[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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I dont know what is going on but I am trying to make a path up to around Y 190+ and as soon as I get that high my client hits 99% CPU usage. Normally in my base I am around 6% there are no crash logs because the client never crashes just seizes up so I am unable to move. I am forced to shut the client down and reload as soon as it loads up I go back down and CPU drops to normal. I wanted to build my base in the sky so I can make better mob farms and more room to build in without being constantly attacked when my back is turned.

You might still be able to get a console log after a forced quit. Having that to examine might help determine what's eating up the CPU.
Is there supposed to be a recipe to turn essence of certus into certus quartz ore? The only NEI recipes I have for using essence of certus are two recipes on the runic alter - one for the certus seeds and one for the master infusion stone. From the configs, it looks like there should be a recipe for a 3x3 square of essence to make 2 certus ore, but when I try it on a crafting table it won't work. Is this a bug, or is there supposed to be some other sort of progession I have to do before I can make certus quartz?

EDIT: going back to page 605, http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/posts/1410381/, it looks like this is indeed bugged in Regrowth 0.8 and is expected to be fixed in the next update (assuming the forum post is correct). I'm going to try adding the recipe with minetweaker. update: done and works, see me reply below.
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Is there an ETA for the patch update? I am not trying to rush anyone, I am just curious.
I am aware of some bugs (ore; slabs) but I am really no good in modding, so I have to rely on automatic patches. I have been taking it slowly at a very relaxed pace so far, so I have not encountered any of the mentioned bugs.
This mod pack is very relaxing. Just tending my plants and listening to audio books, its a bliss. keep up the good work! :)
I did fix the issue with certus ore using Minetweaker, which is pretty easy to add my change:

Just open the Regrowth/minecraft/scripts/ folder. There will be a bunch of text files with the .zs file extension. Open the magiccrops2.zs file and just add these two lines to the very end:

val certusOre = <appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartz>;
recipes.addShaped(certusOre * 2, [[certusEssence, certusEssence, certusEssence], [certusEssence, null, certusEssence], [certusEssence, certusEssence, certusEssence]]);

OPTIONAL: or instead of adding it to an existing file, it's probably better to create a new file with a name that ends with .zs (make sure there is no .txt in the name, I believe Windows hides this by default) such as "my_fixes.zs" and add the following 3 lines:

val certusEssence = <magicalcrops:magicalcrops_ModCropEssence:4>;
val certusOre = <appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartz>;
recipes.addShaped(certusOre * 2, [[certusEssence, certusEssence, certusEssence], [certusEssence, null, certusEssence], [certusEssence, certusEssence, certusEssence]]);

The "val certusEssence" line is not needed if adding to the existing magiccrops2 file because it is already there higher up in the file.
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I just found a cool bug with Enhanced Inventories if you paint a chest (only tested with brush) the size upgrades work without being consumed.
0.8.1 has now been submitted. I was kinda sitting on it in the hope that a version of agricraft with the fixes for the bugs found relating to it would be fixed but that doesn't look to be getting released just yet, so I figured might as well release the other bugfixes.
Mod Changes:
- Added AquaTweaks version 1.0
- Added Storage Drawers: Misc Pack
- Storage drawer variants for EBXL, TC and Witchery woods
- Updated Bibliocraft to 1.11.0
- Updated Blood Arsenal to 1.2-1
- Updated Botania to 1.7-221
- Updated Buildcraft to 7.0.23
- Updated Buildcraft Compat to 7.0.12
- Updated Carpenter's Blocks to 3.3.7
- Updated Chisel to
- Updated ClimateControl to 0.4.beta28
- Updated Crafting Tweaks to 1.0.23
- Updated Enhanced Inventories to 1.1.6
- Updated Garden Stuff to 1.6.8
- This makes the Bloomery furnace automation friendly
- Updated Forestry to
- Updated Mantle to 0.3.2a
- This should've been in 0.8.0, but apparently I missed it - woops.
- Updated Magic Bees to 2.3.5
- Updated Minetweaker to 3.0.10
- Updated Modtweaker to 0.9.3
- Updated Storage Drawers to 1.6.1
- Updated Storage Drawers: Forestry pack to 1.0.3
- Updated Storage Drawers: Natura pack to 1.0.3
- Updated YuutoLib to 1.0.2
Config Changes:
- Biometweaker
- Reduce spawn weights of undead pets and direwolves by about half
- Prevented undead pets and direwolves from being able to spawn in the nether, end and outer lands
- CoFH Core
- Toned down the spawn rates of the dead grasses to be a bit more in line with versions prior to 0.8
- EnderCore
- Disabled OreDict tooltips
- EnderZoo
- Lowered chance for Khndrel Keght/Dire Slime to spawn when digging dirt without a shovel to 10%
- MobProperties
- Add brakes to undead cats and dogs, reducing their movement speed by 50%. They now move at about the speed of baby zombies
- Quadrum
- Added dummy item "Any Sapling" to use in quest "You Sap" to give better indication of it accepting any sapling
- Changed name of dead wood item to dead wood planks - I finally got sick of people not realizing they're planks
- Resource Loader
- Removed old botania textures, reduces the download size of the pack slightly
- Minetweaker Scripts
- Manually Re-add Certus essence -> quartz recipe since it seemingly went missing between versions
- Allow red, brown and vishroom mushroom spores to grow in any light level
- Change recipe using ender essence to make the end portal frame rather than the end portal block
- Fixed Nether Osmium Ore giving Rutile in the Blast furnace (big thanks to secondadvent for this)
- Add research and Infusion recipe to corrupt a jarred node into a sinister node
- Added research and Infusion recipes for the crimson rites book and the eldritch obelisk placer (normally creative only item)
- Remove need for Water Artichoke to have a water block nearby now that water pads are a thing
- Add smelting recipe for Aluminum ore -> ingot
- Fixed wood slab shenanigans
Quest Changes:
- Fix Detection of Sanguine Scientiem and Delving into the Darkness
- Fix task for sacrificial knife being a crafting task instead of a detection task
- Expanded the Botania quest line a bit
- Replaced oak sapling with dummy "Any Sapling" item in quest "You Sap"
- Added Companions scrolls as quest rewards for a few different quests. They are also still available as dungeon loot too
- Split "How the World Changes" into two chapters: "How the World Grows" for the first half, and "How the World Changes" for the second half
- This is should help a little with the fps lag from viewing the witchery quests caused by collective nested prerequisites for quests.
- Fix detection of thaumium bossed silverwood scepter in "Of Staves and Scepters"
- Added quests for the creation of Sinister nodes, void metal and the crimson rites book
- Added a few more quests to blood magic, covering Arcane Arteries addon and up to around tier 2
- Added quests covering the Outer Lands from Thaumcraft
- Added the first quest for Millenaire
- Added a quest about Similsax Transtructors
- Changed rewards for "Wicked Shrubbery" quest
Note: Known issues from 0.8.0 that are not fixed in this version
- Agricraft:
- Seed Tier override isn't being applied properly so Essence Seeds are growing slower than intended and can't currently be bonemealed - fixed in next version of Agricraft
- Golems are breaking empty crop sticks and high tier seeds when not fully grown - fixed in next version of Agricraft
I don't think agricraft bug will be to bad until a fix is released, we always have farms which are easy to run for or might as well just do some farming by hand i mean who the heck needs like 20000000 iron ore anyway? This updated needed to happen to fix most of the major problems and if a fix does come out we can manually update it ourselves to fix it.

I will again pose to the collective mind: What has to change on the server when I update the client to 8.1? Or will there be a set of server files to accompany the 8.1 release?

For the record, nothing I have done (disabling server item move both server and client side) has convinced Inventory Tweaks to change its ways. Whatever the sort key is set to, when it is pressed it sorts and also picks up the mana tablet on the cursor. Since I do not seem to possess a sufficiently large hammer, my solution is set the sort to a key I never press and never sort inventory. If someone with a bigger hammer wishes to attack the issue, enjoy!


P.S. If you attend the Maryland Renaissance Festival, stop by the booth selling drinking horns and say hello. I am the Col. Sanders look-alike.
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I was playing 0.8, and I may have found a bug in the quest for crafting the blast furnace bricks. It asks for 34 crafts of the brick, not 34 bricks. The problem is, crafting the bricks gives you 3 at a time, so you only need to craft them 12 times. Thus, I have 36 blast furnace bricks in my inventory, and the quest status says 12/34, as shown here: http://i.imgur.com/BIYblmi.jpg

I'm assuming this isn't intentional, but I don't know the command to complete quests in HQM, if such a thing exists. So in the meantime, would someone like to help me out, for the purposes of completing the quest book?
Once again, the humble penitent comes before the assembled wisdom seeking enlightenment. Somewhere (which I have been unable to locate as yet) lies a configuration option that is causing the curser to pick up my mana tablet when I am in an inventory screen and type an "r". This is annoying, to say the least. I would that some gentlebeing point out the location to me, that I might apply a bit of gentle percussive maintenance with a "pocking great hammer" and make it CEASE this behavior. <growl>

Thank you in advance. As always, I remain:


I realize this is coming in a little late... But for my part, I usually just go to the inv tweaks config (which can be done in-game) and freeze the first slot. Makes it immune to any sorting whatsoever, and that's where I keep my tablet.
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Looking for a decent way to automate mana production so pictures and ideas would be helpful everyone <3.

I'm currently using a 16-floating thermalily setup, 2 blocks tall, paired with a flood gate from buildcraft. I'd like to post pictures, but MC authentication service is down at the moment so I can't get on my server :\.

Lava is generated by a smeltery using fire essence. Two pipes lead out from the drains, one to the fuel tank for the smeltery itself, and another to an iron tank. Iron tank feeds the flood gate, which is contained by the floating thermalilies and mana spreaders. I also use the lava tank to power my Heat Generators, so I suppose that makes it two systems in one.
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I have the wrong recipe for crafting seed, is that the agricraft bug u talking about? I need to make the gold seed and there is only a table recipe with gold
I have the wrong recipe for crafting seed, is that the agricraft bug u talking about? I need to make the gold seed and there is only a table recipe with gold
Correct recipe is showing for me when downloaded through the launcher. Try a force update of the pack, you may have had a slightly corrupted download.
I have the same bug as kebban. Also tried force update, did not work. However, my world is a backup from 0.8.0. Can that affect it? It is a fresh 0.8.1 install and then the world folder is copied over to the new install.


Just a clearification, the recipes for all the seeds have been "simplified", but they are not actually craftable, the seed just jumps back when I try to craft it. I suspect the recipes are the same as in 0.8.0, just that the appearences of them are bugged.
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I seem to have an issue creating Greatwood slabs for thaumcraft recipes. I did a search and saw that others were having this issue too but there was also talk of a possible fix with the ore directory. Has this been fixed in some way? If not, I don't mind cheating the Greatwood slabs in, in the mean time.