[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Have you tried the BC crafting thing? The one that crafts every time a pipe tries to extract from it, it's handled my ore essences pretty well so far; and if you happen to be producing a lot more than one can handle you could always set up multiple barrel/hopper/tables
I did but that table is slow. I guess my expectations are too high for an automated crafting setup. I know with time they would catch up and keep up but jeeze isn't enough of this world slow enough lol.
I did but that table is slow. I guess my expectations are too high for an automated crafting setup. I know with time they would catch up and keep up but jeeze isn't enough of this world slow enough lol.
You do realize BC has two autocrafting tables right? The basic wooden one is slow, yes, but there is also a higher tech laser powered one which crafts instantly as long as you can power it.
You do realize BC has two autocrafting tables right? The basic wooden one is slow, yes, but there is also a higher tech laser powered one which crafts instantly as long as you can power it.
Oh yeeeaah... I think I tried to find that one at one point, but it wasn't in NEI for some reason... I'll check again in a bit.
You do realize BC has two autocrafting tables right? The basic wooden one is slow, yes, but there is also a higher tech laser powered one which crafts instantly as long as you can power it.
yep, using both at my base, and they both work just fine. botania's also got the crafty crate, which takes no power (mana or otherwise) and works instantly. It's caveat is that it may require some smart routing and cleanup or redstone control, as it isn't very forgiving with throwing too many items into it, or trying to pull the results out before they're ready.
Hi, Is there any chance that you will add the two mods in it? I really like them
Fossils and Archeology Revival and
Hi, Is there any chance that you will add the two mods in it? I really like them
Fossils and Archeology Revival and

Let me answer your question with a question that has the same answer. Do you think that dinosaurs fit the "regrow the world" theme? (Here's a hint: no.) Granted, I'm not TPL, so he may well decide to add those mods in, but I'm fairly sure of my guess here.
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Has anyone had issues with LAN not working properly it worked once and now wont work at all i tried another mod pack mage quest and that didnt work tried trident and that works fine
Hi, Is there any chance that you will add the two mods in it? I really like them
Fossils and Archeology Revival and
Said some times before: Nope, as it hardly (or at all) fit's the pack.
You are free to add it yourself and go mining in a modpack that deliberately disencourages mining in the overworld.
If you would like to add the mod yourself and "keep the modpack intact" you can edit the needed fosil from both mods into a recipe of quadrum (if I'm not mistaken the essences you get from the essence crops are from this mod) and add it that way.

To be clear:
No. Not from the official side. Not a chance.
But you can add it yourself.

Don't come running and yelling if anything breaks when you do that though, as you forfeit the official support when you alter something that has not official okay.
Or even more clear: If something breaks when you do that it's your problem, not TPL's.
You can kindly ask for help, but we are not 'forced' to do so and fix problems you yourself caused.
Problems the unaltered modpack has is another story alltogether.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you are talking about using the essence of fire to make lava buckets and then want to get the lava out of the buckets into a railcraft tank. If that is so, then you probably want to know that you can smelt essence of fire directly in a smeltery or a crucible to get lava and then can pipe out the lava into any tank. Smelting essence of fire was added in one of the later versions of the modpack.
Yes, that's exacly what I want to do. I'm already have working setup that you described. The problem is - it's very slow (~16 sec to melt 2 essence by each crucible), and I don't want to build hundreds of this things... I also have a advanced golem with golem's workbench which crafts lava buckets very fast but the only way that I found to fill tank with this buckets is again use crucibles.
Perhaps I over looked it, but I didn't see this posted anywhere. If you are breeding for barley, you MUST have the barley breed on to farmland. Tilled garden soil seems not to work. Not sure if this is intentional or a glitch, but NEI says that it can grow on either. Just posting this here so that the next person searching for barley will know,
Yes, that's exacly what I want to do. I'm already have working setup that you described. The problem is - it's very slow (~16 sec to melt 2 essence by each crucible), and I don't want to build hundreds of this things... I also have a advanced golem with golem's workbench which crafts lava buckets very fast but the only way that I found to fill tank with this buckets is again use crucibles.
Try a golem with the "use" core grabing the buckets and using them on a tank. The golem will put the empty bucket back into the chest, another golem is be needed for hauling those empty buckets back into the worktable though.
Why easy when complicated is also an option, huh?
Yes, that's exacly what I want to do. I'm already have working setup that you described. The problem is - it's very slow (~16 sec to melt 2 essence by each crucible), and I don't want to build hundreds of this things... I also have a advanced golem with golem's workbench which crafts lava buckets very fast but the only way that I found to fill tank with this buckets is again use crucibles.
Add some hyperkinetic upgrades to your crucible furnace.. it will dramatically increase the processing speed.

Perhaps I over looked it, but I didn't see this posted anywhere. If you are breeding for barley, you MUST have the barley breed on to farmland. Tilled garden soil seems not to work. Not sure if this is intentional or a glitch, but NEI says that it can grow on either. Just posting this here so that the next person searching for barley will know,
It breeds just fine on tilled garden soil, you were just subject to RNG.
looks interesting so far, but it's only part 1 - machine's not done yet :(. Guess I'll have to check back. Seems like he's going to abuse that glitch he talked about to drop the wither through the slabs after it spawns? Wondering why this is even necessary, why not just retract some sticky pistons or something... Also wondering why so many sets of the comparators and hoppers... is this going to spawn a lot of withers at once? Guessing the endgame is that they drop down somewhere that's shielded, and the slab'd off area prevents the wither from locking on to any random mobs, so they always go to the player, who is standing in a place engineered to bring the withers into a kill zone.

I dunno, lot of conjecture, what do yall think?

sidenote: ugh, i really dont like that texture pack. I really don't like any texture packs in videos explaining builds... why make things more complicated?... but that one is just.. ugh. /rant off

I think all of your questions can be answered by saying is not a "wither" farm, its a mob farm built in a nether fortress, intended to get wither skeleton skulls. All the rest of the design is just a fairly standard (though less common) mob trap. Hopper clocks triggering pistons to make a shifting platform that mobs will ghost through and fall to their deaths, everything else slabbed off to increase spawn rates on said platform, etc.

Oh, and I can't be sure (only skipped though the video a bit) but it looks like he's actually playing vanilla (despite the atrocious texture pack) which I don't think has any way to automatically spawn a wither anyways.
Oh, and I can't be sure (only skipped though the video a bit) but it looks like he's actually playing vanilla (despite the atrocious texture pack) which I don't think has any way to automatically spawn a wither anyways.
It is possible but kinda complex unmodded.

Wither killing device.
We can swap the septuple compressed cobblestone with any block we like and ward it via thaumcraft. Or warded glass from thaumcraft to see the wither dying ;)
We can swap the placers with normal dispensers and droppers as botania improves these suckers.
We can swap the redstone alloy wire with automagy redcrystals.
We can swap the timer with automagy magical hourglass.
We can swap the vacuum chest with botania hopperhock.
We can automate the filling of the dispensers with red string from botania.
We can autocraft TNT with multiple solutions including botania, buildcraft, automagy.

Without mod as said the player needs to find a bedrock structure with a 2x1 hole and the wiring is far more spacious/complex.

As shown in this design the drop can be wider than one block. That spawner has a dependancy on a mod we don't have in the modpack though, so killing with that method is not possible on a server. But it is possible to combine both wither killers ;)
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Yes, that's exacly what I want to do. I'm already have working setup that you described. The problem is - it's very slow (~16 sec to melt 2 essence by each crucible), and I don't want to build hundreds of this things... I also have a advanced golem with golem's workbench which crafts lava buckets very fast but the only way that I found to fill tank with this buckets is again use crucibles.

As someone else mentioned, the crucible is a really good way to melt these. I'm using 2 advanced hyperkinetic upgrades and an ultimate heating upgrade and it melts 2 essences in maybe 2.5 sec.
As someone else mentioned, the crucible is a really good way to melt these. I'm using 2 advanced hyperkinetic upgrades and an ultimate heating upgrade and it melts 2 essences in maybe 2.5 sec.

The heating upgrade is not needed after the crucible reaches its maximum temperature iirc. You can toss in a third hyperkinetic after that.
You do realize BC has two autocrafting tables right? The basic wooden one is slow, yes, but there is also a higher tech laser powered one which crafts instantly as long as you can power it.

I did not but have one now and it is fast. Now to automate input/extract in a way that looks cool.

yep, using both at my base, and they both work just fine. botania's also got the crafty crate, which takes no power (mana or otherwise) and works instantly. It's caveat is that it may require some smart routing and cleanup or redstone control, as it isn't very forgiving with throwing too many items into it, or trying to pull the results out before they're ready.

Yea, I have botania's crafty crate in my setup and the BC chute feeds it the fastest of anything I've seen. It doesn't drop anything and the crate is the bottleneck.
It is possible but kinda complex unmodded.

Wither killing device.
We can swap the septuple compressed cobblestone with any block we like and ward it via thaumcraft. Or warded glass from thaumcraft to see the wither dying ;)
We can swap the placers with normal dispensers and droppers as botania improves these suckers.
We can swap the redstone alloy wire with automagy redcrystals.
We can swap the timer with automagy magical hourglass.
We can swap the vacuum chest with botania hopperhock.
We can automate the filling of the dispensers with red string from botania.
We can autocraft TNT with multiple solutions including botania, buildcraft, automagy.

Without mod as said the player needs to find a bedrock structure with a 2x1 hole and the wiring is far more spacious/complex.

As shown in this design the drop can be wider than one block. That spawner has a dependancy on a mod we don't have in the modpack though, so killing with that method is not possible on a server. But it is possible to combine both wither killers ;)

Yes, we can do it in this pack, I was just saying it couldn't be done in vanilla (because the video that started this convo was from vanilla)... The killing, sure, but despite what that first video you linked said, vanilla dispensers will not place most blocks in the world.

Now that i think about it though, they will place skulls so I guess technically you can automate the spawning, but it would take a lot of pre-placed soul sand and a some pistons.