[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wouldn't make a difference. The issue seems to lie at the collective number of requirements the later quests have (their requirements and all the requirements of all required quests) irrespective of number of quests in a set.

I have a thought on this. how about making everything manual submit so Minecraft isn't constantly checking for completion status for a bunch of quests? At least on the surface that would seem like a way to reduce load.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you have completed the ritual of gaia you can fly which helped me for this quest, but it still took me about 30 minutes to kill one. Other than that I don't really know.

I haven't. Been trying to stick with the quest book and focusing on Witchery.

You can make the dream world not a nightmare by collecting cotton? Oh, wait, there's custom worldgen in this pack. Is that completely disabled?

Haven't gotten that far myself.

I discovered after I managed to get a creeper to kill a spirit for me that I could have used the disturbed cotton to make a dreamcatcher.

I'm new to witchery so I assumed since the quest required a spirit and cotton that I need both for a dreamcatcher. Now I'm done and have no idea what a subdued spirit is for. =)

One odd thing is even after I made the dreamcatcher I used 10 potions and got night mare every time. In fact it was so bad that the nightmare would kill me within a second of zoning in (was spawning touching the nightmare). I think the game might have been a bit bugged because after that I logged out and back in and got a normal dream the next time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Emm... how do you make the quest book in the dream / spirit world? In my world at least, the charred trees don't spawn

As far as I can tell you can't. There is no wood in the spirit world and you can't take some with you.

I think that quest should have the mention of making a quest book taken out or give more information about how.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
I'm using Java 8 u25 (64). Ok, but that explains why changing permgen didn't change my gameplay experience at all then..
Have you tried disable the Walia add on and it sub add ons and seeing if that helps with the FPS.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One odd thing is even after I made the dreamcatcher I used 10 potions and got night mare every time. In fact it was so bad that the nightmare would kill me within a second of zoning in (was spawning touching the nightmare). I think the game might have been a bit bugged because after that I logged out and back in and got a normal dream the next time.

I had this issue. My theory is that it might have been due to a baby zombie, since it seems to be the same world just different times of day. Since the baby zombies don't burn up and you spawn in with reduced health. Just a theory, though.

EDIT: nm.. I see you said it was the nightmare


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Emm... how do you make the quest book in the dream / spirit world? In my world at least, the charred trees don't spawn

No they don't but look around carefully as there are oak tree saplings but they are few and far between and the slate spawns underground.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I am a total noob at railcraft and such. I am at the point where I made the rolling machine. But I cannot figure out how to make steam to power it. The wiki states I need a fire box with a tank on top. However to make the tank, I need iron plates which are made in the rolling machine.....

Is there another way to generate RF?

edit: Do I need a mana fluxfield (botania) to generate RF? I am browsing through the book now.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I am a total noob at railcraft and such. I am at the point where I made the rolling machine. But I cannot figure out how to make steam to power it. The wiki states I need a fire box with a tank on top. However to make the tank, I need iron plates which are made in the rolling machine.....

Is there another way to generate RF?

edit: Do I need a mana fluxfield (botania) to generate RF? I am browsing through the book now.

I'll give you a clue type engine into NEI any but the redstone engine should be fine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I love the ideas behind this pack and so far it's been interesting playing through. So, I apologize for the wall of text, but since this is in public alpha stages you should be ready for constructive feedback.

Quest verbiage needs reworked as it is a bit disjointed and doesn't flow. I find myself making leaps of thought trying to glue things together into a coherent story line. Good quest lines are all about telling a story, otherwise it's just a task list. Copy all of your quest text out to an editor and read it as a story. Does it make sense? Does it jump from A to D while skipping B and C? Fill in those empty spaces!

Please get out of the third person, it's hard to be drawn into the story when someone is talking about me that way. "I" am the character, not you are... it's about personalization and instilling empathy so get rid of all the "you"'s and "you're"'s. Pull me into it! I'm right here after all! It does appears that you have an idea of the story you're trying to tell. If writing isn't your thing, find a creative person to help you out. It appears that there are plenty of creative writers playing MC that wouldn't mind lending a hand.

Mechanics: Add a couple more little quests at the beginning. Assume that no one understands the mechanics and they need to be taught. For example, starting with Oak Planks and trying to work back to Dead Wood is an NEI death spiral. There is nothing that glues the recipes together and no pattern suggesting that you can go from Dead Wood -> Oak Wood Slab -> Oak Plank. Fix the link in NEI that will show 3 Dead Wood = 6 Oak Wood Slabs. Clicking on Oak Wood Slabs or hitting R only provides the recipe for 3 Oak Planks = 6 Oak Wood Slabs. Actually none of the * Wood Plank show that substitution. Is it like an ore dictionary issue? (I did finally find that progression in the forward sense after wasting 20 minutes going recipe by recipe in NEI. Normally I would have just killed the pack and went to the next one.)

Grass... other than an off-hand comment nothing ever tells me to make a plot of grass and bonemeal it up. Throw in a little quest in the line where the character discovers that the bonemeal mechanic still seems to work on this desolate world. It's one of those leaps mentioned above. I'm assuming that somewhere along the way you wanted me to do that, because you mentioned that I had already done it as an assumed prerequisite for the Mutation quest.

Along the same lines, on that quest, make it a step to get the green ingredient. Does Eel Grass grow on this world? Am I supposed to find a body of water bigger than a mud puddle to get it? Do Cactus seeds drop from Dead Grass? Are you expecting me use the Botania mechanics to obtain Mystical Green Petals from the flowers? (I stopped doing that as soon as I obtained the 2 Mystical White Flowers for the Flowering quest! Was my goal to find green ones too?) Mariculture isn't widely used in my experience, so don't assume everyone knows what to do with it.

Re-order the quest sections. 1. is open first, good. Then section 8???? I'm not sure when that opened, as it's off the page and I only noticed it scrolling around at one point. Then section 4??? I'm not OCD (never diagnosed at least), but I think I would be going nuts if I was. If you don't intend to follow numerical order, get rid of the numbers! Even then, logical grouping in a progressive flow would be nice for the player.

I can keep providing feedback as I play, but I usually play too slowly and methodologically for most people's patience. (I could just as easily be that I'm just too distracted with 4 or 5 different packs going at the same time!)

Keep up the good work and I hope you take this input and transform this pack into a great pack instead of just another bunch of mods thrown together for someone to tinker with.

Thank you for being brave enough to put your pack out for the world to see!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
Hey guys, I have the Next episode up. We get the next 2 seed growing, Copper and Coal. Also hook up the mana steel quest and expand the mana gen. My set for mana seems pretty solid. Still need 2 more water drinkers. rofl



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just started this pack a few days ago, after Purple Mentat plugged it. He has good taste and this is a wonderful pack so far.

When it comes to the second person narrative in the quest book, I like it. When writing like this is in the first person, it distances me from the character a little. That character is speaking to me, which is what the first person is. In the second person, I can feel as though I myself am defining the character, with the narration being the experience I am having.

In fiction, I prefer the first person over the third person, though I like both. You don't see the second person nearly as much. I have a definite weakness for first person voice overs in other media, too.

But in games, I like the second person where it works. From Adventure ("You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building(...)" to traditional RPGs and so on.

Both revealing an awesome character and letting me create my own awesome character have their place. I love the epic characters like Commander Shepard and also the mute protagonists. They're different experiences.

In my humble opinion, this pack is well-served by the use of the second person.

On an unrelated note, I got as far as mystical orange seeds before I realized that could crossbreed seeds without losing stats. So I went back and firmed up the fundamentals. I'm having a ball with that part of things.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can you make a smeltery in this pack? I don't see a recipe for the grout in NEI and I tried sand (red and regular) + clay ball + gravel and got nothing. Is there a quest you have to complete to open this up?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I love the ideas behind this pack and so far it's been interesting playing through. So, I apologize for the wall of text, but since this is in public alpha stages you should be ready for constructive feedback.

Quest verbiage needs reworked as it is a bit disjointed and doesn't flow. I find myself making leaps of thought trying to glue things together into a coherent story line. Good quest lines are all about telling a story, otherwise it's just a task list. Copy all of your quest text out to an editor and read it as a story. Does it make sense? Does it jump from A to D while skipping B and C? Fill in those empty spaces!

Please get out of the third person, it's hard to be drawn into the story when someone is talking about me that way. "I" am the character, not you are... it's about personalization and instilling empathy so get rid of all the "you"'s and "you're"'s. Pull me into it! I'm right here after all! It does appears that you have an idea of the story you're trying to tell. If writing isn't your thing, find a creative person to help you out. It appears that there are plenty of creative writers playing MC that wouldn't mind lending a hand.
Writing is my thing... *points out tag under my name*
I'm not changing the narrative style. If you don't like well I'm sorry but you're just going to have to deal with it.

Mechanics: Add a couple more little quests at the beginning. Assume that no one understands the mechanics and they need to be taught. For example, starting with Oak Planks and trying to work back to Dead Wood is an NEI death spiral. There is nothing that glues the recipes together and no pattern suggesting that you can go from Dead Wood -> Oak Wood Slab -> Oak Plank. Fix the link in NEI that will show 3 Dead Wood = 6 Oak Wood Slabs. Clicking on Oak Wood Slabs or hitting R only provides the recipe for 3 Oak Planks = 6 Oak Wood Slabs. Actually none of the * Wood Plank show that substitution. Is it like an ore dictionary issue? (I did finally find that progression in the forward sense after wasting 20 minutes going recipe by recipe in NEI. Normally I would have just killed the pack and went to the next one.)
That would be because there's no need to do that at all. Dead Wood IS planks it works in all cases oredictionaried with planks except when specific types of wood are needed (such as bibliocraft stuff and Agricraft irrgation channels). As for them producing oak wood slabs - all planks that don't have their own slab type default to the oak ones as can be seen with the witchery woods.

Grass... other than an off-hand comment nothing ever tells me to make a plot of grass and bonemeal it up. Throw in a little quest in the line where the character discovers that the bonemeal mechanic still seems to work on this desolate world. It's one of those leaps mentioned above. I'm assuming that somewhere along the way you wanted me to do that, because you mentioned that I had already done it as an assumed prerequisite for the Mutation quest.
You're misinterpreting it. That snippet is there so you know that's what you need to do, while sticking to the narrative style.

Along the same lines, on that quest, make it a step to get the green ingredient. Does Eel Grass grow on this world? Am I supposed to find a body of water bigger than a mud puddle to get it? Do Cactus seeds drop from Dead Grass? Are you expecting me use the Botania mechanics to obtain Mystical Green Petals from the flowers? (I stopped doing that as soon as I obtained the 2 Mystical White Flowers for the Flowering quest! Was my goal to find green ones too?) Mariculture isn't widely used in my experience, so don't assume everyone knows what to do with it.
I admit this could be a little clearer, but yes the primary option is the mystical green flowers

Re-order the quest sections. 1. is open first, good. Then section 8???? I'm not sure when that opened, as it's off the page and I only noticed it scrolling around at one point. Then section 4??? I'm not OCD (never diagnosed at least), but I think I would be going nuts if I was. If you don't intend to follow numerical order, get rid of the numbers! Even then, logical grouping in a progressive flow would be nice for the player.
With the way HQM works, you can't easily reorder quest sets, you have to basically move all the quests into the one in the spot you want, then rename the set. As it is, the primary quests are the first 4 anyway, with the quests you're mentioning being side quests, non-essential to progression, which open up as you gain access to resources.

Can you make a smeltery in this pack? I don't see a recipe for the grout in NEI and I tried sand (red and regular) + clay ball + gravel and got nothing. Is there a quest you have to complete to open this up?
Follow the quests and you'll get there eventually. You need a crucible furnace to be able to make seared stone


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can you make a smeltery in this pack? I don't see a recipe for the grout in NEI and I tried sand (red and regular) + clay ball + gravel and got nothing. Is there a quest you have to complete to open this up?

Yes you can.

Follow the quest book until you get into Mariculture.

Specifically you make the bricks by melting cobblestone in the crucible from Mariculture.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Writing is my thing... *points out tag under my name*
I'm not changing the narrative style. If you don't like well I'm sorry but you're just going to have to deal with it.

I think the narrative is quite good in general. Here and there I see some general editing opportunities but overall I feel this pack has a coherent story that is much, much better than any other pack I've seen.

Hell, I am actually looking forward to the story progressing. Can't say I have every felt that way about a pack in Minecraft before.

Great job.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The sheer amount of work that goes into a pack like this is quite breathtaking, imho.

I get bored of minecraft after any given period of time, modded as well, but packs like these - the originality, the detail, the care, the depth - brings me right back in.

Hats off, people!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How long until 0.7? Not asking to rush you or anything, I'm just curious if I should start playing now or wait until then.