For solid boilers, no arguments there. You've plenty of options, particularly with this pack and endless coal. Granted, with a good tree farm endless charcoal works in normal packs...
I'm talking about the *liquid* boilers in particular.

Those can't be primed by the heatstones, so you *have* to let the thing warm up over time (eating quite a bit of Fuel in the process, for no gains). And a limited list of liquid fuels doesn't help much either - refined Oil is your best bet (limited to non-existant here), followed by Forestry's Ethanol at a hefty RF loss. An interesting challenge, which is something I like to do. As I said, probably switching to Ethylene next, just for the building challenge.
As for my interest in Fuel as a power supply, I'll just link a pic of my
latest world from Wanderlust Reloaded. Nearly every well on that map is a geyser - to the point that its causing followup problems like drowning villagers and coven witches.

Still, I effectively have infinite power over there.

Just need an ender pearl farm...