flower withering from Botania...but it wont work?
Is there somethin that i havent seen? Have edit the botania config...but the flowers still wither :(